Friday 28 October 2016

New Art, "Aunties Horny Little Devil"

Hi Everyone
  As promised I have a new piece of art for you, a special piece for Halloween weekend and inspired by my Friend Gi and her awesome new, brilliant red latex catsuit. With all due respect to her she is a lady of mature years (compared to me anyway) but my goodness she can fill out a Latex outfit. 
  Anyway inspired by that, I imagined why Andy might find himself packed into such a tight and unforgivingly exposing outfit and came up with this little scenario. 
  Once more our poor sissy hero/Heroine is at the mercy of his "Aunts" and true to form they are planning a party for their friends, which as ever will be a wonderfully embarrassing evening for Andy. However this is Halloween weekend and so with the addition of a couple of Hi-Tech silicone enhancements,  it is off with the Latex Uniform and into something far more appropriate and thanks to his silly Aunts it promises be an evening filled with even greater terrors for poor Andy.

  Hope you like


  1. How does he survive surrounded by these perfect mature beauties. Heavenly as always xxx

    1. I know he finds it hard to concentrate sometimes.
      Lovely to hear from you Andy

  2. From Sweet Sissy Stevie,

    Welcome back from holiday. What a beautiful Halloween costume, Andy is very lucky to have an Auntie who buys him such beautiful things. I love the integral gloves and high, high heels and the thought of the tail up his bottom is positively intoxicating! one of your best!

    lots of love and XXXX


    1. Hi Stevie
      Oh it is so nice when someone takes time to take in the details. The gloves are important especially with the claw nails.
      Bless you for your kind comments

    2. Hi Andy,

      Thanks for your prompt reply. I always think gloves are very important and any outfit is improved by including them. Our sweet boy will have to very careful when serving the drinks to the Lady guests with those gloves and claw-nails. As he bends at the waist the tail will make his submissive posture even more attractive than usual and similarly when he curtsied to each beautifully attired Lady guest as they arrived and he removed their furs which I am sure they would be wearing over their exquisite latex outfits.

    3. Oh yes furs would be worn, after all these are elegant rich ladies and they will also be wearing gloves. Andy will attend as long as his eager tail will allow him to concentrate.
      Thanks Stevie, you are such fun

    4. Hi, Andy,

      Thanks for the e-mail. I can see a beautiful piece of artwork of Andy helping one of these Ladies to dis-robe to reveal her Halloween outfit, latex, high boots, gloves, whip!



  3. A terrific piece. Andy is certain to win a prize for Best Costume. However he may be too preoccupied with that little intruder to even notice.

    1. Thank you RH. That swishy tail may prove to distracting. But he will sleep well that night.

    2. My only concern is that Andy has been dressed as the devil. I usually consider the devil a dominant character; the opposite of Andy's personality.

      Maybe if one if the aunts dressed as the devil with Andy being one of her minions. She could introduce Andy to a male guest and say "This is my little succubus. If you are fortunate you may find out why."

    3. Nice thought RH, but that catsuit was too much on my mind....still is

  4. So deliciously naughty. And those silly Aunties! What a nice surprise for all Andy's friend.
    Your imagination, artwork and, dare one say, inspiration has certainly benefited from your holiday.
    S xxx

    1. Yes my imagination has been inspired, wait till you see Andy in another specialist uniform. Hint hint.

  5. Andy is so lucky to have an Auntie that takes so much pride in showing off his beauty. Though he may not see it that was. Clothes do make the gurl.
    Few could do justice the that ensemble. With its restrictions I think Andy will have to bend at the waist over a table to properly set the tail.
    He is always a comely beauty in red hair. Might not even have to speak a word to have the guests in his power.
    I doubt his contact list will recognize him decked out as he is. They probably do not get invited to those kinds of parties. (HHGTTG)
    Looks like he will be opened up to new experiences before the night is done. Six? Good for a start.

    1. Hello Lee Xx So glad to have tickled your imagination and you are so right about the correct say to insert such a toy, bend and breath deep. I think Andy may get away with not being recognized, but we all know what happens when these thing hit social media.
      I always liked red hair, red hair and green eyes. Beautiful.

  6. Hello Lee Xx So glad to have tickled your imagination and you are so right about the correct say to insert such a toy, bend and breath deep. I think Andy may get away with not being recognized, but we all know what happens when these thing hit social media.
    I always liked red hair, red hair and green eyes. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you, I see that I am not the only one to leave duplicates.

      The gloves are amazing as well. No fingerprints?

  7. Hope you had a great holiday,by the quality of your art work it has!This work is absolutely stunning .Andy looks a dream and a goddess.the tail will certainly making wiggle.And the ladies with the wrong phone they knew what they are doing.......
    It's just a pity you can't blow my socks off any more,it's tights and panties from now on.
    Just stunning ,just just......
    Hugs and kisses
    Marti xXx

    1. Hi Marti
      I am sure tey knew it was the wrong phone, it was the caual OH well, never mind that gives it away.
      Well I always thing Tights and Panties should never be blown off anyway, but oh so slowly peeled away.

  8. Oh hee hee hee! Poor Andy! I can only say: This is wicked! I love the whole ensemble, especially the horns - but how will Andy be able to serve the guests properly if he has to carry a trident the whole time?
    Your holiday has obviously done you a power of good, Andy, and stimulated your kinky imagination :)

    1. Thank you Honey, I think Andy will be serving Janes guests in many other ways over Halloween, ways that naughty tail is designed to get him in the mood for.

  9. Hi Andy,

    Glad you had a great time off. Love the latest artwork, perfect for the season. And that tail, just wonderful.


    1. Thank you Erika, that is very sweet of you

  10. That Andy, what a little devil he is. I'm sure he'll have an interesting time at the party. I just posted a new story called HALLOWEEN SURPRISE on that is along the same lines. Maybe it could give you some more wicked ideas.

    1. Just read it, wonderful story. Here is a link for others to read.

  11. Oh, how naughty! What a hellishly exciting scenario!

  12. Zara Larsson performing in a Halloween special wearing just your kind of style.

  13. Hi Andy. This is another masterpiece. I have given a Fav in Deviantart!!!.
    Andy was fearful with all aunties around him!!! I'd love to stay there this halloween night to see Andy's ecstasy!!!!
    Xxx Andrew

  14. I had forgotten about this one. Thanks for reminding us.
