Thursday 6 October 2016


Hi Everyone
  Here are a couple more wonderful pieces from Christeen featuring the adventures our beloved Chris.

  I always love the little posters and pictures that adorn the walls, in Christeens work.


  1. New ones on my place too. Just noticed your latex Christeens on your Flickr account. Like them.....

    Saskia(miss) XX

    1. Thank you Zaskia, i think we have all done Christeen tributes at some point and I shall pop in and see you latest soon.

  2. Thank you for another beautiful pair from Christeen.
    I am loving the forlorn look in his eyes in the first one. Almost ready ti give up and give in to his fate. Perhaps the chain attached to his choker has put him in a subservient mind set. At the very least he should be thrilled about wearing such a lovely gown. I can only imagine how creamy it feels against his softened skin.
    As for the second, set to become the Lady in Red, nuff said.
    Nah, is the photo a remembrance if when he was almost there before he rebelled yet again? A little too well done for a Halloween costume. Too bad he had to be sent away for retraining. Again ?
    Welcome back. I hope all is working out well in the new position. Perhaps you will work your way up to a clothing allowance. Or, at least a client discount.

    1. Thank Lee, Christeen greatly appreciates yours and everyone's comments and thank you for your best wishes on my new job.

    2. Lee, thank you. I almost missed the chain in the first picture because it is so understated. Chris appears to be an elegant lady, beautifully gowned. Yet the fact that he wears a collar and chain as well raises it to a new level and gives us that 'frisson'...

    3. Thank you. Ms. Richards.
      I think I never realized anyone read my comments other than Andy. I am sure that it was the understated color of the piece that drew me to the vibrant tones of the lips and the waiting tube.
      I wonder what has halted his application in mid stroke to look over his shoulder?
      Something else humiliating if he keeps fighting?

  3. Andy, I always love the the pictures on the walls in Christeen's works; they are almost as interesting as the main picture. Chris looks so lovely and alluring in his backless gown showing he's going braless. However, it looks as if this picture is from before his "enhancements" were added. Perhaps that accounts for the look on his face; he seems more accepting once his "twin girls" give him the more feminine look. I love his comment, but I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out why he knows Julia knew where he'd be! I love the mystery and the puzzle. His home visit looks to be interesting and Aunt Julia's pictures of him show that this is later than the first because he has a full rack! I love these two and I like how Christeen is ranging back and forth in time to show Chris at various stage in his feminization. Thank you, as always, Christeen and especially you, Andy, for providing this lovely place! Hugs,

    1. You are most welcome honey, Christeen ahs supplied me with many more for our enjoyment.

  4. Chris (and Christeen's work) as lovely as ever. Particularly like the "Sissy" embossing on his frock and handbag. Neither Julia nor Chris for that matter would want any men (or ladies) getting confused. After all, Chris was confused enough already.

  5. Christeen, is no. 2 a new departure for you? Because Chris doesn't actually appear in it in person, just his pictures, as Julia contemplates his return home. I agree with Foobra that the wall pictures are always almost as interesting as the main picture; here it becomes the main picture!

    The first one is beautiful. The long dress is beautiful, and Chris's choker and chain are subtly yet effectively depicted.

    Wonderful work as always Christeen. Thank you, and thank you Andy.

  6. I always look forward to seeing Christeen's work. I have to say, though, the top pic confused me a little bit initially. Like someone else in the comments, I nearly overlooked the chain, without which, the meaning of Chris' line is left unclear. I at least assume he's sarcastically referring to the fact that he's unlikely to be anywhere else. It's also not immediately clear that he's responding to what the girl on the right is saying since his thought appears at the top, which most would instinctively read first. Sorry if I sound pedantic at all, but with comics of any sort, I feel that the reader shouldn't have to guess or figure out the order in which the dialogue is meant to be read. However, most people probably don't care about that sort of thing (or don't seem to anyway); they just want to look at the pretty pictures.

    I may as well echo the sentiment expressed about the posters/pictures that are often seen hanging on the walls in Christeen's work. I'd say the extra work that must be involved in creating something that's usually only going to be seen as a small background detail is worth it; their inclusion does often make for a more rich tableau.

  7. The first picture became even more effective after the chain and collar were pointed out. The second suggests, perhaps, that emotional moment when someone sees what another has selected for them to wear. Thanks, Christeen.
