Thursday 15 September 2016

New Art ^Do we understand each other"

Hi Everyone,
    Hope you are all so very well, XXX
  Here is a new piece of art, I had been working on this for ages, but words would not come for me, this is typical at the moment, I have lots of ideas and some finished art, but the words are a bit of a struggle to get right.
  Anyway poor Andy is once again in fear of exposure, I guess this is a scene from the first few weeks of his feminisation and he as yet has not realised his Aunt is not to be argued with and that her word is final. The concept of Andy handing over all his cloths is one I have visited before.I think it is just that realisation that now you have no way of wearing anything other than that which Aunt Jane demands and that now you really are trapped and that this is no longer a game or passing thing, you are her plaything for as long as she demands.
  Anyway I do hope you like this, I like the Maids dress especially, there is something sweet and cute about it, I think it is the neckline.
  My very best wishes and many many thanks


  1. Wow Andy. His dress is so beautiful and it has written Andrew's name!!!. I love this highheeled maid. His look is awesome!!
    Another Andrew

    1. Us Andrews do get into some troubLe don't we honey

    2. He could put the duster over his name embroidery in the apron, when they'll collect his things. I think they won't recognize him, unless he must answer any questions... His look, hair, legs, heels and pose as female, will cloud the sight and mind of these guys!!!! They will be dazzled!!!

    3. Hi Andy.
      My new blogger profile
      He could put the duster over his name embroidery in the apron, when they'll collect his things. I think they won't recognize him, unless he must answer any questions... His look, hair, legs, heels and pose as female, will cloud the sight and mind of these guys!!!! They will be dazzled!!!

    4. His legs crossed show us his fragility in this beginning of his fem process.
      Do you like my feet and heels ;-)

    5. Hang on they look oddly familiar and perhaps the boys will be so distracted they will not notice the details too.

  2. One idea. You can show your art without words and we suggest you the tended. Would you like to try it!!!

    1. Tense x tended.
      Best, Andrew

    2. That might be fun, what smart idea, thank you

  3. Simply beautiful. He looks so prim and proper, but I'd love to know if his pretty bottom is stuffed full by a large plug held in place by his latex panties.
    Adorable. x

    1. Thank you Skin, but Andys little bottom is still very much his own at this point. He is just starting on his journey, but it will come.

  4. The thought of being sternly convinced to hand over all your boy clothes is frightening. You need someone like Aunt Jane to help you do the right thing. It's a genious idea to make our dear Andrew concerned about the probabilty of his being exposed so that he has already all but forgotten what he is about to do. What shattering realization will strike poor Andrew once he sees the back of the mail van leaving with everything that had still made it possible for him to be only a boy?

    Wonderful art, as always dear Andy!

    1. That is interesting Elizabeth, you see the waiting pair as Mail men, I see now they are wearing UPS colours, but I drew them in Scout uniforms, collecting for charity. This might be an interesting international thing.
      However your reading of poor Andys plight is so wonderfully spot on as ever, Thank you so much

  5. But in the end, Andy, you got the words just right! Oh, poor 'Andy'; his problem is that even in his embarrassment (? especially in his embarrassment?) he is so utterly charming. The sweet boy was born to be feminine! Disposing of all his boy clothes is a necessary stage in Aunt Jane bringing out his inner beauty. Thank you Andy for expressing this so well in your art!

    1. Thank you Honey, I like to try to convey Andy as vocally unwilling and uncooperative, but at the same time weak and easily led and with and Aunt like Jane, resistance is not easy.

  6. Of course they will recognize him. Oh not at first. Right now he is just an adorable latex maid. However as some viewers must have observed, they will certainly give him a closer look when they read the name "Andrew" on the apron. They'll be puzzled, then after a moment and another look at his face they will finally know the truth! Oh Aunt Jane is so devious. First feminizing him, then out with the removal of his boyish things, and finally having his "secret" revealed. He will either have to live as a maid or live with the shame.

    1. RH, your comments are like little stories in themselves, you read the picture and interpret the thought of the characters so well. Yes I added the name, but never mentioned it, because in all the shock of seeing who is collecting his clothes, poor Andy has forgotten it is there himself. Will he remember?, if he does whilst retrieving the box, will he dare to change it before returning and if he does what will Jane do?......such jeopardy!!

    2. Someday you should just draw a picture and let me come up with a story that would fit.

    3. That would be fun, I think you would do Andy and Aunt Jane proud

  7. Hi Andy,

    Amazing as always, makes my day when you post new artwork!


  8. Another beautiful addition to your collection. Andy has now stepped over another boundary and is standing on another. His understanding that there is no turning back after his boy cloths are gone. The Lady of the Manor has shown her cards, one at a time. Baby steps into his new world with no way out.
    I like his leg crossover. A very feminine way to hold himself up.
    His friends are in for a shock. Still knowing it could have been one of them. I wonder if their sentence is over or if they still have to work the vandalism off?

    1. Hi Lee
      Poor Andys body angle shows he is pulling away or being dragged forward,an un willing little sissy and that is the problem, if only he had been a meek and willing fem boy Aunt Jane might have been mre forgiving and understanding. Silly sissy will never learn

  9. Go on Andy are you still a man or a some fight hang on to your you want a life of make up and latex or your old life.You know what the future will hold with Aunty.
    Bugger it go get the box and hand it over...
    Right off to a darkened room for a lie down .
    Stunning yet again you just get better
    Hugs and kisses
    martin xXx

    1. Is there room for another in that cool dark room? I hope so because you are getting me hot too Martin.

    2. There's always room for someone special

    3. That's my socks blown off again.

    4. That ok because where I want us to squeeze into there ain't no room for socks, only a nice coating of something slippery.

    5. Black and slippery it is then #waiting

    6. You slid in first and I will wriggle in behind and wrap myself around you, you don't mind do you, if i wrap myself around you? because it is going to get very hot and tight in here.

    7. Wow!!! It is so hot!!! I'm jealous

    8. And a slippery Han slides out, grips you by the ankle and begins to drag you in.

    9. Oohhh no!!!. My ankle, Who is touching my foot, my leg, upsss!! No, no, no more up please, ohhh my god, yes, yes, uhmmmm!! What are happening now??? What are you doing Andy???

  10. Poor Andy! Caught by his own words and desires. The loss of his boy clothes will make his transition easier from here on out. Aunt Jane knows Andy better than he knows himself. In time, Andy will relish when his old friends recognize him in his smooth and shiny latex. Gorgeous dress and I presume he's wearing latex stockings, too. I love him as a redhead; but then Aunt Jane can create any look she wants. Thank you Andy for such beautiful art...your works capture my imagination and let it fly! Love and kisses to you!

    1. Hi Honey
      That is so kind of you and your words always add to me own enjoyment of my art. It is always so nice to read another persons view of my art. I think red will be Jane favourite colour for poor Andys hair, though the occasional "Blonde moment" will always be called for.

  11. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Dear Andy,

    Yet another masterpiece. It is so nice that you have gone back to Andy's early days with Aunt Jane. He does look so sweet in his maid's outfit of latex dress and high heels and, naturally, his make-up is exquisite. Will his old friends recognise him when he hands over the bag of clothes? Possibly, or they may be dazzled by his long legs and so short skirt and the cloud of perfume with which I am sure he is enveloped. I am looking forward to him appearing in a less demure uniform, perhaps a strapless dress with matching stockings and long, long gloves; especially when the boys are summoned to do more garden work or to collect another bag of clothes which have turned up.

    Keep up the wonderful work

    Lots of love and XXXX


    1. Hi Stevie
      I do love your idea for a uniform, I sounds like a dress for serving on a summers afternoon, at a garden party for Jane's Guests. The danger with that is walking in heels on grass, oh my anything could happen.
      Thank you for your fun and lovey comments Stevie, it ai always a pleasure to hear from you

    2. Yes, I think the guests would have to be served on the patio since he could not possibly wear anything but the highest of heels, at least 6" with the maid's outfit I have in mind.

      love and XXXX


    3. I can imagine that outfit too Stevie, frilly and feminine, off the shoulder to catch the summer sun. However ta on the lawn is essential on an English Summers day.

  12. Sensational as always hun xxxx

    1. Aw Hi Andy my friend, so sorry for not being about so much, it is so nice to hear from you. I do miss out twitter exchanges.

  13. Oh, my! Has the delightful Andrew EVER looked so beautiful... so utterly feminine? Oh, I (blush)... I think I am in love! Chrissie XXX

  14. Ow, bless you Chrissie, I must admit Andy does look rather cutely boyishly feminine
