Friday 20 January 2023

The return of Christeen

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It has been a long
time since I posted a 
brand new piece 
so today we have 
something that 
took me and age
to get right.
It is now a personal 

Hi Everyone
    If I am back, that means Christeen is back too.
   However our dear friend has recently suffered a major computer disaster, a total nightmare, which means, for a while at least, we will only have the delights of two new pics on a Friday.
  Now two new pieces of Christeen art is like a gift from the Gods, so Heck we ain't gonna complain, but what I am sure we will all do is wish her every success in sorting out her problems.
  So here we are, It's nice to be back and even better to once again be hosting Christeens work.


  1. I do hope Christeen's problems resolve and her computer 'gets better'. They clearly haven't been able to prevent the release of these two little gems:
    - a nice retro look for Chris as a 'pearl girl'
    - and would Chris really protest his petticoating? Looking like he does nowm he should be giving great thanks and welcoming whatever comes next as perfect finishing touches.

    Thank you and xxx to both.
    S xxxx

    1. HI, I agree. I don't think Chris would protest for real.

  2. Hello Andy. Hello Christeen.
    Maybe Chris should have protested about being petticoated, but Mademoiselle would have only discovered a harsher punishment for him to endure. If he hadn't shown the world his beauty, we would never see him as a pearly Queen.
    I hope you manage to fix your computer problem soon, Christeen.
    Hugs to everyone, xxx

    1. Hi Mandy, I'll be attempting to recover docs and pics from an broken hard drive.

    2. Good luck, Christeen. It's not always an easy task. xx

  3. Pearl nose-pin is looking so lovely on Chris. Nose-pins of different designs suiting his dress would look so adorable and girly. He should have nose-pins as permanent part of his dress up.

  4. Oh my! A Retro Chris in pearls. They must be going to the yacht club for a soiree. . . or just to mingle and rub elbows. How fortunate. He is even more stunning in the next. Blonde bob showing off a long smooth neck. Though it is dazzling wrapped in pearls.
    Welcome back Andy,
    and best wishes to Christeen.

    1. Hi Lee, I couldn't resist using the pearl ad, retro or not.

  5. Chris is well into his feminisation.

    His new "girls" standing out in his bra.

    How did he get this way. What have they done to him?

    He can hardly remember the way he looked as a boy, years ago!

    1. Hi Felicity, I try to leave what's been done to him up to to the viewers imagination as often as I can.

  6. Ecstatic on the return of Christeen. Very sorry to hear of the computer glitches.
    2 Gorgeous pieces and different, nice! Love the pearls. Not possible to protest Mademoiselle. xx

  7. Hi Aidan, Thanks
