Friday 1 October 2021

Christeen time

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Hi Everyone
  Welcome to Friday. I will be away this weekend but I and happy and proud to leave you in the soft and loving hands of Christeen and the adventures of Chris.


  1. Hi Andy & Christeen.
    Oh dear, it doesn't look like Chris is having a fun weekend, having to do his chores and while under the ever watchful gaze of his Aunt he has to wear the correct dress, just as well his slippers matches his wrap and his makeup looks totally perfect for first thing in the morning, has he had his cosmetics applied by temporary tattoo??
    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend, hugs xxx

    1. Hi Mandy, Chris isn't allowed downstairs in the morning without fresh makeup, but beneath it all Reluctant Princess keeps him in permanent makeup (liner, brows, lips), just in case Chris has thoughts of going out as a boy.

    2. I must say that I truly appreciate the many glamorous looks you create for Chris. However, I'd love seeing Chris looking more conventional yet decidedly feminine. I am partial to the "girl next door look" but not overdone. I'd like seeing Chris blend in to the scenery like any other girl his age.

    3. Hi Jenni, Check out pic #3 Sept.17th.

    4. Hi Christeen, pic #3 from September 17th reflects the element of plausibility I enjoy seeing. With your work, we the audience are asked to willfully suspend non-belief and we do! Yet, what I find most compelling are images that lead me to say, "Yes, I can definitely envision Chris in this situation, or dressed in a particular why which appears realistic given his features easily facilitate that sort of appearance. Of interest might be a collage of images that reflect a day in Chris's life from sunrise until the time he goes to bed that night. Images that depict Chris is "just a girl" who has been relegated to a lifestyle diametrically opposed to what he once knew when he lived as a boy.

    5. @Jenni West, My take is that Chris should know by now that the opportunity to pass as the girl next door type is a rare treat. The staff isn't putting in all that time and effort for Chris to look like regular girls. The staff's reward for their hard work in making Chris so glamorous and alluring is the attention their work attracts. Chris is their canvas, even when he's forced to do his own hair and makeup and dress himself, and he needs to accept that, however long it takes.

  2. I may be a bit late to wish Andy a lovely weekend to relax and unwind. I should blame it on the time difference as he is probably all packed and well on his way.
    Thank you both for the captions. As always food for thought and a pleasure to behold
    #1 If this is how he looks first thing in the morning, no wonder he is a heartbreaker at all hours.
    #2 Be careful, he may not be taken for a sissy, but with the mesh overlay he may be taken for a hooker.
    Practicing for Halloween?
    #3 He may not prefer sequins and vertical stripes to go shopping or visit the PTA.
    #4 Forgot? ha, never. Just a sneaky way to get taken to the salon for pampering in his pastels and cute
    kitten heels.
    Wishing you all health and happiness for the crisp Autumn Season.

    1. Hi Lee, Chris must think every day is a kind of Halloween. Thanks.

    2. # 4 is cute for certain. Some of my favorite scenarios for Chris are in the beauty salon. What do you think about the idea of Chris's hair being cut into a cute little bob and bangs in front of a group of women who are smirking at him while his hair is being cut?

    3. Hi Jenni, I need a suitable starter pic. Stay tuned.

    4. Looking forward to that.

  3. 1) It's definitely not all gowns and glamour, but habits are habits which explains high heels in the morning.

    3) Oh, the desire to make Level 3 and enjoy the freedom of picking out your own dress, like those boys get to do....

    1. Hi, And Auntie isn't about to let him choose either.

  4. Love those lips in #2, sooooooo kissable

    1. I think so too. Thanks.

  5. Thank you Andy and Christeen for four gorgeous pieces. xx

  6. You're welcome and thank you Aidan.
