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Today 3 pieces of very early art on
the theme of Latex Dollification
Hi everyone
We here at S.S.n.S Towers, are hell bent on keeping your peckers up in the time of strangeness and so it is time for a double helping of Hello, by Mandy Sweet Heart.
Today we have Chapters 5 and 6 , just to help you all pass some time.
Plus a little bite sized treat between the Chapters.
Hope you are all well
Best wishes
Oh and don't forget to keep up to date with the story on our friend Skinnie Stallions blog.
The naughty Sci-fi classic "They Will Come"
Now over to you Mandy.
Chapter Five.
From the time they left the grounds that held Janes’ villa, it was not until they drove well beyond the nearby park that Andy proceeded to sit up and look decidedly more comfortable. Along with driving her bright red Zonda Jane had noticed how he struggled to keep his face away from the open space, apparently she understood how her nephew must be very jittery about being glimpsed by any of his friends and remained uncommunicative for his sake.
Shortly before they left the borough of Surbiton Jane glanced over as Andy finally uncoiled completely, and imagining that he was beginning to relax again, she sensitively asked him if everything was alright. “Yes auntie, it was just, um..”
Not wanting to lose his affections so soon, Jane firmly interjected. “I understand Andy, but I will expect to see much more confidence in you soon.”
Conscious of the fact that he was not sulking or even pouting, Jane allowed him to watch the scenery go by, and it was only when she entered the underground parking that he suddenly spoke up. “Auntie?” Jane noticeably twitched at his unexpectedly loud vocals, but Andy was still gazing out of the side window as he asked. “Would you mind holding my hand? Just so I don’t fall or anything.” Jane was unsure how to reply, so Andy filled the silent space. “I know I’m old enough and all that but…”
Presumably it was because she was exceptionally aflutter with the idea that she was just becoming increasingly aware of his apprehension and did not want her nephew to back down from being so favorable to her wishes now, and she smoothly clarified Andys’ words for him. “..But, you would like some moral support.”
Finally he turned to gaze into her green eyes and nodded, allowing Jane to instantly respond. “Of course darling, it would be my pleasure to have you close by my side.”
Reaching over to retrieve her bag, Jane froze as she watched her nephew open the door and with both legs together he swung his knees out before following him with his stylishly shiny footwear. “Sorry Auntie.” Andy mumbled as he lifted the bag for her and slipped the strap over her fingers.
Still amazed at how graceful Andy was acting, Jane barely heard the words and only uttered them. “Huh!”
“Is everything alright, Aunt Jane?”
Redressing her thoughts, Jane smiled as she misinformed Andy. “Yes thank you Andy, I was just thinking that I should have called Charlotte earlier. Never mind, it’s nothing. I’ll do it tomorrow.”
At first Andy used the car to help rectify his balance again, but after a couple of timid steps he regained a meager amount of confidence and waited for his aunt to join him at the front of the car.
Andy did not reply, nonetheless he took hold of Janes’ offered hand and allowed her to lead the way to the street exit.
After all the times he had come to London he knew the streets stayed busy and with his aunt by his side he was not overly bothered by them, still after a few steps Andy bowed his head and started to pull on her arm as the two joined the throng of passing pedestrians.
Jane quickly noticed how bashful he had become and pulled Andy over to the nearest shop window, only partially appearing to look at the goods being displayed she whispered into his ear. “Andy, everyone will notice if you keep sulking, half the act is simply to appear very confident.” Andy kept peering down at his elegant high-heeled shoes and started to pout, feeling dismayed by his actions Jane stressed. “If you keep acting like a child, you can walk home to your mother right now.” Even Jane was stunned by words, she had not intended to say them but it was too late.
Slowly Andy looked up at his guardian and moaned. “Sorry Auntie, it’s my shoe, it has a stone in it. Please let me stay with you?”
“What! Why didn’t you just say darling?”
He needed to place his hand on the wall before removing his left shoe and while shaking it out he confessed. “I don’t know, I was a bit scared I guess.”
Jane waited until Andy had his foot comfortable again, and when his gaze fell on her she wrapped her arms around him, ensuring she still kept her voice low she cooed. “Andy, you can be as silly as your silly old Aunt Jane at times.”
Their embrace did not last long and before long Jane took a hold of his hand and eased her nephew towards the cafe once more, without the sharp pain Andy cheered up slightly and glanced up at the taller lady. “Thanks for the advice auntie, I will try to be more like you while we are out.”
The comment practically overwhelmed Jane, who did not expect her nephew to be so enthusiastic or want him to duplicate her. Momentarily stunned, she expressed herself in her rich, cultured tones. “I just want you to be happy and to look lovely while you’re out with me, Andy.”
She gave his hand a slight squeeze as they turned into the side Mews, glancing down at him and in a hushed voice, Jane indicated. “If I had a baby, it would have been so sweet to have had a lovely child like you though.”
Jane focused her attention back to the passing pedestrians just in time because as she looked back up the air was filled with the sounds of. “Oh sorry.” From Jane and the other lady as they automatically announced their remorse at the same time.
As they spoke Andy scurried shyly behind his aunt and although she did not have time to react Jane could feel Andy squirming behind her.
“Oh Charlotte,” Jane declared as she recognised the lady she had almost walked into, then gave the woman wearing a black cocktail dress an air kiss, “I was just thinking of phoning you earlier.”
Drawing attention to himself was the snappy dressed man next to Charlotte as he spoke in a Spanish accent, proclaiming. “We will be late for the extravaganza.”
“Err, yes Enrique. Of course, I’m sorry Jane, call me tomorrow,” before she resumed her sentence her eyes regarded Andy as he continued to hide behind Jane, “we must catch up.” Charlotte said in a questionable tone.
She watched the handsome couple as they walked away and let out a soft giggle as she watched Andy peering around her arm. “What are you doing back there, darling?”
“I’m sorry aunt Jane, it was just the sudden surprise of seeing aunt Charlotte and her friend.” The boy quickly stood at her side again as he confessed. “I just panicked.”
Taking the last few steps to the cafe, Jane nodded at a free table and indicated to take a seat as she elegantly took the one opposite.
“You must be more brave Andy.” Jane insisted. “Now do you want a snack or just a drink?”
Although Andy had only wished to have a cup of tea, when the waitress asked if they were ready to order, Jane also requested two cinnamon buns along with her flat white.
Jane monitored Andy as he hesitantly looked around when the server returned with their refreshments.
Noticing no one was overly gazing at them, he broke off a small forkful of his bun and popped it between his glistening pink lips.
Observing his bashfulness, Jane informed him. “They are delicious. How are you feeling now, Andy?”
He quickly glanced around at the tables again, but seeing the same performances as before, he replied. “A bit warm in this shirt, auntie.” Jane sweetly reminded Andy that it was a blouse, he just nodded in reply and continued. “I’m surprised how everyone is practically ignoring us. Um, Auntie, what will you say to Aunt Charlotte, about me I mean?”
“I love the way you still call older ladies, aunt. As for tomorrow, I will just say that you are my niece.”
Raising his voice, Andy gasped. “But she knows that you’re an only child, auntie!”
Placing her cup back, she smiled. “I know, I can just say you’re a friends’ daughter, happy?” He swallowed the small bite of cake and nodded. “Good, now stop overreacting so much darling. I don’t mind if you draw attention to yourself but you do look so nervous.” Jane absolutely loved seeing Andys’ cheeks glowing once he heard this small statement and began to give him some guidance to help give him some much needed confidence.
Chapter Six follows below.
But first a quick break and a chance to rest your eyes.
Chapter six.
Awakening to find himself swathed in one of the short, rose-tinted satin nightie nightdresses that Jane had essentially demanded her nephew had to wear when he told her that he no longer wished to dress in female attire, and even though he was not fully awake Andy turned his head towards the sound he thought.
Andy asked in a groggy voice. “Morning Auntie, I guess you want me to dress as a girl again?”
Jane was about to intimidate him again, but she lowered herself onto the edge of the bed and sympathetically asked. “Was it that bad, Andy?”
Noticing how she was already attired in a red satin blouse with dark brown leather trousers, Andy rightly guessed in regards to the six inch red sandals on her feet, he pouted as he replied. “It was more fun going trick ‘n’ treating with Will.” Jane watching the hazy look fall over his facial expressions once more, unfortunately she missed the chance to ask if he truly liked his friend as Andy confessed. “But I felt a lot safer going to the cafe with you. So I guess it was alright Auntie, I just didn’t think you would go with such an elegantly smooth top Auntie Jane. Honestly it wasn’t too bad, I kinda enjoyed our trip.”
Stroking the tips of her fingers across his arm, Jane inquiered. “Will you look pretty for me today, darling?”
Finally Andy gave Jane a tiny smile, then he confirmed. “Yes Auntie, just as long as all this still stays our little secret.”
Overjoyed, Jane revealed. “To everyone else you can be my niece, Amanda. How does that sound, Amanda?”
When Andy finally grudgingly agreed, she bent down, giving him a tiny kiss on the corner of his lips and promised. “Amanda it will be when we are out or there are visitors. Come on now, I have a lot of work to catch up on and once you’re ready, can you do a spot of tidying for me.”
The domestic is still off ill so it will be a great help, and maybe you would like to help me in the office too.”
Trying not to sound hopeful, Andy asked. “Does that mean we will be staying in all day?”
“Yes, so get out of bed.” Falsely giving him a stern expression, Jane mandated. “Now Andy! I have a lot to do.”
Pulling his short nightdress as far down as it would go, Andy slithered over the dark pink satin sheet before he gracefully lowered his lithe legs and quickly made his way to the on-suite bathroom to carry out his business.
Jane waited until he closed the door and when she was sure that he would not return for a short time she majestically left the room to collect the clothing he was to wear that day.
Having quickly returned, she waited patiently for Andy to come back in the pink satin wrap.
As he gently walked towards her Jane handed him a micro pair of white scintillating latex panties to put on, pouting severely, Andy gingerly took the glistening latex out from between her fingers and sighed. “I guess there’s no way for me to get out of wearing girly clothes for the rest of the summer?”
“Not unless you want to go home darling, you might have to explain why you’re not here and I will have to tell them how you wanted to be my niece, but maybe if you’re good I’ll let you see Will sometimes. I also want you to look pretty while helping me later.”
Andy hissed as the cool latex ran slowly up his leg and he almost gasped when Jane used a louder voice. “Stop procrastinating we have a lot to do today.”
Trying to prove her point, Jane kept watching him as he attempted to hold the wrap close while squirreling away his manhood before insuring the rigorous rubber sat snugly between his pert twin moons. “Lovely.” Jane exclaimed and passed Andy a thigh length, a short red skirt made of shimmering latex to step into
As he stepped into the skirt, Jane teased him by declaring. “I considered seeing you about town in this, but after last night I think it might be best if you become accustomed to wearing a skirt first.”
Securing the zip and making sure it was central, he wiggled his hips and felt the hem prancing across his upper legs, gratefully saying. “Thank you auntie, I’m just glad you’re allowing me to become used to these clothes again. I am not sure I could have endured it yesterday, I was so uneasy when we met Auntie Charlotte.”
Jane just gave him a pleasant smile, she was so pleased to see that all though he was jumpy yesterday her nephew could make a small joke about it now, but she asked. “Did you clean the blouse like I told you too?”
Andy felt so relieved that they were staying in that he joyfully told her that he had and Jane instructed him to wear it today.
As he slithered his slim arms into the sleeves, Jane declared. “As you’re going to be my niece all summer we will have to go shopping Andy. I have only bought some evening wear for you.” Jane pondered for a bit as she watched her nephew give a little shudder as he slid his fingers along the latex covering his body before fastening the buttons. “I should have time to go with you tomorrow, so make yourself available, Andy.”
As they both exquisitely stepped up to the vanity dresser, Andy said. “There were times that I missed being your niece, Auntie Jane. We were always so close then.”
“I missed our little game a great deal too, Andy.” Jane somehow replied without a croak in her voice, and prompted Andy to sit in front of the mirror. “Alright Andy, I want to see how much you remember from yesterday afternoon.” Before Jane sat down she whipped a nylon hairdressers’ cape out of the small side draw and secured it imprecisely around his. “Just to save you from ruining these beautiful clothes on purpose.”
He picked up the tiny tube of gel and Jane gazed as intently as she could manage without excessively alarming him and watched as he slowly smeared a teeny amount over each brow. As Jane followed his motions, she chirped. “I’ll pluck them a bit later, just so you have very sexy eyes.”
Andy whimpered as Jane gave a pleasing smile, after selecting the tub of foundation he very lightly brushed small quantities evenly over his skin and asked. “You won’t do anything further than just make me look like a girl, will you auntie?”
She allowed the boy to select a pink eyeshadow to correspond to his blue eyes and as the small applicator graced his lids Jane intoned in dismay. “No. Never Andy, you will always be a gorgeous boy, and for as long as you are here I will do everything I can to protect you.”
Andy was awarded the most enchanting smile as he tanked her just as he glanced back to choose the eyeliner. Jane was amazed at how easily he brushed the wand around his peepers. “You really are so skillful at doing that Andy, have you been practicing at home?”
Andy gulped. “Auntie! What, with my brothers?” A flush tracked through his body that added to the original trapped warmth under the cape. Feeling a deep blush coming on, he murmured. “It’s getting very warm under here.”
Resting her hand on his latex clad thigh, Jane pleasantly informed him. “Andy, you may be very beautiful but even you will have to suffer a little too.”
With her hand on his leg Andy was feeling so confused as thoughts scattered around his mind. He had always loved his aunt Jane, not just because from a young age she constantly treated him as an equal or that he found her to be very attractive and invariably wore the most sexy outfits, but he was a boy that was dressed as a girl that did not excessively mind applying his own makeup, but he knew that he preferred beautiful women and Jane was most definitely a woman, all these feeling feelings were so confusing for him. Although he was very muddled, nevertheless he reached forward and selected the extraordinarily lustrously glowing pink lip rouge and simply brightened his lips with it.
“Don’t forget the extra rich luster too, Andy.” Jane unnecessarily said.
Giving his gleaming lips an even deeper glaze, Andy turned to his aunt for an inspection. “No blusher today darling?”
“Oh!” Andy whispered and attended to the last of his makeup.
She waited until he finished before picking up on a few things. “It’s fine Andy, but you forgot to use some concealer under your eyes and here next time.” Jane pointed to a slight blemish on his cheek and could see his eyes dropping in embarrassment. “Don’t worry this time darling, you can’t expect to have a lifetime of experience in one day.” Jane stood and went back to his bed to pick up a small bottle, returning to him, she explained. “From now on I want you to wear a dash of perfume too, this one has a nice fresh flowery scent. It’s just delectable for young ladies.” Without waiting for Andy to complain she sprayed a splash across his neck.
Seeing everything looked somewhat satisfactory to her eye, the surrounding air filled with the rich aroma of latex as Jane removed the cape which also allowed Andy to feel the coolness as it tingled his skin and evaporated the juiciness created from the warm latex.
“I’ll let you decide on your shoes today.” Jane very kindly informed him whilst they made their way to his walk-in closet. “I know you only have the three pairs for now Andy, but we will have so much fun buying some more.”
Looking at his dinky selection, there was only the four inch Mary Janes that he wore on the last day of October the year before, the five inch pair he had on the night before and a new pair that Andy had never seen before. The new sandals looked kind of sexy to Andy, with just a strap to sit above his toes plus another to simply cup the heel, but with the deep red sole but the higher heel gave them a provocative appearance that he liked.
As Andy tried to decide, he first considered the lowest heel might be best but he unexpectedly changed his mind and picked up one of the new shoes’ to take a closer look. “They’re six inch heels Andy? Do you think you will be able to cope?”
He glanced at his aunt, then back at the footwear. “I’m not sure Auntie Jane, but you will want me to wear them one day soon, so maybe it might be best to try today.”
Making him aware of what he must do, Jane said. “If you are wearing sandals we better do your toenails too, darling.”
With Andy only having the one colour so far it was easy for him to pick it out, but as he began to decorate his nails Jane enlightened her nephew of one life's secrets. “Always make sure that you use the same colour on all twenty nails and these have to match your lips too.”
With the quick drying pink varnish already setting he very carefully slipped his feet into the sandals. When he stood Andy found that he that was as unsure as the day before, he even attempted to walk with bow legged at first but as Jane reminded him it was just like the day before, and Andy quickly stood taller while finding some confidence as he placed one foot in front of the other and mildly swinging his hips as he made a tour of his bedroom.
“Yes, that’s it Andy.” Jane cheered him on and clapped her hands as he managed to walk the deep carpet without stumbling. “Really lovely, Amanda.” Jane gave out a chuckle, and stated. “I think you deserve some breakfast, you must be thirsty too.”
Enjoying their eggs Benedict and coffee, Jane asked if he minded doing a spot of tidying for her. “I can try for you, it’s not like I can really go to football or climb trees like this, Auntie.” Andy joked.
“I don’t think it would be very easy for you to run around a field in those heels, darling.
“When you have finished cleaning, I really would like you to help me in my office upstairs.”
While leaving Andy to wash the few dishes, tidy the lounge and straighten their beds Jane slipped into her office, only a medium sized room on the upper floor that allowed her to store a few papers that she did not need to keep at her clothing storehouse. Even before Jane sat down she had the phone close to her ear and just hoped her nephew would not walk in while she had a chat.
“Hello Charlotte. Sorry we couldn’t talk yesterday.” Jane found that she absolutely did not want to let the whole secret out just yet, only telling her friend a few tidbits to keep her happy. “Yes, that really was my nephew, Andy and I hope to keep him dressed in more appropriate clothing this summer.”
“Yes, it’s been such hard work, even for that one evening it took me a few hours to have him behave as I wished, but I believe that Andy is slowly coming around to my way of thinking.”
“That’s nice of you to offer Charlotte, but it’s at a sensitive stage and if we both push him, well he may show such unwillingness to do as I require and I so want Andy to enjoy looking beautiful, just so I can show him off around town. In any event where did you and Enrique go last night?”
The conversation soon ended after Charlotte had told Jane about her evening.`
It was over an hour later when Andy breezed into her office. “All done Aunt Jane. But I’m not sure how adequately I have carried out the cleaning for you, I’m sure the agency ladies can do better.” If fact Andys’ work was about passable for a college student that had never heard of a hover before!
“I’m sure you tried Andy.” Handing him a pile of files Jane requested. “File these, do these alphabetically and go by the record number on the green ones, Just take your time and make sure everything is correct for me. Oh, they're all from the second cabinet.”
Jane began inspecting the second pile of folders but after around forty five seconds she stopped and began watching Andy, not because of the ripples of lights dancing delicately across the white glistening latex blouse but Jane was monitoring how swiftly he was working, he would glance at file and briskly flick through those in the cabinet before dropping the folder in. “Are you doing that right Andy? I will need to find them again.”
He gazed back at Jane with a questioning look and uttered. “I guess so Auntie Jane.” Andy pointed to the part of the folder he was talking about and asked. “Do I not just go by the name or number and file it that way?”
“Well, yes. But you’re so quick Andy, I was just surprised.”
He turned back to the cabinet to carry so he could carry on working and talking at the same time. “It’s kind of easy really. I can’t imagine all your office work can be this simple.”
Jane let her nephew continue at his own pace, and as she could remember most of the clients it would be easy for her to check the work later.
Once all the filing was completed Andy politely stood in front of Janes’ desk to ask what else she desired him to do next.
Jane looked up to see his cute face sweetly decorated in fashionable cosmetics and noticing how unblemished he appeared, though she wished to know. “Andy,” Jane picked up a small pile of envelopes, “would you mind taking these to the letterbox on the corner?” Trying to bribe him," she added. “While you’re out I’ll make us a sandwich.”
Andy took the stack but hesitated for a few seconds. “Auntie,” He wavered for several seconds longer, then eventually asked, “I will if you insist, but may I take them to the one a few streets in the other direction?” The intense stare he was receiving from Jane caused a deep blush to appear, he admitted. “You see, it’s away from the park my friends use. I know it will take a bit longer but…” He left it hanging, hoping Jane would understand.
Recognising that he would be outside and dressed just as she wished, Jane acted in a sportsmanlike manner whilst jumping at the offer. “Of course you may Andy, just make sure you appear as feminine as you can at all times, then no one will give you a second glance...well, they might because you look rather sexy in that skirt.” With Andy being more concerned with his friends seeing him like this than anything else, he gave her a grateful smile before swinging around and without giving a second thought to how she was attired, he casually made his way out of the office.
Maybe Andy had only been out for less than five minutes but Jane was finding it hard to concentrate on her investments any longer, she was both very excited that Andy was going out alone and worried that he might be hurt. Unable to do any more work, Jane leisurely made her way down to the kitchen and started selecting items to make them a snack.
Just as she was cutting a baguette in half, Jane sensed the kitchen door opening and spun around on her sharp heels to see who it was.
As the person walked in, Jane released a loud sigh that was covered by the person saying. “Hi Lady Jane, is Andy around?”
“William! You had me worried.” Jane playfully growled at him before resuming. “I’m sorry but he’s out at the moment.” Jane watched a frown appear across his brow and enquired. “Is everything alright Will? You look very worried.”
He walked further into the kitchen and took one of the stools around the breakfast bar. “Sure Lady Jane, it’s just that after his text yesterday and I’ve not heard from him today either, I was just wondering if he was alright or if I’ve done something to upset him.”
For Andys’ sake Jane knew that she should ask him to leave, but with her nephew often appearing to be spending more time at her villa than with his parents his friends frequently came around for meals or drinks, and now Jane did not want to hurt Will as she explained. “Last night was down to me Will, I required Andy to accompany me and I’ve had him helping me do some work this morning. I am sure Andy isn’t upset with you.”
With a voice sounding fully discouraged, Will cautiously asked.“Please, would you tell him I called around?”
Even before Jane could reply the kitchen door opened again and Will just stared at the sensual person in front of him, he found it hard to take his eyes off the scintillating latex as it shimmered before his eyes but he finally managed to gaze at the persons’ face.
Jane was vaguely unsure what to say and slowly babbled. “Have you met…”
William interrupted Jane, taking in the sight standing before him and with his mind spinning he spoke in an irregular voice. “Hey. Oh whoa!....”
Andy had just been coping with the heat he felt during his walk in the hot midday sun whilst wearing such gripping latex. However simply knowing how his friend might have recognised him made everything appear to hit him at once, when he felt an extra hot flush race through his body Andy began to half close his eyes and partially turn his face away.
He could still feel his friends’ lovely blue eyes upon him and he wanted to run his fingers through Wills’ suntanned blonde hair, knowing it was all totally impossible Andy finally wished the ground to swallow him whole.
Janes’ first reaction was how she wanted to protect her nephew from any harm, but she knew it was too late.
Finally William found the rest of his sentence. “...Is that you Andy? You’re…”
Andy slowly blinked his luscious lashes, instead of denying it he gasped. “I can explain Will, it’s just a game.”
Will found it impossible to understand just how the beautiful person standing before him could be his best friend Andy, and stammered at the only words he could think of. “Damn, it is.”
Not really hearing what his friend was saying Andy felt as if his whole body was blushing as he tried to explain. “It’s just a game between auntie and me.” With his body feeling as if it was fully aglow, Andy could also believe the latex blouse had suddenly shrunk by three sizes as it clutched intensively to his skin.
Jane was trying to think of what to say when Will took a small step towards his friend and broadly smiled. “I thought you looked hot when you dressed up for Hallow’s Eve. But this, you look...WOW!”
Jane felt herself relaxing a tiny bit, but Andy was completely mixed up. “Huh?”
Very gently taking one of Andys’ hands Will informed him. “You really do look great Andy, truly beautiful. I wish you told me you were really into crossdressing and it wasn't just for trick and treating.”
Jane was now so eager to find out what was going on that she pushed herself as far against the cabinets as possible, but she told herself that if she was only staying so she could support her nephew if need be.
Although he felt as if he was stupefied at Will's reaction Andy tried to explain himself and just gazed at his intrigued friend while uttering again. “It was all Aunt Janes’ idea,” out of wonderment of Wills’ reaction he asked, “do you dress up then Will?”
“Me? No but I just love the way you look, I can’t believe that you’re even more incredibly breathtaking as a girl.”
Andy mostly missed what he just heard and concentrated on what he thought he knew what his best friend was thinking of doing, only spending a second to collect his thoughts Andy bluntly asked. “I guess this will be all across facebook the second you leave here?”
Seeing how disturbed Andy was becoming, Will wanted to put the worries of his friend to rest. Squeezing his hand slightly, he explained. “Not from me Andy, I won’t be telling anyone.” He eased them towards the stools and indicated for Andy to sit. Still keeping a hold of Andys’ hand William lightly asked. “I guess this means no more football for awhile?”
From the sudden release of tension Andy giggled and admitted. “Somehow auntie talked me into wearing girly clothes all summer.”
“Well, if you’re not going, I can’t see much reason for me to turn up, and it’s kinda great because I won’t have to worry about you getting all dirty.” Again Andy felt bewildered and instructed Will to explain himself. “I only play so I can be near you. It’s just...even though I know you only like girls, I can’t help but like you a lot Andy.”
Despite keeping his blue eyes upon his friend, Andy tilted his head and hesitantly told him. “I’ve seen you ogling plenty of girls Will. There’s no way you could be interested in me or any other boys.”
A small flush tingled over his cheeks and he lowered his eyelids, shyly pointing out. “Well now you know I like boys as well as girls, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you Andy but I think you should know that I sort of fancy you, especially like this.”
Jane felt such relief just hearing Will confess so much to her nephew and was about to leave them when Andy openly chirped. “I normally do like girls Will, but when it comes to you. I don’t know maybe you’re just the first boy I’ve met and that I really like but every time I think of you I feel all giddy.”
Seeing how a deep smile lit up both of their faces allowed Jane to comprehend the way Andy kept looking so vague at the mere mention of Wills’ name, and just to give them privacy Jane stepped out of the kitchen as noiselessly as she could.
At first the two just carried on smirking at each other until Will asked. “Can I, you know, get to know you like this?”
Playfully Andy fluttered his long lashes and challenged him. “William, are you asking me out on a date?”
Stunned at the flirtatious teasing he was receiving, Will gently replied. “I guess, but can I ask? Is it just the makeup and clothes or are you thinking about taking it any deeper Andy?”
Later that night Andy would realise just how comfortable it was for the two of them to be so open with their feelings, and Andy was certainly finding it quite soothing as he confided. “I’m a boy Will, and will stay a boy. Is it a problem, I know your parents can be a bit strict, what if they find out about me?”
“I know, dad’s kinda against gays but you look so amazing he won’t notice. Err, will you start college as a girl?” Will enquired.
“I’m not sure about my course anymore, doing engineering sounds a bit stupid to me now. I was helping auntie earlier and I was enjoying the office work but I’m all so confused again.”
Jane came back in, and in a bright voice asked. “Is everything alright boys?”
With apprehension in his eyes Andy replied. “Sort of Auntie Jane. We both want to know, skip things like football for a bit and just hang out together,” Jane smiled brightly at seeing how her nephew may have found a partner she liked too, and Andy appeared to give her a hopeful smile as he resumed, “but you know how his parents can be. I mean how Wills’ dad can be intolerant at times. Unless we go for a walk, can we just hang out here. Please Auntie Jane?
“Will wants to, kind of get to know me like this, so I promise to try and look like your niece everyday.”
Despite the fact that she was extremely pleased to know her nephew would be doing what she wished Jane dropped her grin and looked very mournfully as she slowly informed them. “Well I don’t know, maybe if you both behave yourselves. I mean both of you Andy and you William, I will expect the two of you to do as you’re told from now on, including doing everything to please me.” Seeing their uneasiness Jane suddenly giggled, declaring. “Of course you can boys, I think it is wonderful.” Yet in her real stern tone she demanded. “But William. You must know that Andy is very special to me and I most definitely do not want to see him hurt in any way.
“I’m very serious about this, I really want the two of you to take it slow, and if it involves anything more than petting I want you to use his room. Furthermore until Andys’ eighteenth birthday I totally forbid the two of you to have full sex. Is that fully understood?”
A confused and embarrassed expression filled Wills’ face, but Andy simply smiled and nodded his head.
At last Will enquiered? “You’re not eighteen yet?”
“End of August.” Seeing an uneasy look in Wills’ eyes Andy added. “You don’t mind that I’m a bit younger?”
Grinning, Will shook his head, saying. “I really like the idea of having a younger girlfriend.”
Andy playfully growled, slapped Wills’ hand and casually informed him that he was a boy, but Jane suddenly changed the subject when she asked. “I know Andy must be hungry, would you like a snack too, William?”
Of course Will wanted feeding as well, and as Jane went back to her chore she enthusiastically chirped. “Andy, I want you to practice applying your cosmetics this afternoon. It’s fine if Will goes up with you but there will be no messing around for at least one hour, is that clearly understood?”
Today 3 pieces of very early art on
the theme of Latex Dollification
Hi everyone
We here at S.S.n.S Towers, are hell bent on keeping your peckers up in the time of strangeness and so it is time for a double helping of Hello, by Mandy Sweet Heart.
Today we have Chapters 5 and 6 , just to help you all pass some time.
Plus a little bite sized treat between the Chapters.
Hope you are all well
Best wishes
Oh and don't forget to keep up to date with the story on our friend Skinnie Stallions blog.
The naughty Sci-fi classic "They Will Come"
Now over to you Mandy.
By Mandy Sweet Heart.
**A different timeline from my last stories
& set several weeks before the delightful art,
“Hello Again”.
Here Jane received a morsel of assistance.**
With the greatest of thanks
to the lovely Andy Latex,
Just for being so sweet
& sharing his art. xxx.
Chapter Five.
From the time they left the grounds that held Janes’ villa, it was not until they drove well beyond the nearby park that Andy proceeded to sit up and look decidedly more comfortable. Along with driving her bright red Zonda Jane had noticed how he struggled to keep his face away from the open space, apparently she understood how her nephew must be very jittery about being glimpsed by any of his friends and remained uncommunicative for his sake.
Shortly before they left the borough of Surbiton Jane glanced over as Andy finally uncoiled completely, and imagining that he was beginning to relax again, she sensitively asked him if everything was alright. “Yes auntie, it was just, um..”
Not wanting to lose his affections so soon, Jane firmly interjected. “I understand Andy, but I will expect to see much more confidence in you soon.”
Conscious of the fact that he was not sulking or even pouting, Jane allowed him to watch the scenery go by, and it was only when she entered the underground parking that he suddenly spoke up. “Auntie?” Jane noticeably twitched at his unexpectedly loud vocals, but Andy was still gazing out of the side window as he asked. “Would you mind holding my hand? Just so I don’t fall or anything.” Jane was unsure how to reply, so Andy filled the silent space. “I know I’m old enough and all that but…”
Presumably it was because she was exceptionally aflutter with the idea that she was just becoming increasingly aware of his apprehension and did not want her nephew to back down from being so favorable to her wishes now, and she smoothly clarified Andys’ words for him. “..But, you would like some moral support.”
Finally he turned to gaze into her green eyes and nodded, allowing Jane to instantly respond. “Of course darling, it would be my pleasure to have you close by my side.”
Reaching over to retrieve her bag, Jane froze as she watched her nephew open the door and with both legs together he swung his knees out before following him with his stylishly shiny footwear. “Sorry Auntie.” Andy mumbled as he lifted the bag for her and slipped the strap over her fingers.
Still amazed at how graceful Andy was acting, Jane barely heard the words and only uttered them. “Huh!”
“Is everything alright, Aunt Jane?”
Redressing her thoughts, Jane smiled as she misinformed Andy. “Yes thank you Andy, I was just thinking that I should have called Charlotte earlier. Never mind, it’s nothing. I’ll do it tomorrow.”
At first Andy used the car to help rectify his balance again, but after a couple of timid steps he regained a meager amount of confidence and waited for his aunt to join him at the front of the car.
Andy did not reply, nonetheless he took hold of Janes’ offered hand and allowed her to lead the way to the street exit.
After all the times he had come to London he knew the streets stayed busy and with his aunt by his side he was not overly bothered by them, still after a few steps Andy bowed his head and started to pull on her arm as the two joined the throng of passing pedestrians.
Jane quickly noticed how bashful he had become and pulled Andy over to the nearest shop window, only partially appearing to look at the goods being displayed she whispered into his ear. “Andy, everyone will notice if you keep sulking, half the act is simply to appear very confident.” Andy kept peering down at his elegant high-heeled shoes and started to pout, feeling dismayed by his actions Jane stressed. “If you keep acting like a child, you can walk home to your mother right now.” Even Jane was stunned by words, she had not intended to say them but it was too late.
Slowly Andy looked up at his guardian and moaned. “Sorry Auntie, it’s my shoe, it has a stone in it. Please let me stay with you?”
“What! Why didn’t you just say darling?”
He needed to place his hand on the wall before removing his left shoe and while shaking it out he confessed. “I don’t know, I was a bit scared I guess.”
Jane waited until Andy had his foot comfortable again, and when his gaze fell on her she wrapped her arms around him, ensuring she still kept her voice low she cooed. “Andy, you can be as silly as your silly old Aunt Jane at times.”
Their embrace did not last long and before long Jane took a hold of his hand and eased her nephew towards the cafe once more, without the sharp pain Andy cheered up slightly and glanced up at the taller lady. “Thanks for the advice auntie, I will try to be more like you while we are out.”
The comment practically overwhelmed Jane, who did not expect her nephew to be so enthusiastic or want him to duplicate her. Momentarily stunned, she expressed herself in her rich, cultured tones. “I just want you to be happy and to look lovely while you’re out with me, Andy.”
She gave his hand a slight squeeze as they turned into the side Mews, glancing down at him and in a hushed voice, Jane indicated. “If I had a baby, it would have been so sweet to have had a lovely child like you though.”
Jane focused her attention back to the passing pedestrians just in time because as she looked back up the air was filled with the sounds of. “Oh sorry.” From Jane and the other lady as they automatically announced their remorse at the same time.
As they spoke Andy scurried shyly behind his aunt and although she did not have time to react Jane could feel Andy squirming behind her.
“Oh Charlotte,” Jane declared as she recognised the lady she had almost walked into, then gave the woman wearing a black cocktail dress an air kiss, “I was just thinking of phoning you earlier.”
Drawing attention to himself was the snappy dressed man next to Charlotte as he spoke in a Spanish accent, proclaiming. “We will be late for the extravaganza.”
“Err, yes Enrique. Of course, I’m sorry Jane, call me tomorrow,” before she resumed her sentence her eyes regarded Andy as he continued to hide behind Jane, “we must catch up.” Charlotte said in a questionable tone.
She watched the handsome couple as they walked away and let out a soft giggle as she watched Andy peering around her arm. “What are you doing back there, darling?”
“I’m sorry aunt Jane, it was just the sudden surprise of seeing aunt Charlotte and her friend.” The boy quickly stood at her side again as he confessed. “I just panicked.”
Taking the last few steps to the cafe, Jane nodded at a free table and indicated to take a seat as she elegantly took the one opposite.
“You must be more brave Andy.” Jane insisted. “Now do you want a snack or just a drink?”
Although Andy had only wished to have a cup of tea, when the waitress asked if they were ready to order, Jane also requested two cinnamon buns along with her flat white.
Jane monitored Andy as he hesitantly looked around when the server returned with their refreshments.
Noticing no one was overly gazing at them, he broke off a small forkful of his bun and popped it between his glistening pink lips.
Observing his bashfulness, Jane informed him. “They are delicious. How are you feeling now, Andy?”
He quickly glanced around at the tables again, but seeing the same performances as before, he replied. “A bit warm in this shirt, auntie.” Jane sweetly reminded Andy that it was a blouse, he just nodded in reply and continued. “I’m surprised how everyone is practically ignoring us. Um, Auntie, what will you say to Aunt Charlotte, about me I mean?”
“I love the way you still call older ladies, aunt. As for tomorrow, I will just say that you are my niece.”
Raising his voice, Andy gasped. “But she knows that you’re an only child, auntie!”
Placing her cup back, she smiled. “I know, I can just say you’re a friends’ daughter, happy?” He swallowed the small bite of cake and nodded. “Good, now stop overreacting so much darling. I don’t mind if you draw attention to yourself but you do look so nervous.” Jane absolutely loved seeing Andys’ cheeks glowing once he heard this small statement and began to give him some guidance to help give him some much needed confidence.
Chapter Six follows below.
But first a quick break and a chance to rest your eyes.
Chapter six.
Awakening to find himself swathed in one of the short, rose-tinted satin nightie nightdresses that Jane had essentially demanded her nephew had to wear when he told her that he no longer wished to dress in female attire, and even though he was not fully awake Andy turned his head towards the sound he thought.
Andy asked in a groggy voice. “Morning Auntie, I guess you want me to dress as a girl again?”
Jane was about to intimidate him again, but she lowered herself onto the edge of the bed and sympathetically asked. “Was it that bad, Andy?”
Noticing how she was already attired in a red satin blouse with dark brown leather trousers, Andy rightly guessed in regards to the six inch red sandals on her feet, he pouted as he replied. “It was more fun going trick ‘n’ treating with Will.” Jane watching the hazy look fall over his facial expressions once more, unfortunately she missed the chance to ask if he truly liked his friend as Andy confessed. “But I felt a lot safer going to the cafe with you. So I guess it was alright Auntie, I just didn’t think you would go with such an elegantly smooth top Auntie Jane. Honestly it wasn’t too bad, I kinda enjoyed our trip.”
Stroking the tips of her fingers across his arm, Jane inquiered. “Will you look pretty for me today, darling?”
Finally Andy gave Jane a tiny smile, then he confirmed. “Yes Auntie, just as long as all this still stays our little secret.”
Overjoyed, Jane revealed. “To everyone else you can be my niece, Amanda. How does that sound, Amanda?”
When Andy finally grudgingly agreed, she bent down, giving him a tiny kiss on the corner of his lips and promised. “Amanda it will be when we are out or there are visitors. Come on now, I have a lot of work to catch up on and once you’re ready, can you do a spot of tidying for me.”
The domestic is still off ill so it will be a great help, and maybe you would like to help me in the office too.”
Trying not to sound hopeful, Andy asked. “Does that mean we will be staying in all day?”
“Yes, so get out of bed.” Falsely giving him a stern expression, Jane mandated. “Now Andy! I have a lot to do.”
Pulling his short nightdress as far down as it would go, Andy slithered over the dark pink satin sheet before he gracefully lowered his lithe legs and quickly made his way to the on-suite bathroom to carry out his business.
Jane waited until he closed the door and when she was sure that he would not return for a short time she majestically left the room to collect the clothing he was to wear that day.
Having quickly returned, she waited patiently for Andy to come back in the pink satin wrap.
As he gently walked towards her Jane handed him a micro pair of white scintillating latex panties to put on, pouting severely, Andy gingerly took the glistening latex out from between her fingers and sighed. “I guess there’s no way for me to get out of wearing girly clothes for the rest of the summer?”
“Not unless you want to go home darling, you might have to explain why you’re not here and I will have to tell them how you wanted to be my niece, but maybe if you’re good I’ll let you see Will sometimes. I also want you to look pretty while helping me later.”
Andy hissed as the cool latex ran slowly up his leg and he almost gasped when Jane used a louder voice. “Stop procrastinating we have a lot to do today.”
Trying to prove her point, Jane kept watching him as he attempted to hold the wrap close while squirreling away his manhood before insuring the rigorous rubber sat snugly between his pert twin moons. “Lovely.” Jane exclaimed and passed Andy a thigh length, a short red skirt made of shimmering latex to step into
As he stepped into the skirt, Jane teased him by declaring. “I considered seeing you about town in this, but after last night I think it might be best if you become accustomed to wearing a skirt first.”
Securing the zip and making sure it was central, he wiggled his hips and felt the hem prancing across his upper legs, gratefully saying. “Thank you auntie, I’m just glad you’re allowing me to become used to these clothes again. I am not sure I could have endured it yesterday, I was so uneasy when we met Auntie Charlotte.”
Jane just gave him a pleasant smile, she was so pleased to see that all though he was jumpy yesterday her nephew could make a small joke about it now, but she asked. “Did you clean the blouse like I told you too?”
Andy felt so relieved that they were staying in that he joyfully told her that he had and Jane instructed him to wear it today.
As he slithered his slim arms into the sleeves, Jane declared. “As you’re going to be my niece all summer we will have to go shopping Andy. I have only bought some evening wear for you.” Jane pondered for a bit as she watched her nephew give a little shudder as he slid his fingers along the latex covering his body before fastening the buttons. “I should have time to go with you tomorrow, so make yourself available, Andy.”
As they both exquisitely stepped up to the vanity dresser, Andy said. “There were times that I missed being your niece, Auntie Jane. We were always so close then.”
“I missed our little game a great deal too, Andy.” Jane somehow replied without a croak in her voice, and prompted Andy to sit in front of the mirror. “Alright Andy, I want to see how much you remember from yesterday afternoon.” Before Jane sat down she whipped a nylon hairdressers’ cape out of the small side draw and secured it imprecisely around his. “Just to save you from ruining these beautiful clothes on purpose.”
He picked up the tiny tube of gel and Jane gazed as intently as she could manage without excessively alarming him and watched as he slowly smeared a teeny amount over each brow. As Jane followed his motions, she chirped. “I’ll pluck them a bit later, just so you have very sexy eyes.”
Andy whimpered as Jane gave a pleasing smile, after selecting the tub of foundation he very lightly brushed small quantities evenly over his skin and asked. “You won’t do anything further than just make me look like a girl, will you auntie?”
She allowed the boy to select a pink eyeshadow to correspond to his blue eyes and as the small applicator graced his lids Jane intoned in dismay. “No. Never Andy, you will always be a gorgeous boy, and for as long as you are here I will do everything I can to protect you.”
Andy was awarded the most enchanting smile as he tanked her just as he glanced back to choose the eyeliner. Jane was amazed at how easily he brushed the wand around his peepers. “You really are so skillful at doing that Andy, have you been practicing at home?”
Andy gulped. “Auntie! What, with my brothers?” A flush tracked through his body that added to the original trapped warmth under the cape. Feeling a deep blush coming on, he murmured. “It’s getting very warm under here.”
Resting her hand on his latex clad thigh, Jane pleasantly informed him. “Andy, you may be very beautiful but even you will have to suffer a little too.”
With her hand on his leg Andy was feeling so confused as thoughts scattered around his mind. He had always loved his aunt Jane, not just because from a young age she constantly treated him as an equal or that he found her to be very attractive and invariably wore the most sexy outfits, but he was a boy that was dressed as a girl that did not excessively mind applying his own makeup, but he knew that he preferred beautiful women and Jane was most definitely a woman, all these feeling feelings were so confusing for him. Although he was very muddled, nevertheless he reached forward and selected the extraordinarily lustrously glowing pink lip rouge and simply brightened his lips with it.

Giving his gleaming lips an even deeper glaze, Andy turned to his aunt for an inspection. “No blusher today darling?”
“Oh!” Andy whispered and attended to the last of his makeup.
She waited until he finished before picking up on a few things. “It’s fine Andy, but you forgot to use some concealer under your eyes and here next time.” Jane pointed to a slight blemish on his cheek and could see his eyes dropping in embarrassment. “Don’t worry this time darling, you can’t expect to have a lifetime of experience in one day.” Jane stood and went back to his bed to pick up a small bottle, returning to him, she explained. “From now on I want you to wear a dash of perfume too, this one has a nice fresh flowery scent. It’s just delectable for young ladies.” Without waiting for Andy to complain she sprayed a splash across his neck.
Seeing everything looked somewhat satisfactory to her eye, the surrounding air filled with the rich aroma of latex as Jane removed the cape which also allowed Andy to feel the coolness as it tingled his skin and evaporated the juiciness created from the warm latex.
“I’ll let you decide on your shoes today.” Jane very kindly informed him whilst they made their way to his walk-in closet. “I know you only have the three pairs for now Andy, but we will have so much fun buying some more.”
Looking at his dinky selection, there was only the four inch Mary Janes that he wore on the last day of October the year before, the five inch pair he had on the night before and a new pair that Andy had never seen before. The new sandals looked kind of sexy to Andy, with just a strap to sit above his toes plus another to simply cup the heel, but with the deep red sole but the higher heel gave them a provocative appearance that he liked.
As Andy tried to decide, he first considered the lowest heel might be best but he unexpectedly changed his mind and picked up one of the new shoes’ to take a closer look. “They’re six inch heels Andy? Do you think you will be able to cope?”
He glanced at his aunt, then back at the footwear. “I’m not sure Auntie Jane, but you will want me to wear them one day soon, so maybe it might be best to try today.”
Making him aware of what he must do, Jane said. “If you are wearing sandals we better do your toenails too, darling.”
With Andy only having the one colour so far it was easy for him to pick it out, but as he began to decorate his nails Jane enlightened her nephew of one life's secrets. “Always make sure that you use the same colour on all twenty nails and these have to match your lips too.”
With the quick drying pink varnish already setting he very carefully slipped his feet into the sandals. When he stood Andy found that he that was as unsure as the day before, he even attempted to walk with bow legged at first but as Jane reminded him it was just like the day before, and Andy quickly stood taller while finding some confidence as he placed one foot in front of the other and mildly swinging his hips as he made a tour of his bedroom.
“Yes, that’s it Andy.” Jane cheered him on and clapped her hands as he managed to walk the deep carpet without stumbling. “Really lovely, Amanda.” Jane gave out a chuckle, and stated. “I think you deserve some breakfast, you must be thirsty too.”
Enjoying their eggs Benedict and coffee, Jane asked if he minded doing a spot of tidying for her. “I can try for you, it’s not like I can really go to football or climb trees like this, Auntie.” Andy joked.
“I don’t think it would be very easy for you to run around a field in those heels, darling.
“When you have finished cleaning, I really would like you to help me in my office upstairs.”
While leaving Andy to wash the few dishes, tidy the lounge and straighten their beds Jane slipped into her office, only a medium sized room on the upper floor that allowed her to store a few papers that she did not need to keep at her clothing storehouse. Even before Jane sat down she had the phone close to her ear and just hoped her nephew would not walk in while she had a chat.
“Hello Charlotte. Sorry we couldn’t talk yesterday.” Jane found that she absolutely did not want to let the whole secret out just yet, only telling her friend a few tidbits to keep her happy. “Yes, that really was my nephew, Andy and I hope to keep him dressed in more appropriate clothing this summer.”
“Yes, it’s been such hard work, even for that one evening it took me a few hours to have him behave as I wished, but I believe that Andy is slowly coming around to my way of thinking.”
“That’s nice of you to offer Charlotte, but it’s at a sensitive stage and if we both push him, well he may show such unwillingness to do as I require and I so want Andy to enjoy looking beautiful, just so I can show him off around town. In any event where did you and Enrique go last night?”
The conversation soon ended after Charlotte had told Jane about her evening.`
It was over an hour later when Andy breezed into her office. “All done Aunt Jane. But I’m not sure how adequately I have carried out the cleaning for you, I’m sure the agency ladies can do better.” If fact Andys’ work was about passable for a college student that had never heard of a hover before!
“I’m sure you tried Andy.” Handing him a pile of files Jane requested. “File these, do these alphabetically and go by the record number on the green ones, Just take your time and make sure everything is correct for me. Oh, they're all from the second cabinet.”
Jane began inspecting the second pile of folders but after around forty five seconds she stopped and began watching Andy, not because of the ripples of lights dancing delicately across the white glistening latex blouse but Jane was monitoring how swiftly he was working, he would glance at file and briskly flick through those in the cabinet before dropping the folder in. “Are you doing that right Andy? I will need to find them again.”
He gazed back at Jane with a questioning look and uttered. “I guess so Auntie Jane.” Andy pointed to the part of the folder he was talking about and asked. “Do I not just go by the name or number and file it that way?”
“Well, yes. But you’re so quick Andy, I was just surprised.”
He turned back to the cabinet to carry so he could carry on working and talking at the same time. “It’s kind of easy really. I can’t imagine all your office work can be this simple.”
Jane let her nephew continue at his own pace, and as she could remember most of the clients it would be easy for her to check the work later.
Once all the filing was completed Andy politely stood in front of Janes’ desk to ask what else she desired him to do next.
Jane looked up to see his cute face sweetly decorated in fashionable cosmetics and noticing how unblemished he appeared, though she wished to know. “Andy,” Jane picked up a small pile of envelopes, “would you mind taking these to the letterbox on the corner?” Trying to bribe him," she added. “While you’re out I’ll make us a sandwich.”
Andy took the stack but hesitated for a few seconds. “Auntie,” He wavered for several seconds longer, then eventually asked, “I will if you insist, but may I take them to the one a few streets in the other direction?” The intense stare he was receiving from Jane caused a deep blush to appear, he admitted. “You see, it’s away from the park my friends use. I know it will take a bit longer but…” He left it hanging, hoping Jane would understand.
Recognising that he would be outside and dressed just as she wished, Jane acted in a sportsmanlike manner whilst jumping at the offer. “Of course you may Andy, just make sure you appear as feminine as you can at all times, then no one will give you a second glance...well, they might because you look rather sexy in that skirt.” With Andy being more concerned with his friends seeing him like this than anything else, he gave her a grateful smile before swinging around and without giving a second thought to how she was attired, he casually made his way out of the office.
Maybe Andy had only been out for less than five minutes but Jane was finding it hard to concentrate on her investments any longer, she was both very excited that Andy was going out alone and worried that he might be hurt. Unable to do any more work, Jane leisurely made her way down to the kitchen and started selecting items to make them a snack.
Just as she was cutting a baguette in half, Jane sensed the kitchen door opening and spun around on her sharp heels to see who it was.
As the person walked in, Jane released a loud sigh that was covered by the person saying. “Hi Lady Jane, is Andy around?”
“William! You had me worried.” Jane playfully growled at him before resuming. “I’m sorry but he’s out at the moment.” Jane watched a frown appear across his brow and enquired. “Is everything alright Will? You look very worried.”
He walked further into the kitchen and took one of the stools around the breakfast bar. “Sure Lady Jane, it’s just that after his text yesterday and I’ve not heard from him today either, I was just wondering if he was alright or if I’ve done something to upset him.”
For Andys’ sake Jane knew that she should ask him to leave, but with her nephew often appearing to be spending more time at her villa than with his parents his friends frequently came around for meals or drinks, and now Jane did not want to hurt Will as she explained. “Last night was down to me Will, I required Andy to accompany me and I’ve had him helping me do some work this morning. I am sure Andy isn’t upset with you.”
With a voice sounding fully discouraged, Will cautiously asked.“Please, would you tell him I called around?”
Even before Jane could reply the kitchen door opened again and Will just stared at the sensual person in front of him, he found it hard to take his eyes off the scintillating latex as it shimmered before his eyes but he finally managed to gaze at the persons’ face.
Jane was vaguely unsure what to say and slowly babbled. “Have you met…”
William interrupted Jane, taking in the sight standing before him and with his mind spinning he spoke in an irregular voice. “Hey. Oh whoa!....”
Andy had just been coping with the heat he felt during his walk in the hot midday sun whilst wearing such gripping latex. However simply knowing how his friend might have recognised him made everything appear to hit him at once, when he felt an extra hot flush race through his body Andy began to half close his eyes and partially turn his face away.
He could still feel his friends’ lovely blue eyes upon him and he wanted to run his fingers through Wills’ suntanned blonde hair, knowing it was all totally impossible Andy finally wished the ground to swallow him whole.
Janes’ first reaction was how she wanted to protect her nephew from any harm, but she knew it was too late.
Finally William found the rest of his sentence. “...Is that you Andy? You’re…”
Andy slowly blinked his luscious lashes, instead of denying it he gasped. “I can explain Will, it’s just a game.”
Will found it impossible to understand just how the beautiful person standing before him could be his best friend Andy, and stammered at the only words he could think of. “Damn, it is.”
Not really hearing what his friend was saying Andy felt as if his whole body was blushing as he tried to explain. “It’s just a game between auntie and me.” With his body feeling as if it was fully aglow, Andy could also believe the latex blouse had suddenly shrunk by three sizes as it clutched intensively to his skin.
Jane was trying to think of what to say when Will took a small step towards his friend and broadly smiled. “I thought you looked hot when you dressed up for Hallow’s Eve. But this, you look...WOW!”
Jane felt herself relaxing a tiny bit, but Andy was completely mixed up. “Huh?”
Very gently taking one of Andys’ hands Will informed him. “You really do look great Andy, truly beautiful. I wish you told me you were really into crossdressing and it wasn't just for trick and treating.”
Jane was now so eager to find out what was going on that she pushed herself as far against the cabinets as possible, but she told herself that if she was only staying so she could support her nephew if need be.
Although he felt as if he was stupefied at Will's reaction Andy tried to explain himself and just gazed at his intrigued friend while uttering again. “It was all Aunt Janes’ idea,” out of wonderment of Wills’ reaction he asked, “do you dress up then Will?”
“Me? No but I just love the way you look, I can’t believe that you’re even more incredibly breathtaking as a girl.”
Andy mostly missed what he just heard and concentrated on what he thought he knew what his best friend was thinking of doing, only spending a second to collect his thoughts Andy bluntly asked. “I guess this will be all across facebook the second you leave here?”
Seeing how disturbed Andy was becoming, Will wanted to put the worries of his friend to rest. Squeezing his hand slightly, he explained. “Not from me Andy, I won’t be telling anyone.” He eased them towards the stools and indicated for Andy to sit. Still keeping a hold of Andys’ hand William lightly asked. “I guess this means no more football for awhile?”
From the sudden release of tension Andy giggled and admitted. “Somehow auntie talked me into wearing girly clothes all summer.”
“Well, if you’re not going, I can’t see much reason for me to turn up, and it’s kinda great because I won’t have to worry about you getting all dirty.” Again Andy felt bewildered and instructed Will to explain himself. “I only play so I can be near you. It’s just...even though I know you only like girls, I can’t help but like you a lot Andy.”
Despite keeping his blue eyes upon his friend, Andy tilted his head and hesitantly told him. “I’ve seen you ogling plenty of girls Will. There’s no way you could be interested in me or any other boys.”
A small flush tingled over his cheeks and he lowered his eyelids, shyly pointing out. “Well now you know I like boys as well as girls, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you Andy but I think you should know that I sort of fancy you, especially like this.”
Jane felt such relief just hearing Will confess so much to her nephew and was about to leave them when Andy openly chirped. “I normally do like girls Will, but when it comes to you. I don’t know maybe you’re just the first boy I’ve met and that I really like but every time I think of you I feel all giddy.”
Seeing how a deep smile lit up both of their faces allowed Jane to comprehend the way Andy kept looking so vague at the mere mention of Wills’ name, and just to give them privacy Jane stepped out of the kitchen as noiselessly as she could.
At first the two just carried on smirking at each other until Will asked. “Can I, you know, get to know you like this?”
Playfully Andy fluttered his long lashes and challenged him. “William, are you asking me out on a date?”
Stunned at the flirtatious teasing he was receiving, Will gently replied. “I guess, but can I ask? Is it just the makeup and clothes or are you thinking about taking it any deeper Andy?”
Later that night Andy would realise just how comfortable it was for the two of them to be so open with their feelings, and Andy was certainly finding it quite soothing as he confided. “I’m a boy Will, and will stay a boy. Is it a problem, I know your parents can be a bit strict, what if they find out about me?”
“I know, dad’s kinda against gays but you look so amazing he won’t notice. Err, will you start college as a girl?” Will enquired.
“I’m not sure about my course anymore, doing engineering sounds a bit stupid to me now. I was helping auntie earlier and I was enjoying the office work but I’m all so confused again.”
Jane came back in, and in a bright voice asked. “Is everything alright boys?”
With apprehension in his eyes Andy replied. “Sort of Auntie Jane. We both want to know, skip things like football for a bit and just hang out together,” Jane smiled brightly at seeing how her nephew may have found a partner she liked too, and Andy appeared to give her a hopeful smile as he resumed, “but you know how his parents can be. I mean how Wills’ dad can be intolerant at times. Unless we go for a walk, can we just hang out here. Please Auntie Jane?
“Will wants to, kind of get to know me like this, so I promise to try and look like your niece everyday.”
Despite the fact that she was extremely pleased to know her nephew would be doing what she wished Jane dropped her grin and looked very mournfully as she slowly informed them. “Well I don’t know, maybe if you both behave yourselves. I mean both of you Andy and you William, I will expect the two of you to do as you’re told from now on, including doing everything to please me.” Seeing their uneasiness Jane suddenly giggled, declaring. “Of course you can boys, I think it is wonderful.” Yet in her real stern tone she demanded. “But William. You must know that Andy is very special to me and I most definitely do not want to see him hurt in any way.
“I’m very serious about this, I really want the two of you to take it slow, and if it involves anything more than petting I want you to use his room. Furthermore until Andys’ eighteenth birthday I totally forbid the two of you to have full sex. Is that fully understood?”
A confused and embarrassed expression filled Wills’ face, but Andy simply smiled and nodded his head.
At last Will enquiered? “You’re not eighteen yet?”
“End of August.” Seeing an uneasy look in Wills’ eyes Andy added. “You don’t mind that I’m a bit younger?”
Grinning, Will shook his head, saying. “I really like the idea of having a younger girlfriend.”
Andy playfully growled, slapped Wills’ hand and casually informed him that he was a boy, but Jane suddenly changed the subject when she asked. “I know Andy must be hungry, would you like a snack too, William?”
Of course Will wanted feeding as well, and as Jane went back to her chore she enthusiastically chirped. “Andy, I want you to practice applying your cosmetics this afternoon. It’s fine if Will goes up with you but there will be no messing around for at least one hour, is that clearly understood?”
To Be continued
I'm not going to bother with the story, I'll just marvel at Andys' wonderful art.
ReplyDeleteMandy xxx
Bless you Mandy, but I think they happily compliment each other
Wonderful. Perfect that Will is not only understanding but was already attracted to Andy in ways he couldn't comprehend. Andy's feminisation makes it so perfect for both of them to accept their attraction (and love) for each other. Bless you, Aunt Jane.
ReplyDeleteAs always, thank you Skinwo. It was a little scert Will had to hide from Andy, just so he could be close to him...if only they had known earlier but he is more attracted to him now & has Jane to help them if need be.
DeleteHugs Mandy xxx
All I can say is wow. I just finished reading your last 2 chapters and staid up late to write a nice review. Then I turn around and find another 2 chapters. My goodness we are getting spoiled. When life starts back up again we will have to remember to not get to antsy for new stuff when more than a day has gone by. You and Andy make such a good team. Mandy your writing is truly wonderful and is just as wonderful as Andy’s art. I can’t wait for the 3rd book in your series He Dreamed Of A Lady. So that should be out in the next few days Looking forward to more adventures from Sammy and Victoria. Andy as always your art is amazing and I can spend hrs looking for every detail you spent so long adding in. This was a Another beautiful addition to the beginnings of Amanda/Andrew. Amazing as usual for when you two work together.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I did leave a comment on you last 2 chapters and art though I was the very last to comment....sigh I make no excuses I dragged my feet and forgot to respond I beg now I have to go and review Andy’s art from before.....I am getting lost in the sea of latex art.......sigh could there be any better place to be
All my best
A few days?? I best get putting in some more late nights! Maybe a few months at least, I've just started the first draft & only on chapter 1 so far, but thank you for all your kind words queen I'll do my best to keep you happy.
DeleteIt was all Andys' idea to add the wonderful art, I just couldn't get the idea of playing with "Hello again" out of my mind & it kind of grew from there.
I have seen your lovely comments you left on chapter 4 queeny, thank you & an extra thank you for the mention. There is a new book out if you're interested but it's slightly different so you might want to read the synopsis first, I you enjoy reading it if you decide too.
Enjoy Andys' art I always do.
Hugs Mandy xxx
PS. begging is not necessary but always appreciated😀😁😛
I do not have the time to give the stories the attention they deserve either right now,
ReplyDeletebut I had to see the video, twice, so far.
Nothing worse than an itch you cannot scratch. Especially when one is sweating, encased
with no visible opening. Though the zippers do seem strategically placed for either release or teasing.
Time is no longer a factor. Only compression and tightness all over.
I imagine even the ears are blocked for as much deprivation as possible.
Does the victim imagine sounds and voices?
Or just the squeak of the bondage.
The lucky victim can only experience the pleasure of latex. Well, we can all dream!
DeleteHope you find time to read more of the story Lee, hugs MAndy xxx
Part 5 was a pleasure. I hope Andrew can calm himself down after the meet with Lady Charlotte. her interest may have been piqued, but also distracted by either a draft in the cut-out of her dress, or Enrique's hand caressing her latex covered butt.
DeleteThank you Lee, I'm not sure Andy really has time to calm down very much, Jane just loves how her nephew is now behaving & wishes to keep him busy.
DeleteHuhs, Mandy xxx
I put quite the dent into Part 6, but getting a bit bleary eyed from paperwork from home. Too much reading each day.
DeleteLady Jane is keeping Andy busy and not giving him the time to think too much. The pictures included match the story perfectly and his adventures progress smoothly.
I must comment on The Blog Mistresses thoughts. When the additions are long and of more than one entry, I think that I would like to comment on each as I read them and they are fresh in my thoughts.
Thank you for the distractions.
I beautiful ending all around.
DeleteDoes Will drive? Do they need a chaperone to take them when they start going out?
Ending? Not even halfway through Lee, Jane has a few surprises yet! I'm not sure if Will drives, but would these two young lovers really want a third person matter how discreet that person might be?
DeleteAs for the rate they are being displayed, I'm afraid that's up to Andy, I only send the story once complete & leave everything to him to decide.
Maybe you could Email Andy & point it out to him.
Either way I hope you enjoy the rest of the chapters, stay safe. Hugs Mandy xxx
I shall and I will, Thank you.
DeleteWhat do you need Lee? you know it won't be a problem
DeleteI loved the reference of this gray panties to the story "The Option Part 4". There the panties were black, but I liked this gray version a lot, more charming and enhances the skin tone beyond Amanda's curves.
ReplyDeleteHi PS, I agree. The pair that Andy has on here is delicious, everything looks so sweet & innocence I think it's my favorite out of the clips he has included.
DeleteHugs Mandy, xxx
Hello Andy
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or is chapter 3 of Hello missing?
Poofette xxx
DeleteHello my friend, sorry it was not clearly signposted.
Look up the March post entitled
illustrated Double Fiction edition from Mandy and Skinnie
You will find Chapter 3 there.
Very good i love yoh
ReplyDeleteWelcome XXXX
DeleteHave fun
Very enjoyable chapters.
Of course Andy is apprehensive heading off in the car, additionally I like to think he doesn’t want to let down Aunty Jane, which he does not as he exits the car perfectly. Very sweetly he asked her to hold his hand and started to regain his confidence exactly as she would want for him. She gives him great confidence. She’s overwhelmed with pride when he says he wants to be be more like her again proving how sweet he is. That’s a funny encounter with aunt Charlotte, he’ll get over his shyness Sinn enough and I’m sure she would be pleased with his appearance. I love his tea and cake, his bashfulness and confusing about to be introduced as a niece is wonderful. Jane is smart and will surely have a good cover story.
Beautiful description his nightdress. He should be told it’s not dressing as a girl, it’s dressing nice to suit his pretty features. Very pleased she only had to gently persuade him to be Amanda. Those silky latex panties, vey sensuous as he found out, very cute with the little red skirt. Shopping with her for clothes for all summer for thrilling. Great he remembers how to do his makeup. Definitely her gorgeous boy. But yes definitely muddling but nice and Aunty really cares for him well offering further tips. He just wants to show his love for her too with his shoe choices. Charlotte is very kind to help them but Jane is right, not just yet or he’ll be frightened away.
Even with the cleaning and filling he’s always checking Jane approves, so adorable.
Oh gosh the trip to the post office, both terrifying and thrilling.
Jane very deftly handled Wills visit. I really feel for poor Andy when Will saw him. But will I’d a very sensible boy. Nothing to worry about. I loved that he’s able to come clean to Andy and they’ve a good chat. Jane’s conversation is perfect with their bidding relationship.
Very much look forward to the continuation.
Lovely arts and interlude ;)
Wow, thank you so much Aidan, after reading your description I almost want to do a rewrite & include some of the ideas, but at the start Jane asked Andy to dress up as her special niece & it just carried on from there.
ReplyDeleteJane only told her friend that she didn't want her help because she (Jane) wanted to keep Andy all to herself,but when she realised just how much Andy & Will liked each other Jane knew it would be impossible to keep them apart.
So far you will just have to imagine how nervous Andy was during his short walk.
Hope you enjoy the later chapters, thanks again, hugs Mandy xxx
Andy is there a story to go with the dollification artwork??? The one on the top of the page ?