Thursday 27 October 2016

Christeen triple treat

Hi Everyone
  Back from holiday, with a head full of inspiration for new art,(especially Halloween) however that may take a day or two to create so in the meantime I present three elegant new works from the wonderful world of Christeen.


  1. I wonder if all young Ladies have the butterflies as Andi when waiting for her date? They seem more than a little bit incongruous as John is a bit scruffy and under dressed compared to the demure and pristine outfit and coif of Andi. His make up is immaculate so I wonder what adventure John has planned.
    The bush is in a perfect spot to block if his date has swelled upon seeing little Andi so cute and ready. I hope that John has at least shaved, I have heard some girls do not care for the scratchy feel during a kiss.
    Good luck Andi, and welcome back Andy

    1. Er, Lee - this is actually Chris, not Andi... I know both of our little boy-girls get into similar predicaments sometimes, so it's easy to get confused, but there is a difference. In particular, I don't think Andi has ever had (yet?) the long and quite intensive feminisation and training that Chris has experienced at 'Mademoiselles'.

      Myself I think Chris is worrying unnecessarily about being recognised. Unless of course someone's told John, or he's read the book of posters in the second picture ;)

    2. Oops, I did it again. Sorry.
      Perhaps I was actually a blonde in a former life.

  2. Oh wow - another triple whammy from Christeen! I sometimes wonder if it's possible for Chris to get any more beautiful, but then you produce another wonderful set. I love the concept of the book of posters in the second picture, and Chris looks suitably worried at their wide distribution! (Heh heh heh!) And in the first picture Chris is actually beginning to think of himself, no longer as a petticoated boy, not just as a feminised sissy, but as what he is becoming, a girl. In fact I think he's starting to think of 'himself' as - she.
    Thank you to Andy as always for encouraging Christeen to post her art here!

  3. The image and words depicting Christeen about to re-encounter John suggest so many possibilities. Perhaps John doesn't know, and wouldn't recognize her, but she gets so nervous that she blurts out her true identity and all is revealed. Then she would have only herself to blame if he 'outs' her further. Or...?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My own slightly more mature Chris is no longer bothered with adolescent boys like Tom and John. She has more demanding admirers to deal with now.

  4. There seems to be something wrong with the Christeen poster hanging on the wall...looks like Chris has an extra arm....Anatomically it's just completely off.Usually Christeen is so precise on details, and this seems a bit sloppy.

    1. Hello Miss Zaskia, Just an illusion I suspect. His arms are normal as I only changed the face to Chris for this photo. His chin rests in his gloved hand. All the best, Christeen

  5. I think that I would like to get a look into that book.
    Large format, perhaps a view down "memory lane" from the very beginning.
    All the styles and variations that have evolved over the years to bring him to this point.
    I really like the set up for the third panel. Letting the "Ladies" out almost free. Sans wigs, but hair styled to remind them no matter what they wear, what they are and what is expected. Roaming each in her own thoughts. Loving it / hating it, too bad, each must come to the realization that it is necessary to make the best of it. No way back.

  6. From Sweet Sissy Stevie,

    love the morning recess picture. Imagine the legion of maids who have dressed and made-up all these sweet boys to perfection for their class, and the help the boys must have had to get into their no doubt gorgeous lingerie and dresses. wonderful work as always , Christeen.

  7. I'm sure John won't tell at all; he'll be so entranced by beautiful, sexy Chris that he'll be head over heels in love! I love Chris' demure white lacy sheath, I'm sure John will find he fills it out well. I'm sure the next volumes of "Chris's Posters" will be on the best seller list for months.

  8. Thanks for posting Christine updates..I have followed the images for years and recently came upon your blog site, I also enjoy the Andy latex images as well. As a comic artist the images supply inspirations ...Regards Dennis aka Shadoman

    1. Hello and welcome to my blog, I a honoured to post Christeens art and hope you will take time to look through my blog.

    2. I have explored your blog site and really enjoy it.. Should you ever want some samples of my TG/force fem stuff just say the word Regards Shadoman
