
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Monday 30 September 2024

New Art: Saturday Girl 4. Ms Dane

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our blog alive.
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On Patreon Today
We have the delight
of new art from our 
dear Christeen.
This has a wonderfully
naughty touch
to it and features an
elevator and we all
know how our sweet Andy
loves an elevator.
Don't we 

Hi Everyone
  So it seems, when it comes to creating new art, the more I try the trickier things become. Yet again my Paintshop is not doing what I want it to do. I can create, but it is so slow and ponderous it's driving my bonkers because I have so many ideas to work on.
  This in turn is messing up my correspondence, so yet  again I am so sorry for being so slow in my replies and things.
Fortunately I have a few created earlier to keep us all entertained and in touch with our favourite Hero/Heroine and his loving Aunt Jane.
  So today we have the completed version of the 4th in our Saturday Girl series, running on Patreon.
Andy is another step closer to taking his place in the world or Bergman & Knightley and those of us following it on Patreon will know what a world it can be.

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