Hi Everyone
As I said this is going to be a week of posts, featuring items and info kindly sent to me by our friends. I hope to get everyone in but if I run out of time and space (that's a big concept) I shall add them as I go on. It is my intention to leave nothing out.
First up though I need to thank you all for pushing me over 7,000,000 hits that is a Million hits since last September, which is bonkers, imagine if I had just 1 penny for every hit, 'scrazy crazy.
Right that's enough whaffle.
First up we have the start of a super story, told over 7 Chapters, one or two a week, by our friend Mandy. It is based around an old piece of my art and borrows and adapts and adds to the Andy and Jane world in its own wonderfully unique way.
So here is Chapter one
All According to Plan.
By Mandy Sweet heart.
***To keep this tale within the ‘Lady Jane & Andy’ worlds
I have taken a few liberties with the delightful stories
& exciting artwork created by Sweet Andy Latex.
Thank you.
Chapter One.
The delicate, vulnerable teenage boy had always believed Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones to be an incredibly kindhearted and gracious lady, especially after she had invited him to stay with her in the white stoned, luxuriously large secluded villa that she owned just inside the boundaries of the city, informing the eighteen year old that he may reside there for at least as long as he was attending college. The only demand that Lady Jane had made of the lad, her nephew Andrew Watson, was to make a small remuneration in living cost; a fee that was significantly lower than the expenditure of residing at any London college dormitory room and was directly to encourage her nephew to take some responsibility now he was becoming an adult.
In truth the two are not related. Lady Jane is a great friend of Andrews’ mother and has been since the ladies were both of a young age; it was just that even from Andrews’ preschool days Lady Jane had always found time in her busy life for him and even with the age difference both Lady Jane and Andrew became the very best of friends too. As the years went on, for Andrew he had found someone older that he could trust and confide in and as he entered his teenage years Andrew so admired Lady Janes’ beauty and confidence, impressed to such an extent that he found himself casually copying her various idiosyncrasies during those times he was with her or alone in his room; whereas Lady Jane could plainly see something special about this one shy pulchritude child that was not present in either of Andrews’ brothers and often visited his mother just to spend time with the boy, thus enabling this unique aspect of her friends’ son to instinctively blossom.
The first couple of months after he had started living in his aunts’ villa Andrew had been honorable and handed the token of money over on time but owing to him being a typical teenager he soon appeared to be slipping and he began paying his Aunt Jane several days late, the real problem for Andrew emerged as the football season progressed, he swiftly forgot about any payment altogether, spending the funds he needed on his teams new colours.
Andrew was already four weeks late with one payment and now it was time for the following months’ rent to be paid. The evening before the latest was due Lady Jane waited purposefully for her nephew to return from his biweekly football practice ahead of summoning him into the kitchen to remind her nephew of the agreement they had signed. “Do you recall the wording of the contract we have, Andy?” She enquired as her nephew so delicately took the stool opposite her.
With his slim fingers fluttering in midair he nibbled the side of his lower lip whilst looking guiltily at his aunt, how elegantly unmasculine he habitually behaves since he started living away from his older brothers she aimlessly thought.
“I, I didn’t really read it aunt Jane.” Andy softly confessed.
In her impeccably elegant tone Jane went ahead. “Well, let me recite it to you, Andy. It states that if you do not pay your rent on time, you, Andrew Watson, will be my domestic help for as long as I wish but not exceeding the period I say you may live here.” She could see concern on his face and without vexation informed the boy. “Until I obtain a new maid...which may take an unreasonable amount of time the way the market is, every weekend and potentially any sporadic weekday, you will make this place look immaculate, is that understood?”
Andys’ concern turned to anxiety, he had always loved his beautiful aunt Jane and although he pouted in dismay in a shaky voice he agreed. “Yes, auntie.”
Seeing the scowl on Andys’ face she gently took his small floating hand in both of hers’ and informed him. “Andy! Darling, It’s the only way you are going to learn how to take responsibility.” Lady Jane smiled as a giddy image flicked across her mind. “You have no classes on a Friday, is that correct?” The boy informed her that his day would free tomorrow. “Good, you will come shopping with me tomorrow and we will find you some new clothes.”
As Andy lifted himself from the silky smooth ivory coloured satin sheets that Friday morning he had already forgotten the new agreement he had made the evening before, merely recalling that he had no classes and dressed to meet his long time friend, Will, at the arcade.
Passing his aunts’ bedchamber he heard her ruthlessly call out. “Andrew, I am not going shopping with you in those ageing jeans.” The legwear in question had been stressed to such a degree that now enlarged holes shown sizable segments of his slender legs. “Get in here.”
Hearing the word shopping caused the memory of their discussion to scuttle though his mind and was about to cry off their agreement when he looked into her cool green eyes and could see the disquieted in them. “I’ll go and change auntie.” He replied, trying to please her.
“No, I said get in here and I will find you something to wear.”
Shuffling into her room his unfailingly attention of her stylish king size four poster bed, rimmed in vivid red deep pushbutton velvet and shrouded in graceful black silk sheets, was disturbed when Andy watched in total confusion as Lady Jane walked into her clothes den. In less than twenty seconds Andy witnessed Lady Jane returning with a soft silver/pink top resting against a pair of pastel blue/grey slacks that matched his eyes delightfully.
Gazing at them spread over the ruffled sheets, Andy retorted. “I can’t wear them outside, auntie Jane.”
“You can and you will, Andy. You have really disappointed me, now remove those tatty old clothes.”
Andy felt disheartened and embarrassed about the idea of him, almost a man, wearing these clothes, a feeling that mixed miserably with the discomfit he had caused his best and earliest friend leaving him compelled to courteously lift his new football shirt over his head. Once Andy had removed his jeans and Jane could see the old pair of navy blue boxers he was wearing she insisted he removed them too.
Keeping her eyes on his face she handed Andy a pair of powder blue effeminate panties made from the softest sensual silk . “Put these on for now, Andy.”
Attempting to keep his lovely aunt Jane somewhere close to being contented he shyly stepped into them without saying a word and did not consciously notice how they were perfectly shaped to body. Silently as Andy was adjusting the frilly underwear, inducing the silky fabric to fit more comfortably, Jane slyly smirked while passing him the trousers.
Accepting them he realised that they were made of creaseless gilded satin before he noticed that the garment had an elasticated waist with no zipper. With Jane being roughly one size larger than him he hoped that the slacks would be slightly large as he slowly edging them up his long almost hair free legs, whilst he lifted them Andy savored the smoothness of the soothing fabric against his delicate skin and glanced up at Jane only to see the harsh look upon her face making Andy think that it may be advisable to keep mute; if Andy could have read her mind just then he would know how pleased she was feeling while she was watching her nephew obey her simple commands with such subservient panache.
Bringing the stretchable pants around his narrow waist was just like the glossy silk panties currently teasing his butt and genitals in its flowing silkyness, a perfect fit and that included the length too.
Reaching out for the blouse he was being handed Andy thought that maybe his aunt was just ridiculing him, he knew how Jane had a wicked sense of humour and sometimes she would playfully taunt him. With the idea that Jane was just playing some foolish game Andy smiled at his aunt as he slid the satin top with its long loose-fitting sleeves exquisitely around his shoulders resulting in the light fabric delighting his skin with its sleekness as he fastened it across his slightly tapered chest.
“That’s style is so much more you, Andy.” Jane flatly stated in her most haunting tone despite feeling euphoric at seeing her dainty nephew conform to her wish of dressing so beautifully but having to strive exceptionally hard to keep her voice that steady as she instructed Andy to sit in front of her vanity mirror. “I’m just going to apply some makeup on you.”
Still believing this to be his punishment, but trusting it was in the form of a game and today was not to go any further than the two of them Andy chirped. “This is just like when I was younger and you allowed me to try your lovely luxurious leather pants on after you made up my face, auntie?” Jane struggled to ignore talking about their happy memories that started one rainy weekend she sat her then five year old nephew.
Atypical from how she used to sporadically dress his makeup Jane fixed a set of midi length pink gel nails but neglecting to inform him that the epoxy was extra long lasting, in fact unless it was to impassively instruct Andy to move his head in a direction or close his twinkly wide eyes Jane struggled with actually keeping up her silent torment while with an expert hand she allowed the brushes to glide smoothly across his face, Lady Jane even kept voiceless when he flicked his tongue out to taste the coating slowly covering his lips to savour the taste of rich creamy tropical fruit he endeavored to name.
Though Jane had always fixed his face beautifully when he was a child Andy was worried about how he would look now he was older, unfortunately even as she styled his red hair that was gorgeously highlighted with copper tones, also very badly in need of her stylist many skills Jane noticed as it sat raggedly lower than his neck while she brushed into the best pixie fashion she could, Jane kept up her indifference.
Overwhelmingly due to his aunt not chatting to him but also forbidding him to even glance in a mirror Andy progressively discovered himself becoming uncomfortable while he considered how he might look.
Insisting that her nephew remains completely motionless Lady Jane went to retrieve a dainty pair of soft lavender Louboutines, as she turned her back on him a broad smile appeared across her lips, a grin created from the joy of seeing how attractive Andys’ features had emerged over the past few years since he last allowed her to apply cosmetics to his face, before quickly realising she is supposed to be very angry with the boy.
Knowing that he would be expected to try and wear them Andys’ eyes widened as he noticed the five inch heels on the gorgeous pumps in her hand. ‘I can’t wear those, even if it’s just around the house’, Andy thought but dared not say it.
“Just beautiful, aren’t they Andy?” At the sound of her tender voice the boy dragged his eyes away from the sexy shoes and just gazed despairingly at her. “Put them on, they will fit you.”
Andy felt confused realising how the whole outfit readily fit so comfortably to his slim body and without thinking he obediently took the stilettos off of her. As he eased into them he slowly experienced the shoes shaping his feet over the strange but comfortable arch.
Reasoning that this was the first time Andy had worn such high heels Jane took a hold of both of his hands to help him stand, feeling her lips slackening into a tiny smile as she witnessed how easily his body appeared to adjust to the shoes. “Come with me, Andy.” Jane insisted in her comfortably demanding crystal clear voice.
Appreciating how eloquently balanced he was quickly becoming after a few slow steps of unsteady wobble allowed Jane to release one of his hands as she was leading him progressively around her room and into the next where her full mirrors stood. Amazed how hard Andy was trying to create a soft smile with his hips as he smoothly walked while presenting the prestigious heel first, Janes’ tone had finally softened further. “Lovely Andy, so natural, you were born to wear such sexy footwear.”
As they both stood in front of the large full length mirrors Andy discovered his mind was befuddled, questioning who he was looking at. He noticed Jane of course, standing tall in her own red Louboutines with their wonderfully slim six inch heels, dark red tailored leather trousers and maroon silk blouse but there was a delightful looking young girl whom could easily have been her niece or possibly Janes’ daughter standing right next to her in the outfit he just put on. The person in the mirror had his hair but instead of his erratic side parting it was now framing his ovalish face and he decided it looked cute on him; Andys’ full lips had been shaped into an increasingly kissable pout and thanks to the deep coat of gloss they shimmered wondrously under the pink lipstick that paired so beautifully with his nails, his eyes from the blue and pale grey shadows looked wider than normal almost as if he was in an invariably dazed disorientation, as the girl in the mirror duplicate Andys’ fluttering he felt the weight of the faux lashes with the extra black mascara Jane had applied.
Andy had worn makeup when he was younger but as far as Janes’ nephew was concerned he had never looked so feminine. “I look just like a young woman.” Andy whispered to Jane.
Finally Jane allowed the small smile to spread fully across her lips. “I can’t believe how wonderful you look Andy, you truly have grown into a gorgeous beauty, my precious darling...niece.” In her joy of using the last word a small, kind giggle escaped.
After permitting Andy a few minutes to acknowledge how lovely he had had emerged following her skillful application of cosmetics Jane eased him away from the mirrors and out of the room.
to be continued
As I said this is going to be a week of posts, featuring items and info kindly sent to me by our friends. I hope to get everyone in but if I run out of time and space (that's a big concept) I shall add them as I go on. It is my intention to leave nothing out.
First up though I need to thank you all for pushing me over 7,000,000 hits that is a Million hits since last September, which is bonkers, imagine if I had just 1 penny for every hit, 'scrazy crazy.
Right that's enough whaffle.
First up we have the start of a super story, told over 7 Chapters, one or two a week, by our friend Mandy. It is based around an old piece of my art and borrows and adapts and adds to the Andy and Jane world in its own wonderfully unique way.
So here is Chapter one
All According to Plan.
By Mandy Sweet heart.
***To keep this tale within the ‘Lady Jane & Andy’ worlds
I have taken a few liberties with the delightful stories
& exciting artwork created by Sweet Andy Latex.
Thank you.
Chapter One.
The delicate, vulnerable teenage boy had always believed Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones to be an incredibly kindhearted and gracious lady, especially after she had invited him to stay with her in the white stoned, luxuriously large secluded villa that she owned just inside the boundaries of the city, informing the eighteen year old that he may reside there for at least as long as he was attending college. The only demand that Lady Jane had made of the lad, her nephew Andrew Watson, was to make a small remuneration in living cost; a fee that was significantly lower than the expenditure of residing at any London college dormitory room and was directly to encourage her nephew to take some responsibility now he was becoming an adult.
In truth the two are not related. Lady Jane is a great friend of Andrews’ mother and has been since the ladies were both of a young age; it was just that even from Andrews’ preschool days Lady Jane had always found time in her busy life for him and even with the age difference both Lady Jane and Andrew became the very best of friends too. As the years went on, for Andrew he had found someone older that he could trust and confide in and as he entered his teenage years Andrew so admired Lady Janes’ beauty and confidence, impressed to such an extent that he found himself casually copying her various idiosyncrasies during those times he was with her or alone in his room; whereas Lady Jane could plainly see something special about this one shy pulchritude child that was not present in either of Andrews’ brothers and often visited his mother just to spend time with the boy, thus enabling this unique aspect of her friends’ son to instinctively blossom.
The first couple of months after he had started living in his aunts’ villa Andrew had been honorable and handed the token of money over on time but owing to him being a typical teenager he soon appeared to be slipping and he began paying his Aunt Jane several days late, the real problem for Andrew emerged as the football season progressed, he swiftly forgot about any payment altogether, spending the funds he needed on his teams new colours.
Andrew was already four weeks late with one payment and now it was time for the following months’ rent to be paid. The evening before the latest was due Lady Jane waited purposefully for her nephew to return from his biweekly football practice ahead of summoning him into the kitchen to remind her nephew of the agreement they had signed. “Do you recall the wording of the contract we have, Andy?” She enquired as her nephew so delicately took the stool opposite her.
With his slim fingers fluttering in midair he nibbled the side of his lower lip whilst looking guiltily at his aunt, how elegantly unmasculine he habitually behaves since he started living away from his older brothers she aimlessly thought.
“I, I didn’t really read it aunt Jane.” Andy softly confessed.
In her impeccably elegant tone Jane went ahead. “Well, let me recite it to you, Andy. It states that if you do not pay your rent on time, you, Andrew Watson, will be my domestic help for as long as I wish but not exceeding the period I say you may live here.” She could see concern on his face and without vexation informed the boy. “Until I obtain a new maid...which may take an unreasonable amount of time the way the market is, every weekend and potentially any sporadic weekday, you will make this place look immaculate, is that understood?”
Andys’ concern turned to anxiety, he had always loved his beautiful aunt Jane and although he pouted in dismay in a shaky voice he agreed. “Yes, auntie.”
Seeing the scowl on Andys’ face she gently took his small floating hand in both of hers’ and informed him. “Andy! Darling, It’s the only way you are going to learn how to take responsibility.” Lady Jane smiled as a giddy image flicked across her mind. “You have no classes on a Friday, is that correct?” The boy informed her that his day would free tomorrow. “Good, you will come shopping with me tomorrow and we will find you some new clothes.”
As Andy lifted himself from the silky smooth ivory coloured satin sheets that Friday morning he had already forgotten the new agreement he had made the evening before, merely recalling that he had no classes and dressed to meet his long time friend, Will, at the arcade.
Passing his aunts’ bedchamber he heard her ruthlessly call out. “Andrew, I am not going shopping with you in those ageing jeans.” The legwear in question had been stressed to such a degree that now enlarged holes shown sizable segments of his slender legs. “Get in here.”
Hearing the word shopping caused the memory of their discussion to scuttle though his mind and was about to cry off their agreement when he looked into her cool green eyes and could see the disquieted in them. “I’ll go and change auntie.” He replied, trying to please her.
“No, I said get in here and I will find you something to wear.”
Shuffling into her room his unfailingly attention of her stylish king size four poster bed, rimmed in vivid red deep pushbutton velvet and shrouded in graceful black silk sheets, was disturbed when Andy watched in total confusion as Lady Jane walked into her clothes den. In less than twenty seconds Andy witnessed Lady Jane returning with a soft silver/pink top resting against a pair of pastel blue/grey slacks that matched his eyes delightfully.
Gazing at them spread over the ruffled sheets, Andy retorted. “I can’t wear them outside, auntie Jane.”
“You can and you will, Andy. You have really disappointed me, now remove those tatty old clothes.”
Andy felt disheartened and embarrassed about the idea of him, almost a man, wearing these clothes, a feeling that mixed miserably with the discomfit he had caused his best and earliest friend leaving him compelled to courteously lift his new football shirt over his head. Once Andy had removed his jeans and Jane could see the old pair of navy blue boxers he was wearing she insisted he removed them too.
Keeping her eyes on his face she handed Andy a pair of powder blue effeminate panties made from the softest sensual silk . “Put these on for now, Andy.”
Attempting to keep his lovely aunt Jane somewhere close to being contented he shyly stepped into them without saying a word and did not consciously notice how they were perfectly shaped to body. Silently as Andy was adjusting the frilly underwear, inducing the silky fabric to fit more comfortably, Jane slyly smirked while passing him the trousers.
Accepting them he realised that they were made of creaseless gilded satin before he noticed that the garment had an elasticated waist with no zipper. With Jane being roughly one size larger than him he hoped that the slacks would be slightly large as he slowly edging them up his long almost hair free legs, whilst he lifted them Andy savored the smoothness of the soothing fabric against his delicate skin and glanced up at Jane only to see the harsh look upon her face making Andy think that it may be advisable to keep mute; if Andy could have read her mind just then he would know how pleased she was feeling while she was watching her nephew obey her simple commands with such subservient panache.
Bringing the stretchable pants around his narrow waist was just like the glossy silk panties currently teasing his butt and genitals in its flowing silkyness, a perfect fit and that included the length too.
Reaching out for the blouse he was being handed Andy thought that maybe his aunt was just ridiculing him, he knew how Jane had a wicked sense of humour and sometimes she would playfully taunt him. With the idea that Jane was just playing some foolish game Andy smiled at his aunt as he slid the satin top with its long loose-fitting sleeves exquisitely around his shoulders resulting in the light fabric delighting his skin with its sleekness as he fastened it across his slightly tapered chest.
“That’s style is so much more you, Andy.” Jane flatly stated in her most haunting tone despite feeling euphoric at seeing her dainty nephew conform to her wish of dressing so beautifully but having to strive exceptionally hard to keep her voice that steady as she instructed Andy to sit in front of her vanity mirror. “I’m just going to apply some makeup on you.”
Still believing this to be his punishment, but trusting it was in the form of a game and today was not to go any further than the two of them Andy chirped. “This is just like when I was younger and you allowed me to try your lovely luxurious leather pants on after you made up my face, auntie?” Jane struggled to ignore talking about their happy memories that started one rainy weekend she sat her then five year old nephew.
Atypical from how she used to sporadically dress his makeup Jane fixed a set of midi length pink gel nails but neglecting to inform him that the epoxy was extra long lasting, in fact unless it was to impassively instruct Andy to move his head in a direction or close his twinkly wide eyes Jane struggled with actually keeping up her silent torment while with an expert hand she allowed the brushes to glide smoothly across his face, Lady Jane even kept voiceless when he flicked his tongue out to taste the coating slowly covering his lips to savour the taste of rich creamy tropical fruit he endeavored to name.
Though Jane had always fixed his face beautifully when he was a child Andy was worried about how he would look now he was older, unfortunately even as she styled his red hair that was gorgeously highlighted with copper tones, also very badly in need of her stylist many skills Jane noticed as it sat raggedly lower than his neck while she brushed into the best pixie fashion she could, Jane kept up her indifference.
Overwhelmingly due to his aunt not chatting to him but also forbidding him to even glance in a mirror Andy progressively discovered himself becoming uncomfortable while he considered how he might look.
Insisting that her nephew remains completely motionless Lady Jane went to retrieve a dainty pair of soft lavender Louboutines, as she turned her back on him a broad smile appeared across her lips, a grin created from the joy of seeing how attractive Andys’ features had emerged over the past few years since he last allowed her to apply cosmetics to his face, before quickly realising she is supposed to be very angry with the boy.
Knowing that he would be expected to try and wear them Andys’ eyes widened as he noticed the five inch heels on the gorgeous pumps in her hand. ‘I can’t wear those, even if it’s just around the house’, Andy thought but dared not say it.
“Just beautiful, aren’t they Andy?” At the sound of her tender voice the boy dragged his eyes away from the sexy shoes and just gazed despairingly at her. “Put them on, they will fit you.”
Andy felt confused realising how the whole outfit readily fit so comfortably to his slim body and without thinking he obediently took the stilettos off of her. As he eased into them he slowly experienced the shoes shaping his feet over the strange but comfortable arch.
Reasoning that this was the first time Andy had worn such high heels Jane took a hold of both of his hands to help him stand, feeling her lips slackening into a tiny smile as she witnessed how easily his body appeared to adjust to the shoes. “Come with me, Andy.” Jane insisted in her comfortably demanding crystal clear voice.
Appreciating how eloquently balanced he was quickly becoming after a few slow steps of unsteady wobble allowed Jane to release one of his hands as she was leading him progressively around her room and into the next where her full mirrors stood. Amazed how hard Andy was trying to create a soft smile with his hips as he smoothly walked while presenting the prestigious heel first, Janes’ tone had finally softened further. “Lovely Andy, so natural, you were born to wear such sexy footwear.”
As they both stood in front of the large full length mirrors Andy discovered his mind was befuddled, questioning who he was looking at. He noticed Jane of course, standing tall in her own red Louboutines with their wonderfully slim six inch heels, dark red tailored leather trousers and maroon silk blouse but there was a delightful looking young girl whom could easily have been her niece or possibly Janes’ daughter standing right next to her in the outfit he just put on. The person in the mirror had his hair but instead of his erratic side parting it was now framing his ovalish face and he decided it looked cute on him; Andys’ full lips had been shaped into an increasingly kissable pout and thanks to the deep coat of gloss they shimmered wondrously under the pink lipstick that paired so beautifully with his nails, his eyes from the blue and pale grey shadows looked wider than normal almost as if he was in an invariably dazed disorientation, as the girl in the mirror duplicate Andys’ fluttering he felt the weight of the faux lashes with the extra black mascara Jane had applied.
Andy had worn makeup when he was younger but as far as Janes’ nephew was concerned he had never looked so feminine. “I look just like a young woman.” Andy whispered to Jane.
Finally Jane allowed the small smile to spread fully across her lips. “I can’t believe how wonderful you look Andy, you truly have grown into a gorgeous beauty, my precious darling...niece.” In her joy of using the last word a small, kind giggle escaped.
After permitting Andy a few minutes to acknowledge how lovely he had had emerged following her skillful application of cosmetics Jane eased him away from the mirrors and out of the room.
to be continued
Thank you for a beautiful story, Ms. Mandy
ReplyDeleteand Thank you Andrea for including in on your Page.
Interesting and captivating, and just the right length to intrigue with hints of past story lines. I had so wished that there were images strewn throughout, but I guess I had to make due with my imagination.
More please. . . .
Hi Lee
DeleteAnd you want images with it all ready 😁😁😁
Yes it’s a nice story and unfolds just right.
Well, I guess I am a greedy B*5tard! or is it a needy B*%tard.
DeleteAnywho, thanks to you both.
You seem neither Lee, more a gourmet I’d say
There begs a pun in there somehow, but my French is non-existent.
DeleteI am what the situation requires. All for your pleasure, M'lady.
Or is it Ladies? Are you ganging up?
Ganging up? oooo might be fun
Hi Lee.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kindness. It would be no use me trying to draw as you would only have matchstick people, I'll leave the art to Ms Latex😀.
If you're interested the story is based on a piece shown September '14, by the same title though I have used others to tell the tale.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the story.
Hugs Mandy xxx
What you wrote was perfect. Awaiting the second installment in your own good time.
DeleteI sent Andy the whole story but I am thinking of adding to it as a few parts could do with expanding, at least in my opinion, but until I finish it I'm not sure if it will work or just be a lot of waffle.
DeleteI am sure it will continue to flow beautifully.