Fun in the Village – Chapter 2
By Mistress LeatherBeth
Jane was flustered, and normally Jane was Never flustered. Calm, collected, composed, yes. Flustered, no. But the Andy who was walking, hand in hand with Will, a few feet in front of her, was enough to fluster any loving aunt. The shy, easily-embarrassed boy had become a sophisticated young woman overnight.
Then Jane's mind was suddenly cast back at least 10 years, to Andy spending a weekend at his aunt's new home while his parents were in London. Even then, Jane had a thing for tight, shiny leather, and she remembered Andy's wide eyes as he piped up, "Auntie, you're so shiny. I can see my face in your bum," which almost reduced Jane to hysterics. Then he made a statement which would have a profound effect on the future. "Auntie, when I'm older, will I be as beautiful as you?" Jane had looked into his pretty eyes for several seconds before replying, "Oh, yes, Andy. You will be as beautiful as possible. I promise." And here, the day after his 18th birthday, the promise had been kept.
Five minutes later the little party were sat at a table just outside the Fullerton Arms' dining room, studying the menus. Jane was sat with her back to the street, and only became aware of the newcomer when Andy, sitting opposite her, next to Will, looked up, smiled, and said "Oh, hello there, Mayfield." Jane looked up and there was the vicar.
"Lady Jane, how are you doing? We haven't seen you in the village for a couple of weeks"
"Mayfield, I've told you before, it's just Jane. No, I've been busy arranging Andy's birthday party. It was last night."
"Andrew, many happy returns. Eighteen? Such a wonderful age. And may I say how wonderful you're looking? I must admit I've always appreciated your distinctive style. And your friend?" He smiled at Will.
"Oh, I’m sorry, I should have introduced you to Will. He is Andy's lover. Will, this is our wonderful vicar, Mayfield Green" said Jane, gradually recovering her mojo. The 'new' Andy blushed, but ever so slightly, whilst Will covered his mouth to stifle a laugh.
"Really?" said Mayfield. "Well, I think that's delightful. I'm so happy for you both. By the way, Andrew, pass on my congratulations to your father on his appointment as Area Dean. I know it's more work for little extra reward, but I'm sure your mother is happy."
"She is. Thank you."
"Mayfield, I know you're without your housekeeper for a few weeks, so why don't you join us for lunch? My treat!"
"Why, Jane, that's very kind of you. And, you know, I think that would be delightful. I accept."
He sat down and joined the study of the menu, although, in truth, Andy and Will were far more concerned in the study of each other, their lips, their bodies, and they'd only just made their decisions when young Kat, the waitress, came over to take their order.
"You see, Jane," said the vicar, "I was going to call on you to ask if you could do me a little favour." "Mayfield, dear, anything for you," she said, laying her hand on his.
"Well, not for me personally, but you may be able to help. It's to do with the new people in Snowdrop Cottage."
"It's changed hands again?" asked Jane. "Anyone would think it was haunted, the way no-one stays for more than a few months. What's the problem this time?"
"Not a problem, as such. Apparently, it's a mother and son," replied the vicar. "Quite a few people in the village have done their best to make them feel welcome, but have been rebuffed. I was just thinking that your particular brand of charm might succeed where others have failed. And you two boys could help to make young Joe feel at home. At least, I think he's called Joe. Apparently, he has something of a stammer. What do you say? Andrew? Will?"
At the sound of their names they looked up, Will hurriedly removing his hand from Andy's crotch. "We'd be pleased to help," said Will, the first to recover. Andy needed several seconds to come round, but managed to nod.
“We’d love to assist in any way,” said Jane. “In fact, we could call after lunch?” And so, it was agreed. Jane would charm the mother, while Andy and Will perhaps found out which team Joe supported. Hopefully he wasn’t an egg-chaser.
With their meals they enjoyed a particularly fine bottle of Côtes-du-Rhone-Villages, and the laughter flowed equally freely. So, it was mid-afternoon when the party broke up, with Kat hardly able to believe the size of Jane’s tip, and they went their separate ways.
Snowdrop was, indeed, charming. A true, old-fashioned, thatched cottage. Jane was about to knock for a second time when the front door was opened by an attractive woman of maybe 40.
“Yes,” she said, plainly taken aback. “Can I help you?”
“My name is Jane Fullerton-Jones. I just thought we might call round and welcome you to the village.” When Mayfield had referred to Jane’s ‘particular brand of charm’ he’d been entirely accurate. If the woman had had any thoughts of being short-tempered with her visitors it faded away until the influence of Jane, her elegance, her style, her piercing, yet kindly grey eyes, and, to be honest, the power exuded by the remarkable tight-and-shininess of her leather pants and her incredible heels.
Then there was the amazingly pretty young woman stood behind her, who was dressed in, if possible, a more stunning outfit. She was obviously besotted with the young man next to her, and he with her, and the older woman couldn’t help feeling a little hot and bothered herself by this braless vision in, what would it be? Latex?
“You’re Lady Jane, from the Big House?”
“We don’t stand on ceremony here in the village. Just call me Jane.”
“Why, thank you. I’m Carmel Rashleigh. My son, Joe, lives with me, but he’s rather busy at the moment."
"Oh, well, if we've called at an inconvenient time, we'll be happy to come back, wouldn't we boys? Tuesday, 11am? We'll see you then." And with that the three visitors strolled back up the short path and turned towards home.
As Carmel turned indoors and slowly tried to shed the effects of Jane's charisma, another character emerged from the front room.
"Mother, did you hear that? said Joe.
"What's that, dear? said Carmel.
"Boys," said Joe. She called them 'boys'.
"Don't be silly," said Carmel. "There's no way that gorgeous young woman is male. Is there?"
Joe said nothing, lost in a daydream, a fantasy.