Wednesday 10 September 2014

New Art. "All according to plan"

  Hi Everyone
       Sorry for the delay in posting New Art, but lifecand work have been a bit if a whirl if late.
   Anyway here it is and even I am quite proud if it. I have used a slightly different technique to create the background and allow for a polished floor, whilst adding a dialog panel at the bottom of the picture to help set the scene better.
   So this is and. "All According To Plan". Hope you like it.
  Thank you for all your support.


  1. Never mind Andy (or is that Andi?), it's still most definitely a plan and one you'll soon warm to. You'll have lots of fun ahead as Miss CoverGirl. If nothing else, all the ladies will want to meet with you for your top tips and style hints. And who knows about the men? Maybe Aunt Jane's husband might take an interest too?

    Lovely artwork again, as ever. Big kiss S xxx

    1. Doubt Andi will warm in that dress honey. Thank you so much for your comments and dear friendship , My Stallion.

  2. this is another terrific work of art and story.
    I'd love to see this played out longer, as a short story perhaps.
    great work Andy...

    1. Hi Miki
      Thank you so very much for taking the time to write such kind comments. Wish I had the time to expand this idea,
      bless you

  3. Hello Andy
    great art again. The situation reminds me about Model Adrej Pejic. As a model, he made advertising for a push up bra.
    Hope our heroe here will be recognized by most of others at high school. So his future will be skirts, dresses and high heels.


    1. Hi Claudia
      I think poor Andy's fate is very much sealed and a future in skirts heels and glossy lips awaits.
      Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments Claudia. I am so glad you like my work.

  4. What a smashing piece of work.Poor Andy tricked again and for the next three year the end he will come to love it
    totally excellent again

    1. Hi Martin
      Thank you for that super comment, I am sure he will come to like his new life in time.

  5. Every time I visit you and see a new piece of art a quiet 'hurrah!' enters the mind. Also 'At last, the idle thing's got off his .......etc.'
    Have taken to scrolling slowly down when revealing the work to prolong the delight, and love this one. You're looking good.


    1. Hah Hah Hah, Nice one Birdie. I can tell you i need to BE an idle thing and get on my Bottom to do this art. It is all super when i get such fun feedback.
      My next piece i will deliberately create so you can scroll down to revel the climax.
      Wonder what it will be.
      Best wishes and heres looking forward to glorious idleness.

  6. I just wish the contract was for ten times as much, so Aunt Jane can make out very well for herself.

    1. Hello Catherine so nice of you to take the time to comment, thank you.xx
      You are right, after all Jane has invested a lot of time and money in creating Amanda. She deserves some reward.

  7. I'll take the money if Andy doesn't want it ha ha ha. I must not have a very keen eye, because I can't discern how the background is any different from how you usually do it. I can at least say, though, that this is your usual good work.

    1. Hi Rocket
      The background was taken from a real image and overdrawn. It gave me a quicker way to place my characters. I am glad it is not visible to anyone else
      Thank you for the comment and nice words.
      Take care

    2. Definitely not noticeable. And it's way better than just using an unaltered preexisting image. Backgrounds can be a real chore. I should know; I'm working on a couple right now and it's making me wish I didn't feel the need to draw everything myself. I don't like when artists just slap a photograph in the background, though I can't blame them for wanting to make their job easier, especially when the background isn't the part of the drawing that usually gets the most attention anyway.

    3. I agree they can be a chore, I have left many a piece at that stage, bored with trying to create the perfect background. But when something new comes to mind it really sets some images apart. I know art is Art and it is in the eye of the creator as to is look, but mixing styles has never been good to my eye.
      Glad to hear you are working on something. Good luck and best wishes
