This is a blog about Kinky stuff, at no point are any of the characters under the age of consent. This is the story of a young man discovering his true self with the guidance of a loving and understanding Aunt.
It is a tricky world for those who are searching for identity and we should all offer our love and support to those who are struggling.
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX
Just a quick notice before I let Christeen take you into the weekend.
I will be away from our blog next week,I am having some time with dear friends, friends I have not seen since this virus thing took hold over 2 years ago and I think it might be emotional.
However Patreon will be loaded with the usual things Monday and Friday and maybe a treat if I get time before I leave.
In the meantime, it is Friday and that means..........Christeen Yayyyyyyy
Now I know this came from last week, but Wednesday would not be the same without the beautiful and naughty Amanda Holden. As I say this is from last weeks birthday posts (did i not mention she is now 51!!!) anyway what has age got to do with anything when you can strut like this.
And just as the hot pink Latex dress from a few weeks ago, the outfit was by Blog favourite William Wilde.
Now something I have been tinkering with. These are digital versions of our Andy and the lovely Aunt Jane.
Next following on from a few conversations about womanless beauty pageants, I remembered this clip. Not exactly from a pageant but from a festival. The transformation is stunning
Speaking of stunning beauties, I know it is strictly not got to do with anything but I just have to share this pic of Keira Knightley. I re-watched one of her first movies, The Hole for the first time in ages the other day and was just melted by how beautiful she was and indeed still is.
Hope all you in the UK have survived the big wind without too much trouble. XXX
Ok today we have the full version of a piece previewed on Patreon a few weeks ago. Our dear Skinnie has a little story to share with us, but as it runs along a different line to this completed image I will share it at a later date.
So here we have the return of Aunt Jane in a new adventure, this time it drifts into the worlds of classic pulp 50s sci-fi.
I need say nothing more, it all speaks for itself. So sit back as Lady Jane and Andy face........................The Menace from the Red Planet!
Wednesday this week brings us a stunning new piece of fiction by our dear Skinnie Stallion, I won't give anything away but when you get to it you will love love love it.
First a image hot off my news feed, Blog Legend Amanda Holden treats us to another glimpse of her naughty side.
However if she were to spin that skirt round she could re-create another Holden Classic.
Now a little music, with an Adventure straight from the pages of Andy Latex in the 25th Century.
Oh and it also features the legendary Jean Bardot.
Next a quick visit from a blog Favourite Lizzie Cundy, striking a slick figure in leather and boots.
Now four items from Aunt Jane's wardrobe, to which we have exclusive access.You may even spot some of the details taken over into the art.
And now, the main feature
Day Care - In the Pink
Day Care with S-Club Juniors
By Skinnie Stallion
Jane hated when Andy was sulky. At least it had only been a short journey. Jane applied the handbrake
and waited. Eventually Andy broke the silence, “Do I really have to do this, Auntie?”
“Yes, honey. I agreed with Mistress Strictly that you would.”
“But I don’t want to lose my Saturday with you. We have so little time together.”
“I know, but Mistress Strictly said you’d be taken good care of while I have one of my instruction days at Knightley Towers. We both have to work during the week, and I know our weekends are precious, but I need to go to Knightley Towers today. We can still Netflix and Chill tonight.”
“Can’t I come to Knightley Towers? I’ve been before.”
“I know honey, but not today. It’s a special day for newer members, not their trainees. I’m sure you’ll like it here and they’ll take good care of you. Mistress Strictly said it’s just a Saturday Club.”
“Well, if it’s a Saturday Club, why can’t they hold it in the grounds of Knightley Towers? They’ve got enough buildings on the estate.”
“You know they have visitors to the estate and the house. You had to sign that NDA when you had your maid training there, and you’ve still not been able to tell me what happened or who you saw.”
“Yes, Auntie. They were very clear about that. It was a legal contract. So, is this another of their buildings?”
“I guess so. It’s only five miles from Knightley Towers so I guess it must be a convenient drop-off for members.”
“But a Saturday Club, Auntie! I’ve never been to a Saturday Club.”
“Really? I used to go to Saturday morning pictures when I was young. I’m sure it’ll be like that.”
“But Auntie,” moaned Andy, “I can watch movies at home. And it’s not just the morning, it’s all day. And Auntie, no-one calls it the ‘pictures’ these days.”
“Less of your cheek young man. It’s just a Saturday Club, although Mistress Strictly called it ‘S-Club’. I know you like S-Club 7?”
“I did, Auntie. But they stopped ages ago.”
“It didn’t seem to stop you bopping along to ‘Reach’ or ‘Don’t Stop Movin’’ last Saturday.”
“I was just trying to keep up with you, Auntie. And we don’t say ‘bop’ these days either.”
“Thank you, Andrew. Enough!”
“So, I’m going to S-Club?”
“Sort of. Mistress Strictly actually called it ‘S Club Juniors’.”
“What sort of age, are we talking about? I don’t want to be with kids!” he exclaimed although his mind had turned to thinking about Frankie Sandford.
“I don’t know. You’ll have to see. I expect there’ll be some closer to your age. Look you must go
now. You’re going to make me late getting to Knightley Towers if you don’t. If only you hadn’t insisted on going back for your gloves?”
“But I had to Auntie: they complete the outfit. The ribbons on the cuffs match the bow in my hair”
“And the collar?”
“I couldn’t go out without my little latex collar. I’d feel naked without it.”
Aunt Jane was both annoyed by being behind schedule but secretly proud of her pretty protégée. Only a year ago, she’d have struggled to get him into a dress, now he wanted to look perfect with the perfect accessories. Those three weeks at Knightley Towers had done wonders for him. “We have to go, or rather you have to go, and I have to get to Knightley Towers. Now be good,” said Aunt Jane as Andy finally started to get out of the car, “it’s only for today.”
“Yes, Auntie,” said Andy glumly.
“And don’t forget Bill. I put him on the back seat.” Jane followed him out of the car and handed him a large fluffy teddy bear. She took his hand, leading him towards the front door. She could feel him shaking: her lovely boy was quivering with nerves. “Don’t worry, darling. Everything will be OK. I’m sure you’ll like a day with S Club Juniors.”
“Yes, Auntie, I know.”
“And Andrew …” Jane said as she rang the bell.
“Yes, Auntie?” Jane rarely used his name except in special circumstances.
“Make sure you keep Billy close,” she said as she rang the bell to the mansion whose drive they’d been parked on for the last ten minutes.
“Yes Auntie,” agreed Andy. He felt so proud of his Auntie, her brown latex jacket revealing just a hint of cleavage. Why couldn’t he be with her today and every day?
The door was opened by a formidable dark-haired lady in a practical white blouse and black skirt
“Hello, Lady Jane,” she said, “we’ve been expecting you and Andy. I’m Mistress Mistress. I look after S Club Juniors”. Andy was pleased to see the lady was pairing a pair of 4” black So Kate Loubous: practical but pretty.
“Hello Mistress,” said Jane. “I’m afraid Andy wanted to go back for his teddy. And it’s just Jane.”
“Oh, I think Lady Jane is much more becoming. I love your latex jacket. And your latex jodhpurs and dagger heel knee boots look fabulous.”
“Thank you, Mistress Mistress. That’s a rather unusual name?”
“It helps the younger girls to remember how to address me. This way they can’t get it wrong, and it gets them into the habit. I know it sounds old-fashioned, but repetition can still be very helpful when training our younger members. And this must be Andy.”
“Yes, this is Andy. Say hello, Andrew.”
“Hello Mistress,” mumbled Andy. Jane gave him a slight tap with the gold capped pointed toe of her boot. “Hello, Mistress Mistress,” he said standing straighter and remembering his training.
“Go on in Andy. I like your bear.”
“It’s my Bill the Bear,” said Andy holding his teddy by its ear.
“Was it your idea for him to bring his teddy, Lady Jane?”
“Yes, I wanted him to have something to play with in case he didn’t fit in. He likes to cuddle it. He loves his Willy.”
“I’m sure he does. He looks so sweet. But don’t worry, he’ll have plenty to occupy him today. Please go through Andy. The girls are all here and waiting. They’re all in their uniforms but don’t worry that you’re not.”
“Bye, Auntie. Bye, bye,” said Andy dolefully.
“Goodbye Andrew. I’ll be back at five.”
As Andy stepped from the porch into the hall, a wave of noise hit him. Before him was a sea of girls in their late teens and early twenties, who all seemed to have noticed him at the same time. There were screeches of delight:
“Look, look: a princess , a princess!
“She is so beautiful.”
“She is so shiny and sparkling.”
“What’s her dress made from?”
“Don’t her stockings shine?”
“I love her shoes.”
“She’s brought her teddy.”
“It’s a pink teddy, like her dress.”
Andy bit his lip and clutched his teddy hard. He didn’t want to lose his Willy. But he was in awe. In front of him was a group of some of the most amazing girls he had ever seen. They were an eclectic mix of shapes and heights, some pretty, some plain, but all made-up to perfection. He was particularly struck by an Afro-Caribbean girl and another couple who looked they were from somewhere in Asia. But what almost overwhelmed him was that all the girls were definitely in uniform, similarly attired in black latex catsuits with wide PVC belts and ankle strap high heels. They made a stunning, shiny spectacle.
Andy heard Aunt Jane say her farewells to Mistress Mistress who closed the front door and came through the hall. She started to usher the girls towards a side room: “Silence now, Demoiselles. Please go through to the classroom.” Andy was surprised by the respect with which she treated the girls. He hadn’t expected that, but they responded immediately. There was instant hush except for the staccato click of stiletto heels on the parquet floor. “Come along Andy. You can bring teddy.” She led Andy into a room laid out with individual desks. “Take your seats, Demoiselles.” There was a clatter and squeal of chairs. “Before we start today, I’d like you all to welcome Andy who’ll be joining us In Day Care today.”
“Hello, Andy,” chorused the group.
“Hello, ladies,” said Andy shyly, not knowing how to address them nor where to look across such a landscape of beauty and shiny latex.
“As you’ll see Andy is very pretty sissy.”
There were gasps from across the Day Care class: “A sissy!?” “He’s so pretty!” “I thought he was a girl!” “He’s so cute.” “I wish I had a boyfriend like him.”
“Silence please, Demoiselles! Yes, he is a sissy. He’s being trained by one of newer members. You can see the progress Andy has made in just two years. Sadly, our member tried to start his training herself, but she did send him to Knightley Towers for three weeks of sissymaid training earlier in the summer. Since then he’s come on by leaps and bounds to become the delightful confection you see before you.”
There were more admiring murmurs from the class as Mistress Mistress looked first at Andy and then surveyed the class. “Now Demoiselles, we have a busy day ahead. We have a lot to get through today.” She pressed a button on a console and a wide-screen recessed in the wall behind her lit up. As the picture formed, her eye caught something and she gave a withering look at one of her students. “Excuse me: Chantelle, can you come to the front, please.” A short dark-haired girl rose from behind her desk and walked to the front of the class. “Face the class, Chantelle.” Chantelle turned and looked at her peers. “Demoiselles, what is wrong with Chantelle’s styling?” A few hands shot up. Mistress Mistress surveyed the class and was about to select one when she paused. “No, let me ask Andy, first. See what he remembers from his time at Knightley Towers. Andy what do you think is wrong with Chantelle’s styling?”
Andy was jolted into life. He hadn’t been expecting this. He wondered what to say. He was desperate not to say the wrong thing. He shook his head slightly causing his large hoop-earrings to swing and tap against his finely rouged cheekbones. “Come along, Andy,” Mistress Mistress chided him, “I’m sure you know, especially after those weeks at Knightley Towers.”
Andy raised his eyes and looked at Chantelle. He blushed as she stared back at him. He looked her up and down. ‘Is the answer that obvious?’ he thought to himself. He bit his lip. It had to be. He collected himself and said, “Mistress Chantelle,” there was a titter from the back of the class causing him to stop but Mistress Mistress waved her hand instructing him to proceed. “Mistress Chantelle,” he continued “is wearing soft soled boots and no heels.”
“Quite correct. And why is that a problem, Andy?”
“A Mistress should always wear heels at least four inches in height, and ideally five.”
“Yes, Andy, and why is that?”
“So that a Mistress has heightened femininity. She should be attractive to alpha males and irresistible to betas, but also maintain a height advantage especially when sissies are present since the sissy is likely to wearing heels too.”
“And what should a shorter Mistress do in these circumstances.”
“Mistresses should wear a platform sole to provide an additional one or two inches allowing an increase in their heel height to six, seven or even eight inches without causing excessive strain to their calves or ankles.”
“Perfect. A model answer. And what about Chantelle’s boots?”
Andy looked down again at Chantelle’s Doc Marten’s. She’d embellished her pair of knee-high Bex with glittering silver laces. “They look really pretty.” Chantelle’s grimace turned to a smile. Andy smiled back.
“No that’s not the answer I was looking for. Demoiselles, what is the answer?” A hand shot up. “Yes, Emma.”
“Flat soled boots can be worn in dungeons. They are practical to wear on stone flagged floors or when ball kicking is required,” said a cute looking girl with a little pixie bob.
“Excellent answer, Emma.” The girl beamed. You must have been reading ahead since we will only address dungeons and dungeon wear in Year 2, or if you decide to take the starter course in BDSM as an elective for this year.” Several girls turned and looked at Emma. Andy thought she was probably the class swot. “Chantelle, you may go back to your desk. As Emma has told us, your boots may be acceptable on certain future occasions and no doubt comfortable over a long day, but while you are an S Club Junior, please wear your regulation heels.”
“Yes, Mistress Mistress,” said a relieved looking Chantelle who glowered at Emma as she walked back.
“Now Demoiselles, a quick reminder of where we are up to in the Syllabus for your Foundation Module.” Mistress pressed a button on the console and the picture changed.
While the Mistress talked, Andy looked at the screen with interest. This clearly wasn’t normal ‘Day Care’. A twenty week training course and this was just called a Foundation Module. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. This wasn’t a Day Care centre to look after the children or charges of members of The Sisterhood. This was a training centre for new members or younger ladies who hoped to become members. No wonder Auntie had so much catching-up to do if she’d only been invited to join The Sisterhood in the last year.
“We’re now on Week 8 and will be covering Restraint. I hope you find seeing Andy, a useful refresher of Week 7. It’s a shame Andy couldn’t join us last week since I think he embodies everything we were trying to cover. He’s even taken us a bit ahead since you’ll see in Andy many of the features we’ll be covering in Week 13. Anyway, we’re just fortunate to have him with us today. So, what are we going to be covering this week?” her hand touched the console again.
“Restraint. You’ll see we have a busy day ahead, although we will have some breaks as we go through. We obviously have the great advantage of having Andy with us and we’ll be able to use him as a demonstrator.” She turned to Andy, “You won’t mind that, will you honey? Your Auntie said you’d be quite happy. She was very positive about your participation.”
“Er, no,” replied Andy who was starting to become frightened about the day ahead.
“Good. There’s no need to worry, dear: the Demoiselles will be quite gentle with you. It makes the
classes so much more realistic if they have someone to practise on. Before we get started Demoiselles, I just need to give you a little warning. Andy’s Mistress has advised that he is not wearing any of the devices that we talked about last week and which we’ll cover in more detail next. This shouldn’t be a problem this morning, but we will have Andy stripped off this afternoon. So please expect some reactions from Andy today, both morning and afternoon. If they occur, they will be perfectly natural and nothing to be concerned about. You’ll see how a healthy sissy responds to the presence and attentions of a Mistress. Latex gloves will be available.”
Andy gulped. It was going to be a long day. He hoped he wasn’t going to disgrace himself before these young ladies, but they did look very nice. He was glad he was well tucked - at least for the time being. But a Vac Bed! He’d always wanted to try to a Vac Bed.
It was nearly six o’clock when the doors of the Day Care centre opened and girls started to spill out on to the drive. Jane had been parked near the front for some time. She had kept herself occupied by patching the recording on the secure server at Fullerton Hall through to the big screen on the central console of the Tesla. She went back to the start: it was still recording since she’d initiated it that morning as soon as she’d dropped Andy. It spluttered into life: a shaky shot of the hallway and, “Silence now, Demoiselles. Please go through to the classroom. Clicky noises and clatter. Come along Andy. You can bring teddy. More clicks and clatter.” The picture swung violently and lurched forward into an adjacent room. "Take your seats, Demoiselles. The squeal of chairs. Before we start today, I’d like you all to welcome Andy who’ll be joining us In Day Care today…..” The juddery image on the screen of a floor shifted to a steadier picture of Mistress Mistress addressing a class. Andy had clearly stopped dragging Willy by the ear and had picked him up and was holding him in his arms. “Hello Andy.” She flipped from the camera in Willy’s right eye to the one embedded in his left paw. Now she was looking at classroom full of latex clad young mistresses. Very nice. “Hello ladies,” she heard her pretty nephew say.
There were queues of cars waiting to pick-up the girls, but they stood around the entrance as if waiting for something. Jane got out to see what was happening and to collect Andy. Mistress Mistress came out. “How is Andy?” blurted Jane. “Was he good?” And then, “And where is Andy?” before Mistress Mistress had any chance to reply to any of her earlier questions.
“Lady Jane, Andy is fine. He was very good and the Demoiselles really appreciated having him join us today.”
“But where is he?”
“He’ll be brought out shortly. The girls just wanted to give you a little gift as a token of their appreciation. I’ve asked a couple of our security guards to bring it out.” The girls started to mill closer round the entrance.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have done,” said Jane turning to address the assembled throng.
“Lady Jane, I’m sure you’ll want this gift,” said Mistress Mistress.
The front door opened again and two burly ladies clad in leather trousers, jackets and shiny peak caps emerged gripping an arched handle supporting a board on which was mounted a black shiny object that Jane took initially to be an enormous dark glazed suckling pig with a little, black curly tail. The rear was shapely and it had been well trussed. “I’m afraid the girls got a little carried away during their final practical,” said Mistress Mistress. “It’s why we’ve overrun. Do you like cherries, Lady Jane?”
“And chocolate sauce?”
“Cherries and chocolate sauce?”
“Well, it’s not a combination I’d normally choose. Maybe some kirsch and a little cream, or almond macaroons would go better. Or stuffed in a roast duck to create a lovely, sweet sauce.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. The Demoiselles chose cherries with chocolate sauce.”
“In a suckling pig? That would be an unusual combination. I know Mexican cooking can include chocolate in savoury dishes to offset the spiciness.”
Oh, I’m sure you’ll find this very savoury and very tasty. Can you open your car boot for the guards, please?” Jane flipped her remote fob and the lid to the trunk lifted. The guards passed between her and Mistress Mistress. Jane swivelled as they passed and looked down at the shiny gift. The face of the animal was now looking back at her. Although it wore a black latex gimp hood with piggy ears, and had a large ball gag in its mouth, Jane would recognise the eyes anywhere. Staring at her with pleading, tear-filled eyes was her nephew. He was bent forward, tightly wrapped in black cling-film, his arms bent backwards and bound with electrostatic tape. More tape was wound round his body keeping him kneeling and securely trussed. “Doesn’t he look a pretty piggy, Lady Jane?” said Mistress Mistress handing her a small carrier bag.
“What’s this, and what have you done to Andy?”
“The bag? Just his clothes and his shoes. And Andy? Our final session of the day was on Wrapping: he’s been trussed and stuffed. The Demoiselles hope you’ll enjoy your dessert when you get home this evening.” There were cheers and applause from the young Mistresses.
The guards put the platter into the deep trunk of the Tesla and closed it. “And Lady Jane…”
“Here’s his teddy.” She handed Bill the Bear to Jane, except Bill had been blindfolded and was wearing a latex sock over his left foot. “It was silly putting cameras in his teddy. Our scanners detected them immediately. Enjoy your recording - what’s left of it.”
“And Lady Jane ….”
“We will expect to see Andy next week and all the following weeks of this module following your misdemeanour.”
“Understood,” said Lady Jane grudgingly.
“And Lady Jane….”
“I wouldn’t linger too long on your journey home, or before you enjoy your dessert. I made sure the Demoiselles used dark chocolate in their sauce. Dark chocolate with ginger.”
“Dark chocolate with raw ginger. Balls of raw ginger to accompany the cherries.”
“Don't worry, his tail is attached to a two inch plug and there’s extra wrapping round his bottom so he can’t push it out and nothing can escape. He won’t make a mess inside your pristine Tesla. But I think your sissy is going to want you to finish your dessert quickly and have it with a lot of cream when you get home. Enjoy your evening. Andy’s going to be very willing tonight.”
Jane turned and started to run towards the Tesla. The girls began applauding amid waves of laughter. “Come back soon, Andy!” they called. Jane had to get Andy home. She wanted to get her own back on Mistress Mistress. But how? Jane stopped. She would show her superiority. She began a slow, sedate walk to her car. She wouldn’t rush. Andy could stay in the dark boot of the Tesla.
Jane was already planning the evening ahead. She’d stop at the late shop in the village to get some cans of squirty cream. She’d remove Bill the Bear’s blindfold and sock and put him on charge, and bring a full length mirror through to the kitchen. Then she’d get her gardener to put Andy on the kitchen table while she prepared dinner. If she was going to have cherries, she wanted them nice and warm, and she’d enjoy watching Andy’s eyes water while he waited. She’d put a can of cream on the counter-top in front of him to tantalise and tease while the ginger raged inside him. She’d put the other cans to cool in the fridge. She thought with pleasure about how hot and sticky her perspiring little piggy would get inside his wrapping.
She’d sit down at the table and he could watch her eat her main course. Before she began her dessert, she’d fetch her harness from her bedside table and maybe she’d swap his ball gag for something he’d prefer to suck on when she removed his tail. She’d better wear a latex apron in case there was any splashing and have a large bowl ready in case of an eruption. And then there would be cherries with ginger and chocolate sauce to enjoy. There’d be no need to unwrap him. It would be easier to fill him with soothing cream while he was still trussed. Then all she’d need to do was position the mirror so that Andy could watch, turn on Bill the Bear to start the recording, take off her apron, put on her harness, get the cans of cold cream from the fridge, and climb on to the kitchen table. There might be no Netflix tonight, but her little piggy was definitely going to get very Chilled.
Usually on Valentines day, I would be sharing a little moment between Andy and Will, however due to issues we will have to wait for that moment for a little bit, but it will be worth the wait.
Anyway until then. here is another chance to live the ultimate romantic moment between our two helplessly devoted young loves and to all who have someone to love and be loved by, my best wishes and to all those who have not yet found the one, my biggest hugs and love.
So on with the new stuff
Today we have the full version of a piece previewed over on Patreon a few weeks ago, As ever it created many super comments and ideas of what might have been happening in to. However today we have the definitive version.
It is set during first few weeks of Andy and Aunt Jane visit to America, Around about the time these images were set.
So now we return to that quiet suburb for, Welcome to the Neighbourhood.
And now those sweet little ideas from Patrons
Skinnie S
Well that will stir the imagination. It looks like a delectable looking Aunt Jane is briefing her rather reluctant nephew before he starts on an assignment as a maid for a wealthy household. I wonder what she's saying and where she is going in those superb latex pants and Chanel jacket? She clearly has an assignation or business meeting. We'll have to see.
Superb xxx
Robyn Stephens
That and how about Aunt Jane was returning from wherever she was and found Andy outside, maybe trying to escape and got caught
Jane is saying to Andy: Don't be shy, your look perfect. No one will embarrass you. Serve the ladies and gentlemen their drinks gracefully and remember to curtsy.
Hmm, difficult. Lady Jane looks as though she has told Andy something which he is not happy about and she is seeing how he reacts. He has a frown possibly or is doubtful, maybe even resistant or angry. He might have actually stamped his foot! - but that is not like him, is it? (Andy! Don't make a face! You'll get lines!.) Perhaps as he is made more feminine he is affected by very female mood swings and is now more 'emotional'? Oh dear ... hormones!
elexander holinaty
Love Lady Jane's shoes. Andy looks so cuddly.
I hope it is not a spy mission for our duo. As for me, I could use a maid service to keep the kitchen clean and keep refilling my coffee mug. Milk, dark, no sugar. Andy is keeping slim and trim so I imagine the sounds of his heels clicking away on the hardwood floors. Giving his location as he tinkers about. If he does a good job, I may have him back to lounge around the pool as I work hard in my home office.
I do apologise for not posting on Wednesday, but time and tide took me away and I had no time to get anything down, but fear not next week the round up will return.
Anyway, it's Friday and that means we clear the decks for the arrival of the wonderful Christeen. These are, as ever, superb, especially the first..
This is a piece I posted on Patreon a few weeks ago, only that one had a very unique addition, exclusive to Patreon, something a few people spotted on the wall.
I had no dialogue for this one so offered it out to Patron friends to suggest ideas and I have added those super comments at the end.
Hope you like this
Not a Game
Skinnie Stallion
Jane wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take. She wished he’d stop. His bottom lip was starting to tremble. She hated it when he got like this. She had to find the right words, otherwise she knew tears would be on their way. She really didn’t want him to cry even though he looked so sweet when his mascara ran: it made him so delicately feminine and vulnerable. When he got like that she just wanted to pick him up and cuddle him: he was still the boy that she’d so lovingly nurtured. Her boy. Her pretty boy. Her love. But that was no consolation when he was upset, and she definitely didn’t want him having a tantrum. Not at this time in the evening, and not when the evening had gone so well. Until now.
Andy had been so good all evening: a real credit to her. He may not have had much to do, but he’d done it extremely well. All his training was in evidence. Jane might have prepared the meal, but his service had been exemplary. When he’d arrived at the Towers that Friday afternoon, he’d immediately changed into his maid’s uniform and done his own make-up while she was cooking. After a week living in his little flat and working in town, he was always excited to come and spend the weekend with her. It had taken many months, but he was now settled into the routine. He loved being with her and being the person he wanted to be.
He laid the little circular table rather than the big dining one and positioned it by the window. He’d put candles around the arc of the bay window to give a perfect romantic feel for dinner. He’d stood dutifully at the back of the dining room, straight back, tall in his heels and hands clasped in front of his little apron. At her merest nod, he’d clear plates, serve the next course, or top up glasses. He’d even loaded the dishwasher and tidied the kitchen during coffee. And he looked fabulous. Not just the perfect dutiful maid, but the perfect sissymaid.
It was a shame it had come to this after such a nice evening. It was Mayfield’s casual, “So I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow,” as Andy was helping him into his coat before the walk back to the Vicarage that had set him off. At least he’d maintained his composure until Mayfield had gone.
Jane could see from the scowl on his face that something had upset her pretty nephew but was baffled why. He’d completed clearing the dining room and cleaning the kitchen before setting the burglar alarm and going her upstairs to her bedroom to undress her. “But Auntie, I don’t want you going out. Not on a Saturday night,” he’d immediately protested as he lifted the short little red leather bolero jacket from her shoulders. “Saturday nights are when we can be together. We’ve already missed our Friday night ‘Netflix and chill’ because he was here.”
“Andrew, we can always catch-up on Netflix another time. And please don’t refer to Mayfield as ‘he’. Reverend Green, The Reverend or Mayfield, please.” Jane glossed over the ‘chill’: his appetite and interests had increased a lot since his three week stay with The Sisterhood.
“Why don’t you just call him your boyfriend?” he exclaimed with a petulant, little stamp of his Louboutin on the polished wood floor, as his fingers started on the top button of her white silk blouse, its décolletage revealing her cleavage but hiding her bustier corset. He paused and stared in her face, his hands grazing her uplifted embonpoint. She was accustomed to him caressing her breasts when he polished her latex, but she was amazed by his effrontery and confidence: he’d come on so much since his stay at Knightley Manor. “I thought you just liked girls,” he added slyly.
“My tastes are my affair, young lady,” riposted Jane. Perhaps The Sisterhood was right, he did need a firmer, guiding hand. “Now do your duty.”
Andy began to unbutton her blouse. “But why?” he whined.
“Because he asked. And it seemed like a kindness.”
Andy knelt behind Jane and unzipped her below-the-knee black leather pencil skirt. He took her hand and steadied her as she stepped out of it. “A kindness! I don’t mind you having girlfriends round on Saturdays. I don’t expect you all to myself.”
“You don’t mind! How dare you!” This was ridiculous. She never argued with Andrew. Maybe she teased him, maybe he teased her, but they never argued. This was tantrum mode. “You are here as my maid. And my niece. If you don’t like that, you leave.”
“Oh, Auntie, no! I didn't mean it like that.” The tears were coming.
Jane sat down and held his hand. “Look this is not a game. I know you like being with me. I like being with you. I love you, Andrew.” She could see her nephew gulp and his bottom lip quivering. “Maybe not always in the way you want, but I love you.”
“I love you too, Auntie.”
“I know honey.”
“I just wanted to be with you tomorrow evening.”
“But you will, darling.”
“How can I be? You’ll be out with him. Sorry. You’ll be out with Mayfield.”
“But you’ll be with us, you silly goose.”
“What!” Jane could see his exquisitely plucked, lined and brushed eyebrows rising in astonishment.
“Of course you’ll be with us. How else does a double date work?”
“A double date?!”
“Yes, a double date. Weren’t you listening?”
“I don’t know anything about this.”
“But you heard Mayfield saying he’d pick us up tomorrow at seven.”
“I heard him say he’d pick you up. Nothing about me.”
“He meant both of us. That’s how a double date works.”
“But what ‘double date’? I don’t know anything about this.”
“Oh, Andy!” She rarely used the shortened form of his name. He’d been Andrew to her since she’d first been asked by his mother to babysit for her. He might have been thirteen at the time, but they still called it babysitting. But it was him who’d wanted to play with her make-up; him who’d wanted to try on her high heels and totter round the lounge. She still kept a photograph of him made-up and pretty on her bedroom wall. He hadn’t changed. “Don’t you listen?”
“Listen to what?”
“The double date Mayfield promised tomorrow.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
And then the penny dropped. “You must’ve been in the kitchen when Mayfield talked about it over coffee. His cousin’s down from Edinburgh and visiting this weekend. Mayfield suggested we all go out together. He thought you’d like his cousin.”
“Really! I can come too.”
“Yes, a double date.”
“Are you sure you won’t mind Auntie? Me going out with someone on a date.”
“Well, you don’t mind me seeing Mayfield. Or Chantelle, or Trixie.”
Andy wrinkled his cute little nose slightly but said, “No, of course not Auntie. But, I’ll have to go home in the morning, I’ll need something to wear.”
“No need. You can wear one of your dresses, honey”
“Not if I’m out on a date, I can’t.”
“You will young man. You will if you want to go out in public with me.”
“But won’t she think I’ll look stupid?”
“Wearing a dress.”
“But you look very pretty wearing a dress.”
“I know. But Mayfield’s cousin may find it odd.”
“Not at all. You’ll look wonderful. I was thinking the little pink latex mini-dress with your nude Very Privé pumps with the five inch heel. You’ll have time in the morning to get your nails done and the girls at the salon can do your make-up after giving you a wash and blow. You’ll need your toes done too for the open toe.”
“I love that dress and those heels. Can I really wear them?”
“Yes, of course.”
“What’s Mayfield’s cousin’s name? I hope I like her.”
“I think the Reverend said it was Joe.”
“Oh, Jo. That’s easy to remember. I hope we get along.”
“I’m sure you will.”
“Great! Can we go to bed now Auntie, please?”
“Yes, of course.” Jane was delighted by how his mood had changed. He was back to Friday night Andy. “Thank you for all you’ve done this evening. Sorry for that silly musinderstanding. I hope you’re not too tired after all your work tonight.”
“Not yet, Auntie. Not Yet.”
It didn’t take long for Andy to take off his maid’s dress and clean his teeth. He never took his make-up off on Friday night’s. Jane loved how his fluttering false eyelashes tickled. She made sure her lube and harness were ready beside her bed because she understood her maid’s needs. As he settled lower down in the bed she said, “And Andy, I think it’s Joe. Short for Joseph.” Jane relaxed with pleasure as he continued lapping unperturbed. But maybe he didn’t hear that too well either with her thighs clamped round his ears.
Or maybe he had. ‘Oh, Auntie!’ he was thinking, and he shifted his bottom upwards slightly as if anticipating future pleasures. He might like this game.
And now some of the super comments from patrons
I love so much this frame, if I was Andy I’d be eager to help Aunt Jane to chose the right skirt to match her amazing corset for the upcoming date with Rev Mayfield (maybe a sheer pleated skirt?)
As Aunt Jane is looking at Andy’s flat chest, it seems by wearing them herself in front of him, she is showing him the kind of corset and underwear he will soon be obliged to wear to uplift his growing bosom.
Is Andy ready to turn and get her outfit for the date with The Rev? Whatever it is The Reverend will be putty in her hands. Led along by her wishes. Is that such a bad thing? Andy will stay at home and putter around the house. Tidying, then checking his make-up. Has The Reverend seen him dressed thus . . and serving his Auntie with loving eyes? Baby steps.
Gorgeous piece.
Andy been up late waiting. Andy has to always look proper so would be still at that time.
I think Jane is back from her date. Gently filling Andy in that the her and the Rev are an item, and may be seen around the house more often.
Bob Zorl
I like the photos on the wall.
(Thanks Bob XXX)
Ballet Sissy
Jane is explaining that she is implementing a permanent new rule and that the gorgeous Andy will have to curtsey to her every time he leaves or enters a room she is in.