Saturday 1 October 2016

New Art. "Come in Young Man"

Hi Everyone,
  Goodness what a week, ever so sorry for not catching up with all your wonderful comments and Email, I shall do do very much as soon as I can. The reason for my absence is that I have been distracted by a decision over my place of work. Yesterday I signed for a new company, smaller, friendlier, slightly different but I think I will be happier there. Quite a big decision but hopefully the right one.
 Anyway, I have created the first piece of new art in ages, the other few had been done for a while,but I had been searching the words and story. However below is a piece finished last Monday, which I have been staring at all week, stuck with a dozen story ideas and unable to chose which.
  Then I remembered  comments you had so kindly left on my last piece. It would be fun to just proved the art and allow my friends to spread their imaginations and l tell me what is happening to poor Andy.
  So take a look.
   As ever we have our helpless hero/Heroine Andy,all shy and nervous, pretty in a Pink Latex uniform, plus Two women, one strong, sleek and commanding, with penetrating eyes and a superior posture,whilst the other is softer, with sadder eyes and a more uncertain posture, her hand raised in a wave? a wave of goodbye? But why is she waving?, what has she done?, why is the pretty Maid stepping through that door? and what does the future to hold them.
  Over to you my sweet friends, have fun, be gentle ,be naughty, be sexy. 

As an add on I suggest all new readers read the comments, because there are some stories and fantasies I could never have dreamed of.
Thank you to all of you.

Below is a wonderful caption created by our friend Sissy Dani


  1. That piece is strong enough it doesn't need any words!


    1. Oh my goodness, thank you John, that is sweet of you.

  2. She gave a last wave goodbye, for she would never see him again. It was so foolish of her to lose so much at the casino. Even more foolish was to allow Lady Tawse to cover her losses.

    Now the time had come and her debt had to be paid. The only security she had available was Andrew, and Lady Tawse immediately claimed him. No amount of pleading or requests for renegotiation would sway Lady Tawse. The terms of the contract were quite clear and ironclad.

    Andrew did not know of his fate until the morning he was to be delivered. He dressed in his best latex uniform. Was made up as carefully as possible. Lady Tawse was a perfectionist and the wrong application of lipstick, or an unpolished shoe was grounds for a swift and merciless application of the cane.

    Lady Tawse examined her new maid. While he had potential there would be much room for improvement. Any thoughts of escape would vanish once his new shock collar was locked on.

    As for physical appearance, some enhancements were needed. But she would discuss that with her plastic surgeon.

    1. You are in my mind again RH, I had the thought of a poker evening debt, with Jane losing to her land lady, who lived in the garden flat downstairs, hence the stair case behind her.
      Great story as ever
      Thank you

    2. Since I can't be there in person, being in your mind is the next best thing.

    3. You are more than welcome inside my head anytime RH

  3. Another beautiful piece of at Andy. You are a talent.
    It looks to me as if the two ladies are related. I choose Sisters. One has worked hard and forsaken family, while the other has chosen the other route.Perhaps after loosing her husband and falling into debt she must go to her Sister for help. Having been jealous all these years and wishing to have a Daughter to learn the business. She did the next best thing. Took her nephew to start at the bottom and learn the business.
    It would seem that her new niece has been on a regimen of hormones for a while. He may dream of working his way up to secretary some day.
    Until then he will cater to his Aunts whim.

    1. That is another super reading of the scene, very much like angle of relatives, super idea, knew I could rely on you Lee.

  4. Hi dove, first of all, glad for you about the new job, congratulations *hug*. Second, I love this pic (like all of them); Andy look so sweet and shy in his uniform. I like the idea of two sisters, I can imagine the Latex wearing one being the stern eldest and the other being Aunt Jane, just before she had a revelation and realized she had make a mistake and that she did not want anyone, more so her mean sister to take care of the education of her young sissy. As soon as the door closed, she followed them in, grabbed Andy's hand and brought him home. From this day on She became the gorgeous Mistress we all know and admire!
    Your Kitty Kat, Amber xoxoxo

    1. Kitty Kat! Xxxxxx
      Totally wonderful to read your comment, your little side to Lee's idea is superb, a kind of genesis story, Marvel films would be proud.
      Bless you for your wishes regarding job, will Email soon.

  5. "Come in, my dear! Yes, you may turn and wave goodbye to your Aunt. She has done a good job in training you thus far, but she is only a junior member of the Sisterhood. You need to be taken to the next stage, to be mastered by more powerful women. One day, perhaps, you will even serve the Grand Mistress herself.
    Too shy to speak? That is most becoming. Hold up your petticoats so that I may pull down your rubber panties and check... Ah yes, your chastity cage is tight and secure. Ah, your blush is quite charming! Your Aunt was right, you are clearly something special. Don't tremble, my dear child, we will take care of you; there is nothing to fear. As long as you learn (and you will!) to give up everything that is masculine. And that includes your name. Andrew? No. From now on you are Amanda. Amanda the maid."

    1. Ah, stepping into a new phase of his Feminisation. Lovely angle on story. I am never surprised but always delighted by your imagination.

  6. It misses the precision and crispness of your usual drawing. I expect more and better from you ,young lady.

    1. Lack of precision and crispness, well actually that sums my head up at the moment 😊.

  7. Oh and Andy, congratulations on your new job! I hope it goes well for you and that you're happy there - that's the important thing! xxx

    1. That's very sweet of you thank you so much. Xx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Andy. Congratulations. Hope you can reach your objetives. Thank you for inviting us to comment your art. My mind imagines this one:
    Strong woman's text box: "Yiu are welcome Andrew. Your Aunt Jane has told me about your first experiences in our Sisterhood. Especially in the coffee mornings. So that, you are in a new stage of your process. You will taste new deepest and wriggle feelings".
    Andrew's text box: "Thanks Ms. Claris. I'll continue my training under her right hannd"
    Softer woman's text box: "Bye Andy. We always remember your tongue. Come back soon".


    1. So simple, so sweet perfect words. Nothing else to add except, Thank you.

  10. It had been foolish of Jane to mention to her boss that she often had a maid to help out at home and for parties. It was an unintended slip but one which her boss remembered a few weeks later. She called Jane into her office and said that she was having a party the next day. Just a few close friends but still quite grand with outside caterers: her boss clearly wanted to impress. She asked the name of Jane's maid. "Andy," Jane instinctively replied.
    "An unusual name for a girl, but I guess she's named after actresses like Andy McDowell. Four Weddings would probably have been popular when she was born." Jane didn't know how to respond and was further confused when her boss whether she could borrow Andy for the weekend.
    Jane hummed and hawed. How could she tell her boss that Andy possibly wasn't quite what she had in mind? Jane didn't want to upset her boss, after all bonus time was approaching. Somewhat reluctantly she agreed.
    "Oh and can you get Andy to wear a smart uniform. Nothing special, just what she normally wears for you."
    The next afternoon, Jane dropped Andy off at her boss's luxury apartment. She gave him a long lingering kiss in the car. "You'll be OK darling, I'm sure. No-one will know." Although to be on the safe side she'd locked Andy in a cock cage in case of anything untoward happening. "I'll pick you up later this evening."
    She led Andy to the door apartment and gave him a little farewell wave as the door opened. She heard her boss give out a littlw whistle of astonishment as she saw Andy. "My aren't you the pretty one? Where has Jane been hiding you? Come in and let me show you around. I'm sure you're going to do just fine tonight." She stuck head out of the called to Jane "You don't need to come back later. Tomorrow morning will do. My husband and I will make Andy very comfy after our guests have gone."

    1. Ah my beautiful Stallion. Perfection as ever. Again another theme which buzzed about my head, but never found your clarity.
      A wonderful story with a promise of delights to come for the pretty shy Andrew, in his pink and shiny Latex uniform.
      You know husbands and their wives can offer be so loving. 😁😁
      Thank you S. Big hugs and special kisses

    2. The full version is being published chapter by chapter at

  11. Welcome back Andrew. You're looking a bit tired. Was it because of your daytime or nighttime duties?
    **I hope she'll be back for me soon.**
    I hope I didn't keep Andrew up too late. I know you two have your own routine.

    1. Hi Christeen, Wow we have finaly got to team up, though in a small way.
      Thank you so much.

  12. Great work
    mandy maiden x x x

    1. Hi Mandy, thank you so much, so glad it tickles you

  13. Mrs.Amanda, when could we email again? I know you're busy, but our..."talks" are oh so divine and bring me much joy...if you wish for me to leave you alone, then say so and you will never hear from me again...I just need an answer...

  14. That's a very inspiring piece of art, dear A.

    1. Hello Elizabeth, so very happy you like it, hope it has got your imagination running wild.

  15. OK, one more:

    "Hmmm. The uniform needs to be tighter. The waist not narrow enough. I have a corset to get you down to the correct width. You will find it difficult to breathe at first, but you'll get used to it. Lips...need some plumping. I have a little bee venom lip gloss for that.

    Jane attempted to get Madame's attention. After all, Andrew was just going to stay the week while she was in Paris. It wasn't like he was going to stay with Madame for good.

    1. That is wonderful RH, neat and concise, a story in few words. wonderful really gets to the heart of it.
      Thank you

  16. 'Bee venom lip gloss'? Hm, I like the concept!

    1. I had a relative who had been stung on the lip by a bee. Painful and caused the lip to swell up huge.

  17. Congratulations on your new job hope it's what you expect.Andy looks very boyish around the face ,planned?You never fail to amaze me with your artwork.The lady waving looks stunning but that's another story.
    Thanks for last week beautiful a and stunning,never wear socks again 😋😋
    Hugs and kisses
    martin xXx

    1. Hi Martin
      Very much planned, because that is the nearest I have got to me in my art. Wow what an Ego, but heck he is Andy after all.
      Never found socks essential, now, lets try blowing somethimg else off.

    2. No socks this week ,we off .... new shiny Tights and new black knee high boots to enjoy 😘😉
      Hugs and kisses
      martin xXx

    3. Hmmmmm, well they could take some blowing off, but nothing is impossible. "wink"

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