
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Fun in the Village – Chapter 2

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Hi Everyone
   This week on the midweek round up we have the second chapter of  Mistress LeatherBeth's gorgeous story Fun in the Village, with more adventures and characters to brighten your day.
  Also, I promise will create that image of Andy requested after the last chapter, just need the time. 
  But don't collapse into a daze of delight too quick, because after we have another little presentation. 
But first and foremost over to the Village..........

Please let Mistress LeatherBeth know how much you liked the story, xxx

  Chapter one  

Fun in the Village – Chapter 2

By Mistress LeatherBeth

 Jane was flustered, and normally Jane was Never flustered. Calm, collected, composed, yes. Flustered, no. But the Andy who was walking, hand in hand with Will, a few feet in front of her, was enough to fluster any loving aunt. The shy, easily-embarrassed boy had become a sophisticated young woman overnight. 

Then Jane's mind was suddenly cast back at least 10 years, to Andy spending a weekend at his aunt's new home while his parents were in London. Even then, Jane had a thing for tight, shiny leather, and she remembered Andy's wide eyes as he piped up, "Auntie, you're so shiny. I can see my face in your bum," which almost reduced Jane to hysterics. Then he made a statement which would have a profound effect on the future. "Auntie, when I'm older, will I be as beautiful as you?" Jane had looked into his pretty eyes for several seconds before replying, "Oh, yes, Andy. You will be as beautiful as possible. I promise." And here, the day after his 18th birthday, the promise had been kept. 

Five minutes later the little party were sat at a table just outside the Fullerton Arms' dining room, studying the menus. Jane was sat with her back to the street, and only became aware of the newcomer when Andy, sitting opposite her, next to Will, looked up, smiled, and said "Oh, hello there, Mayfield." Jane looked up and there was the vicar. 

"Lady Jane, how are you doing? We haven't seen you in the village for a couple of weeks" 

"Mayfield, I've told you before, it's just Jane. No, I've been busy arranging Andy's birthday party. It was last night." 

"Andrew, many happy returns. Eighteen? Such a wonderful age. And may I say how wonderful you're looking? I must admit I've always appreciated your distinctive style. And your friend?" He smiled at Will. 

"Oh, I’m sorry, I should have introduced you to Will. He is Andy's lover. Will, this is our wonderful vicar, Mayfield Green" said Jane, gradually recovering her mojo. The 'new' Andy blushed, but ever so slightly, whilst Will covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. 

"Really?" said Mayfield. "Well, I think that's delightful. I'm so happy for you both. By the way, Andrew, pass on my congratulations to your father on his appointment as Area Dean. I know it's more work for little extra reward, but I'm sure your mother is happy." 

"She is. Thank you." 

"Mayfield, I know you're without your housekeeper for a few weeks, so why don't you join us for lunch? My treat!" 

"Why, Jane, that's very kind of you. And, you know, I think that would be delightful. I accept." 

He sat down and joined the study of the menu, although, in truth, Andy and Will were far more concerned in the study of each other, their lips, their bodies, and they'd only just made their decisions when young Kat, the waitress, came over to take their order. 

"You see, Jane," said the vicar, "I was going to call on you to ask if you could do me a little favour." "Mayfield, dear, anything for you," she said, laying her hand on his. 

"Well, not for me personally, but you may be able to help. It's to do with the new people in Snowdrop Cottage." 

"It's changed hands again?" asked Jane. "Anyone would think it was haunted, the way no-one stays for more than a few months. What's the problem this time?" 

"Not a problem, as such. Apparently, it's a mother and son," replied the vicar. "Quite a few people in the village have done their best to make them feel welcome, but have been rebuffed. I was just thinking that your particular brand of charm might succeed where others have failed. And you two boys could help to make young Joe feel at home. At least, I think he's called Joe. Apparently, he has something of a stammer. What do you say? Andrew? Will?" 

At the sound of their names they looked up, Will hurriedly removing his hand from Andy's crotch. "We'd be pleased to help," said Will, the first to recover. Andy needed several seconds to come round, but managed to nod. 

“We’d love to assist in any way,” said Jane. “In fact, we could call after lunch?” And so, it was agreed. Jane would charm the mother, while Andy and Will perhaps found out which team Joe supported. Hopefully he wasn’t an egg-chaser. 

With their meals they enjoyed a particularly fine bottle of Côtes-du-Rhone-Villages, and the laughter flowed equally freely. So, it was mid-afternoon when the party broke up, with Kat hardly able to believe the size of Jane’s tip, and they went their separate ways. 

Snowdrop was, indeed, charming. A true, old-fashioned, thatched cottage. Jane was about to knock for a second time when the front door was opened by an attractive woman of maybe 40. 

“Yes,” she said, plainly taken aback. “Can I help you?” 

“My name is Jane Fullerton-Jones. I just thought we might call round and welcome you to the village.” When Mayfield had referred to Jane’s ‘particular brand of charm’ he’d been entirely accurate. If the woman had had any thoughts of being short-tempered with her visitors it faded away until the influence of Jane, her elegance, her style, her piercing, yet kindly grey eyes, and, to be honest, the power exuded by the remarkable tight-and-shininess of her leather pants and her incredible heels. 

Then there was the amazingly pretty young woman stood behind her, who was dressed in, if possible, a more stunning outfit. She was obviously besotted with the young man next to her, and he with her, and the older woman couldn’t help feeling a little hot and bothered herself by this braless vision in, what would it be? Latex? 

“You’re Lady Jane, from the Big House?” 

“We don’t stand on ceremony here in the village. Just call me Jane.” 

“Why, thank you. I’m Carmel Rashleigh. My son, Joe, lives with me, but he’s rather busy at the moment." 

"Oh, well, if we've called at an inconvenient time, we'll be happy to come back, wouldn't we boys? Tuesday, 11am? We'll see you then." And with that the three visitors strolled back up the short path and turned towards home. 

As Carmel turned indoors and slowly tried to shed the effects of Jane's charisma, another character emerged from the front room. 

"Mother, did you hear that? said Joe. 

"What's that, dear? said Carmel. 

"Boys," said Joe. She called them 'boys'. 

"Don't be silly," said Carmel. "There's no way that gorgeous young woman is male. Is there?" 

Joe said nothing, lost in a daydream, a fantasy. 

To Be Continued

Gotta say, I am loving that story, thank you Beth XX

Now a little dessert and something to be honest I could not wait to share. Our dear friend Skinnie Stallion 'S' directed me to the latest offerings from a blog favourite Vanessa Pur. 
  This time she has created an ASMR video featuring some stunningly creaky Vinyl Pants and gorgeous Louboutin heels.
  Small note, I hate whispering, yes I am crazy, but it sets me off on one, I genuinely can't take it, so I watched this with one finger on the volume control, but still it was worth the struggle.

Monday, 28 September 2020

New Art. This Time Next Year

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We have another sweet
preview piece from 
the wonderful 

Hi Everyone
    Tiring week last week, and this week really is not high on my list of thing to look forward to, but still,I am sure I am not alone in feeling that and so I hope a little Andy and Aunt Jane time will put a spring back into steps.

    I admit I really like this one. I was trying to create something in which we can see both ages of Andy in one place, the young        Pre-Paris Andy and the older hot model Andy. 
   However it proved something of a challenge and took up a lot of my time to figure it out, I mean I had this on my board for almost two weeks, but then a walk through the shopping centre/Mall in which I work, gave me the answer. 
  It also gave me the inspiration to create, what to me, is the sexiest glimpse of Aunt Jane ever.
  Well I hope that has tickled your imaginations. So here we go with,
This time next year.
Hope you enjoy

Hello again. 
   Well I hope you liked that, as I said it took some time to figure it out, but apart from the concept and story,the pose and body language was just as important. Jane is close, one hand gently on Andy's back and the other across him, for all intense and purpose she is surrounding him,wrapping him in her embrace,enveloping him in her familiar perfume, he is safe and warm with is Aunt and she has her beloved nephew close, close enough to place her glossy lips to his flushed young cheek.
  It mirrors, to a fashion, the pose in the classic Hello Again (below)


Friday, 25 September 2020

Lay back with Christeen

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We have a reworking of an new-ish 
piece.One which I was never really happy with, but 
thanks to new techniques and skills I think I have it 
right and yes that is Aunt Jane smiling.

    Hi Everyone
       Must admit it has been a long week this week, it see,s to have dragged on and on, but still we are here and It is Friday and that means, throw all your cares away and lay back and enjoy a few moments with the wonderful Christeen.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Story. Fun in the Village. Chapter 1

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Hi Everyone

As promised last week we have a wonderful new story starting today, created with much thought and rewriting by our friend Mistress LeatherBeth, this super little tale follows on from Mandys Beautiful story Hello and like that story is weaves a new version of Andy and Aunt Janes world, drifting slightly from my own vision, whilst retaining the core values of love and tenderness at it's heart.

  I know you will be a generous with your time and comments as you are with everything posted here and  I invite Mistress LeatherBeth to reply to your comments and questions, in the same way Mandy and Christeen have done in the past.
   So with That it is over to you Mistress LeatherBeth

 This story follows on from Mandy Sweet Heart's wonderful story, 'Hello'

Fun in the Village – Chapter 1

By Mistress LeatherBeth

   Andy's eyeslids flickered open, and his eyes eventually focused. Then the memories of last night's 18th birthday flooded back, and he smiled. Memories of fun and laughter, of shock and passion.

Andy could hardly conceive of a bigger shock than discovering that his parents, and Will's, not only knew about his situation, about their relationship, but were happy for them. As the realisation sank in during the course of the evening, Andy began to experience the lifting of a burden he'd barely been aware of.

He loved his dear Aunt Jane, he always had. But it couldn't be denied that she was a dreadful tease, and often took delight in Andy's embarrassment. But now, with the acceptance of everyone he truly cared about, embarrassment didn't seem such a big thing.

As for the passion, Andy remembered feeling a little warm as, just after midnight, he and Will went upstairs with their loved ones' eyes on them. Andy's bedroom was opposite Aunt Jane's, but Will had mentioned earlier in the evening that they were to share a large guest room in a neighbouring corridor, with a king size bed, rather than Andy's basic double. Their door had barely clicked behind them than they were all over each other. Neither had considered it before, but Will had no experience in removing a latex dress from the object of his desire, certainly an expensive, made-to-measure dress which couldn't be simply ripped off. But a few minutes later Will had been able to pick his darling up and place him on the bed. Then, to Andy's delight and amusement, Will had attempted to untuck Andy using only his mouth. In the end Andy had had to assist but, suddenly they had been lying in each other’s' arms.

Now it was late morning, and Andy's memory reran events, and how he felt about them. He was no longer a virgin; neither was Will. They were lovers. Another worry had been excised. But Andy was still unclear about the future, and his own place in it.

A sissy? Well, yes, but thanks to dear Aunt Jane and certain of her friends, there'd never been any real stigma in the description.

An effeminate gay? Again, yes. But again, no-one he cared about cared less. As he'd told his mother, he was still her son, just not the butchest son.

Tranny? CD? Tgirl? Such terms barely registered.

Andy suddenly came to a realisation. He was a young man who was a very attractive young woman, no longer a frightened girl. The future? Bring it on. (Kind of).

Will opened his eyes, yawned, and smiled. "Penny for them?", he said. "Oh, it's last night. It got me thinking", replied Andy. "Well, if you're in a thinking mood," said Will, raising the bedclothes a few inches, "what do you think of this?" Andy took a peek, then smiled, and slid under the covers. A few seconds later Will had joined him.

Thus, it was some 50 minutes later that Will, wearing hastily donned t-shirt, jeans and trainers, with his hair still a little damp from a very quick shower, strolled downstairs in response to Andy's instruction to make himself scarce and not distract him from getting ready for the rest of his birthday weekend.

As he descended, he heard Jane at the front door. She was wearing one of her classic outfits, skin-tight black leather pants, a tight, white satin top showing more than a hint of stunning cleavage, and 6" Devious Daggers. She was calling out to someone, and Will got there just in time to see Kitty driving off, Jane still waving.

"I thought Kitty was at least staying for lunch, maybe longer." said Will. "Alas, no", said Jane, and was that a tiny tear in her eye? "She's had a message recalling her to Slicks as soon as possible. Apparently, dear Carol was so impressed by Kitty's service and my recommendation that she's asked for Kitty to be reallocated, and Slicks have realised that the amount of money they could make by becoming Carol Vorderman's Premier supplier of leather and latex makes appointing Kitty as Head of VIP Services a no-brainer. Ah, well, Kitty is a sweet girl, and I wish her success. Maybe we can all get together sometime when she's got her new department up and running."

Suddenly, almost as if she were dragging herself back to the real world, Jane was all questions. Where was Andy? How was Andy? How were Andy and Will? And what about...? With a little difficulty, Will was able to calm Jane sufficiently to get a word in edgeways. Andy was attending to getting dressed and made up, and would be down soon. And, yes, Andy was fine. And Will and Andy were more than just fine, thank you.

Andy reveled in his messy bed hair, the  
result of the previous nights pleasure

  A few minutes later they were chatting over a cup of tea   when, suddenly, Andy was in the doorway. Momentarily,   two chins dropped. There was Andy, yet not quite. Jane   noted first the top he was wearing. A round-necked, long   sleeved, white latex number, so sheer that, the only time   Andy had previously worn it, he'd been so embarrassed by   the way his bra had been on public display that Jane had   decided not to push the subject. Yet here was Andy wearing   it of his own accord, and without a bra! His breasts were   plainly, if opaquely, visible.

  Her attention was also drawn to below the waist. She'd   seen  Andy in form fitting red latex leggings before. But,   was that a camel toe? And the accompanying boots. Unless   she was very mistaken, they were Fernando Berlin 318s.   Jane was stunned, a situation to which she was totally   unused.

  As for Will, his eyes hadn't left Andy's face. Goodbye   'deeply glossed pink lips', hello 'Rouge d'Armani 401' with    matching nails. Goodbye baby blue eyeshadow, hello deep    smoky lids. Goodbye faintly glittery cheekbones, hello...   well, you get the picture. Even someone as untutored in the   subject as Will could see that Andy's make up palette had   matured overnight.

"Are you all OK, you've suddenly gone very quiet?" asked Andy. Jane made a brave attempt to sound natural, "We were just thinking about what to do for lunch," she said.

"I know what we can do" said Andy. "It's a shame our parents had to rush off last night, but it means we can relax a little. Since it's a beautiful day, why don't we stroll down to the Fullerton Arms to eat?"

"The Fullerton Arms?" Will frowned.

"Yes," replied Andy, "in the village, opposite the Church and next door to the vicarage."

"Oh, yes," said Will, "I think I saw it yesterday."

"OK, that's decided. Come on, Will. I don't know about you, but Something has given me a huge appetite."

"Erm, yes, that would be a lovely idea," mumbled Jane, as though her approval was required. And with that, they set off.

To Be Continued ........

Monday, 21 September 2020

New art. Lessons to be learnt

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an exclusive
preview of a new
piece by Christeen.

Hi Everyone.
    Hope you are still there and all well. Been a crazy busy week, still not caught up on everything on all platforms but getting there.
   Still today is the day for new art and that, I am up to date with and today we have the reveal of a mystery previewed on Patreon a few weeks ago.
  Frighteningly a lot of the responses on Patreon made me want to re write this piece because the ideas were brilliant, but I must stick to my guns and present it as I created it..
  So here we go and once again Andy is deep in trouble and struggling to avoid even further embarrassment.
Hope you like this

Hello again
 So the ever vigilant ladies of the sisterhood in their sprayed on Leather Pants have swooped when Jane's back was turned, does Andy have permission to be out or has he deceived his beloved Aunt as well.
That I leave in your loving hands

Friday, 18 September 2020

Christeen on Friday

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On Patreon today
we once again
take a look through 
my archives,Uncovering
this very early completed
piece, later remade
and posted on our
blog, Plus a few other
lost pieces.

Hi Everyone
 It is Friday and I still have not caught up on Emails and things, I will, I promise XX. 
Also I have added two extra pics of Sharon stone to the original post from Wednesday, check them out they are pretty awesome.
  So as ever, the best thing to ring in the weekend is a visit form the wonderful Christeen and her stunning art.
  So her we go

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Wednesday round up

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Hi Everyone
   Time for a Wednesday round up of odds and ends bits and bobs, sent to me or unearthed by myself.

We start of with a glorious pic sent to me by our friend Kitka, of the
beautiful Sharon Stone in the most gorgeous pair of glossy and polished boots.
  Can you imagine the creak and snap those make as she moves in them. Wow!

Next something I came across, or rather was found in my new tray. Steps, (I really like steps, not least because they provided the soundtrack to one of the most amazing nights at a club I have ever had with my beautiful friend and love, if i may be so bold, an older lady, leather pants, sweating and dancing till the early hours like a teenager...need i say more) 
  Anyway, the British pop band have released a new song and video and features the beautiful Faye Tozer in a pair of slick and shiny 
vinyl pants. This is not the first time the girls have honored us with shiny fashions but it is always great to see them worn so well by a more mature lady.


Now a couple of pics sent to me by Lois XX via email of the lovely

Maya Diab, who we featured a week or so ago. Again she is wrapped in Latex and looking amazing. There is also a stunning image of a Louis Vuitton Latex dress, which if one of our favourite celebs is not wearing sometime soon I may have to evoke a certain long lost curse. But who might it land upon? 

And finally, and most importantly a trailer for next week.
  I am delighted to welcome my friend Mistress LeatherBeth to our illustrious ranks of guest writers.
Her story "Fun in the Village" will debut next week and follow over the coming 5 weeks and just as our dear Mandy did, it weaves a slightly alternate world for our beloved Andy and Aunt Jane to slide through.
Here is just a little taste

Fun in the Village – Chapter 1

Andy's eyeslids flickered open, and his eyes eventually focused. Then the memories of last night's 18th birthday flooded back, and he smiled. Memories of fun and laughter, of shock and passion.
Andy could hardly conceive of a bigger shock than discovering that his parents, and Will's, not only knew about his situation, about their relationship, but were happy for them. As the realisation sank in during the course of the evening, Andy began to experience the lifting of a burden he'd barely been aware of.
He loved his dear Aunt Jane, he always had. But it couldn't be denied that she was a dreadful tease, and often took delight in Andy's embarrassment. But now, with the acceptance of everyone he truly cared about, embarrassment didn't seem such a big thing.
As for the passion, Andy remembered feeling a little warm as, just after midnight, he and Will went upstairs with their loved ones' eyes on them. Andy's bedroom was opposite Aunt Jane's, but Will had mentioned earlier in the evening that they were to share a large guest room in a neighbouring corridor, with a king size bed, rather than Andy's basic double. Their door had barely clicked behind them than they were all over each other.

So everyone stay safe and be kind and Biggest hugs

Apologise if this is poorly presented and formatted, but I can't get on with this new interface

Monday, 14 September 2020

New art. Smoothing his lines

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On Patreon today
an exclusive
preview of a
new piece by our dear
friend Christeen

Hi Everyone
  So here we are again and thank you all so much for your messages and holiday best wishes, I really am very touched , thank you.
  As you can imagine, I have returned to lots of lovely Emails and things, all of which I will get round to answering over the coming week, I hope I do not miss any, it certainly would not be my intention to do so, bur with E mail, Blog Comments and Patreon messages to get though it might take a few days, so please bear with me.
  So enough Chit-Chat, time for normal service to resume, which being a Monday, means new art featuring Andy and His loving Aunt Jane.
  Now.....this is possibly the naughtiest piece of Andy and Aunt Jane art I have ever done, well not that naughty, but sweetly loving.
 I really don't need to give much of a lead in as it is all there for you, not big back story, just Andy and his Aunt.
 Hope you like this, because I like it a lot.

Hello Again
 Hope you are not too scandalised by the idea of Andy being "helped" by his beloved Aunt to smooth the lines of his slick Latex Panties. His soft voice gasping and Ooohing at her gentle touch and tender words of encouragement as she easing him on his way.
  Perhaps she is teasing him a little, perhaps she is taking pleasure in gazing at his pretty face as it registers his rising excitement. Maybe she keeps him slightly from the edge for a little longer than she need and maybe she just loves his soft whispers of "Please Aunty", but she is in control and it is done with all the love and kindness in her heart.
  It is all done in the name of innocent love and nothing more. Not that it would matter, after all Jane is not Andy's true Aunt, but that would simply be outside the boundaries of their relationship.
  I also want to say, God I love nude Louboutins, they just make the legs look longer and sexier than anything and I don't know why it has taken so long for me to feature them.

Friday, 4 September 2020

A Friday feast of Christeen

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we have a sneak peak
at a future piece
of my own art.

Hi Everyone
It is Friday and time for the ever brilliant Christeen to take centre stage and that is where she will remain for the rest of the week, because as from tomorrow I will be away for the week. Never fear I will return the following Monday, with all the usual features and hopefully more.
  Any Ho
Time to leave you in the more the delicate hands of the wonderful Christeen and wish you all a pleasant and safe week.
 See you all soon and thank you Christeen 
Ps You never know,I might pop in, to say hello.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Bits and Bobs

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Hi Everyone
   This is more a housekeeping post, because I still have lots of bits and bobs to share ,which have been sent to me, plus I want to draw your eyes to a couple of places you might not yet know about.
    Also whilst I am here , I will on Holiday next week, just for the week and will return (hopefully) on the Monday after, with more of my art,More wonderful pieces from Christeen and plenty of the usual naughty fun.
   Anyway that is for the future. Lets see what we have today.


One of our friends and one of my oldest and dearest online friends Skinnie Stallion (S) has for a long time been working on this project, some may know of it and some not, but please visit, because it is an amazing long term story and deserves attention

Now a very short but wonderful animation sent to me by one of our friends who wishes to remain anonymous in this respect. I do not know the creator, nor claim ownership of it and if there should be a issue I will respectfully apologise and remove if so desired, but i think it really deserves to be shared because it is simple and beautiful and sets my story bubs tingling.

     For a little light reading, How about a visit to the wonderful   https://scandalousscribblings.blogspot.com/  blog, where Andy X aka @thekeenreader has gifted us some super stories of feminisation and control by those strong woman we all admire.
  Featuring such stories as In her Debt, https://scandalousscribblings.blogspot.com/2015/02/in-her-debt-part-one.html
  Mummy's Boy https://scandalousscribblings.blogspot.com/2015/02/mummys-boy-part-one.html
  Lost in Fashion https://scandalousscribblings.blogspot.com/2015/07/lost-in-fashion-part-1.html
and many more it contains hours of naughty fun.

   Now  clip from a Lebanese tv show featuring and old friend on this blog Maya Diab showing how to walk in some crazy heels, whilst also dealing with a very tight Latex skirt and jacket.There is a longer clip, featuring the full interview and I can only imagine how much she must have regretted her choice of stunning outfit after and hour under those lights.

and finally but by no means least. Carol Vorderman, melted the Twitterverse the other day with these pics of her stunning figure squeezed into some seriously tight Freddy Pants. I mean these are melted on and at 59! she looks amazing.