Wednesday 5 October 2016

Space Explorers

 Hi Everyone
  Thought I would take the opportunity to take a slight detour into one of my other favourite subjects, the strange worlds of sexy Sci-fi. Some of you may have read a story I posted here a while ago by the superb Stacy called Wrapped in Time, If not follow this link back to it, it is totally brilliant. The concept of alien abduction and explorers on bizarre fetishistic worlds has always thrilled me, because it allows the imagination to run wild, no rules, anything is possible.
  Anyway, one of my favourite artists in this realm is the superb Rubbermatt, from Deviantart and it is a small selection from his SPACE EXPLORERS series that I post today.
Explorer on Alien world does not see what is behind her.
  The series tells of a Star Trek type mission, exploring the universe which comes across a bizarre entity which cocoons its victims and transforms them into Latex Aliens. It is a marvelous series and everytime I look at it I can't help but imagine it remade as a movie with the power of modern visual effects brought to bare and starring my favourite sexy superstars in the lead rolls.
  So here we have but a small selection leading into the story, follow the link to read the wonderful text Rubbermatt writes to really understand the sheer kinky delights of the story.

She does not react quickly enough to the strange liquid 
slithering sounds from behind her and is attacked by
smooth slick tentacles!

She is swiftly wrapped in the bizarre  plantlike tentacles, 
enveloped and encased in their smooth Alien embrace

A rescue mission arrives too late and they find her sealed within a smooth skintight Latex cocoon, writhing and helplessly
pleading for release as the Alien penetrates her every opening

They take her back onboard their ship, but the cocoon is totally seamless and impossible to remove, trapping the helpless girl inside a world of slick hot smothering Latex, writhing and terrified 

Whilst alone something begins to happen, the cocoon changes and the girl within begins to transform

A new life form is created

But it now must spread and feed

Cocooning and sealing new victims alive in Latex, before moving on into the ship.

Now read on, click the link to read the rest of the story.

Personally there is really only one space explorer I would love to see battling such a sexy and sensual Alien and that is the forever Lipglossed and Shiny suited, Colonal Wilma Deering, from the 70s Tv show Buck Rogers, played by Erin Grey . Whom I fell in love with whilst watching my Dads DVD boxset one rainy day.

Anyone else have any Favourites they might like to see battling such sexy Aliens?


  1. Thank you for posting these, Andy, and also for alerting us to rubbermatt's work. Yes fetish and science fiction seem to go together. As soon as you get close to 'total enclosure' you're into SF territory. Almost any real 'transformation' is either science fiction or fantasy (if say magic is involved). SF/Fantasy actually allows you to be more realistic, since you can do things convincingly that you couldn't do in Real Life.

    Yes, I agree Erin Grey as Wilma Deering. How about (bit of a cliche I know) Joanna Lumley from her time as Purdey in New Avengers?

    1. I have just checked your choice of space explorer and totally agree, Joanna Lumley would be wonderful and Of cause I was forgetting The Doctors gorgeous companion Clara Oswald/Jemma Coleman.
      Thaks honey

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great new photos and I love your story. Erin Grey was my preferred pin-up - superb. Hope all is well with you? love nikky xx

    1. Hi Nikky, s another vote for Wilma Deering, funny of all the shows that get repeated, Buck Rogers never is, what a shame. Still I think a video tribute to Wilma is called for.
      Thanks so much for visiting

  4. As fond as I may be of those genres on their own, I have mixed feelings about combining erotica with sci-fi and fantasy. Leaving out the fact that I don't happen to share this fascination with latex, so much erotica strains credulity enough as it is that the addition of blatantly fantastic elements threatens to take me out of the story entirely. Then again, I have read at least a couple completely off-the-wall tales that I found enjoyable. Also, I've been toying with the idea of doing my own sci-fi fetish story for a while now, though it's something I thought would be more amusing than sexy.

    1. Love to see your take on Sci Fi themes Rocket

    2. Love to see your take on Sci Fi themes Rocket

    3. Love to see your take on Sci Fi themes Rocket
