Friday 3 October 2014

New Art.."You don't listen Andrew"

Hi everyone,
     I have just realised how popular my little pieces of art are. I knew from the sweet and kind comments some of you leave, that they do touch the right spot, but I was amazed to see they average over a thousand viewings per picture, some nearly 2000. I am amazed and very proud. thank you all for returning again and again. XXX
    Anyway, here is a new piece, only completed yesterday, so still a bit wet. It has no pretence to be a materpiece, but I like the ideas it tickled in my mind, some fantasies and some very much real memories. I hope you like it.
  This is "You Do Not Listen Andrew"


  1. You'll definitely receive your just desserts - and maybe some cherries in some unexpected places too.
    Thanks for this. Good to see you're using your non-work time gainfully. Lovely as ever.

    1. Thank you S. You know i always like a little cherry surprise.

    2. I think your cherry was surprised quite a while ago.
      S ;-)

  2. Jnes. That's a unique surname.

  3. Chuckle,, I used to think about a Submissive Sundae, Cover the sub with a tight body suit, (to protect from frostbite) and put scoops of Ice Cream all over him/her, then garnish with all sorts of things.. But I am on an eating plan :((

    1. Low cal sissy sundae. It must be on the menu somewhere. Especially your recipe Michyle

  4. I can think of a few spots where pineapple rings would look lovely.

    1. Mmmm i love pineapple too.
      thank Thone honey

  5. I wonder which piece of yours has had the most viewings? Do you know from which countries they come from? As Mick Jagger once said 'it doesn't need much of an excuse for a Brit to drag-up.'
    Now please stop what you're doing and create another. Glorious idleness indeed!

    Birdie X

    1. Glorious indeed Birdie, The one i posted on youtube is in front with nearly 2000. As for the distribution I am not sure. mostly from Europe, US and the like, but I think world wide...GULP! No pressure then,
      Ah Glorious idleness.

  6. Dear Andi:
    Another stressful adventure for our little Andrew. You would think by now he would listen and hang on every word from his Auntie. Perhaps he truly is a blonde.
    Yes, another adventure up to your high standards. it would seem that it is not just myself that you have enthralled. You now have a tight little following. Well deserved as your talents are substantial and poor little Andrew is led from one embarasing situation to another. I wonder, do these panels just spring into your fertile mind, or do you have a special place to relax and unwind? Allowing yourself to drift with a glass of wine and to the sounds of a crackling fireplace?
    Whatever you do and however you find your inspiration, it is appreciated. I think that there is more than a little of yourself in Andi even when not on the weekends as Amanda. I hope so.
    May all of your dreams come true
    Stay safe
    licks and nibbles

    1. Ideas come from everywhere, from a book or magazine, from Tele or even someone who might come into our store. Inspiration is everywhere, it is capturing it that is the problem sometimes.
      I thank you for your wonderful lovely comments and an so happy you like my silly art works

    2. Dear Amanda
      You deserve every acolade that I can muster from my cob web covered mind. With your skills and talents, you have cleared some away.
      " Silly Little Artworks " ? Pshaw!! You are La Prima of your chosen genre. I for one look forward to your additions. Especially when I return from a weekend trip. What better way to unwind than to relax in my chair. a glass of wine, your wonderful stories and the laundry humming in the background ?
      More please.
      Let your fertile mind blossom. Wheather you are Andy, Andi or Amanda, you are appreciated.
      Stay safe

    3. You are so kind Lee, perhaps "Silly art works" is being a little modest especially when they seem to be so well thought of.
      Bless you Lee and a million thank yous
