Wednesday 7 September 2016

New Cristeen

Hi Everyone
  Another big apology to the wonderful Christeen for the slow rate of  posting of her superbly imaginative art. But like me I am sure you treasure each new piece. Thank you Christeen.
  Hope you all enjoy.

Yes I remember your first few months, so nervous so sweet in your new frills and lace. You looked so helpless so timid, but everyone could see what a beautiful young lady you would eventually begin to blossom into.


  1. It is a pleasure to see new offerings from Christeen, especially when they show the evolution of Chris from cute little Diva at perhaps her first recital; through her dress practice. Full on dress and make-up for the feel of on stage.
    So glad to see him out of his blonde stage as he is decked out at a show or perhaps checking out the competition at a grand recital.
    He has been trained to be a beautiful and alluring young Lady.

  2. Even without her recent "enhancements" Chris is still a very attractive young girl bound to turn the heads of men and women. He looks so demure and sexy at the same time seated at the piano. Urinals?? I thought he was all through with urinals in Level 1! In any case, these two offerings look like they're from that stage when Chris hasn't fully made the transition to his true femininity. As always, superb artwork from the fabulous Christeen; and many, many thanks dear sweet Andy for posting them. Hugs to you both!!!

  3. Guess mine are just a bit more adult though still within the bounds of polite society(lol). Anyway, maybe we should start a sort of a secret Christeen Society.


  4. Hi Christeen viewers, Although the progression from Levels 1, 2, and 3 follows Chris's development, my art does NOT follow a linear timeline. So I'm comfortable creating Chris at any level for example creating a Level 3 pic followed by a Level 1. I also have a large unpublished backlog that contains all 3 levels. All the best, Christeen

    1. I love the different stages or ages . I love how the actual quality of your art improves steadily as well . Have you ever thought of or tried CGI or 3D ?

  5. Really love and appreciate your work. Glad to hear about that unpublished backlog. A steady trickle of future level 3s is fine by me. Thanks to you and Andy.



    1. Wow, I never suspected this kind of art was out there (until I discovered Andy's version of Chris). Thanks for the link. Christeen.

    2. That is a wonderful collection of alternative Christeen. That just shows what an inspiration Christeen has been on many of us.

    3. Just visited your site and what the...? Love the elegant take. Enviably talented and world-beatingly sexy all of you.

    4. Flattered but in the end but still no followers, no reactions, no comments to speak of. I have no idea how you people do it. Not really encouraging to keep doing these.

  7. Thank you, Christeen, for this new art (and thank you Andy as always for hosting it). I think it's a really good thing that you don't post your pictures in a linear time line. That allows each of us to develop our own individual narrative of Chris's history. I certainly have mine. And wonderful that you have a stock of unpublished pictures. So we've got lots of delicious Chris, at all stages, to look forward to!
