
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Wednesday 18 September 2024

It's a big Wednesday round up.

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Hi Everyone
  Welcome to a bit of a Wednesday round up, with lots of shiny stuff ,lots of our blog faves and some other stuff to delight.

Oh and stay till the end for some of my new style Ai art.

Lets kick off with a lady we do
not see enough of on the blog, I 
have a bit of a soft spot for this 
lady and she is the divine Davina 
Mccall, who this week picked  
up a lifetime achievement award 
at the National Tv Awards wearing 
his hot shiny brown leather dress.

Next some of our dear friend Girlie Morgane's wonderful translations of  my art

Only one way to follow that kind of delight and that is with Blog Legend Carol Vorderman, stirring up some political trouble whilst turning heads in some of THE tightest pants we have seen for ages.

Speaking of shiny things. I don't know if this is a new or old image but heck Gillian Anderson really does rock latex

More shiny shiny of the highest order. I've always liked this lady, she just wants to have fun, but behind the scenes she is quite active for some good causes, right now though Paris is on top pink form.

and finally, over on the middle high tiers of Patreon we have a whole new world taking shape.
The extension of the Bergman & Knightley empire


  1. A simply gorgeous collection, thank you. A box of delights that keeps on giving: Davina, Carol (you know my thoughts and memories), Gillian, Paris (the best she's ever looked). Super work by GirlieM. But the Bergman & Knightley additions are masterpieces. Lucy and Emma are stunning. I somehow think you're writing (AI-ing?) from experience and have been in Emma's position: treasure the memories. Sometimes you find they come true. (If you're a little brave.❤️)
    S xxx

    1. Bless you S and actually the lady in the white business suit in the first one is kind of familiar LOL
      thank you for your kind words and for that little push

  2. Gosh, I always need a long cold drink after these updates.xxx

  3. Skintwo01,
    Thank you for the compliment, know that for my part, I am always in awe of the richness of your texts and their diversity.

    To your health ;-)

    And finally Andy,
    I've already told you several times and I'll say it again... you will always surprise me. You have once again taken an unexpected new direction with your new works which I also appreciate.

    1. Awww thank you Girlie, for both your hard work and for those nice compliments
