This is a blog about Kinky stuff, at no point are any of the characters under the age of consent. This is the story of a young man discovering his true self with the guidance of a loving and understanding Aunt. It is a tricky world for those who are searching for identity and we should all offer our love and support to those who are struggling.
Sunday, 31 January 2021
New art and story. "Surprise!"
Thursday, 28 January 2021
New from Christeen
Tuesday, 26 January 2021
The Extravaganza Chapter 4 and a Wednesday round up
Will accepted a flyer from a middle-aged lady wearing, it seemed, nothing except a costume made of rope. And given that the rope was flesh coloured, all that could really be seen was a collection of knots; knots so cleverly located that, in truth, no offence could really be taken (not that anyone at The Grange that evening could be remotely described as ‘easily offended’). The lady was, of course, Polly Evans, proprietor of the village sweet shop, and the flyer referred to her ‘early bird’ offer for a set of advanced Shibari lessons, due towards the end of the summer. Will put the sheet in the inside pocket of his tuxedo, meaning to show it to Andy later, though he suspected he knew what the response would be. “Advanced? O, Will, don’t you think you should learn some of the basics first?”
Madame Stella, wearing a uniform which had been especially popular in Sweden, was doing brisk business taking orders for virtually the full range of HotHouse stock, whilst Jules and Jaz had retired to their basket for a quick nap, and were curled up, 69, Jaz purring louder than ever.
Carmel had settled on her new leather skirt for the evening, but had paired it with a very tight-fitting, completely transparent blouse and a total lack of underwear. Well, it was the least she could do if she didn’t want to stand out as ‘weird’. However, she had certainly put quite a bit of business in Madame Stella’s direction, and she was now just fondly watching as JoJo, resplendent in a midnight blue, one-piece calf-skin booty-shorts outfit and Loubou OTKs, and looking more relaxed than she’d seen him since she’d first discovered his secret, paid attention whilst Kat appeared to be giving out instructions for some kind of set-piece coming up later in the evening.
Mayfield slowed to a halt as he reached The Grange. Now that he was here it suddenly occurred to him that he has no idea how to gatecrash a function, which was what, in effect, he had been intending to do. (Ring the doorbell. ‘O, hello, Mrs Cooper, how are you and Mr Cooper? It’s such a pleasant evening, and I was just enjoying a stroll (down a lane which leads to nowhere), and I thought that I’d call in and see how you are. What are your Friday evening viewing preferences? Question of Sport or Coronation Street?) Aargh, No. It didn’t bear thinking about. Come on, feet! Take me away from here! But his sandals just stared at him blankly and left the responsibility to him.
Maybe if he just strolled down the side of the house, which had no windows in the side wall, only skylights in the roof. Perhaps he might just overhear something, a comment, a snippet of conversation, which would gratify his curiousity, and he could then make a swift getaway.
His slow, high-stepping tiptoe, reminiscent of nobody so much as Dick Dastardly, gradually brought him to the rear corner of the building without him picking up any sounds other than a general murmuration. He was just about to retreat when there was a sound of French windows opening, and someone stepping outside, just a few feet away round the corner.
“Andy, I’m just getting a breath of air. Be a darling and save a little plateful of those delightful salmon bites for me.”
“Jane!” breathed Mayfield. Or rather he meant to breath the word, virtually silently. If fact, Jane heard it clearly, and, turning, said, “Hello? Who’s there?”
Andy did as his dear aunt had requested, and then proceeded about his maidenly duties. His route took him through the quite large room next door, made accessible to the main part of the house by the opening of the door behind the curtain. He didn’t immediately recognise it as the garage extension which he’d spotted the previous Wednesday though, given its almost clinical cleanliness and curtained areas, and when the thought did occur to him, it wasn’t ‘The Pit’ that drew his curiousity, or the location of Lady Magdelena’s ‘tool kit’. It was a humming sound which he eventually realised was located close to three, previously silent, latex ‘bags’, on mattresses on the floor of what one could only describe as a ‘personal amusement’ area. Except that one was now obviously occupied. A vac-bed? Was that the term? Whoever was in there now was naked. Totally naked. Obviously. Extremely. And enjoying the experience immensely, if the writhing was anything to go by.
Mayfield would have been fascinated to learn that Andy had located Budgie.
Meanwhile, Kat, in her favourite skin tight leather pants and HotHouse boots, combined with a scarlet PVC underbust waspie, and JoJo, had rendezvoused in the garage with Chloë, in her HotHouse uniform, and they were preparing for the evening’s ‘set piece’. The star of the show, however, was over in the corner, slowly undressing with a sweet, childlike smile on his wrinkled face, eyes fixed on the selection of clothing which would soon constitute his costume. No leather here. No heels or make up. A little plastic but no latex. Just a Very Large Nappy, elasticated pants, giant pale blue baby grow, blonde wig with ringlets, and all the accoutrements necessary to make an old adult baby very happy.
“Right,” said Chloë. “The sooner you’re changed, the sooner you can get into your playpen and we can wheel you through to play with your friends. OK, Baby Diddums?” Baby Diddums took a slug of scrumpy from his bottle, and blew a bubble of drool.
Kat managed to find Baby Diddums’ favourite rattle, and handed it to the not-so-little chap. He thanked her by banging it over her head several times, screaming with delight each time he did so. Kat, however, just smiled indulgently. When Diddums was ready, Chloë wiped his chin with a tissue while JoJo loosened the catch and let down an end of the playpen, before guiding their charge inside. Chloë then refastened the catch, and Diddums happily plopped himself down and began scraping his rattle across the bars.
Then came the task of manoeuvring the contraption out of the double doors at the back of the garage, out onto the paved path which ran along the back of the house and garage. One of the problems with The Grange was that the builders (Earp, Hickok and Cody? Clanton Construction?) had had an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ attitude, and the path was cracked and uneven. As a result, it was difficult to control Diddums oversized playpen on its way to join the assembled crowd in the neighbouring room. Indeed, merely extricating it from the garage through the double doors was a noisy and frustrating procedure. Ah, well, here goes.
A couple of strides, and Jane found herself face to face with the interloper. Or rather, given her heels, it was almost face to cleavage.
“Mayfield? What are you doing here?”
“Oh, Jane, I know. I’m so sorry. I allowed my curiosity to get the better of me. Of course, I shouldn’t be here. I’m mortified. I’ll go immediately. Please accept my sincerest apology,” he mumbled as he grew redder and redder with each passing second. His embarrassment was such that Jane’s dress, the cleavage, the material, the slit, the flesh of her bare back, totally failed to register with him. He was desperately looking around in every direction for an exit, a way out, one which he could take without either drawing attention to himself or upsetting Jane.
“No, Mayfield. You misunderstand me,” said Jane. “What I meant was, what are you doing out here? Why haven’t you joined us inside? We’re having a lovely time, and a good proportion of your parishioners and friends are here. They’d love to see you. Do come and join us inside, please.”
“Really? O, no, I hardly think so. No, I think everyone should just get on with enjoying their evening and I’ll leave you all to it,” he said. With that, he made to turn away. Jane was about to make a renewed attempt to persuade him to stay when there was a loud commotion from the neighbouring doorway, the garage, and a bizarre procession appeared.
JoJo and Chloë were doing their best to control the Diddumsmobile while Kat preceded them, walking backwards and giving directions by word and signal. “Careful! This paving stone I’ve just trodden on is wobbly,” she announced, gesturing for the other two girls to keep closer to the wall to avoid it. They tried to make the necessary adjustment, but only succeeded in making their turn through the French doors into the lounge that much more difficult. They weren’t helped by Baby Diddums throwing his considerable weight from side to side.
“Mayfield, we’d better move,” said Jane, “the girls seem to be having problems.”
Jane took Mayfield’s elbow and attempted to reverse him into the lounge. But he was utterly fascinated by the spectacle, and reacted too slowly. As the Diddumsmobile lurched around the turn, Kat had to take evasive action. As a result, her right heel came down on Mayfield’s big toe. He howled, and pirouetted on his other foot, lost his balance, ricocheted off Jane’s cleavage, and keeled over, the back of his head smacking against the French door. Mayfield slid to the rug as a warm crimson liquid glow stood out on the door handle.
There was silence for a couple of seconds, broken when Jane flung herself down beside the vicar’s immobile form, sobbing, “Mayfield!”
Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!! To Be Continued
Ok, now for the two little clips.
The first is Opera......and no, though i love lots of music and things, Opera has never gripped me, I have though sat on the laws of Glynebourne (Just up the road from my home town) on a summers night and given it a good go,but no, it was just a lovely evening with friends and the music in the background.
However if I had been attending on this occasion I might have paid more attention.
Thank you Coco XXX
Sunday, 24 January 2021
New Art. An Inspector Calls
Hello again, I just want to draw attention to Aunt Jane. I don't think I have ever made her so casually stunning, the sort of relaxed glamour of a Ralph Lauren style. We will be seeing more of this I feel.I also emphasised her make up so that, even from a distance, those eyes would dominate the room.
Thursday, 21 January 2021
It's a Christeen Friday
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
The Extravaganza Chapter 3, Plus the Wednesday round up
Mayfield was feeling quite satisfied with himself, here on this beautiful Friday evening. His service for Sunday morning had been ready and printed off since yesterday. The sermon particularly pleased him, thought provoking yet succinct. Now, with the warmth of the day hardly abated, he strolled around the village, resplendent in his favourite Hawai’ian shirt, cargo shorts and sandals. His sister teased him for being a fashion victim, but Mayfield didn’t really mind. To him it was what the clothes contained, the character and the kind heart, that mattered. He realised, however, that others in the village had different takes on what constituted acceptable clothing.
A prime example, for instance, was young Andy. When Jane had first introduced the delightfully pretty girl as her nephew, Mayfield had been, it has to be admitted, shocked. I mean, you hear about such things, and there are, he believed, even television programmes on the subject, but to come across the phenomenon right here in the village was almost unbelievable. But he’d very quickly realised that Andy was a happy well-adjusted young man who just happened to be, what can be said, successfully feminine. Very feminine.
Even when smiling, Lady Magdelena was an intimidating sight (think of a shark that’s just heard a good joke), and Andy couldn’t help but feel thankful that he seemed to be a hit with her. “What a charming place setting,” she said. Andy was at a loss. He’d merely placed a few plates of canapés (or nicknackeroonies, as his Gran referred to them) on a large side table, but this seemed to make him flavour of the month with Lady Magdalena. He was just grateful that his dear Aunt Jane was to be present. She wouldn’t permit that the flavour of the month be swallowed whole. Belinda, meanwhile, was the recipient of any number of tuts, sighs and rolled eyes.
Then there was Jane. O Jane! What was he going to do? According to dear Kat, Jane ‘fancied’ him. But that surely couldn’t be right. Could it? Jane was so glamourous, so sophisticated and, yes, so very smooth, and slick, and shiny. It was a look which, unaccountably, he liked very much. Very much indeed. Some people might consider it bizarre. Equally they might consider his own present attire slovenly. But, as he’d tried to make clear to his sister, it’s what’s inside that counts. And Mayfield was sure that, under Jane’s glossy, well-polished exterior lay a heart of gold. Just because it sounded clichéd didn’t mean it was untrue. Some might think of her as bossy, but he could tell that she was simply supremely confident. In contrast with Isobel Cooper, who was, indeed, simply bossy. At times her treatment of poor George bordered on bullying, though it had to be said that they seemed a devoted couple.
Jane and Will had set off quite early, intending to be among the first guests to arrive. As they strolled towards the corner of Strawberry Lane, Will, looking stunning in his new tuxedo, had asked, “How long have the Coopers lived locally? Not long, I suspect?”
“Oh,” replied Jane, “if you listen to Izzy, she’ll tell you that she has ancestors who were given estates in the local area by Henry VII. Well, that tells you a lot. The Tudors! Particularly That Tudor! As for George, he makes no secret of his humble origins. Acton, I believe. Left school without qualifications, self made man. I’ve a lot of time for George Cooper.”
Will nodded, acknowledging that Jane could still amaze him. Not so much as a hint of snobbishness.
They arrived at the front door of The Grange, which swung open immediately, Belinda being under the Strictest orders to ensure that guests were admitted as swiftly as possible.
Jane had not wished to miss any of the fun whilst, at the same time, being able to assure herself that Andy was OK. But she needn’t have worried. Jane smiled as she watched Andy go about his duties with all the grace and assurance of a natural maid. Jane had been more than a little surprised at how excited and enthusiastic Andy had been when the subject of spending the day in service at The Grange had been raised. But it had also warmed her heart. With each day that passed, Andy’s natural femininity was becoming more and more prominent. She was, however, fair-minded enough to give Will a share in the credit. Since he and Andy had become an item, Andy seemed to have forgotten how to pout, and now just spent his time enjoying his femininity.
As for Izzy and George, she thought, they simply were who they were. Lady Magdelena and Belinda; and it was possible to discern that neither would have it any other way. In their own way they were, indeed, a devoted couple. Izzy was wearing what Jane recognised as a Cathy Gale Avengers leather catsuit. By comparison with what some ladies present were wearing it was distinctly retro, and not in a good way. However, Jane had noticed how Belinda’s eyes had lit up when Lady Magdelena entered and, as they had stood side by side for a moment, Izzy had taken George’s hand and given it a little squeeze, and had been rewarded with a look of total devotion.
Jane had a lightbulb moment. She saw a pubescent George Cooper poring over photos of Honor Blackman, or even the odd edition of Atomage; she saw how a strong lady in leather might become a young man’s ideal female, one for whom he would happily do anything (suffer anything?). Then, years later, he meets Izzy Hamilton and, to his total joy, she accepts his service.
The first highlight of the evening was a display by Sir Roderick’s Pony Troupe. Protocol dictated that such a troupe be named after its male driver, and such was the case here, with Sir Roderick (AKA Clive Horrobin, a scrap metal merchant from Epsom) putting the four ponies through their paces in both dressage and trap-pulling, whilst dressed in the traditional pony troupe leader’s attire of leather trousers and greasy pigtail. But it was well known that the person with the organisational and pony training skills in the troupe was, in fact, Sir Roderick’s Head of Stables, Baroness Tanya.
Whilst ponygirls weren’t really to Jane’s taste, she couldn’t but admit that this particular troupe was a class above any other she had seen, and a credit to the Baroness.
The village was very quiet this evening, Mayfield thought. Not that there was ever a great deal of through traffic, but there were usually a few people out and about, strolling like himself. He found himself passing the Fullerton Arms, and was suddenly overcome with the desire for a pint of Jennison’s Old Badger Licker. He popped into the Snug and waited until Dick Attlee, the landlord, came round to serve him.
As Dick delivered his pint and change, Mayfield asked, “It’s very quiet in here tonight, Dick. Where is everyone? You’re not usually on your own. The staff all having the night off?” “You could say that,” Dick replied, “It’s the ‘do’ at The Grange. I’m surprised you’re not over there, Vicar, what with you being so close with Lady Jane.” (“Odd,” thought Mayfield, “that people still use Jane’s title when she isn’t present to reprimand them.”)
“Do? What ‘do’ might that be, Dick?” asked Mayfield.
“Oh. Ah,” muttered Dick, wondering if he might have said too much. “Erm, just some sort of Fashion Show or some such, I believe. My Josie’s popped along.”
“Ah, right,” said Mayfield, surprised that Dick might consider him, of all people, a fashionista. But all the while he had this feeling that there was more going on this evening than some of the ladies of the village talking hemlines, or whatever it is that they get up to on these occasions. For a start, the pub was virtually deserted. Where were the male regulars? And there was no sign of Budgie, who by now ought to be setting up his equipment for the Quiz and the Karaoke. The Dining Room and Kitchen appeared to be closed, and, really, would Dick have let two barmaids have the same Friday evening off?
Which reminded him. “Dick, I meant to thank you for giving young Joe a job. It will help them settle into the village so much more easily.”
“JoJo? Kat didn’t give me much say in the matter. Not that I’d have argued. JoJo is just what a landlord would look for in a barmaid and waitress; efficient, attractive, with that little extra.”
The comment was lost on Mayfield as he finished his pint and wished Goodnight to Dick, even though there was still a couple of hours daylight left.
Some of those more intimately involved in the rest of the evening’s proceedings were starting to prepare themselves. Jane smiled as she watched Andy stare fixedly at Josie Attlee, Dick’s wife, as she shed one latex garment (a HotHouse special, made to measure), and donned another, becoming, in the process, a white rabbit. Throughout the process she had remained her usual, vivacious self, joking with Kat and two other young women whom Jane didn’t recognise. Then, the moment she pulled on the floppy-eared headpiece, her vivacity disappeared along with the twinkle in her eye, and she slowly follollopped (another of Andy’s Gran’s favourite words) towards an open cage-like hutch near the wall. She wriggled in, tucked her nose and ears between her front paws, and seemed to fall asleep almost immediately.
Andy turned to Kat. “Is Mrs Attlee all right? I mean, she seems suddenly, I don’t know, erm…” “Don’t worry about Josie,” replied Kat. “This evening she’s precisely who and where she needs to be. She’ll be back to her usual self tomorrow. Anyway, she’ll have Jules and Jaz to keep her company.” Kat nodded towards the two other young women who had made similar transformations. Jules, who worked for the County Council in Guildford, had become a pretty, if distinctly curvy, bright russet latex vixen, and had already received a couple of taps on the nose from Belinda for her attempts to steal from the nicknackeroonies; whilst Jaz, a driving instructor from Frimley Green, was a black and white latex kitten, grooming herself with a back leg behind her neck. Several people had tickled her behind the ears, and had been rewarded with a deep purr.
It was about thirty seconds after leaving the Fullerton Arms, as Mayfield was passing the Village Hall, that a phrase used by Dick came back to him. ‘I’m surprised you’re not over there, Vicar, what with you being so close with Lady Jane.’
Did that mean that, just as Kat had said a couple of weeks ago, everyone in the village was aware of his admiration for Jane and, if he could believe it, hers for him? He pondered this as he continued his stroll, eventually reaching the junction with Strawberry Lane.
Frankly, Mayfield was curious, and he’d never been one of those who criticised curiousity. Something was happening at The Grange this evening, and he wanted to know what. Nevertheless, there was an element of ‘just continuing an evening stroll’ as he turned and slowly made his way down Strawberry Lane toward The Grange.
To Be Continued.............
And whilst we are on the subject of quality writing, our Dear Mandy Sweet Heart has a new book out, I have read it and it is classic.
Here is but a snippet
Raising the dress until the tailored waistline was seamlessly above his narrow hips, he managed to glide his slender arms down the unfettered sleeves, meandering his arm along until he imagined that the beautiful latex dress was part of him. As he alleviated the slick dress onto his svelte shoulders Sam felt the words his Mistress had spoken to him that morning, and a small tear slowly rolled down his cheek, causing him to fasten the twenty pearlescent buttons that coordinated beautifully with the deep purple upper prior to securing the ten corresponding buttons on each sleeve through blurry eyes.
Forcing himself to think of more pleasant things, he whimsically slipped a lilac flower into his hair and hurried back to their room, where he found his Mistress merely gazing out of the window.
For several seconds he simply peered at her, prior to exquisitely gliding across the room and embracing her, with his arms comfortably around her waist, Sam sighed. “I love you Mistress Victoria, and I promise that I’ll never hurt you.”
Due to the way she was reflecting on the memories of his warm, tender lovemaking, at first Victoria was confused and wondered why he spoke so delicately. She simply rested a hand gently on his latex covered arms and recalled how she had told him about her previous experience and steadily turned to face him.
She laid her lips against his brow for a second, before stating: “Looks like we’re going to be snowed in for a while, so I think you can resume your duties a few days early, Sammy. Starting tomorrow, I want to see you in a titillating weensy uniform and you can start satisfying me as my maid once again.”

Now continuing the Leather theme another new-comer to the blog, though I have been meaning to share this ever since I first saw it Live on Good Morning Britain last year and it features the lovely weathergirl Laura Tobin and a pair of seriously tight red leather pants.
Monday, 18 January 2021
New Art. Start as we mean to go on
Friday, 15 January 2021
That Friday Feeling from Christeen
Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Wednesday round up, Kylie, Emma and The Extravaganza Chapt 2
Sunday, 10 January 2021
New Art. Madame Darkly
Friday, 8 January 2021
Thank Friday It's Christeen
Wednesday, 6 January 2021
Wednesday round-up and The return Mistress LeatherBeth
Then we have this clip, from a German shopping channel, illustration the problem/delight of wearing quality Vinyl Pants. Those of you lucky enough to have worn such a sleek and sexy garment will totally understand.
“You got those bits and pieces that I requested from the village shop?” she asked.
“Everything put away,” he replied. “And I also found this. It had been slid under the kitchen door.” He handed Jane an envelope which she opened.
“My, my” she said, after reading the card inside.
“An invitation, by the look of it,” said Will. “An invitation, indeed.” said Jane. “We are ‘cordially’ invited to a ‘HotHouse Extravaganza’ at The Grange on Friday week, 7 o’clock onwards. Well, well, an extravaganza. How… how fascinating.”
Will thought. “The Grange? Isn’t that the modern detached house on Strawberry Lane?”
“That’s the one,” said Jane. “Izzy and George Cooper’s place.”
“The Coopers? You mean, with the new ‘garage’?”
“I do believe they have extended their parking facilities recently, yes,” replied Jane. “and look at this. A dress code! ‘Excessively Informal.’ Now, what on earth does that mean, I wonder?”
“If these are the Coopers that Kat was telling us about a couple of weeks ago, I suspect that ‘Excessively Informal’ is code for ‘Kinky’, said Will.
“You think so? Amazing. But that could be a problem. I mean, I wouldn’t have the first idea as to where to acquire anything remotely ‘kinky’,” said Jane.
For a second Will was dumbfounded. Then he remembered Jane’s penchant for deadpan humour. She didn’t exhibit it very often, but that made it all the more effective when she did.
“I’d imagine you could get away with anything, Aunt Jane. You’ve been looking for an opportunity to give an airing to your newest pair of Freddys and Loubou boots, haven’t you? Or your strapless, backless, super low-cut, side-slit-to-the-waist ice blue latex evening gown.”
“You may be right, Will. You don’t think they’re too plain, do you?”
“Not at all,” said Will, almost hiccupping with the humour of the idea that Jane could ever be plain.
“Very well, the evening gown it is. And I’ve just had an idea for Andy,” she added. “He’s a trained maid. I could offer his services to Izzy Cooper. It’s been weeks since he spent a few hours in domestic service. I’m sure he’d jump at the chance.”
“It’s certainly an idea,” said Will. “I’m sure the two of you will have a great time,” he said.
“But, Will, dear, you’ll be coming too,” replied Jane.
“I not sure that it’s really my sort of thing,” said Will.
“Nonsense,” replied Jane, “a handsome young man like you can fit in anywhere. And you don’t want to be separated from Andy for too long, do you. I’m sure the pair of you will be able to get some time together during the evening.”
“We…ell, I’ll see what Andy says. We might be able to sort something out.”
“Yes, I’m sure you will. There, I’m glad that’s sorted.” said Jane, in an emphatic tone that left Will in no doubt that he would, indeed, be joining the local kinkerati at The Grange on Friday week. As she turned away, meanwhile, Jane grinned to herself. She really shouldn’t have teased poor Will like that, but sometimes she just couldn’t help herself. Hopefully she could get in a couple of shots on Izzy Cooper at this event, if not before.
This same Izzy was making a call. “Clive? Yes, it’s me. Just shut up and listen. Tanya told you about Friday week? You’re to arrive with your girls no later than 5, so that there’s plenty of time to prepare. Any problems, and Tanya and I will make your miserable existence ten times worse than it is already. OK?” She ended the call abruptly.
A few minutes later, Chloë, having delivered almost all of the village invitations that Madame Stella had tasked her with distributing, called into the Fullerton Arms to check in with Kat or JoJo, to see if either were on duty. She found JoJo behind the bar, painting his nails alternately purple and green whilst flirting with Bert, the oldest customer, who had more visible nostril hairs than teeth and who seemed to survive on a diet of scrumpy, pickled eggs and pork scratchings. Kat, meanwhile, was on her way from the dining room to the kitchen.
“Chlo!” What brings you out this way?” she asked,
“Just delivering some invitations for a HotHouse event at The Grange, a week on Friday,” she replied.
“Yes, I heard about that. A customer mentioned it earlier. So, you’ve brought us ours?”
“Actually, no. But I picked up a couple of blanks on my way out and, given the amount that you and Carmel spent on your first visit, I’m sure it was just an oversight. I’ll fill them in now. Or would you prefer to gatecrash?”
“Personally, I’d be a happy crasher,” said Kat, “but I think that Carmel and JoJo would prefer to keep their entrance low key, and just use the event to get to know a few more local pervs. I suspect that the vicar is just about the only local not on the guest list, sweetheart though he is.”
The subject was still on Will’s mind that afternoon as he and Andy lay in each other’s arms after a little Afternoon Delight.
“Has Aunt Jane said anything to you about the invitation to The Grange on Friday week?” asked Will.
“The Grange?”
“Strawberry Lane, The Cooper’s place.”
“The Coop…? You mean…?”
“Yes, those Coopers.”
“OK, erm, no, she hasn’t.”
“Dress code: Kinky. It sounds like it might be something to drum up business for HotHouse. Also, Aunt Jane has had the idea that perhaps she should ought to offer her trained maid (that’s you), to the Coopers to help things go smoothly.”
“What? Me? I mean, but it’s been so long since I performed service.”
“But you do want to, don’t you?”
“O, Will, I do. My maid training was when Aunt Jane first showed me the girl within. It brings back such happy memories, even if I was permanently embarrassed at the time. O, Will, you don’t mind, do you?”
“Mind? How could I possibly mind? It was Andy the pretty, sexy maid, that I first fell in love with.” Will smiled, then leaned across to nuzzle Andy’s neck and let his hands wander. Andy closed his eyes, allowing himself to be overwhelmed by Will’s strong masculinity. Sky rockets in flight.
“Isobel, darling? Jane Fullerton-Jones here. I’m just ringing to thank you for the invitation to your leettle event on the 19th. We accept, of course, and we’re all looking forward to it immensely. I was just thinking, though. It’s going to be a great deal of work for you. Perhaps you would like to borrow my nephew, Andy, to help you on the day? He’s a trained maid, and I’m sure he’d be a great help. Naturally, I know that you have Belinda to perform all of your most menial jobs, but you know what they say about many hands, and Andy is both efficient and highly decorative. Really? O, good. I’ll drop Andy off at the Grange at 2pm. on Friday week? What? A run through before then? Fair enough. Wednesday, 3pm, was it? I’ll make sure that he’s as shiny as possible. See you then.”
Jane somehow managed to slide her phone into what passed as the back pocket of today’s pair of Freddys (burgundy) and set off upstairs to give Andy the good news. Even before she’d reached the bedroom door, however, she could pick up the sounds of Andy and Will.
“My, my,” she thought, “Andy and Will sound as though they’re being truly, erm…truly compatible. Perhaps now isn’t quite the right time to disturb them.” With that, she made a mental note to tell Andy about his appointment the following Wednesday, and went back downstairs, smiling.