Monday 27 September 2021

New Art. Pink or Nothing

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A Monday treat from
the imagination
of Christeen.

Hi Everyone
  I do hope you a a super weekend, I did, oh yes I did, too short but wonderful. So sorry if this post is a bit shaky.
   Today we have a piece I previewed a while ago over on Patreon. It was naked and free of my dialogue and you sweet Patrons came up with some super ideas for what was going on.
However I am happy to say, no one got it spot on. So today we have the full piece but after I will run the Patreon comments which all take the image to new horizons.
  Biggest hugs

And now Comments and ideas from Patreon.

From aster
   Andy has not been thorough with his waxing and Aunt has found a few stray ones. "It is not good enough, Andy! You must keep up the highest standards of beauty care! I will not allow less than perfection with a perfect boy like you".

From Nena Zeigler
Andy being told off because he’s leaving saucy letters for the milkman , while its Aunty Jane bit of rough. 
Lady Jane telling Andy he should be naked , or in a latex catsuit 
I could see Lady Jane having a bit of rough , flashing her self behind a frosted glass door

From Skinnie S
I don't know where my original has gone.  Seems to have disappeared overnight. ?
Anyway after your comment, I thought I'd try a different tack.

"Oh, Andy, I'm so sorry.   Have you been like this all the time.   I'm surprised the batteries haven't run out.  You must have moved my phone when you cleared away after lunch.   I've only just found my note on the floor."

"I'm OK, Auntie, but please can you turn it off, now?   So many times," he gasped.   From the look on her nephew's face, it looked like it was about to happen again.   She thought he'd never looked prettier.  His hair was dishevelled.   He might have had a shag-cut but he'd clearly been playing with it, not knowing what to do with his hands.   She was proud of his devotion to her.   He'd not switched off or changed the setting, or  come to her while she talked to Mrs.Chalfont after lunch.  His devotion was so sweet.  He did what he was told like a good sissymaid.   She was so pleased with the progress he'd made.   Those three weeks at The Sisterhood's Finishing School had clearly done him good, although he still didn't want to talk about his stay.   She was so proud of her nephew.  Such a good boy.  The little latex collar suited him so well too.

"I will do when I can find my phone.  Can't you do it manually?"

"I'm all sticky down there.   I need to keep my hands clean while I prepare Tea.  I think your phone's on the mantlepiece.   I moved it there when I cleared the table."

"I guess my Post-It note must've fallen off when you moved it.  I only just saw it on the floor as I was coming to check on the arrangements for tea.  Kitty will be here soon.  If we don't find my phone, you'll be on all the while she's here and you're serving.  Mind you, Kitty will enjoy seeing you like that.   I think Mrs.Chalfont was a bit perplexed at lunchtime.  She couldn't work out where the buzzing was coming from.  But she did think you were very pretty and she thought it was sweet the way you jiggled as you were serving her."

"I'm sure it's on the mantlepiece, Auntie.   I'll call you with mine."

"Oh, that won't do.  I'll have it put it on silent when Mrs.Chalfont arrived.  I wanted to give her my full attention if I'm going to be accepted on to the WI Committee."

"I'm sure I'll find it if you let me look.
"No, you get the kettle on and I'll look."

"All right, Auntie."  Lady Jane put the Post-It note done on the counter top, swivelled on her Louboutin heels and went back to the Dining Room.   Even if she did find her phone, she thought she'd leave the App going for a bit longer.  It would amuse Kitty when she told her the story.  And she was sure Kitty would love seeing Andy squirming a bit longer.

Andy laid out the cakes on the stand then glanced at the yellow piece of paper on the counter.  "H off 1:30".    It was now nearly 3:30 and Kitty would be arriving any moment.   He could always try turning off manually.    The door bell rang.   No time.   What a shame, too.  Will was coming round tonight and all he'd probably want to do was apply some soothing cream, and curl up and sleep. 

From oflorenz
Andy ignored one of the tasks Aunt Jane had written down on the post-it, and Auntie is so disappointed! I'm afraid the poor maid will be punished soon...but how?! I love Jane beautiful heels and her yellow tight dress shaping her amazing figure ✨

From Skinnie S
"And what does this mean young lady? Pray tell." Andy could see that Aunt Jane was not happy. How had he been so foolish as to leave that reminder note on the counter top. He might have guessed that Lady Jane would come into the kitchen to check everything was in order before her guest arrived for tea. He'd been rumbled. "Er, nothing." "I don't thing it means 'nothing'. In fact, I think it's very precise about what it means." "Well, it was just a reminder....." "Yes, post-it notes like this usually are. So pray tell, what does, '3.30 W' mean? You know we don't have secrets, Andrew." "Sorry, Auntie. Like I said, it was just a reminder." "But for what." Andy squirmed. "Well, it was a reminder about Will." "Yes. Somehow, I didn't think it was going to be reminder to turn on the water. And what about Will?" "I was going to call him." "Really? Just a call, or were you going to try to get him to come round while I was having tea. I can see how you've tousled your hair. You've been playing with it since lunchtime. It's almost as if you've been a bit distracted.' You may have had a shag cut yesterday, but that's not what you're getting this afternoon."


  1. Hi Andy, sounds like you had a naughty weekend!πŸ˜€
    Lady Janes' orders must be followed at all times, and I guess she wanted him to have an all over tan, and it will be a fun afternoon for the ladies when they see the distress on Andys' face.
    Hope you're well. Take care, hugs xxx

  2. Hi Mandy
    Yes I had a visit from my very special friend from France, who I have not seen in person since all this madness begun, it was wonderful.
    I think Jane had expected Andy to see the note and put on a pink uniform, silly boy needs to concentrate

    1. Or maybe Jane hide it somewhere just to see if Andy was doing the cleaning correctly.

  3. Oh my my, that is a very cute outcome to a gorgeous piece. I imagine the pink is the slightly translucent one.

    1. Hello Aidan, I have another piece with that very translucent pink dress coming up very soon.
