Wednesday 25 January 2023

Wednesday TV presenters special

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Hi Everyone

So this Wednesday round up is pretty much a TV Presenter special. 
It seems since Carol Vorderman dropped the Latex Atom Bomb on  the country, other celebs and TV presenters have followed suit and some nearly caused the same shock waves as Ms V.
  There seemed to be a sudden rush all on one day, but lets hope it will not come to an end too soon and judging by Ms Vorderman's social media posts over the past few days she doesn't show signs of slowing down


 So lets start at the beginning, with Carols Vorderman's own response to her latex photo shoot, when appearing on daytime TV


Here is the Lady herself in  seriously sexy pair of  very tight leather pants. Wow she sure loves that belt and it really shows off her wonderful waistline.

She sure loves her flirty dances

Ok so here is how it went down.
First on BBC Breakfast news, the beautiful Sally Nugent caused hearts to flip when she wore this very sexy and stylist Biker style jacket.

And then, in the same show Business Analyst Nina Warhurst took her place on the big red sofas in a pair of sprayed on leather leggings. The thing about that is, it was such a surprise to see her in such an outfit and she looked amazing and sent the twitter world into fits.

But then, then you flip the channel on to ITV Breakfast TV and the gorgeous Laura Tobin has on one of her her cute little leather  miniskirts and a pair of killer heels.
It seems the walk from one screen to the other has become a highlight of most breakfasts.

Then, we get to the evening viewing and we a treated by Andrea Mclean to a her amazing legs in these slick leather pants. Red and Black a classic fetish combination.

Finally we take a trip to the movie premiere of Gerard Butlers new film The Plane and find Blog Fave 
Lizzie Cundy all slick and shiny.


  1. Can I just offer a very big vote of thanks to our correspondent Amanda Keira Louboutin for that very extensive news round-up. In the darkest of times you bring a message of hope. There is salvation ahead. Ladies only getting better (and more knowing) as they get older.
    Thank you.
    S xxx

    1. Bless you my dear friend, i will pass on your best wishes XXX

  2. Hi, Andy.
    I think that is too much excitement for one morning. What are you trying to do to us😍?
    A lovely selection, but one wonders how many questions you managed to get right, or weren't you even trying?
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. There will be even more questions than answers next time my dear Mandy XXX

  3. Darn, my coffee went cold. TY.

    1. That's my party trick Lee, you should know that xxx

  4. Sylvain in Montréal25 January 2023 at 14:37

    After all that, the prudes would have us believe that the British aren’t kinky? I don’t think so!

    1. Oh do not worry, we are all have a little bit of the Avengers about us XX

  5. Oh Gosh my dear Andy,
    You've got me in a hot flush now (love it tho). Will I calm down by Friday. IDK.

    1. Hot flushes are what we at S.S.n.S Specialise in giving Alidan XXX
