
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Wednesday 25 September 2024

Wednesday with Skinnie,Ambre and a Very Glamorous Grandmother

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Hi Everyone

With the paintshop now sorted I can get back on with new Andy and Aunt Jane art, however in the meantime I have been messing with the dreaded Ai and I think we have become friends.

We have some other fun bits and bobs over on Patreon, but right now here is one very special moment when a young mans' school status goes through the roof ,just as mates faces go green with envy.

He'd had the mickey taken out of him when the school secretary had announced loudly to him and the rest of his class, that his Grandmother would be collecting him at the end of the day

  But he knew he would be the one smiling.

Next something very very special, our dear sweet friend Ambre Caprice has also got the Ai touch however this is way beyond amazing because we can finally get a glimpse of Andy the Saturday Girl In motion!!!!
Love Love Love these and I am sure you will too.
There are more but I did not wan to risk overloading our kinky minds.

And that was just the warm up act!  because here is a superb little story from our dear friend Skinnie Stallion.

Little Mishaps

By Skinnie Stallion

Little Mishaps

Little Mishaps

Andy eased himself on to the high leather stool in the kitchen.   At last he could draw breath.   All morning Jane had had him tidying, dusting and polishing.   The hall.   The stairs.  The upstairs landing and corridor.  The Boardroom.   He was happy that Jane was pleased with the Boardroom table; by the time he’d finished she could see his face in it.  He laid out water and glasses beside blotters, pads and pencils for each attendee.  Just two visitors today.   He guessed they would be investors or potential clients.   

The Gaggia in the kitchen hissed as it came to temperature, flushed and ready.  Now he just had to wait until he was called for their order.   He shuffled his bottom trying to get comfortable.  There had been only one vehicle at the gates when the visitors buzzed for admission: a silver Bentley Continental with tinted windows. High value clients judging by their car.   Jane had told him to wait in the kitchen; she’d answer the door herself.   

Andy was intrigued.  Normally his Aunt preferred him to do all the menial chores, and she liked showing him off to visitors.   Her very own maid.   Her very own sissymaid if they but knew.   Very few did.   They just saw a pretty girl working as a maid for the lady in the big house.    There weren’t many jobs in small villages these days, so it was understandable if the girl had taken what employment was on offer.   It might be a bit strange that the maid was wearing some kind of shiny, rubbery dress but it was probably practicable.  

But why would Jane want to greet her guests and take them up to the Boardroom herself?  Andy shrugged.   It was Auntie’s choice.   And he’d learned over time that Auntie was always right.  The thing that did grate with Andy was that he was back in pink for the day.   Jane had insisted that he wear pink.   He preferred black.   Black was more elegant.  Black was more of a classical look for a maid, apart from his white pinny, little collar and cap.   No matter how he’d pleaded with her, it was to no avail.   It was why she’d insisted on doing his make-up this morning.   When she finally allowed him to look in the mirror, he’d found himself with a pink blusher, pink eyeshadow and pink lippie.  It was like going back to the weeks following his stay at Knightley Towers when he’d had to wear pink as a penance.   He’d thought those days were over.

He made himself an espresso while he waited.   Strong and black. No sugar.   It was strange how he’d taken on some of the habits of his Aunt.  He resumed his place on the stool.   He shuffled again, tightening his buttocks.   Those memories were still uncomfortable.  He was glad that the stool was well upholstered and softly padded.

It was twenty minutes before the call came.   A soft buzzing.  Andy stretched and luxuriated for a few moments before getting down from the stool.   It felt so nice when Auntie summoned him.  It meant Auntie wanted him.   

As he walks up the stairs and along the corridor to the Boardroom, the intensity of the thrum in his bottom increases.  Auntie must be impatient for her coffee, or to see him.   He’s excited.  At least he’s contained in his panties and his pelmet skirt will hide his growing bulge.   Nothing to worry about, even with guests.   They’ll never know the games that Jane plays with him.   

As he opens the door, he hears Jane say, “Aah, that’ll be Andrew.   Hello Andrew.   Let me introduce our guests: Madame Grey and Madame Monroe.”  And then his Hummingbird goes berserk.   Why is she doing this?    Why now?   She normally only does this when his mouth is occupied, or when he talks to her about missing Will.   He steps into the Boardroom looks at the Jane at the head of the table and then her visitors.   He trembles and shakes, and is unmanned.  A wave of embarrassment and confusion hits him, and he runs from the Boardroom.   “Andrew, come back!” he hears his Aunt call, but he has to get away.   He can’t be seen like this as he feels dampness and more in his panties.

“Poor boy!  Was it something I did?” he hears an American voice say as he retreats.

A person in a black skirt

Description automatically generatedHe's half-way down the corridor before he halts at Jane’s firm order to “Stop!”.    Jane and another lady, whom he now recognises from his stay at Knightley Towers, catch-up with him.   At least Madame Grey had been one of the nicer ladies.

“Oh Auntie, I’m sorry,” pleads Andy, hanging his head in self-conscious distress.

"Stop worrying, darling,” says Jane.   “It's nothing these ladies haven't seen before."

A person in a red dress

Description automatically generated"B...b...but Madame Grey ...." He turns then quickly looks away from the imposing lady standing beside him, who’s examining his Aunt's every move. "Saw it all. And does she look embarrassed?  No." 

"And Madame Monroe?....." 

"Who do you think was controlling your Hummingbird?" 

"But I th... th.. thought y...y... you were, Auntie?" stammers Andy. 

"No. Madame Monroe has been." 

"But why? Why not you, Auntie?" he asks daring to glance along the corridor at the extraordinarily pretty blonde lady who had been the cause of his humiliating mishap. Truth be told, it had been the sight of her combined with the thrums of his Hummingbird that had sent him scurrying from the Boardroom in moistened disarray.   If only she'd not pressed the Thrust button when he'd looked at her. 

"Since she's a new recruit to The Sisterhood visiting from the US, I wanted to show her the benefits of keeping her maid on call. I said you'd come when you were called." 


"And you proved your Auntie right," says Madame Monroe in a high pitched American drawl and a twinkling smile. 

"In both ways," adds Madame Grey. 

"Foot up, darling." Jane eases his damp panties over one of his pink So Kates.   "And the other." 

"And what do you do with his panties now?" squeaks an excited Madame Monroe. 

"I'll keep them in my handbag for now." 

"Your HANDBAG!" exclaims Madame Grey in her best Lady Bracknell, an impression entirely lost on Madame Monroe. 

"My Handbag," affirms Jane. "It will give everything in it a nice boy scent. I've been thinking about how to bottle the scent for By? for mistresses who are travelling or simply away from their sissy for a few hours and miss the smell of their boy." 

"Interesting," says Madame Monroe. "Why, I've been missing my House Boy. We call them House Boys back home in Texas, but I can now see why you guys prefer Sissy Maids. I can't wait to get my Jaxon in a frock when I get back home." 

"Please Auntie, can I get some clean panties now?" asks a contrite Andy. 

"No darling. You can wait in the corner of the Boardroom while we continue our meeting. In an hour, I want to take Madame Monroe through all the Hummingbird settings, and it'll be far easier if you just lift your petticoats to show her. She needs to see what it can achieve on full power." 

"Oh no!" exclaims Andy. 

"Quit worrying, honey. I'll be gentle," said Madame Monroe. "To start with."

“Darling, everything will be fine.   I’ve plenty more Sissy Wipes if you have any more of your little mishaps.   Now let’s go back to Boardroom.   I think we can all wait a little longer for our coffee.”

A group of women in a hallway

Description automatically generated


  1. Hello dove, strangely it seems I'm the first to comment. First of all thank you for sharing my little inputs of the Saturday Girl stoty, so glad you like them! Then, once again, bravo for YOUR, as ever, fabulous art; each new pic being a piece of art by itself! And then a big merci too to dear S. for the great story accompanying your drawings so well! Amber with hugs and kisses

    1. Bless you Kitty, thank you so much and once again thank you for such wonderful creations

  2. There's no-one quite like Grandma. And there's no-one like you and Amber: I'm pleased to have such talented friends. Superb work by both of you. And thank you for publishing the story and Amber's kind words.
    S xxx

    1. Thank you S, I had lost this story in all my Emails, but knew I had to track it down and share it. So glad I did, its brilliant

  3. Yes, Andy, pink, and see through as well. Very distracting if not alluring. Andrew has a very important bit to play in todays negotiations.

  4. Just when Andrew thinks he knows what is going on and dealing with it nicely, another shoe drops. If only it were a delicate Louboutin rather than a boot. he must fall back on his training and do his best to make Auntie look good.
    Nicely done, and seeing the AI in motion was a delight. Especially the hint of a subtle smile. He is so happy in his work.

    1. Hi Lee, so glad you liked these and thank you for such sweet compliments to everyone.
      Yes anyone dealing with this Saturday girl will be dazzled into paying over the odds for any little trinket

  5. Yay paintshop!!!!

    Wow, seeing Andy even in a short clip, one very big glug of my now wednesday cold drink.

    Oh my how delightful, some went to school for Ms McKenzie, now there's competition from a cute young mans Gran. She must also be related to Aunt jane with those stylish pants.

    Thanks Skinnee I loved reading and seeing Madammes Gray & Monoe having their fun with Andy.


    1. Hi Aidan, yes this glamorous Gran will fuel many a young mans fantasies for weeks to come.
      Thank you for such sweet comments

  6. I remind you about mail. So that I can be clear - is there any point in writing in this direction, or have I completely missed the mark with the mood?

    1. Hello AT
      Do please forgive me, with the reboot of my computer I have neglected my communications. I will read and reply as soon as I possibly can.
      Thank you
