
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Wednesday 24 March 2021

Wednesday round up, With Hello! Audio and Videos

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Hi Everyone.
   Here we are again, middle of the week and that means a quick round up of only some of the delights I have been sent.
  Our friend Heike has been in contact about a few things (I will get back to you Heike, I promise) but of all the delights shared I thought these two are such fun.
  One a Latex Classic always worth  a re-visit and the other a little surprise treat.

I love Bubble gum Latex, so cute.

   Now we are warmed up, here is chapter 3 of the missing chapters From Mandy Sweet Hearts' wonderful story Hello.
    However before we get to that, a quick Add
Mandy has written a new book, Tinas' Quest, Available now at Amazon

The missing Chapters
Chapter 3

    Arriving home, Lady Jane found the villa deserted, although she was extremely pleased to see that Andy had neatly rinsed off the plates and placed them in the dishwasher. However, just to be sure, she went to check Andys’ rooms, but as she exited the kitchen there was an unexpected rattling coming from the door and two sniggering individuals unceremoniously plunged into the room.
“Where have you two been?” Jane asked while trying to stifle a spree of infectious chuckles that she had just caught.
“There faces’.” Andy screamed, and fell into another bout of laughter.
Naturally, not being able to comprehend their interaction, Jane was completely perplexed by her young nephew, but Will managed to pull himself upright and explain. “Hello Lady Jane. We had to go out and celebrate, we weathered our first fight and lived, so we went to the park for ice cream.” 
Jane simply frowned, and nodded towards Andy but still it was William that had to explain. “Oh, don’t mind him. We met a few of my teammates. They were saying how propitious I was to encounter such a beautiful young lady, and they asked me how come I was brave enough to ask her out. They didn’t recognise Andy, but I guess his budding faux breast helped to convince them. 
“Then what really made the trip worthwhile was how Tony was dramatically being chased by one of the male peacocks.”
Not thinking that it was so funny, Jane just peered at the boys, yet Will turned his attention to Andy and said. “Hey looney tunes.” Although Andy still had a broad grin on his lips, he managed to look at Will as he resumed. “I have to go now, are you going to give me a goodbye kiss.”
After the mild episode of doubt that Jane suffered that morning, she thought it would be an encroachment on the privacy of two young lovers and refused to watch the boys saying goodbye to each other, before they coordinated their next meeting, therefore she aimlessly made herself a hot drink until she heard the door close.
“Want to help me carry my shopping in?” Jane chirred.
Andy knew he wasn’t really being given an option, yet he politely replied. “Of course, Auntie.”
Tenderly taking his hand, Jane asked. “So, you two had a nice day?”
“Oh yes, thank you Auntie Jane.” Andy said, then hesitantly said. “You don’t mind if I go and watch Will play football on Sunday, do you? I just want to support him.”
“Just like all the other girlfriends.” Jane teased and watched his cheeks flush. She took a short moment to recall how she was going to support their relationship, and said. “Well, alright but you can only watch the game if you wear something really pretty. Also, if you want to go to other games you must give me plenty of notice. Alright child?”
“Thank you very much Auntie, I will.” Andy said while almost jumping for joy as they continued out of the front door.
She paused before unlocking her car, then Jane rigidly added. “And you’re all mine this Monday, so don’t make any plans or else you will not be going to any games ever again.”
He may have been almost eighteen years old, but Andy suddenly felt like a very young five year old again and he felt as if she had simply wrapped him around her finger once more. “Yes Auntie Jane.” 
Feeling that she was in control again, and she was still able to make it look as if she was Andys’ side, Jane opened the trunk of the car and sorted out the few boxes.
Whilst accepting the largest of the boxes, Andy joshed. “Have you been buying yourself nice new clothes, Auntie?”
“Maybe.” She teased, then withdrew the second box and placed it on top of the first.
When she placed the third box onto the pile, Andy easily recognised the Slick Inc logo and very casually he asked. “Did you get to see your lovely young friend, Kitty?”
“That girl is so bashful it’s becoming bloody impossible.” Jane sighed. 
Andy knew only too well how his aunt was used to always getting her way, but he detected a light sparkle in her wide blue eyes, and wondered if maybe she was treating this as a real personal challenge, and from what Andy could see it was one that she was convinced his aunt wanted to win, so he said. “If I’m still allowed to have a birthday party, maybe you could invite her to join us, and Kitty might be more relaxed after a drink or two, Auntie Jane.” 
“You don’t have to worry about your birthday party darling.” Jane informed him, and lowered the tailgate before draping an arm across his shoulders. “I’m planning a lovely coming of age evening for you.” Jane thought that she might have said too much and hoped he didn’t ask too many questions, but Andy usually knew when it was best to be quiet and they walked wordlessly into the villa.
“Just put them in my room.” Jane urged as they stepped inside. “Then you can tell me all about your day.”

To Be Continued

    Last up today, something a little different , an Audio story in two parts featuring the wonderfully silky tones of the lovely Xyta Midnyte. This is called Shopping With Chantelle.
  These audio files were generously donated by the girl herself, however I had to make it into a video, purely because I could not up load a pure audio track for everyone to hear, so I took this option. 
   For other erotic Audio and more pop over to xytamidnyte.com or find her on www.patreon.com/xytamidnyte
The second part of this will be up next week.



  1. Hi Andy & all.

    Oh dear! Xyta is just a little naughty to listen to first thing in the morning, and so you Andy, making us wait until next week for the second half...
    A very big hug to Andy for being so kind & mentioning my new book, hope everyone enjoys it.
    Loved the advert for Merc, I was just wondering if it boosted sales??

    Hope everyone is well, hugs xxx

    1. You are most welcome Mandy, glad to help.
      Hope you enjoy the audio, when to get the time

  2. Two beautiful stories from Mandy and Xyta both, two beautiful latex dresses, all in all an outstanding way to help the week pass.

    The technical thinker in me wonders how big of a latex sheet they had to use for that MB commercial.

    1. Hi Syvain, I'm so pleased that you're still enjoying this short add-on, I hope you enjoy the last few chapters too.

      Take care, hugs MSH xxx

    2. Hi Sylvain
      Thank you so much for your kind words. As for that latex sheet, it must have been huge and incredibly heavy. Well worth the effort though

  3. Thank you, Andy, you truly know how to add variety to your blog. Quite the beauty in the Mercedes commercial, and the car ain't bad neither. I think I recall that as a Super Bowl commercial. Though not sure what they are selling.
    It is also a thrill to imagine Andy dressed and being accepted and introduces as Williams boyfriend. I am sure Andrew's beauty and fame has something to do with it. I can imagine the sparkle in their eyes. Now we look forward to the special party and the loosening up of Kitty. I think the coyness could be an act and it is Kitty who is leading on Lady Jane.
    Time will tell. Wishing you all health and happiness as the days (light) get longer.

    1. Hi Lee. If I was to tell you everything that happened during Andys' 18th I think our lovely host would blush but it might be an idea!!
      Take care, hugs xxx

    2. Awww bless you Lee that is so kind of you, I like to change it up now and again and Xyta has provided the ideal medium to do it though.
      I think we are all looking forward to the lighter nights and I wish you health and happiness in return

    3. Thank you, Girls. It is always nice to be appreciated.
