
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wednesday treats

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Hi Everyone
 Hope you are all super well. As promised I am back today to bring you some very special things. These have been created by some of our friends. 
We have some beautiful images and clips from my dear Kitty Ambre and a then there is this longer clip put together by me from clips sent to me by a wonderful friend who has asked to remain anonymous. 
  Our friend sent me a number of these clips based on my own Ai creations and all I did was join them into one longer strand, just to give us time to appreciate them.
  Thank you so much my dear friend. I know who you are and you are sweet and modest and very generous. I will share more both here and Patreon.

Now  here are a few wonderful  and sweet original creations from dear Ambre Caprice, who seems to be about to get Ai to give Andy and his ladies such warmth. They make me smile whenever i get them sent to me.
 Bless you Kitty XXX

The other day I had the briefest glimpse of something that never fails to brighten my pre-work mornings. BBC Tv breakfast presenter Nina Warhurst in her famous Leather leggings. It was a preview of a longer interview however I never got to see it so this is all I have. Nina is lovely, bright and fun and beautiful and wears leather very well indeed.

Now Sometimes we have reports that Slick Air boys go on to travel the world with other high level air carriers. Naturally they must return their expensive Latex uniforms, but they never loose their glamour.

I came across this the other day. My mind instantly said. "He loved laying in Aunties dressing up room, on a rainy day"



  1. Hello dove, wow, you certainly spoiled us today! First of all thanks again for sharing my humble creations and thanks to your secret contributor for this lovely moment between Andy and Jane! Miss Warhurst indeed look great in her leggings! Love the two last videos too, elegance, poise and beauty are always a proof of good tutoring in sissies! Bravo again and a great week to you all!

    1. Love them all. Fantastic work by our darling Kitty and your anonymous collaborator.
      That final clip is a wonderful. The culmination of days, weeks, months and years of development. From tentative first steps to blossoming glory. Finally the the perfect day. Love it.

      S xxx

    2. Awww thank you Kitty. I love sharing your wonderful art and clips, they have such warmth. Big Hugs XXX

    3. Hi S, yes that last clip does have so much history behind it. Bless you for your comments and fun XX

  2. Oh oh oh, very very sweet, all the vids and snaps today. Gotta go cool off. xxxx

    1. Don't get too cool Aidan, just let yourself simmer a little bit longer XX

  3. They are all gorgeous. I especially love how the maids are giving Andy special attention. Are these the ladies from the story where Andy had to steal a bronzed sculpture?

    1. My Gosh you have a wonderful recall, Ericka, They might well be the very same. I am delighted you like them. XXX

    2. Yvette and Yvonne. Two of Andy's most ardent admirers.

  4. Moi j adore le premier clip avec tante Jane et Andy c est ce que tout le monde reverrais d avoir une tante super belle très attentionnée avec son neveu poule mouillée si jolie Andy magnifique robe vinyl et sa très jolie tante avec ce pantalon latex sublime ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥

    1. Merci mon doux ami, tous ceux qui créent ces images et ces clips sont si intelligents XXX

  5. What wonderful clips. That little black dress in full motion. What a lucky young man to be out in public wearing it, accompanied by such a sophisticated lady in her latex pants. Such stuff as dreams are made of ... xxx

    1. Bless you notatrog. Yes those clips are rather special XX

  6. And Nina Warhurst. She certainly rocks those leggings and when she wears them on morning TV it gets the day off to a really good start 😊
