
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Tuesday 9 March 2021

Wednesday round up

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Hi Everyone
  Wednesday all ready, quite amazing.
 I am currently getting my paint-shop program doing it's thing and I seems to be working ok at the moment, so I can finally get a rather fun Adventures of Lady Jane story in progress.
  But what of today, I have all sorts of stuff to sort out, but here is a nice little selection.
Well First, we have a wonderful thing, a full translation of my story."If it feels good, then it can't be bad".
 This was translated by a friend of ours who is currently anonymous, but hopefully not for long. But I  really do thank them for the time an detail of the work

Si ça fait du bien, alors ça ne

peut pas être mauvais

Regardant par la fenêtre de ma chambre, j’avais des crampes au ventre comme trac de comédien avant la première, il est là, il marche sur mon chemin, l'air confus et nerveux venant vers nous. Mon Dieu, je pariais que le pauvre n'avait pas du beaucoup dormir la nuit dernière, on ne pouvait que le deviner, ça ne se voyait pas, il rayonnait toujours d'un éclat de jeunesse.

Non pas que je lui aurais reproché d'avoir l'air fatigué, après tout avec l’excitation je n'avais pas bien dormi non plus. Ce n'est pas tous les jours que vous dites à un jeune homme que vous allez le transformer en fille le matin et quand je dis transformer, je ne veux pas dire, par un tour de magie, je veux dire le changer, lui donner l’apparence d'une fille… Ok je n’étais pas à 100%, mais Bon Dieu qu’est-ce que je fais ? J’en suis tout étourdi mais est-ce une bonne excuse ?

Doucement, pas de panique, tout est prêt, la tenue est prête, le maquillage et tout, tout est sous contrôle et prêt. Et la robe… ah ! cette robe… sa robe est prête elle aussi. Nous avions pensé, mes amies Natasha, Melissa, Veronica, Juliet et moi, nous avions pensé que si nous lui montrions la robe trop tôt, cela pourrait l'effrayer. Non pas qu'il ne sache pas ce qui allait se passer, nous le lui avions expliqué et il savait qu'il porterait un uniforme de femme de chambre, comme ceux qu'il aimait tant quand il voyait ma femme de chambre Kim en porter un. Mais ... eh bien pour être honnête, nous ne lui avons jamais dit que la sienne ne serait pas une robe en satin scintillant mais bien en latex lisse et brillant. Maintenant, à ce stade, je dois dire que ce n'était pas mon idée, Veronica avait vu ces uniformes sur le net et dit qu'il ... désolé qu'Andrew, le jeune homme se tenant maintenant nerveusement devant ma porte, devrait porter quelque chose de pratique, après tout, il aurait aux pieds des chaussures avec des talons hauts et très fin pour la première fois et se déplacera certainement avec difficulté en portant notre plateau à thé. Elle avait bien sûr raison et nous avons donc acheté trois robes de femme de chambre stylée à la française très classiques en noir, rouge et un rose plutôt vif. Oui, c'était un peu cher, quand vous ajoutez les sous-vêtements et les talons assortis, ce n'est pas que l'argent soit un problème pour nous, mais bien pour les 6 mois qu’il allait passer avec nous. Ah oui, tiens c'est un autre petit détail dont nous avions aussi probablement oublié de lui dire, oups.

The rest of the story, I have placed here so anyone can read or download it.



Now we have an Add that might just lead me to changing my bank, featuring Sofia Thomallain gleaming red.

Now a few pieces from or friend Shadoman. The first is a tribute to the work of our friend Christeen, created using a Poser Rendering text that looked just like Chris with minor tweaking.

Now a super clip sent to me from Nixi Hello Nixi, I will reply soon I double promise. I remember seeing this at the time and thinking the same as Nixi that these dresses are super lovely.

I think, this might have been sent to me by our naughty  friend Lee, but if not, let's just dedicate it to him



  1. Another wonderful collection. Sophia Thomalin and the Girls look superb. While Shadoman's art provides a nice insight into how Chris has been tamed: there's no going back since he's so locked into.
    And surely you have a pair of jeans just like that. They do save time.
    Your S xxx

    1. Hi S
      I think, just for fun I might have to look at a pair of those, I think Amanda would wear those...don't you? may be get her bottom touched again

  2. Skintwo01

    Thanks for your comments.. I sometimes wonder, why Chris may be forced to live his life looking female, I wonder how often he gets laid and garnish some pleasure from these sexual transactions.

    regards Shadoman

    1. I like what you done as a Poser artist Shadoman. What talent. I'm flattered by your new and improved Chris.

    2. Christeen. Glad you enjoyed it.. I have one more in the works that I will forward to Andy when I have some other images I created..
      I have followed your work for years and in some respects Chris has helped me create comics of this nature and I have fu doing it for over 4 years now with more stories to come..

      Keep doing the who-do that you do.. so well

      And you can call me Shado

  3. Excellent and those jeans are another sartorial investigation I’ll have to do.

    1. Thank you Aidan, yes those jeans are rather hot aren't they

  4. It was an honor to see a .gif that I sent to you a while back. So happy you did not lose it and made use of it as we..
    The story was both interesting and beautiful, but that third paragraph was a killer.
    Thank you for the variety. The artwork was well done and had my imagination rolling along.
    The clip of Girls Aloud was intense. At first I thought Girls Day, but that was cleared up in a few seconds. Few Woman could do justice to those dresses and we get to see five. Thank you, again.

    1. Hi Lee, yes I knew they were from you, I keep all bits and bobs but that one got miss filed, but it had your delicate and naughty touch to it.
      Those dresses are rather fitted aren't they and they shimmer beautifully. I also like the sone, one of their better ones.
      Bless you my dear friend

  5. Many, many thanks for the story translate in french.

    1. Mon plaisir. Je transmettrai vos remerciements au traducteur
