Monday 12 September 2016

Clip of the week, "A beautiful trasformation"

Hi Everyone
   The clip of the week is a real stunner and features one of the best Boy to girl transformations i have ever seen. In it we meet a  brother and sister, who clearly get on wonderfully well, who happily chat and banter whilst she applies his make up, transforming him from a cute young guy into a really stunningly beautiful girl and I mean STUNNING!
  The clip so reminds me of sitting for my friend Gi back in Lyon, we would do the same thing for hours, just sit and chat whilst she tried all sorts of things on me, I recall her leaning back and shaking her head, unhappy with whatever she had done and starting again, Hours would pass before I got to see what she had created of me and the feeling of wearing rich and amazing make up is one i love, especially that slick of lipgloss and the expression on our young mans face here, the first time he sees himself, the half breathed "Whoa" is perfectly delightful.
  It must have taken some nerve in this day and age of trolls and morons like that, for these guys to post such a clip, so I was a little unsure at first of whether to share it, but I have no doubt we here will all treat them with the respect and gratitude they deserve for being so much fun.



  1. You're right about trolls but they could never be more wrong. It's both funny and tenderly done. And the final outcome is simply stunnning. It's nice that, like you, Dylan seems so comfortable and is delighted with the amazingly pretty result.
    Take care,
    Your S xx

    1. Thank you as ever S for such a sweet comment. He is very cute

  2. I would have liked to have seen him with a wig and perhaps a feminine top.

  3. Don't we all wish we had a sister like that.
    Thanks for sharing!


    1. She does seem very nice and there is a clear love there

  4. He looks absolutely gorgeous! Thank your for this beautiful video. We all need more sisters like her.

    1. He does , dosn't he Elizabeth, he is totally feminine

  5. It's an amazing transformation. And she's great with the makeup. She used a goodly amount but it also isn't 'heavy' makeup; she simply enhanced what was already there and made us see the things we wouldn't have normally. And his hair style just needs maybe some spray to 'poof' it up and it would be a great pixie cut.

    Now, the really naughty part of me could see the sister as a witch as well as makeup artist...and his chest budding pert little breasts, his voice raising a few notes and softening just a touch. And her saying, with the final bits of makeup applied, "I've always wanted a little sister, and now I have one."

    1. Hi Masque
      Yes the Pixie cut would clearly be the way to go, his face is son perfectly angled for it. I do like his description of how it feels, that is very sexy. As is your lovely idea for continuation, girls are always spinning pretend spells, to catch the boy of their dreams or something. Why not one to have the dream sister.
