Wednesday 6 October 2021

Very Special Wednesday Treat

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Hi Everyone
   Welcome to Wednesday and I must apologise for it being a little spare today, time is getting a bit tight these days but I think I have a real treat for you today. 
   But first, the return of a regular blog delight. Amanda Holden in some trademark Leather pants on her way to the Heart radio studios in London. Love the colour.

and now after that taster, the main event. 
  A combination of two huge talents, Christeen and Skinnie S.
This came about over on Patreon and I have the permission of both artist and wordsmith to re-post this one here on the blog as a way to promote the fun we have over there.
  This is, "Thank you Auntie".

Thank you, Auntie

Words by Skinnie Stallion

Image by Christeen

“Repeat after me, Chris: ‘Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.’”

“Must I, Auntie?”

“Yes, Chris.   You need to accept what you’re becoming.  So, say it: ‘Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.’”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.”


“Do I have to?  I’ve just said it.”

“Yes, Chris.  It needs to be your first and ever-present thought.  Again: ‘Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.’”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.  But why, Auntie?”

“Chris, you’re now a petticoated boy.   Petticoats are your way of life.    Naturally you want to be a girl.  A pretty girl.  Again, please.”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.  But why do I have to be petticoated?”

“Do you want to go back to your dead-end job as a cleaner in the warehouse?”

“No, Auntie.  Of course not.   It’s nice living here with you.   But why petticoated?”

“We’ve been through this so many times, Chris.  You’re pretty.  I saw that even when you were in your overalls at the warehouse.   You’re beautiful when you’re properly dressed.   Ladies love you.  You’ve seen that.  You’ve more than seen that.”

‘But why petticoated?”   

“You have to be petticoated to get used to what true femininity means.  You have a beauty, Chris, a delicate beauty.  Petticoating enhances that delicacy.  You can’t look assertive in petticoats and heels.   You have to move slowly and gracefully.  You can only flounce and glide in petticoats.  Or recline in splendour.   Luxuriate in how your petticoats feel: the layers of soft silk against your stockinged legs gathering at your tightly corseted waist.  Enjoy how the meringue looks when you stand and twirl, or ride and splay when you sit.  You are quite a spectacle, Chris.” 

“But can’t I wear a dress like you, Auntie?”

“Oh no, Chris.   You’re not ready for that yet.   You’re a petticoated boy.  You need many more months of corset training before your figure and manner will be ready for regular dresses.   And I’m sure you prefer to have your harness and your little metal thing hidden, don’t you?”

“Yes, Auntie.  Thank you, Auntie.  I don’t want people seeing that.  Especially not boys.”

“That’s right.  You can see why you need to be a petticoated boy.   Yes, I’m sure they prefer seeing you as a girl.  Now again.”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.  But why so formal when we’re together?  I can wear my collar and harness when we’re alone.  Not that I want to, but I can.”

“Not can.  You will.   You will wear your collar and harness.  They are necessary at this stage.”

“But petticoats when we’re alone?”

“It’s the best way of training you to wear skirts and act in a feminine way.  And you look so gorgeous honey.   You’re a lovely petticoated boy.  Don’t you want to look pretty for me, Chris?  ”

“Yes, Auntie, of course I do.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.”

“Thank you, Chris.   You’re my petticoated boy, Chris, so I don’t need a special occasion to dress you up all girly.”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to do so want to be a pretty girl for you. But can’t I wear something more casual?”

“No.   I want you to get used to your femininity and what better way than to be in petticoats.  Remember, you will go the ball, Cinderella.   You have to see that as your aspiration.  Now say it again.”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.”

“Yes, you will be, Chris.   You’re a petticoated boy.   But you’re my petticoated boy, Chris, and you’ve been doing so well.    Keep it going.  Chant it: ‘Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.’”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.  Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.  Do I have to wear this harness thing, Auntie?”

“Yes, Chris, you know you do.  It stops you getting distracted. And it prevents any silliness when I let you have a sleepover with one of my lady friends.”

A picture containing text, person, child, pink

Description automatically generated“Yes, Auntie.”

“Now continue.”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. But Auntie, it’s humiliating.”

“Not in the slightest.  My friends think it’s charming.  It looks so cute.  When you were dressing, I was even thinking that you might be ready for a smaller size.”

“But that would be even more uncomfortable.”

“Only for a short while.  You’ll forget about it after a while.   After all you don’t need that little thing of yours except to pee nowadays.”

“Oh, but Auntie …… I thought …”

“Stop it, Chris.   Remember you’re a girl.   You don’t need it.  What do you say?”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.”


“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.  Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.   Do you mean never?”

“We’ll see.   Maybe when your conditioning is complete.”  

“And what will happen then?”

“Oh, one day I expect you’ll find a nice man who’ll love and care for you.”

“You mean I’d leave you, Auntie!   I wouldn’t want that.”

“Oh, Chris, you are sweet.   I’m sure I’d still be there.  He’d need my permission, of course.”

“But a man!?”

“All in good time.  All in good time, Chris.  There’s still a very long way to go.  Now repeat.”

“Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.   Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.   Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.  Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you. Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you.  Thank you, Auntie.  I want to be a pretty girl for you……..” 


I can't thank both Christeen or Skinnie S enough for this, you are both wonderful



  1. Thank you. (And thank you for Ms Holden too.) You're too kind.
    S xxx

  2. A beautiful story to start the day, and memorable artwork. Chris is now getting the idea of the future that awaits him.

  3. Beauties of AH and a very good expanded tale. Thanks. xx

  4. Thanks, Aidan. Glad you enjoyed. All down to inspiration from Christeen.

  5. Wow, Amanda Holden in leather leggings, she is so gorgeous!
    But there's something looking a bit irregular in her crotch dept!

    1. Hmmm maybe not a smooth as one might expect, but yes Kitka gorgeous all the same
