Friday 26 September 2014

Emma Watson and Kylie dazzle in Polished PVC

  Hi everyone
      Hi this is Amnda Keira reporting up close an personal bring yo the latest from the fetish fashion scene and what a busy week it has been for two of our favorite ladies.
   Firstly in Liverpool England Miss Kylie Minougue wowed her fans by continuing her year at a fetish fashion fan by appearing on stage in this awesome polished Black  PVC Mac.

  I love the addition of the matching peaked cap, which gave the outfit a uniform type vibe, either that or she had a chauffeuring job to go to after the Gig.Either way we ain't complaining Kylie.

      Second but by no means a lesser delight came on the other side of the English Channel where, fresh from her wonderful work as a UN  Ambassador British Actress Emma Watson attended the Vogue Fashion Event this week,dressed top to toe in skintight classic Gautier PVC pants and jacket. 

  A direct response to the ever present Laxexium curse? or just an awesomely confident fashion statement?  Sadly though due to Vogue security and a messed up timing schedule, we at S.S.n.S were unable to grab out regular brief few words with our favorite beauty icon to find out. however I can report Emma look amazing, slim, fit and as beautiful as ever. Go Emma!!!!!

    For SmoothSlick'n'Shiny this has been Amanda Keira


  1. Good morning, Andi
    Another pleasure to see a new addition to your blog. I found it last evening, but was not in the right frame of mind to comment. Not the least of which is that it is Saturday and I am still at home. Missing out on all of the Autumn colors, smells and tastes not too far North.
    Please give my heartfelt thanks and cudos to Ms. Keira. Another amazing and talented report. Because of you and she, I have a greater appreciation for Ms. Minogue. Difficult to imagine all that energy in a tiny, five foot package. One talented lady.
    And another delightful photo of Ms. Watson. Not too many could do justice to that outfit and she looks like a natural. Wonderful to see her blossom and show the talent she is capable of.
    If your protege in Ms. Keira continues with her daring expose' as she has done in the last few. She has hit your blog running and does not seem to be slowing down.
    Thank you for bringing us these talents. As I have written, you are a treasure. I hope all is fantastic in your world. It surely is in your blog.
    Stay safe

    1. Aw thank you Lee that is very sweet of you for saying such kind things, XX I shall pass your comments on to Keira when she returns from her latest posting.
      I am so glad you liked the piece and agree about Kylie, I think she has really pushed the boat out this year to try and re-establish herself and as for Miss Watson, well she just continues to blossom into a stunningly bright young woman.
      Thanks again Lee, drop me a line anytime.

    2. Thank you, Andi,
      You are too sweet for words. I do look forward to seeing if there are any additions to your site. Even moreso seeing a reply to my little notes of admiration. You are a treat to savor. Keira is a beautiful addition, but you are the Queen of your domain. Perhaps Princess? if only on the weekends.
      As for me, I try to get away on the weekends. As I wrote the Autumn is in full bloom.( or death knell would be more apropos) Just a short drive North. Less each weekend. This one is a multiple treat. Autumn (skiing soon), Japanese F1 and my Birthday Tuesday. Yay !
      I hope your weekend is more wonderful than you could dream. You are a bright star shining through an overcast sky. Shine on.
      You are appreciated
      Stay safe

    3. You are impossibly sweet Lee, thank you and a very happy Birthday for Tuesday and many more to come.

  2. Great to see Kylie still definitely has hit. It's easy to understand what Mr.Hutchence saw in her all those years ago - and maybe a flame still burns in her too. And as for Ms.Watson, call the UN!

    1. I think we need the fire brigade for Emma she is so hot!
      My beautiful Stallion
