Monday 23 January 2023

New Art. Christmas Future

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On Patreon today
We have a new piece
by our dear Christeen.
Some of you may know 
she has had a major tech
disaster so to be able
to present a new piece
is a real delight.

Hi Everyone
  I do hope you are all super well.
     Today I am posting the Christmas treat I shared over on Patreon late last year. I contemplated just having it as A patreon exclusive but that seemed a littel mean and besides I love this piece so much it just had to appear on the original place for my art.
      So Is this a glimpse into the future, a happy and loving Christmas with Andy ,Will and their adopted family, or is this one of those photo shoots?.
To me it is the former, a glimpse into the future to a happy and loving life, full of warmth and peace. I feel this, not just because it is a future I wish on everyone, but in the picture Andy's face has a slight maturity to it, yes he is still stunningly beautiful, but to me he just looks  even more feminine as if he has grown into his beauty and now wears it with pride.
    I also worked on the body language, it had to be representative of the characters. Their Daughter Keira (I mean what other name could it be) happily takes her Mums hand and looks up to her/him lovingly. Whilst the boisterous Connor (named for the most wonderful and beautiful sweet boy I ever knew) needs that calming hand on his head as he looks straight back at his beloved Dad.
       I am probably reading to much into my own art, but I guess that is what one does. I have known these characters for so many years now,I can spot when I am creating something subconsciously and just let it happen.
   Our dear friend Skinnie, captured the essence of the image on patreon and I will share his thoughts below the image.
  Happy new year to you all

From Skinnie S

Andy and Will now have two children.  Yes, there were struggles to adopt them but Andy and Will were able to show they could provide a loving family.  A safe environment in which two kids wouldn't just be looked after but loved and cared for.  A sweet young girl, and a rather naughty young boy. (Fittingly they embody Andy's childhood persona split into two) Yes, they'll be visited by social workers to check on their progress.  But the social people will only wish that all families were as kind, and gentle, and provided such a positive  nurturing  household as Will and Andy.   

Of course the kids will know about Andy and Will, but they don't care.  Daddy doesn't care, so why should they?   In Andy, they have the perfect Mummy, and a loving Daddy in Will.    They've been adopted into a kind, supportive  family with parents who will do anything to support them.  They're safe and happy.   

And they have loving foster grandparents too.  It's clear that Will's parents love Andy.  They now have the grandchildren they'd always hoped for.  And Andy's parents are happy that they're all together.  Andy's mum has even found some of Andy's old football boots and kit in the loft for the boy.  (It's strange, when she was searching, she could find all the stuff from when he was small , but not the kit   from when he was playing at college and after.  It all seems to have disappeared.  Surely she didn't throw all that out?  It still puzzles her.)   And then there's their Great-Aunt Jane.  Or honorary Great-Aunt.   They love their Auntie.   They think she's funny.  She's the only old lady they know who still drives a sports car.  

And now it's time to enjoy Christmas.  Together, as a family.   They'll run out of steam eventually, and when they're tucked up in bed, I'm sure they will each give the other the special Christmas presents they had been waiting for all day.  Provided they haven't dozed off in front of Netflix watching the 6th 'KnivesOut' sequel.  Yes, they've got Netflix but the 'Chill' bit may have to wait - being parents is tiring work.



  1. Yes, it's definitely one of your masterpieces and captures a moment, a future moment, perfectly. Andy's beauty has developed and become part of him, and is total natrual. Almost as natural as it seems to their kids that Mummy should be wearing a mermaid dress in swirls of semi-transparent latex on Christmas Day.

    I should have thought more about the children's names. Keira is natural. She already has the look. In the circumstances, it must have been easy to consider and dismiss other options like Emma and Carol, or more distant possibilities like Jenna and Sally. But, I confess, you made me well up with your choice for the boy's name. It's so right and perfect. It could only be Con.

    But you've started to make me wonder. Keira may be adopted but already has some of the look of her foster-mother. And isn't that cheeky glint in Connor's eye also reminiscent, at least to Andy's parents, of a young Andy? It makes you wonder. Especially when Jane had been so helpful in intervening with Social Services around the adoption of Chantelle's kids. Aunt Jane had always wanted Andy and Will to have the perfect life together.

    Your S
    Belated Christmas kisses xxxxxx

    1. Hi S, I did think long and hard about whether I should use Con, but I just could not get away from it, If I had a child ans circumstance allowed, then I would name my child after my wonderful Con.
      Thank you for being so sweet and gentle with your description of this future world, you have such understanding

  2. Hi Andy.
    I think you must have been watching "It's a wonderful life" before sitting down to create this masterpiece. I am not sure the mother in the film ever wore a nearly see-through latex dress.
    The children may be adopted, but Keira certainly appears proud of her "mother". The only person missing the photo shoot is Lady Jane. I wonder where she spent her Christmas.
    Hope everyone is well. Hugs xxx

    1. Thank you Mandy, I am so glad you liked it, the dress is based on another classic,that being White Christmas. Yes Keira is very much a mothers girl and one day, she might adopt some of her mummy's fashions styles, but not yet.
      As for Jane, well Mistress Leather Beth has it spot on

  3. Mistress LeatherBeth23 January 2023 at 09:12

    What a beautiful image. Nothing more to be said.
    As for Jane's whereabouts, surely she'll be at the vicarage, helping Mayfield to prepare for Christmas morning service?

    1. Thank you Beth and you are absolutely correct , Jane is with Mayfield, at the vicarage they now share.

  4. What a pleasure to revisit this piece. I imagine that there is a little bit of you in each, but this one if such a beautiful wishful future. I do hope everything works out for the best, for all. TY.

    1. In my world Lee, Happy ever afters do exist, for both Andy and Jane.
      I am so happy you like it
      my biggest hugs

  5. Wow, this time you left me shocked, I didn't see it coming, but I have to confess that I loved seeing a bit of Andy's future, your art is wonderful and eloquent. without a doubt an image that goes beyond of a nice dress or an uncomfortable situation for Andy, I love your stories and your art, hopefully we can continue discovering more of this beautiful relationship, always accompanied by the perfection of latex.And please, we need to see Andy and Will together more often.

    1. Hello my Anon friend, thank you so much for your sweet words, I am so happy this special image touched so many. I always feel nervous about these kind of images, they have no real story, but carry so much meaning and when kind people like you understand it , I feel very happy.
      I promise to do more Andy and Will images for you
