
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Friday 13 September 2024

Thank Friday for Christeen

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We are taking a little
and momentary step back
from the Saturday girl
series to bring you
a classically embarrassing
moment for our dear 
sweet Andy.
This just came to me and
I had to create it.

Hi Everyone
   Friday has finally arrived and what  a long week it has been, full of tech issues with this blog and computers. I foolishly did and update on my main computer ,the one I do all my art for work and for this blog and Patreon and my machine would not do anything, basically it blocked everything, so I had to unpick the update and that took me two days and I did not finish until late late night, what a pain.
 Anyway we seem ok right now so lets put that behind us and just delight in new art from or dear friend Christeen.

Gotta say, I'm loving these 



  1. Ditch the latex? No chance.
    A real girl? As U2 sang, "Even better than the real thing."

    Thanks Christeen (and Andy). x

    1. Better for sure.

  2. Ditch the latex indeed, the very thought. Such an ungrateful boy, quite rightly being punished with some of the tightest bondage we've ever seen him subjected to, and a lovely gag too. He'll have a few hours to contemplate in silence and tight ropes just how lucky he is to be enrolled at such a prestigious education establishment. A stimulating piece of work that will now have a place among my absolute favourites. Thank you, Christeen.

    1. I'm pleased to add to your favorites D.

  3. EEk!
    The hazards of being an attractive and fashionable young "Lady"

  4. Wow, all super cute, lovely and fun.

    #1, a pair of them is a great bonus.

    #2, definitely no chance of escape, even afterward it will have to be peeled off.

    #3, a Senorita ready for the Flamenco.

    1. Hi Aidan, I choose both.
