Monday 4 October 2021

New art. At the Club

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A Monday treat from
the hand of Christeen

Hi Everyone
   Sorry for the late posting today, but a fun weekend lasted longer than I was expecting. Never mind though we are all here and ready to go.
  Here we have a piece previewed over on Patreon last month and like last weeks I will publish the comments ad little stories that it so wonderfully generated. 
  However like the Patreon post I am going to leave it without dialogue, allowing everyone not on Patreon to share in the fun of creating their own story.
  There are lots of little details and things to tingle your imaginations, Aunt Jane is dressed elegantly yet with hint of fetish, the club is called Q, or is that maybe the band that Andy will be singing with. But maybe Andy isn't even going to be a singer, maybe there is a fashion show and this will be his first time on the cat walk, it's all up to you, just be fun and be nice.
Over to you


From Patreon

Nena Zeigler
Andy as been volunteered to dance in strictly come dancing . And will in fantastic dresses for the series 

Ulf Wahlstrom
No idea, what’s going on, but I know, Andy is in trouble

Skinnie Stallion
Far from being in trouble, Andy is about to achieve celebrity status. Aunt Jane has taken Andy to a new club although she has done her researches.  She knows it's their Q. Awards night.  When she tells Andy they're going to an awards evening, he's naturally excited and when he sees the big Q sign on stage, he thinks it will be for Q Magazine.  He can't wait to see the stars.  He's very happy to wear his new nude latex dress with matching Louboutin heels and purse since he wants to look his best if he may get to meet Dua Lipa, Kim Petras or King Princess. 

When the evening gets going though, it just seems like normal.  There's drinking and dancing but no sign of awards.  Jane just seems intent on dancing.  Fast or slow she keeps Andy on the floor. Her energy is amazing.  So amazing that Andy is grateful for the slow numbers when they can smooch.  Not that he's complaining: he'd be happy for every dance to be slow if it meant another smooch with his Auntie.  But he's always proud of the way she dances to the fast numbers and the looks she commands.  It's not just him the boys look at.  

And then the music stops and spotlights go on at the front of the stage.  "Hello, and welcome to our special  Q awards night and it's great to be partnering this evening with 'Queer BOY' fashions.  Now, I'm not going to be compering this alone.   We're going to have a surprise guest presenter who's going to join me on stage.   Our judges have been checking out  all our guests this evening looking for style, class, poise and everything that makes a perfect sissy.    And, I'm pleased to say that they've made their decision."   There was a long pause.   "And our guest compere is ....."   Another long pause.    And then the spotlights came on and hit Jane and Andy, illuminating them in dazzling white light. "Will the pretty pony-tailed red-head and her Mistress, please come up to the stage?"

"Auntie! What do we do?" gasped Andy.

"Exactly what we've been told, darling."   She took her nephew's hand and led him forward.   The spotlights tracked their advance to the foot of the stage.    The crowd started to applaud

As they walked, the image on the screen on the stage changed to pictures of him and Jane dancing together earlier on.  "Don't they look lovely together?" said the presenter.  There were whoops from the crowd.  Finally they reached the front.  "So dear, tell us your name?"

"My name's Andy."

"What a nice name.   Love your dress.   Who's it by?"

"It's a William Wilde."  There were approving murmurs from the crowd.

"And how long have you been a sissy?"

to be continued ......

I love how Aunt Jane combed his hair in a perfect pony tail, he just looks gorgeous. I imagine he’ll be asked to show off for a fashion catwalk in some new amazing dresses that Q and Aunt Jane previously planned for him! 

I do not know what they are selling, but I will take a dozen. Andy looks out of place in an off the shoulder, bias skin tone number. I hope his Aunt will keep a close eye and also get a copy of the tapes. Nothing out of place for his first meet.

Girlie Morgane
Curious to know his choice for his TV show.
And as always, thank you for this beautiful work


  1. Lateness isn't a problem. Just pleased to see you're back safe.

  2. Hi Andy, and there was I, thinking you were having problems with your computer again! At least everything is OK, I hope.
    Maybe the lady taking Andys' arm is simply too stunned for words, while Auntie Jane is filled with pride for her nephew???
    PS, Janes' dress isn't really fetish for her, you know how she likes to stand out in a crowd.
    Take care hon. Huge hugs xxx

    1. Thank you Mandy.
      Not Janes dress might not be too fetish, but have you wondered why both she and the "Hostess" are dressed so alike?

  3. You gotta take the fun while it's there, so glad you had a long weekend of it. xx

  4. Hello everyone...

    this piece strongly reminds of Further Education from August2019...and the story that goes with it...but this time a lifestreamed party event where all the misresses can show off their sissy boys...and because Madam Celeste is present it could be a follow up of the latest Mandy Sweethard story...

    The conversation...Madam Celeste is telling Andy why he is wearing a spanking dress...yes, take a closer look...or Andy is realizing why he is wearing a spanking dress and what this party is about...and that bring us to the most importent question:

    thong or no thong?...RC Hummingbird or Gemstone plug?...

    aaand...according to several leading rap,hiphop and fetish ladies ...ponytails....nowadays...they go at least down to the butt crack

    just some thoughts...

    Fuzzy Bear

    1. Oh my Goodness, what a treat of a comment and hello Fuzzy XX
      I never would have connected the two but it really is a super idea.
      It is always areal treat to me to know lovely people really are reading so far back into my art and remembering. Thank you so much XX
      Your new ideas are really fun and yes I can see it all, that dress Andy is wearing is very specific and really would not be right on anyone but a submissive , I wish I had shown the back, perhaps it is a string of lashes, baring his bottom.
      What a delight, thank you Fuzzy

    2. ...a string of lashes baring his bottom...
      really?...hold your horses,man...I was definetly not picturing Andy being whipped in a way that leaves marks on him,when I brought up the idea of a spanking dress...
      some slightly reddened buttocks should be the limit...if you want to go that way...

      Fuzzy Bear

    3. OMG no that was a typo, thank you for pointing it out Fuzzy XXX
      That should have been a string of Laces, baring his bottom, definitely not and never ever lashes.

    4. '...he is wearing a spanking dress'

      Good grief, I must be so innocent - I saw that as Auntie Jane's left hand! But I do like the idea of a single-sleeve dress, a pop culture reference to Queen Bey's single-sleeve 'Single Ladies' leo perhaps?

      I definitely agree with 'laces' not 'lashes' though. AJ is far too subtle to use brute force.

    5. Hi Kitka,
      Well I had it as Jane's hand as well.but if it works in a few ways then that is super.
      yes you are right, the dress does hint at that video, but I will admit I never realised it when creating the look.

  5. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Some interesting ideas concerning the scenario of this beautiful piece of art, but to me it is obviously a fashion awards event. Andy is receiving an award on behalf of Boy? and the opportunity is being taken of showcasing their new line in Super Bubble Gum gossamer thin latex. I imagine the dressing team at Boy? spent hours buffing up Andy's already gorgeous skin and complexion and seeing to an elaborate make-up so that he would be in a state of complete perfection in this tiny figure hugging and revealing baby pink number. Added attractions, I am sure, will be the hummingbird on a low but steady setting and a very firm but comfortable chastity to keep him under control. Also, he knows that Will is in the audience so he wants to look his very best!

    love and XXXXXX


    1. Hi Stevie
      So nice to hear from you XX. I love your ideas, Super Bubble Gum Latex.Sweet and clever. Yes Boy? would have scooped a dozen awards and who better to be on stage to display the styles than our dear sweet Andy. The creative time have left Andy glowing with Youth, Beauty and Sexuality.
      Another Award is surely on it's way
