
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday with a little tech help

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Hi Everyone
Just a quick midweek pop in to share a few bits and bobs.
As you know I greatly prefer my own style of hand crafted art but occasionally I like to mess with Ai and so  I asked my Ai if it could imagine a younger Andy and Aunt Jane perhaps 7 or 10 years before we start our stories.
 Remember Jane always loved Andy very much and made a point of spending time with him and I think these capture that time very well.
However you will have to wait just a tick because we have a message from Carol Vorderman first.

Think that was something about voting in tomorrows election, but I kind of got distracted.

Next three lovely translations of my art by our dear friend Girlie Morgane

Now a little dream, a fantasy, as you may know I am a huge admirer of our Princess Kate, I think she is warm and loving and for elegantly feminine and I can't wait to see her back to her radiant best and when she is, perhaps she will come a relax at the new boy boutique, She will be made most welcome.

And now let us step into the Ai world and see what technology can come up with.

 Hey Ai
Imagine Andy and Aunt Jane at a party, some years ago.
What have you got?

Hmmmm not bad Ai...not bad.

You can see more Ai fun over on the Patreon

Monday 1 July 2024

New Art. He did, He did, He did

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On Patreon Today
A very naughty new
piece of art from our
dear friend Christeen
Poor Chris is in such
a pink tizzy heaven
knows how he'll get out
of it.

Hi Everyone
   Hope you are all well.
  Todays piece has taken on a new life since I shared it on Patreon. 
  Over there it had a kind of pensive air to it, and I actually called it "To be or not to be". 
   However something was not sitting right with me and I got to thinking  what was going on in our sweet hero/heroines pretty head and then I recalled a moment in my own life and I realised what Andy really was thinking about, and set about expressing in his beautiful face.
  Please allow me to explain. True story.
  A few years ago when I lived in Lyon I had a relationship with a quite frankly wonderful lady, she was nearly twice my age but the warmest and sexiest lady I have ever met, we had such amazing time together and I still love her so much. 
  Anyway one evening after we had been out together we started kissing and it was the first time we had properly kissed in a  ..... you know....sexual way, it was in her kitchen just after we had got in, we'd had a few drinks, but we just came together and started to kiss and we kissed and we kissed.....and we kissed and when finally we came up for breath LOL She just broke into this Atom bomb smile and says 
  "Oh my God!  like we totally snogged"
It  was the most genuinely gobsmacked and excited of responses, like she was a giggling kid, my goodness she looked so beautiful, her eyes were sparkling and cheeks flushed and to be honest, if we had not stopped at that point,  I was in immediate danger of becoming very sticky indeed (if you know what I mean) and that is the feeling in Andy's heart right now, his very own, childish and giggly  "Oh my God!" moment.
 I hope you get the same feeling as you enjoy Andy's smile.
