Friday 14 October 2016


Hi Everyone
  A quick thank you for all your support over the last few weeks, XXXX
     It is time, at last, for a holiday. So I will be away all next week visiting my naughty, loving friends back In France.
  I was hoping to get one last piece of art finished, but thanks to a Rail strike, in the UK i have been staying 90 miles from my files and things, so the opportunity, slipped away.
   When I return, inspired to the brim, I hope to create more and more art and even write a story or two.
  Untill then, I wish you all well, play nicely and be safe.
Love and kisses


  1. That's a great news, honey!!!! Hope you enjoy this week naughtily. Don't forget to put on your beautiful heels!!!. And please, take a lots of sexy pictures.
    Warm wishes!!!

  2. Have a wonderful time away. Thanks for all of your additions over the last few weeks. Quite a variety. Relax, unwind and recharge.
    Looking forward to your return.

  3. Andy,

    Have a great time off.


  4. Great to know that you arrived safely. Have a wonderful time.
