
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Monday 5 August 2024

New Art.... Andy's Little Accident

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It's Monday and 
Monday can only mean
we wake up to new
delights from our
dear friend Christeen.
If you like white
feminine with lacings
of lace this one is 
for you.

Hi Everyone
   I am running so fast to keep up with everything, I feel quite pooped out. So I will get to all your kind messages, that I will. 
However today we have the completed version of a favourite of my own.
It was previewed over on Patreon a few weeks ago and gained so super sweet comments and a very lovely little vignette from our dear Skinnie S, which will be shared with you in a few weeks.
Today though we have the finished item plus a little expansion on the conversation.
  I write these little conversations to help inspire the image, so perhaps I will include more in later posts.
   So here we go. Poor Andy has embarrassed himself whist visiting what I imagine to be a group of lady investors investors in the Sisterhood. After all not every femboy loving lady resides at Knightley Manor.
    So here we go with Andy's Little Accident.
Hope you like this and remember there is a little treat at the end.

Ms Monro ----------- Please don’t apologise dear, these things happen, Sissy training takes time and he                                      is still young. In truth I think my guests rather enjoyed it. It was just so                                                      wonderfully unexpected, one minute he was all prim and proper, the next he was                                      all squeals and tears, glued to the spot, not  knowing what to do and struggling to                                    maintain his balance, such a treat. 
                                  Now is there anything I can do Jane.

Aunt Jane ------------I need to get a  spare pair of Andrews panties from  my car.

Ms Monro------------Well you nip and get them and whilst you do I will give him a quick wipe to make                                    him all Fresh again

Aunt Jane ------------Are you sure Ms Monro?

Ms Monro ------ -----It will be a pleasure my  dear, like being a mommy again.
                                  May I give you a tip?
                                  If a sissy embarrasses himself in public, or more so his guardian ,I find popping                                        the creamy wipe tissue  in his mouth for a few minutes, not long, just reinforces                                        the shame. 
                                  Does he taste himself?

Aunt Jane ------------He does, but he does not like it

Ms Monro ------ -----Nonsense, what sissy does not like his own taste. Dab a little on his lips after                                            every accident or milking and he will soon learn to enjoy it. 
                                 Oh it is so nice having a young sissy in the house again. 
                                 I am rather envious of you Jane, he is without a doubt the prettiest boy I have ever                                   seen and your choice of having him wear Latex is such a dream. Silk and satin is                                     Devine, but latex…..yes such a treat.
                                 May I ask. Are the rumours true that Andrew has been blessed with the gift of                                           genuine multiple climax?

    Hello again, yes the dialogue in the image and that of the text differ, but that was for clarity reasons so the art can sit on it's own, But I hope you enjoyed it all the same.
   Can you imagine Andy's embarrassment at being intimately wiped by a complete stranger?
    Do you think Ms Monro is about to find out the answer to her own question.
    Poor Boy


  1. Yes, I think she will soon find out the answer

  2. Did Lady Jane accidentally hit Andrew's Hummingbird up to high? Though it is fortunate she has a box of soft sissy wipes for just such an emergency. I do wonder where she keeps it, and if the next pair of panties still match his ensemble'

    1. Mmmm you might be right Lee and as for the wipes, naturally Aunt Jane will be prepared and of course they will match, that goes without saying my dear friend XX

  3. Delighted to see this and then the hot story, being wiped by a stranger, my gosh.

    1. Calm down, my dear Aidan, however it is a very hot thought though, isn't it XX

  4. Andy will taste his own cum?

    1. Hello Anon, well that was an idea left at the end of the conversation, I think we will wait and see if that true xxx

  5. Might I suggest Ms Monro roll on a condom when she's finished wiping Andy before refitting his chastity and fresh knickers. Then he can have as many little accidents as he dares, knowing where the contents will end up. That should concentrate the mind and engender a modicum of self-control as he continues with his maid duties throughout the day.

    1. Oh my what an idea D, It would solve the problem , I am surprised it had not be thought of before, but then again perhaps there are rules when it comes to sissies XX

  6. Wow! I’m curious as to why there is a spare pair in the car? Was this expected? Has it happened before? Or maybe just in case the excitement is never able to be contained!

    1. Come along Natalie, this is Aunt Jane, she will always be prepared for such an event and although she has the sissy wipes in her bag, carrying spare Panties seems a little .... unladylike?
