
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday with a little tech help

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Hi Everyone
Just a quick midweek pop in to share a few bits and bobs.
As you know I greatly prefer my own style of hand crafted art but occasionally I like to mess with Ai and so  I asked my Ai if it could imagine a younger Andy and Aunt Jane perhaps 7 or 10 years before we start our stories.
 Remember Jane always loved Andy very much and made a point of spending time with him and I think these capture that time very well.
However you will have to wait just a tick because we have a message from Carol Vorderman first.

Think that was something about voting in tomorrows election, but I kind of got distracted.

Next three lovely translations of my art by our dear friend Girlie Morgane

Now a little dream, a fantasy, as you may know I am a huge admirer of our Princess Kate, I think she is warm and loving and for elegantly feminine and I can't wait to see her back to her radiant best and when she is, perhaps she will come a relax at the new boy boutique, She will be made most welcome.

You can see more Ai fun over on the Patreon


  1. All gems. Ms Vorderman has been in our faces a lot over recent weeks. There are some advantages of elections. Great work Girlie, and a superb choice of scenes.
    Looks like Princess Kate may be following Ms Watson in getting a B⚥y?™ Loyalty Card. Although expect she'll go straight to Gold Card status (or even Diamond?).
    It may be AI, but the images of a younger Jane with a young Andy are just right: touching and sweet. A loving Aunt and her nephew. Perfect.

    S xxx

    1. Merci, merci, c'est un vrai compliment venant d'une des grandes participantes du site.

    2. Hi S so glad you liked this little collection, Girlie does do some wonderful work and I am so grateful to be able to bring my art to a wider audience as a result and yes Kate would be given Diamond + status and would be welcome night and day.

    3. C'est un plaisir de devoir participer Girlie, de rien XX

  2. The Lady Kate is as lovely as ever. I hope she is as healthy as ever and ready for further adventures as her duties lead the way.
    That was a step back for Lady Jane and Andrew, though with Andy's youthful appearance, not too far back in time. Has she been plotting even then for her control over her Nephew, nee Niece? She does seem to be a Woman who needs to control.

    1. Hi Lee, I too wish our wonderful Princess the very best of health, she is a lovely lady.
      Jane saw that Andy will need a little help in the future finding himself in the world, her hand has been gentle but strong and in all things ,loving

  3. Princess Kate looks beautiful on your Pic

  4. La princesse Kate est magnifique et j aime bien avec AI la tante Jane et Andy et les photos d Andy bravo 👏👏❤️❤️❤️

    1. Merci beaucoup mon ami, je suis si heureuse que tu voies les photos d'Andy et Jane comme de doux moments naturels XX

  5. Andy and Aunt Jane at a party, some years ago.
    Dude, delete this. This is very sick, leave the underaged persons from this blog. Even created by AI.

    1. I have a strict moderator overseeing our blog and they have absolutely no issue with these pics. Thank you for your input

    2. I like kinky stuff, trust me, but this is wrong direction, very wrong, I'm afraid it's goodbye from me after many, many years.

    3. Mistress_LeatherBeth13 July 2024 at 20:03

      I can't imagine what Anonymous is upset about. Jane has simply chosen to wear something tight and shiny for her dear nephew's party.
      Simply being in the presence of smoothness, slickness, shininess, puts no young person in jeopardy.

    4. Thank you Beth, you know me the last thing I would want to be is offensive XX

  6. Gosh I must say Vorders is the best disctraction. Election what election - haahah.

    I would hope you send an invite to the palace for Kate to pop in to our boutique. I am sure she'd accept and purchase that outfit for her first official outing on her return.

    Absolutely love the little B'Day party Andy and Jane went to. Bless AI.

    1. Hi Aidan, yes she is a very welcome distraction indeed
      Having our Princess in the boutique would be a dream and honour, she is so beautiful.
      The pics of Andy and Jane are sweet aren't they, I have pics jus the same with my Aunts when I was a kid, though none of them wore pants like Jane LOL

  7. Some great bits and bobs this week. I always thought princess Kate was gorgeous this pic just drives home the point. On another note,I found a model named Yasmin Twoeagle as I was thumbing through FB, when I checked her page I immediately thought of Andy, and Aunt Jane, because she was wearing some fantastic Latex outfits, and although she has long dark hair, her face reminds me of both of them. Please check her out.

    1. Hi Stephen, thank you for your kind words and your suggestion.
      As for Princess Kate, she really is beautiful
