
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Wednesday 11 March 2020

New story from Mandy Sweet Heart. Hello

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Hi Everyone
  Wednesday already!! 
   I have the total pleasure of once again bringing you another wonderful piece of storytelling form one of our blog friends.
 This time it is the start of a new story by Mandy Sweet Heart and tells off Andy's early days.
Now this is Mandy's vision, it is all her work and at some points it diverges from the story in my head, but like all the brilliant stories here, that is not a problem, Like the 25th century stories, or the new Jane Adventures, all versions in this expanding "AndyVerse" are valid.
  So sit back and enjoy the first two chapters of what I promise is a wonderful story.
 Over to you Mandy


By Mandy Sweet Heart.
**A different timeline from my last 
stories  & set several weeks before 
the delightful art,
  “Hello Again”. 
Here Jane received a morsel 
of assistance.**

      With the greatest of thanks  
       to the lovely Andy Latex,
 Just for being so sweet
 & sharing his art. xxx. 

Chapter One.

Nobody could have honestly called his birth a troublesome one.
After the long hours of labour that had preceded the arduous birth of her twin sons two years previous, the mother of the boy who grew up to be Andy Watson was overwhelmed at how he delightfully emerged into the world with an undeniable smoothness, and at the very polite time of seven minutes past ten ante meridiem.
With his dramatic red hair already in place even the seasoned midwife of St Marys’ Meadow Maternity Hospital simply cooed over how gorgeous he looked.
By the time Andy had reached the age of four, due to the twins forever seeking an earth-shaking existence, Marie, mother of three boys and wife to the village rector, was often so close to being thoroughly depleted of energy that she had such a minuscule measure left when it came to her subdued son who would blissfully play alone with his toys.
Whilst she and her friend sat in the parlour one day, the ladies struggling to ignore the boisterous ones squawking away in the garden, they watched the younger child who cheerfully remained on the floor amid his action dolls. “I do worry about him so much.” Marie told her best friend, Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones. “I just wish I could devote more time to the little darling,” she gave a long sigh and resumed, “but I’m so exhausted just running around after those two monsters.”
Lady Jane had only returned to the village earlier that day because she had promised the local womens’ committee that she would assist them in the up and coming Easter festival, an event that she simply enjoyed attending since acquiring a small cottage in St Marys’ Meadow several years ago. Alongside enjoying the quieter life away from the non-stop bustle of London she would comfortably spend a week or two helping with the village fundraising, plus Jane always spent as much time as possible with her friend.
Watching young Andy stroking his action dolls’ head, almost as if he was brushing the molded plastic hair, Jane chirped. “I would be more than pleased to look after Andy for a few days.”
In total bewilderment, Maria asked. “You! Looking after a child?”
Startled, Jane enquired. “Why not? You do know just about everything they write about me is untrue, and I think it would be good for Andy too, after all I am his Godmother remember, and I would love to devote some of my time to him.” Resting her hand on Marias’ arm, Jane delicately stressed. “I’m not going to run away with him and I can always phone if I’m stuck.”
“Well, maybe.” She exclaimed in a tone that only a protective mother could reproduce. “But only if you’re staying in St Marys’ Meadow.”
Jane explained. “I have to go back to London in a few days time, but after the weekend I’m here all month, and who knows maybe Andy would enjoy himself. Plus Surbiton is only a few miles away if I decide to steal him from you!” Jane playfully teased her old school friend.
Jane was more than excited at the prospect of doing a spot of childcare and even went to the trouble of buying a few of his favorite foods in the hope of making his stay more pleasurable. Just the same, it was a tenebrous day when Jane arrived early to pick the boy up but the grey skies could not alter her enthusiasm, whereas the sight she beheld after pulling up in front of the vicarage disheartened her somewhat. Seeing Andy looking so gloomy she asked him. “Don’t you want to spend a few days with your silly old Auntie Jane, darling.”
“I guess.” Was all the four year old could say.
Jane spent a little time explaining how it would just be the two of them, how they would spend the whole time playing together, and how he would not have to worry about his nasty brothers harassing him. Slowly Andy brightened to the idea before finally  allowing Jane to hold hand and giving his mother a wave goodbye.
When Jane pulled onto her gravel driveway the first rains began to fall and the two scurried inside with his small case.
“Not a nice start to your holiday with me, is it darling?” Jane gasped.
Of course Andy knew the tall, elegant woman from the occasions she had visited his mother, in his childlike way he kind of enjoyed it when Jane came to have a chat with either of his parents because she always found time to sit on the floor with him, and sometimes she would mirthfully be joining in his games, but he had never been to Lady Jane's’ summer cottage and he clearly gazed at everything in the kitchen in unconditional wonderment.
Lowering herself to his height Jane asked if he had picked any toys to bring along with him. Andy remained unmoving as he peered at the stylish surfaces of the marble and stainless steel worktops, leaving Jane to open his small travel case to unfortunately just find his teddy, the one that Andy always took to bed with him. Cursing under her breath Jane felt really foolish for not thinking to check before they left.
While allowing the boy to finish staring at her furnishing she considered her options, Jane was going to basically refuse the idea of returning to the vicarage in case it confused him.
Without any pleadings she steadily caught his full attention, to ask. “Andy, how would you like to play a little game?” He just peered at the beautifully adorned lady who was bathing him in her rich perfume and waited for her to speak. “How would you like to play at being my niece for a few days? I have a few dresses that should fit you, we can have a little picnic in the summer house and maybe we could bake a cake later. What do you say darling?”
Naturally, at only four years old Andy had no idea what would be involved, but he liked the way this tall woman was cheerfully smiling at him, so he smiled in return and allowed Jane to take his hand again before passively following her to one of the bedrooms.
When Jane showed the child just what she wished him to wear he became somewhat excited and giggled. “Pretty blue dress Auntie Jane, it kinda shines.” Andy gave her a sullen pout and informed her. “I want to wear, now.”
Jane giggled at his unrestrained reactions and began to help him undress. “We better not tell your brothers, Andy. We don’t want them spoiling our fun, do we?”
With the tiniest of lisps' Andy grumbled.  “Mummy’s always telling them not to break my toys, they don’t care.”
Giving him a calming embrace, Jane softly whispered. “We’ll keep this our little secret.”
When Jane began to help him with the frilly pair of baby blue panties Andy let out another childish giggle and exclaimed. “So pretty, don’t think Tommy would wear them.”
“We won’t tell him.” Jane repeated as she watched Andy helping her slide the lace ruffled underwear up his legs.
In order that Andy could simply shimmy his arms down the short sleeves she fluffed out the matching dress so it was easy enough for Jane to slide over his head before she lifted all the dainty lace, enabling it to decorate Andy's small body in a girly way.
“Want to wear some shoes too?” Jane cheerfully asked as she lifted a tiny pair of baby pink Mary Janes shoes, a pair of shoes that Jane thought had the flattest heel of all time!
Andy almost grabbed them out of her hand and sat on the floor to ponderously adorn his feet with them, except he did need a little help from Jane to fasten the strap.
Jane admired how danity he looked, and calmly asked. “Want a little makeup to make you more pretty, darling.”
Mostly from the absolutely undivided attention he was receiving, a new experience that Andy genuinely loved, he clapped his hand while nodding his head. Again she took his tiny hand, and once at her vanity desk she lifted him onto the chair.
“Just a little bit Andy.” Jane brushed a flicker of blusher across his cheeks and dabbed his lips with a pale red cream before announcing. “All done, shall we find something in the kitchen so we can have a little picnic?”
Even as she looked out of the window, feeling somewhat disheartened at how the rain was still descending, Jane grinned as she tried to make a few sandwiches although she kept being distracted by the reflection of Andy as he stood in the middle of the floor and swung his hips from side to side, solely for the enjoyment of making the knee length dress swirl out.
Abandoning the chore for a minute she watched as Andy erupted into practicing his version of pirouetting, wondering how he was not feeling dizzy she inquired. “Do you like wearing my old dress?”
Without breaking his steps he repeated. “It’s so shiny, it sparkles.”
Jane was going to inform him that it was made of satin, but she thought that he was much too young to understand, and after a few more seconds of enjoying his ballet she returned to her duties.
Finally placing a few pieces of soft fruit into the wicker basket Jane delightedly asked. “Want to stop your dancing for a bit, then you can join me for lunch, darling?”
Since becoming one of his Godparents Jane had often wished to spend more time with him and this desire was reinforced when she realised that this was the happiest she had ever seen the young boy. Unlike at the boys’ home Jane found herself in fits of giggles as he ran between her potted plants then twirled in his new dress before collapsing in Janes’ lap to eat his luncheon.
Their first day might have appeared to be going along comfortably but there was just somethings Jane certainly did not get right. Lady Jane was totally unprepared for Andy needing a short nap after his meal but she was more than happy to cradle him in her arms as he dozed for an hour. While he slept Jane pondered about what else there was that she had not thought about, small things came to her mind and Jane realised that she had no idea what time to put Andy to bed in the evening, but she knew it would have been a waste of time asking him.
When Andy woke, moaning that he was thirsty she was more than happy to make him a soft drink before returning to the sunroom where Andy wanted to sit on her lap again. Jane found she enjoyed holding him in her arms and spent some of the afternoon reciting a story she had read when she was around eight years of age. Her story telling might have left a lot for an adult to enjoy but the boy relished having someone so close that also appeared to have time for him, and Jane was already thinking of ways to convince his parents to allow her to care for him more often.
Andy had sat quietly listening to her for over an hour and when Jane reached the end of her tale he bounced off of her and eagerly ran around the room until he was completely breathless.
When Andy began to slow down she Judged it getting close enough and after giving him another small meal she gently eased him back upstairs while asking if he wanted his normal nightclothes or a nightie that she had found for him.
It delighted Jane when, with his sleepy head, Andy snatched the glistening pink satin nightgown and she quickly helped him remove the satin dress to allow him to wriggle into the silky soft nightwear she had purchased, then instructed Andy to clean his teeth.
As he returned to slip under the light quilt Jane noticed that she was unsure if she should kiss him goodnight, guessing that his parents would show him their love, and behaving in the only way she could imagine, Jane bent to rest her lips on the corner of his mouth, which oddly made Andy feel as if he was all grown up.
Jane found it somewhat strange that Andy wanted to spend the whole three days playing her niece but there was no way that she would discourage his enjoyment of being with her, and even though everyone had forgotten to bring any of his toys, along with doing a bit of baking Jane dreamt up some silly games, like where Andy had to mirror her gestures or she tried teaching him how to arrange flowers.
Andy was just happy that he did not have to share the nice lady with his naughty big brothers.
On Andys’ last full day, her only concern was what she might say if he wished to return home in a dress, but once Andy knew he was going back to his family he quite willingly dressed in his normal clothes, and while Jane thought to mess up the clothes in the suitcase he only asked if they could play their lovely game again.
It was after Andy had returned home that everyone was truly dumbfounded by his actions. Understandably he ran to his mother while she waited halfway down the path to scoop him up in her arms. Shortly after receiving a tight embrace from her he wriggled free and tottled back to Jane, who even in her fatigued condition squatted to meet him; as Andy reached her he amazed them all by giving her a wet kiss and thanking his aunt Jane, before scrambling back on his little legs to the safety of mothers’ arms, the sight of which was making Jane even more disheartened as she watched him wave farewell.
That was the first time Lady Jane took charge of Andy, and he soon thought she was his special aunt.
In less than a year Maria gave her permission and allowed her son to accompany Jane for a long weekend at her Surbiton home, located in a suburb of London that was only a few miles from Marys’ Meadow.
Over the years Andy would often stay at his aunt Janes’ cottage for weekends or at her villa for a good part of the school holidays. Jane happily enlarged his unmanly wardrobe, plus buying age appropriate toys, magazines or books that would be more suitable for a girl, and she would always receive a long hug when she mentioned them to him.
However they soon realised that all of their time together could not be full of games, there were times when Andy was poorly and Jane momentarily had to become his nurse. Nevertheless, one thing remained during his younger years, whenever Andy visited his exquisite aunt he was always so full of enthusiasm to spend plenty of time as her niece...but all that suddenly ceased when he reached around fourteen years of age. For Andy, his early teens appeared to be a very confusing time and with Jane simply loving the child so much she gave him the space to understand his feelings, and even though she really missed having her Godson dressing up as a girl, she understood it had to be his decision.
That was until he had almost reached his eighteenth year and begged to stay with his aunt for the entire summer!


Chapter Two.

“Hi ya! Auntie Jane.” Her nephew cried out on the afternoon of the second full day of the long summer before starting college. On entering her luxurious villa he had slammed the front door so heavily that it caused the crystal chandelier to sway but the boy continued to thunder across the spacious hallway so quickly it was appearing to make his unkempt red hair fly out. “Just grabbing my football kit, then I’ll be off again.” Andy gasped and reached the stairs.
“Andrew Watson.” Janes’ magical voice softly borne across the open space to reach her adopted-nephew with one foot on the lowermost stair, yet just the melody of her regal voice was making him stand fast.
He laboriously turned towards the sound just as Jane stepped out of the library and looking like a crowning beauty of elegance in the shaft of sunlight that gleamed through the glass and onto her cropped silver blond hair. In the large vestibule her cultured tones still sounded soft and unthreatening as she continued. “So that you could avoid a camping trip with your brothers, you begged your lovely parents and myself to allow you to stay here. What was it you promised me in return, Andrew?”
“But, I just promised my friends’, Auntie Jane.”
Waiting for the answer to her question Lady Janes’ perfectly adorned face remained completely unflinching as she stared at him.
He pleaded to her tender nature. “Honestly Auntie, I promised Will that I would be there.”
That uncompromising gaze of hers’ was still upon him, a stare he had called, ‘I want you to answer the question, stare’ since he was old enough to acknowledge its existence and he knew his aunt would not let him off. But as Jane glared at him she was wondering if something had fluttered over her nephews' immature features when he mentioned his friends’ name.
Already knowing he had no choice, Andy humbly requested. “Please may I just text Will, it’s just to let him know I can’t make it?” Jane tilted her head to one side and placed her soft palms on to her luxuriously sleek leather clad hips and created an inconsequential movement that looked to be an imitation of sparkling water flowing in an undulating stream over the semi fitted white satin blouse she was wearing.
Her expression made Andy believe that he had pushed his aunt too far and needed a micro snap of time to consider what it might be advisable for him to safely say, but Jane was using the time to persist in her contemplation of what she thought had flickered over Andys’ features.
Beginning quietly Andy attempted to placate Lady Jane. “I’m so very sorry auntie. When I promised my friends that I would play football, I had forgotten how I had already assured you that anytime you wanted me to go out with you, I would be happy to accompany you and wear the clothes you’d decided I should wear, I also forgot that you wished me to be with you this afternoon and of course I will do as you desire.”
Silently concentrating on what she might have seen ensured that Jane had only heard parts of what Andy was talking about and she had to quickly gather her thoughts. “That’s better, Andy.” Jane finally announced with a small smile. “Yes, you may text your friend, just say I’m putting my foot down this time, then shower.”
Having wished to keep his aunt happy he responded to her request by expediently showering, but as he teased the towel though his locks Andy once again was finding his mind was so confused about his life. To start with he was discovering that the flames of guilt he was feeling were being fanned because of the way he forgotten his promise to his aunt, rather than than losing time to kick a ball around with his friends, additionally he was having some concerns as he tried to figure out if the college his was to attend was the right one. And on top of all that, now that he had largely gone through puberty the boy was still feeling confused about the effects on his body.
With his mind repeatedly abuzz he finished drying his hair and glanced around the small washroom, seeing all the mess he thought it might be better to put all his dirty clothes into the laundry basket before Jane checked up on him.
With the small chores completed and wrapped in just the smooth shiny satin robe that Lady Jane simply insisted he wear, right over left just as aunt Jane demanded, he took his normal chair and wondered what to do while waiting for her to help him. At first Andy softly sang to himself whilst smoothing the silky fabric that always reminded him of his childhood, a time he loved and even during those early days it was the lure of the glossy fabric that always felt exciting to him, and although he often felt somewhat muddled about many things he always secretly enjoyed the way Jane made him wear glossy satin in his room.

To be continued


  1. Hi to all.
    As Andy Andy has mentioned, it varies for his world in a few places but I have tried to stay faithful to his version of Jane & Andy, though it sort of twists in places.
    It started as prelude to 'Hello Again', then I let my imagination wander in places & used several pieces of art to tell one story (around 15 I think, some are very sneaky.
    Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story & understand that it is not totally a normal Andy...call it a slightly alternative world!
    Have fun reading, hugs xxx

  2. A beautiful job, congratulations Mandy!!

    1. Hi PS.
      Thank you so much. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the opening & hope that you receive as much pleasure from the the rest of Andys' journey.
      Take care, hugs mandy xxx

  3. Dear friend Andy, An idea that could be explored in the future is Andrew's birthday. Aunt Jane would call Andrew's school friends and when everyone was looking she would give him a birthday present and make sure he opens it in front of everyone, which gift would she choose for her nephew or niece?

    1. Another possibility Jane as being a very intense and influential woman planned something new for Andrew's birthday. She invited all members of the Sisterhood and The Dark Institute, as the only person who could bring the two groups together is Andy. For him, everyone would put their differences aside for a greater good, celebrate another year of life of the best sissy maid they ever had. Andy of course will be in his formal black Victorian dress with lots of petticoats serving everyone.

    2. A third possibility, as his birthday Andrew is entitled to a wish. He chooses that for a whole day he will be a member of the Sisterhood, so Jane fulfills her wish. The two go to the mall and buy a nice latex outfit worthy of a French Madame, invite members of the Sisterhood to tea at Jane's house and Andy sits at the table with them like a real lady. However, at every event at Jane's house, someone must serve the guests and for that Jane decides to give Andy a gift convincing Will to be the maid that day. In short Andy will have his day as Madame Andyand and will receive as a gift beautiful French uniforms and beautiful panties from his new friends.

    3. With so many ideas Andy will be needing a long massage to help him relax.

    4. Oooo yes please Mandy.
      Crumbs It seems so many people are eager to see poor Will all feminised and uniformed, Sorry but William, will very much remain Andys protector and boyfriend. XX
      Do you really believe the Sisterhood and Institute can live side by side, no I think betrayal will always be the name of the game with those groups XX
      Now the Gift, that is a nice idea.

    5. In my understanding Andrew is Jane's successor, so I wanted to see him as a member of the Sisterhood in the future. Nothing better than starting this initiation in a more innocent way

  4. Thanks very much Mandy. A very enjoyable intro to Andy and Jane’s sweet world.

    1. Hello Aidan.
      Thank you, I thought that as Andy has never approached "Andys'" younger day, maybe he's just too close, that maybe it would be easier for someone else to open up a storyline of when he entered the world & allow the character to have some fun dressing up without Jane teasing him too much.
      There is still a lot of chapters to go & I do hope you have as much enjoyment reading as I did discovering this side of Andy.
      Hugs, Mandy xxx

  5. The story unfolds beautifully in your set of chapters. Still following closely to what I recall, but adding depth and variation to the memories.
    It would seem that Aunt Jane has embedded the feeling and fantasy of the silks and satin into his subconscious. That, and the new found thoughts of his friend William being borne along with the hormonal visions just out of reach in his mind's eye.
    Lady Jane must be satisfied with his submission to her will. Yes, he is coming along nicely.
    Thank you both for the luxury of the additions to Andrews blossoming.

    1. Hi Lee, thank you for your kinds words.
      Of course I do not wish to give away how the story unfolds, but Lady Jane can be very displeased when Andy becomes a little troublesome & forgets how he promised her to accompany her for the evening.
      I hope you have as much fun reading the following chapters.
      Hugs Mandy xxx

    2. Looking forward to them. Thank you.
