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Hi Everyone
Time for the next wonderful chapter in Mandy Sweet Hearts beautiful story Hello.
By Mandy Sweet Heart.
**A different timeline from my last stories
& set several weeks before the delightful art,
“Hello Again”.
Here Jane received a morsel of assistance.**
With the greatest of thanks
to the lovely Andy Latex,
Just for being so sweet
& sharing his art. xxx.
Chapter Twelve.
Astonishingly six weeks had smoothly passed since that first shopping trip and essentially everything had been going exactly as Lady Jane intended, in fact if you were to ask her I’m sure the enchanting lady would find it hard to disagree with the pronouncement.
Strictly speaking Jane did not have any arrangements with Will but after discovering Andys’ charming secret he was always around on a Saturday morning and begging Jane for her permission to stay all weekend, and although the first day of college had yet to arrive he was off by eight on a Monday morning, only to return most evenings.
During those times that Andy was alone he would go to find Jane; at first Andy just went to see her for a chat but it was not long before Jane was passing him little tasks to do, after the first week and while they were having a lunchtime snack Jane decided to move things forward slightly. “Andy, I know we said that you were to start when college begins, but as you’re at such a loss most days I figure that you can start working for me now. Just let me know if you wish to spend a day with Will.”
To Janes’ spectacular astonishment, and while almost forgetting his table manners Andy partially lifted off his stool and only just placed a servett over his lips as he announced. “Oh, that would just be fantastic Auntie Jane, thank you.”
Downright mystified she gasped and pushing her plate to one side asked why. “I was a bit unsure if I was truly allowed to skip college just to go into work for you, and especially now dressed like I am, plus along with these boobs I sort of feel good about life and I kinda came to the conclusion just yesterday that I really did want to work for you. And I guess this is the big one, but with Will helping out in the hospital...I know it’s important for him wanting to go into medicine and everything, but I’m kinda lonely some days.” Then simply adding in an unruffled voice. “But what really makes it so nifty auntie, is that I can always see the two people who mean the most to me.”
Jane had been taken spectacularly by surprise by so much news and it took several stunned minutes of thanking Andy and telling him how extraordinary he was, quickly hinting. “Of course it won’t all be fun and games darling, some days I will need you to come shopping with me or just us two will be going out for an evening meal, maybe the odd soiree with both you and Will as my escorts would be divine too.”
Smiling brightly Andy pointed out. “I wouldn’t let Kitty hear you saying that Auntie Jane, from the inconspicuous way she kept looking in your direction the other day, I think she might have a girly crush on you.”
Jane thought it might be best to instantly change the subject, unfortunately in her befuddled state the incorrect words came out. “Well, we will be going to kiss Slick tomorrow, so make yourself available.” Andy was sure he could see a blush forming on her cheeks but Jane began to stand as she added in an insecure tone. “You still need several evening gowns and we only bought a few pairs of shoes so far.”
It may appear as if Jane was spending the entire six weeks in preparation for her nephews’ sensational career at Boy, however she had not forgotten that it was very nearly Andys’ eighteenth birthday, and of course Jane had been intending to make a celebration of it since Andy asked if he could stay for the summer.
With Janes’ excitement growing she entered Andys’ bedroom, not the same rooms that he had at the beginning of the summer, but as his aunt had promised his private space had been decked out in soft pinks, pastel blues and a sprinkling of lace draped over his bed.
Jane sat on the corner of his wider bed, a bed she had permitted the two boys to share provided they kept to her strictest rule. She gazed at her nephew obviously unwinding after helping her in the primary office all day and with his eyes transfixed on the photo of his boyfriend she indiscriminately asked. “Guess the two of you are eager for your birthday party to be over.”
At first Andy blankly stared at his aunt, seeing how she was just gazing around the room he leaned back against the scatter cushions and gently closed his eyes, admitting. “We don’t know yet, Auntie Jane.” Andy completely missed the tiny gasp escaping from between her glossy red lips as his eyes returned to the picture of Will. “It sounds much too mechanical, the party ends at midnight and they have sex until… gosh it sounds like a manual and neither of us want it that way, so we thought that if something comes up we would go with the flow.”
It was not exactly his off the cuff pun that caused Jane to smile and she tapped the left heel of his black Louboutin. “Well, I know you’re all alone for the rest of the day, so I want you to start getting ready.”
Thoroughly realising what she was saying this time Andy sighed. “Not to see Alessandro again, is it!?” He expected an indifferent reply but instead Jane just stared at him with a dubious gaze, and before she could say anything Andy remarked. “Frankly, he really creeps me out Auntie, I would do anything to go somewhere else to have my hair trimmed.”
Unsure if she would ever use that little tidbit against him, Jane told him they were just going for a coffee, and elaborated. “I’ll need your help before we go out. If you freshen up, then just come into my room before you dress.”
The request was nothing new to Andy, over the years they had invariably cared for each other, and following a quick shower he brilliantly dressed his features with a light petting of cosmetics, along with a comfortable pair of soft latex panties under his glimmering wrap he entered Janes’ bedchambers’.
It was not the particle state of undress that made Andy voice a gasp out loud, Jane had been telling her nephew since he was around seven years old that she was not ashamed of her body, the puff of air had come from beholding the sight of his aunts’ long legs already wrapped in skin tight red latex whilst she fastened the buttons of the gleaming white latex blouse, and for just a few tiny seconds the boy wondered if he really adored Will enough.
With an undesirable croak in his voice he uttered. “You look beyond great in rubber, Auntie Jane.”
Flashing a most beautiful smile in his direction she quipped. “Why, thank you Andy, darling. I’ll need
you to make it all glisten for me.” Even while Jane was simply handing Andy the bottle of lube he was imagining his entire body was spontaneously glowing with profound trepidation.
He knelt at her feet, and squirted a small amount into the palm of his hand, at first he happily began to spread the clear gel tenderly up her shapely leg until he reached somewhere between her knee and hip then quickly switched to her other fabulously sculptured extremity.
Attempting to bewilder her nephew Jane frostily pointed out. “Come on Andy, I’ve burnished all of your clothes.” She regarded his distraught eyes with a loving smile, urging. “You don’t want your favorite aunt looking anything less than absolutely perfect, do you?”
More out of a lack of desire to visit that salon again he silently returned to the first leg; and although he knew how envious all his friends, maybe including William, would claim to be Andy felt his discomfort level rising to another tier.
Andy tried to close his mind away from the position of his hands as they gracefully sailed over this ladies delectable body, and he tried to block out how this one lady could constantly influence his desires while steadily slithering his hands between her legs. As his mind retreated from how he invariably considered himself closer to her than his own family Andy made his hands slide slowly over her tush without making it feel as if he was groping her, he continued to burnish the delectable latex until it appeared to be glistening like liquid mercury.
Janes’ cheeks were nearly as flushed as Andys when his talented hands left her perky derriere and if
it was not for the devotion she knew he had for his boyfriend she might have asked him to persist. Needing a quick breather Jane was thankful that he started massaging her back at first, with his caressing hands swiftly easing a gleam to surface on blouse she quickly sensed her gratifying blush subsiding.
Not that of her appreciation lasted very long; while still standing behind her Andy reached his arms around her body so he could cup Janes generous breast, blindly forcing his hands to tantalise her mind as he hugged her with the soothing lube, miraculously massaging it evenly over the smooth latex to allow it to shimmer and sparkle to the full.
Now that he had finished what one side of his brain found to be the most embarrassing chore of his life, Andys’ agitation began to settle and he delicately walked to her side so he could completely polish the blouse, it was not just shame of touching her in the way that he had that was making him bow his head, he coquettishly looked from under his lashes to see what he was doing whilst pretending that he was making sure how evenly he was spreading the gel to create a gorgeous shine for his aunt. As he carried out the small but breathless chore Andy soon discovered that the main reason for feeling so humiliated was how he found himself having such lustful feelings for her and William at the same time.
It was only when his fingers finally drifted away from her second arm that Andy felt some relief, nonetheless he held his breath when Jane embarked on inspecting her luxuriously sleek body in the tall mirrors. Somewhat disappointed about finding no areas that did not purely glisten Jane cooed at the red faced boy as she slid her feet into a pair of seven inch, open toed sling backs. “Lovely job darling, now you know how I feel when I’m doing your clothes.” For just a moment Andy wondered if his aunt really meant it but was saved from asking when she resumed. “Your turn to get dressed now, let’s go.”
“These pants are truly wonderful, Andy.” Jane repeated as they entered his room. “I think you deserve an early birthday gift.”
With his mind already in a whirl from having to bring an outstandingly elegant sheen to his flirtatious aunts’ new latex clothes, and from what she had just said to him Andy felt a massive amount of relief when she instructed him to find the red trousers similar to the ones she was wearing.
Easily laying his hands on the latex leggings, a pair that looked so much tighter than he remembered, Andy sat on the edge of the bed and had to scrunch each trouser leg up while very slowly easing them along his slender limb, as he strived to make the look perfect Jane asked. “Did you really find Alessandro so alarming?”
Concentrating on dressing his second leg he replied. “Kind of Auntie, my hair looks really nice and Will just loves how girly it makes me look, but that Alessandro just has something about him that creeps me out.”
“Well,” Jane grinned, “as you’ve been so lovely all summer I’ll find you a different salon. But today we will be calling into Slicks’ for a few minutes, I just want to check on something Kitty is doing for me, then we will just go for a coffee.”
Although Andy was not fully listening to the second part of what Jane had been saying he eventually
pulled the hipsters as high as they would go and clearly gazed at her. His thoughts had been trapped and he was actually hoping that what she had said about Alessandro was true, as she finished explaining he gasped. “Do you mean it Auntie Jane?” She was confused at his sudden excitement until he added. “For some reason I really thought we were going to that salon today. I'm certainly glad I can go somewhere else next time.”
Jane merely flashed Andy one of her charming smiles while telling him to quickly find a white blouse. Flowing a couple of steps toward his closet Andy turned back to face her with a puzzled expression, asking. “Won’t we look exactly the same?”
With a playful twinkle in her eyes, Janes smile expanded even further wider as she admitted. “I loved it when we went out in similar outfits a few weeks ago, and I really want to do it again, it will be so much fun Andy.”
Needing no more encouragement from her, he was quickly returning to retrieve the top, alongside declaring. “You can be so silly sometimes Auntie Jane, but I do love you just the same.”
Andy did not think he had been in the closet for a prolonged amount of time, he only lingered to slip his feet into a pair of sandals that matched his aunts’ and possibly he was not walking very fast while buttoning up his blouse but when he stepped back into the room Jane was nowhere to be seen. This bedroom may have been much larger than the one he used at his parents home still it could not be called massive, and Andy found himself slightly confused as he fastened the last button and glanced around the empty room once again.
Trying to debate with himself whether he should try to burnish his own attire he glanced in the mirror and picked up a wand of gloss to enhance his already glowing lips.
“Sorry about that.” Jane nonchalantly exclaimed as she reentered his room and placed a small box on the bedside unit before taking in how Andy was dressed, noticing something different she asked. “Did you forget breast forms?”
With a slightly nervous tremor he queried. “I was hoping that you wouldn’t mind auntie, Will likes me to wear them all the time but I thought I would give my skin a rest, I hoped you wouldn’t mind.”
“It’s okay, you still look simply divine darling, and I just know this is going to be so much fun.”
Without any warning she let out a giggle and added. “Over here, so I can polish you!”
After enjoying the way Andy had titillated her, Jane had perceived the concept of teasing Andy in the way she had made Kitty charm him, but with her nephew standing before her Jane was actually thinking how beautifully she had transformed him this summer and absolutely appreciated his new attitude. Besides Jane was thinking of enjoying their little outing and began her task.
Lightly gasping as she finished the back of his blouse, she playfully moaned. “Wow, dressed in this latex is so warm Andy, I almost feel sorry for making you wear it.”
To her surprise Andy spun to face her and implored. “You’ll still let me wear latex though Auntie Jane, now I’m used to wearing I really kinda like it, and was looking forward to being your brightest office girl!”
Taking a small step backwards and with her eyes growing wide Jane stated. “You will be my glistening office boy.”
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“Don’t worry darling, your secret is safe with me.”
Although Andy had to stand on his toes to reach up to place a small kiss on her lips, regardless of her surprise Jane clearly heard him say. “Thank you Auntie Jane, sometimes Will gets a bit worried about how things are between us.”
Knowing that Andy would come to her if he had a real problem Jane lowered herself and began to steadily cavort her lube covered hands progressively up and down his latex clad legs and wondering if she should change any of her plans, finally announcing. “You can always talk to me if you need any help, darling.”
Becoming used to be modest warmth she finished smoothing the gel over all the now glistening latex.
Standing up she nudged Andy towards the mirror, and making sure there was enough room for the glass to reflect both of them she crept an arm around his waist and asked. “Well what do you think?”
At first he just gazed at the two of them, even with the thick black belt that Jane had fastened around her jeans and the fact that he was wearing hipsters, Andy was totally amazed at how perfect their getup was and he loved how the glistening light reflected off their latex in equal measures. It took almost a minute for him to reply and at last he said. “You’re so right Auntie, we do look great. Want to go and stun everyone around town?”
Jane suddenly noticed something was amiss and told Andy to wait where he was, before dancing across to his bed and retrieved the tiny box.
When Jane swung around she chirped. “I know it’s a few days yet, but happy birthday Andy, darling.”
An almost silent ‘wow’ escaped Andys’ lips when he opened the box, he immediately noticed the beautiful earrings perfectly matched the stunning pair of platinum and diamond worn by his aunt was wearing, at last he uttered. “Thank you so much Auntie Jane, they’re just so beautiful. Thank you.”
His aunt proudly watched as he carefully removed the gold studs he was wearing and replaced them with the new ones, her heart swelled when she eased him to the mirror again, seeing how lovely they stood together she informed him. “Just perfect my darling?” Then directed him towards the door.
Whereas Jane only wished to be seen around town, Andy chirped. “And thanks for not being pushy about Will and me, it’s probably just something all couples go through.”
Stunned at how grown up he sounded Jane assured him. “Don’t worry Andy, I won’t let anyone come between you two.”
Naughty, naughty, Andy.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that's the right artwork! (said with a grin on her face)
Hugs xxx
Is it love? is it desire? is it demanding? is it wicked? That is a look which can melt Andy's resistance to anything.
Hi Andy.
DeleteIt's definitely not wicked, but it will poor Andy even more confused about himself, I'm sure.
Huhs, xxx
Naughty but very nice.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, very delightful Aidan, and captures the sexaul chemistry between the two perfectly.
DeleteTake care, hugs Mandy xxx
It does seem that Andy's indoctrination is moving along smoothly. His thoughts of his love of latex and his blossoming relationship with William has him almost swooning. He may have to be extra careful with his 5" heels. He is ever so comfortable with the feelings that have enveloped his body and soul. Now to practice his skills a interacting with others and dreaming of bumping into Will. Such a lucky Sissy to have an Aunt who loves him so.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Andy needs to worry too much about wearing five inch heels Lee, Jane has had him practicing for so long he has it down to fine art.
DeleteAnd I'm sure that Jane simply can't wait to see how he carries' out his work as he shimmies around the office girls.
Rake care, hugs Mandy xxx
No the heels are not an issue, in fact,the ease in which he moves on them "Like a model" is quite an embarrassment to Andy.
While reading, I just had the thought that this was early on in his falling under his Aunts spell. He always wishes to do as he is told and to please her. Yes, he will make a cute little secretary and the practice couldn't hurt.
DeleteThe reason he is so devoted to Jane, (at least in this world), goes way back to chapter one, although he's dearly loved by both his parents, Andys' poor mother was always worn out from trying to control the twins and she had little time for Andy quietly playing on his own, and when Jane began showing him so much attention, he always relates his childhood happiness with her.
DeleteAs for the Janes' business/having Andy as her secretary...partway through writing this tale I wondered why Jane was so wealthy, she built up her own little empire of clothing and disruption, and not having children of her own I thought what would be more natural than to hand it to her favorite nephew, but he has to learn the company from the bottom.
Yes, it's kind of weird inside my head, but i hope this makes it it a little clearer for you. Hugs xx