Wednesday 29 September 2021

Wednesday round up and the return of The Vorderman

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Hi Everyone
  Wednesday already, time flies, but we must all make time for some fun.
First up, some breaking news. Step aside people, because the original is back and I an talking Carol Vorderman.
 The Tv presenter and proud Welsh girl, showed off her stunning figure in a pair of leather Freddy's and dropped the cheeky hint that she had been filming in them this week for the BBC.Stay tuned for more.

 Ok calm it down, Phew, Gotta say, loving the belt as well.....Ok. because now we have even more delights with the final part (only for now I hope) of Mandy Sweet Hearts wonderful story.

Mandy Sweet Heart
Chapter Five. 

   Unquestionably, the two sisters knew it would take over fifteen minutes to pass 
through the gardens and reach the stables, but they never bothered asking Jane if she wanted to use one of the golf buggies, however, after driving for so long she was happy to simply stroll along at a leisurely pace. 
While Jane took pleasure from the formal gardens she noticed how many latex clad maids were also taking in the solitude, and she eventually asked. “Celeste, how many boys do you have here?” 
“I believe there are around fifty to sixty at the moment,” Celeste said eloquently, “I know that may sound like a lot but many are here to simply benefit from our non indulgent training. My sisters and I only have five permanently pretty boys each, and before you ask, all of them here are happy to serve their Mistress or Master. Although a few can be slightly displeased about the outfit they are instructed to wear.” Momentary, Celeste sounded extremely joyful. “Not all boys can be as devoted as your nephew.” 
“I had to suffer for a couple of years when Andy became rather rebellious, but it was worth it, just to see how happy he is now.” Jane confessed and glanced around to see if he had heard her, but Andy was being escorted by Mistress Giorgia and they seemed to be having their own conversation. 
“Good for you, I’ve always found boys can be simple creatures but they always come around, once they have been given the right persuasion.” Celeste said bitterly, then she seemed to cheer up as they approached a brick building. “Here we are. I’m sure you will enjoy meeting Mistress Alessia and her pets.” 
The second Jane walked in she noticed that it was certainly laid out like any stable she had been in before, although it did appear to be much cleaner, yet it was the odor that was all wrong and it took her fractions of a second to place it correctly. When Jane had entered she almost gasped as it was the same fragrance that filled any boutique that sold latex clothing.
Once her mind had registered what was wrong Jane became more than mildly intrigued and as she was about to take a closer look when Celeste annoyingly said. “Lady Jane, I would like you to meet my other sister, Mistress Alessia.” With the way the sisters were always using the word ‘Mistress’, Jane felt as if she was being harassed and she wondered if they expected her to address them as such, but she couldn’t think of any reason why she would ever bow down to these women, therefore she politely said. “Pleased to meet you Alessia.” However, Jane found herself rapidly blinking as the person being introduced was almost indistinguishable from the other two sisters, that was apart from the slightest of facial divergence, maybe the only departure was that Alessia had relatively longer hair. Without any warning, a two-legged horse clipped it’s way out of a stall and elegantly sashayed towards the water trough. Jane could easily imagine why the auburn coloured hybrid horse would go to the trough and she looked at the womanly shaped person decked in light tanned latex, yet Alessia simply smiled and said. “Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe to drink the water. I would do nothing to harm my beautiful pets.” Feeling moderately reassured, and seeing how the person was able to drink, she took a few steps towards him, then she asked. “How does he manage to drink?” “The head has straws inside of it, it takes me around a month to teach a maid to fit one correctly. You can even eat certain foods while wearing the outfit.” Jane was barely listening, her mind was centering on the Christmas she had enjoyed two years ago and the extraordinary gift she had received from her nephew, admittedly it was while Andy was being stubborn and refusing to wear any feminine clothes, yet he still adored his aunt and wished to stay with her over the festive season, and when Jane had agreed the only thing that had honestly alarmed Andy was how he couldn’t afford to buy her a lovely gift, but when he had arrived at her villa, Jane told him that he could be her little drummer boy, however, she didn’t mention how he

would be sealed in a latex suit and placed next to the tree as one of her figurines. Then Jane was brought back to the present and Alessia casually added. “Of course, unless they’re being punished, the outfit is removed once a day so one of the maids can wash each horse, not that Twinkle is happy when I undress him!” “Talking about food,” Giorgia chirped, “it must be time for dinner.” “I think you’re right.” Celeste agreed, “and we can lay out our proposal to Lady Jane too, then she unexpectedly chripped. “Plus, I have left Chantell alone in our inner sanctum, the poor boy must be thinking that I have abandoned him.” “She cares about that partial pet a bit too much.” Giorgia mumbled, but most of them had started towards the door and only Andy, who was more concerned about doing something out of place and joining this herd of horses, had really heard her remarks, consequently he was trying to keep a low profile until they left for the mansion. 
Whereas Jane had attended many charity functions, therefore she had learnt to pace a meal that consisted of five courses, yet as they finished the fourth course Andy leaned over towards his aunt and whispered. “If I eat much more, they will need to roll me out of here.”
Jane lightly giggled, but not wishing to be overshadowed, Celeste said. “You must admit, along with our personal recommendation of your product, it’s an extraordinary business opportunity, Lady Jane.” 
“Considering the low interest rate you are suggesting, and your individual patronage, it shows wonderful possibilities. However, I will need to allow my solicitors to go over the fine print before agreeing.” Jane said in her most business-like tone. Glaring at her sisters, Celeste said. “You would be a poor business woman, if you had recommended otherwise, Lady Jane.” 
Despite the continuing narratives that the two immaculately dressed sisters were recipients of, Giorgia chirped. “If you two have finished discussing the boring profitability of our offer, I believe there was talk of a fashion show!” Before she could be asked about it, Jane tilted closer to Andy, tenderly ran her fingers down his arm and whispered. “Will you do it for me darling?” Sighing gently, Andy said. “Will you help me change?” Then he giggled softly. “It will be like the old days.” 
Before Jane could give him her reply, Celeste barked. “Toni has been placed at your disposal.” She then glanced at Jane and continued. “You don’t have to be concerned at all Lady Jane, Toni has been ordered to act like a respectable lady.” 
Not that it was difficult, but somehow Jane was able to convince her nephew to do as she wished, and that she believed everything would be alright; and having been persuaded that Alessia was standing just outside of the small changing room, Toni was in such a flutter that he could barely think straight as Andy wriggled his way out of his own clothes, yet he could see how the other boy would nervously glance at the door. 
While Andy unfurrowed the first of the pink latex stockings so it seamlessly covered his shapely leg, Lady Jane pontificated by slowly walking along the makeshift stage but her mind kept wandering towards her nephew and she hoped that he was safe. She strolled up to the rostrum once again, thought about standing in front of it for a moment but instead she spun on her glossy red heels and caught sight of an overfamiliar face and smiled as he waltzed the fingers of one hand in her direction, yet she knew it was as uncommon sight to see her nephew entirely decked in pink latex and Jane desperately wanted to tell him how cute he looked with the pink bow in his hair. 

Although Andy could see how his auntie was watching him, he was starting to walk towards the centre of the moderately raised area and a little pout appeared on his face as he did but, despite his features being beautifully decorated with cosmetics, or the large pink bow in his hair, Jane was more interested in how his excessively glossy dress seemed to ripple with each step. Then she remembered that she was supposed to be describing the outfit. “Ladies, as you can see Andy is wearing one of the tiny latex dresses from my domestic range. However, I’m sure you will agree that you have not seen many hotels insisting on their staff wearing such a gorgeous little outfit as Andy is right now.
“It has been cut very short to insure the lady of the house can always see his pretty pink, latex panties and it is adorned with lashings of lace around the neckline plus the edge of the sleeves, and with twenty small latex bows along the hem, therefore keeping your delightful pretty boys happy, and if they might be one of those silly boys that thinks that feminine clothes are not to be worn by boys, just a tiny hint of how you will lock them into this dress and take them shopping,” Andy twirred around and while he was using a slender finger he pointed to the holes where a small padlock could be fitted Jane continued, “and they will always be obedient.” Jane paused for a moment as she considered what else she could say about the outfit, and she marvelled as Andy elegantly glided across the highly polished wooden floor. 
Jane had just thought about how to describe the latex, but Andy saved her the effort by deciding that it was time to change. 
When Andy came out for the second segment he was wearing an almost identical outfit, only this time, apart from the lack of stockings, he was dressed in a baby blue dress with matching six inch Lombardo shoes. Jane wondered how they knew his shoe size for a moment, but she just assumed that the footwear belonged to one of the mansions’ maids. 
Somewhat grateful that she hadn’t mentioned to four way stretchiness of the glossy latex they used, as Andy started to parade himself in front of the ladies from the sisterhood, Jane began with that, but having earlier alluded to most of the outfits’ features she soon found herself grasping for something to add, but Andy decided to shorten this particular part of the presentation and gracefully made his way towards the exit. 
Primarily due to the way the three sisters were smirking, especially the abyssal discernable sneer on Celestes’ lips, anger commenced to brew within Jane as she was starting to believe that Andy was taking much too long with his change of outfit this time. Yet, even if it meant searching every room in the building, as she was about to find the room she heard a rapid clicking of heels and then they paused. 

Glancing over to where her nephew was waiting, Jane could see the way he scolded her and glancing her eyes over his long flowing, lustrously smooth black latex maids dress Jane thought she understood the reason for his disapproval and why it had taken so long to change. 
Turning back to the small audience, Jane said. “Ladies, I am sure you will approve of our next dress, it’s from the prestigious line…” She waved Andy onto the stage, and as she guessed he could only take miniscule steps. “Ladies, although the gown appears to consist of a long sleeves and sweeping skirt,” she quickly went over to where Andy was still mincing to the centre stage and she lifted the skirt, “but as you can see ladies, it comes complete with a latex underskirt, one that you will be pleased to hear, can be tightened until, like Andy here, the wearer is scarcely able to walk.” Dropping the skirt, Jane returned to the podium and continued to describe the relatively featureless dress, then she added. “As with all our creations, like the gloves he is wearing and underskirts, other accessories are also available.” 
Abruptly, there came a soft sound of applause from the three ladies of the sisterhood,
and Celeste said. “Well done Lady Jane, congratulations and forward my praise to Andy, he really should become a catwalk model.” The faintest of frowns wrinkled Janes' brow. Although Celeste could not see the miniscule furrow, she elaborated. “We just wanted to know if you really knew your lines, but I really was not expecting my sisters to select identical dresses. If I had known, I would have told one of them to select something different.” 
“I was somewhat surprised to see it too, we have a rather large amount of latex clothing to choose from. I would have thought you might have selected some evening wear or some other gown.” Jane stated, but she merely said this for something to say. “To be honest, as I said, we only wanted to test your product knowledge.” Celesta repeated, then asked. “After your long journey, and extended day, you are going to stay the night, aren’t you?” 
Ignoring the sarcastic undertones towards her age, but still feeling uneasy about the whole arrangement of the sisterhood, Jane considered how she could snooze on the plane and invoking her most diplomatic tones, she said. “I would love to stay, but I have a previous engagement with several dignitaries later this evening and I just can not avoid them. I am afraid Andy and I will just have to return to London, but I would be very appreciative if I could freshen up a bit.” 
“Of course, of course!” Celesta foundered. “Where are my manners? I will have Chantill show you to where Andy has been changing and then to your rooms so that you will be able to freshen up in private.” Then Celeste alluded to how the contract would be forwarded to Lane Jane. 
“Never again!” Andy groaned as he stepped out of the small shower cubicle and finished drying himself off. “I’ve never felt as if I had ever accomplished anything so demeaning.” 
“Celeste said that you would make an extraordinary catwalk model.” Jane said and almost giggled as Andy stopped what he was doing and glared at her. “Someone looks upset.” Jane stated, and this time she did giggle. “How can I show you how grateful I am.” 
As always, Andy instantly chastised himself for having obnoxious thoughts towards his aunt and his features softened, then he nonchalantly said. “Will has been hinting about wanting to see Cats, but I know he can’t afford the cost of a theatre ticket.” “Maybe, if you hurry up and get dressed, then help me wash and change, you might find three tickets waiting for us when we get home.” 
“I was hoping for an evening alone with him,” Andy said softly and stepped closer to Jane, “but if you wish to come, I think you should invite Kitty. You two should stop pretending that you’re just friends.” 
With Andy standing so close Jane didn’t have to move, unfortunately Andy didn’t realise this until Jane swotted his naked butt, but he could see the dreamy expression on her face.

To be continued?......

Now the return of  a blog Favourite, the fun, talented and beautiful Katy Perry, lit up my feeds this week with a couple of wonderful moments.
Firstly at The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures Opening Gala in LA with the gorgeous Orlando Bloom. 

And then in a little add for Spotify, wearing the classic Katy dress.

and just in case you could not recall that dress. (cheap excuse to re-post a fave pic Ed)

and now, our dear friend Skinnie Stallion has been working on this wonderful work for so long now and this week added to the story of Peter over at his blog.

and finally, May I introduce you to the dizzy, breathless and sweet Emily Monks, You-tuber and influencer. There is just something so sweet about her, so English and I have chosen this first one, because it includes the ultra cute heel try-on fail.


  1. Hi Andy.
    As to whether there will be any more interludes? I won't say yes or no. You never know what might start rattling around in my silly mind! However, I do adore the expression on Andys' face while he is wearing the long dress & as a little drummer boy.
    Lovely pic by Skinnie, is Chris returning home after a night of fun, or maybe he is just going out.
    How everyone is well. Take care, xxx

    1. Never any pressure Mandy, but your stories will always be welcome here, you have many fans.

    2. That is very sweet of you to mention the fans, Andy, I really do hope they like the few dresses Andy has to wear during the little fashion show.

    3. Not at all, your stories are loved, just as I loved your choice of outfits XXX

  2. Sorry Andy, but with those pics of Vorders I absolutely refuse to calm down!

    1. And why would you need to Kitka, I haven't since i saw them pop up on my insta feed.

    2. Umm, because it became 'On with the Freddy's and B-Vibe 'up-to-max' when I was supposed to be getting ready for work?

    3. A worthy distraction I did you XXX

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Another benefit of working flexitime, I almost never have meetings scheduled before nine-thirty :)
      Edited: Because I was incapable of typing coherently...

  3. As always, quite the variety.
    Ms. Vorderman is still the perfect example of how to wear such a pair of leathers. The belt a prime way of showing her curves and the cut of the pants.
    Again, another chapter from Many that just further whets the imagination and hopes for more.
    Mr. and Mrs. Perry show how to make a splash wherever they go.
    and Ms. Monk is a cutie with an eye for lovely shoes, also in an amazing variety, and her voice is a delight even if I had a bit of trouble with the British version of the English language. We use something different over here. Like the difference from New York and Boston to New Orleans in the deep South.
    Thank you for taking the time to amaze us so very often.

  4. Oh gosh! After more already Lee, I wish I could write that fast but I'm glad you enjoyed it. xxx

    1. No hurry, at your leisure. Surprise us.

    2. Hi Lee, so glad you liked them all and as for Miss Monks, she is from Wigan, which is in the North West of England, completely opposite to where I am,rather like the examples you gave of America, but it is a sweet accent I think
