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Hi Everyone
My apologise for the somewhat rushed post but I have been on the road and only just got home. It's all about chasing the extra money sadly, a sign of the times.
However, that will not stop the blog rolling on and so I am proud to bring you the 3rd part of my little story. It Can't be Wrong.
My biggest hugs
It Can't Be Wrong
Part 3
“Kim….Kim is a boy?”
“Oh course, he is”. Juliet said, giving it her very best to be matter of fact. “You did not realise? Well that will make him so happy because he is always worried about not looking feminine enough. Isn’t he Erin”.
“Oh Heavens yes constantly, Silly thing, I mean really? but that should settle your nerves a little Andrew”. I said, squeezing his knee. ”I mean if you never realised Kim was a boy then imagine how pretty you will be”.
It was kind of at that moment we all realised we might have overloaded Andrews brain, first wanting him to be our maid and then telling him the object of his young fantasy was another boy, it was an awful lot to lay on him. So I put the contract aside.
“Sleep on it tonight Andrew, sleep on it and if you are happy, come tomorrow as usual, but if you are not happy….” I paused in genuine sadness, “Then we will understand, we will all wish you well and shall deposit a thousand dollars to your account for your help this week”.
And that was that and we sent our sweet young man back to his student halls with a hope that we would see him again the next day and now to my utter joy he was coming up may path.
Hello Andy, Come in |
As I greeted Andrew at my door I did not ask him if he was sure, I did not wish to re-apply the pressure. He had clearly been thinking it over all night and I did not want to increase the embarrassment he was no doubt feeling, his presence at me door was all the answer I needed. I just greeted him with the same honest delight I had all week.
Though I suppose the very fact that Andy had come back should have settled my nerves, but the only worry I really had was how he would react to Kim, now he knew the truth.
I needn’t have worried, in fact and to my utter delight he blushed such a glow when Kim brought us tea in the lounge that the connection between my beautiful maid and he was perhaps even greater than before. Now I don’t begin to claim I understand modern sexuality and attraction, love whomever you wish, I feel, but there was a tingle in the air, a tingle that just inflamed my naughty side.
“That’s a very pretty uniform Kim”, I said fluffing the tiny skirt as she bent to serve tea. “You don’t often wear it”.
“I hope you are not displeased Madam”, my beautiful maid replied, her tone of submissiveness ever so slightly exaggerated for effect.
“Not at all my dear, you look lovely. Turn for us”. I knew what response I would get to the command and Kim, on the most delicate of heels, gifted us a pirouette of a dancers grace, displaying the tiny salmon pink uniform and white trim to perfection.
Unsurprisingly after Kim had left us, the atmosphere did seem to change a little, Andrew became quieter and it was clear the realisation of what was going to happen to him was suddenly all the more clear and real and for a moment I was genuinely worried he would change his mind.
If he had I would not has stopped him, if he wanted to leave he was free, of course he was and I accepted it and would have kept my promise to pay him and wished him well. I did not want to offer him that route, but in my honest heart I knew I had to.
However, as the words were forming on my tongue, Andrew smiled and too my joy almost whispered. “He’s so beautiful”.
Now my stomach fluttered, I felt a glow, a tingle like never before. It was an affirmation of Andrew’s understanding and willingness to be there. I let the moment hang, just for second longer before, in a light tone correcting him.
“She”, Andrew. “I always refer to Kim as she. I know Kim is a boy, but referring to him solely as She is a constant reaffirmation of his femininity and beauty and…..”, I deliberately caught his eye, “…. it will be the same with you darling boy”.
Now, the idea of being called she, or my calling him darling, might well have made Andrew nervous, but he had no chance to dwell on it, for at that moment I patted his knee and said we should be off.
“To where?”, he asked, “I thought……I thought I was staying….I was …you were going to… I was being ……but….will do i…..”
If had not intervened at this point I think my poor boy would have tied knots in his tongue.
“No Andrew, not here, everything is prepared at Melissa’s and then you will return here once dressed”. I stood and offered him my hand.
Melissa greeted us with her usual joy and ushered us into her wide sun lounge, there already were Veronica and Juliet. It was a minute or two later before Natasha arrived and as she entered, apologising for having to do some random chore, Melissa, Juliet and I shared a knowing look.
My god why don’t they admit it, there is nothing wrong with it, we are so happy for them. I think maybe it is Natasha who is more embarrassed, The older of our group by some way, but by no means the less attractive, a model in the 1970s, she looked way younger than her 62 years, with legs to kill for, but as I say I think she is embarrassed that a woman her age has discovered the love of another woman so late in life and let’s be frank I think our Veronica has a kinky streak the British would be proud of, after all, as I said earlier, she found Andrews future Latex uniforms online and, now I am not gossiping, but…she also does an awful lot of vacuuming at odd times.
Oh now where was I….Oh sun lounge.
I suppose it was a little naughty of us, I imagined that the moment we were all together Andrew expected us to whisk him upstairs to a dressing room. However we did not want to rush him and so it wasn’t until after a cup of coffee that Melissa produced the shoes. Simple sleek and narrow heeled, glossy black with gleaming red soles she presented them as if she were on some game show, turning them this way and that, highlighting each detail and as she did, the colour drained form Andrews face.
“Aren’t they gorgeous”, I said patting his knee, “Slip your shoes an socks off and we’ll try them
Now I don’t know if Andrew was tuned in at this moment, he just seemed to do what he was told as if in a trance. His running shoes and socks came off and were whisked away and before he realised, his feet were being molded into a totally new shape, arched and molded by the perfectly tailored shoes.
And that was that, again in as matter of fact way as we could project, we went back to our
conversation, leaving Andrew to sit between us flexing his feet, contemplating his new heels. However not wanting him lose himself entirely in them, we drew him back into our conversations, asking him about college life, his life and likes, all the time distracting him form the strange new tensions in feet, until finally, placing her cup down, Melissa stood and with a warm smile and offered hand announced. “I think it is time we got you dressed, don’t you Andrew”.
For a moment he hesitated, for a moment I thought he would stay in his chair, but with a clear swallow and deep breath he placed his cup beside ours, rose and taking Melissa’s hand was led from the sun lounge. “I’ll give you a shout when we are ready”
I let the pair depart before turning to my friends, they all expressed the same thought. Not one wobble. Our idea had worked, forgetting he was wearing them, Andrew had taken to his heels without a thought and what was even better, he had the cutest little wiggle.
As planed we waited for the call before joining the pair in Melissa’s open dressing room and as I entered it was clear the reality was more than Andrew had imagined. Standing in a satin robe, he just seemed to be staring at the illuminated mirror and all the different bottles and brushes neatly laid out on the table before it. I then realised we had not ever once mentioned make up. Oh we had said dressing and we had him in heels, but now, now he realised we were going to do the most feminine of things to him and asked ever so sweetly if he “really had to wear make up?”
Well there really wasn’t any reason why he had to wear make up, after all a maid could function just as well fresh faced, but as I looked into those blue sparkling eyes, I knew I wanted to see them made up.
“Well yes Andrew”, I said, “I’m very much afraid you do, you see make up is as much part of a maids uniform as an apron or cap. Kim would never be without Make up”.
With the mention of Kim he offered no further argument, however the deep blush on his cheeks at the mention of my Maid said it all.
We had discussed it before and had decided a rich and glamorous make up, would compliment our rather explicitly sexy choice of uniform. However in the moment our minds changed as one. We would be subtle and instead of creating a new face, we would simply highlight Andrew’s natural features. Yes we would go to town on his eyes and lips, but they would remain his eyes and lips and not become those of another.
Fortunately with Melissa, as head of cosmetics at the local department store, we had the perfect person to over see our young mans transformation.
First and foremost, she took a par of eyebrow shapers and, much to Andrews’s surprise, swiftly crafted two perfect arches, which really suited the trend for strong brows, but also kept a slightly boyish shape.
That done she started his Make up with a light foundation, as Andrews complexion was flawless, this she smoothed over his face, then down his neck and across his shoulders, giving his skin a soft satin sheen.
Once happy with his skin tone she moved straight onto his eyes. Oh Andrew was so sweet, he followed Melissa’s every instruction like a little puppy. “Look up, look down, now eyes closed dear”,
He even softly apologised after nervously moving his face away from her approaching brushes.
To me there has always been some thing erotic about seeing a pretty face being made up, watching the colours and tones shape and contour the features, highlighting their beauty to create something uniquely feminine. Yet watching Melissa’s skilled touch on Andrew was something else, for in those deep Blue i eyes I could see his every emotion. Nervousness, fear, embarrassment and yes excitement.
I think it was these emotions that made the finished look of his eyes so stunning. As we had discussed they were very richly made up, A blend of dark and lighter charcoal shaded across the upper lids, whilst the darker blue shade, mingled with a lighter eyeliner, was smudged beneath the lower to bring out the clear blue of his eyes. But Melissa had not quite finished, one last surprise .
Delicate as spider legs the false lashes were applied with delicate skill, touched softly into place, blended and shaded.

A moment passed in hushed silence before, at a soft word, Andrew opened his eyes and they were his, for though they were now exquisitely feminine, they were still his, soft and sparkling. Yet with Melissa’s skill now they seemed even larger and kinder. I admit I took a breath. For at that moment I realised Andrew was going to be far more beautiful than we had ever anticipated.
We looked at each other for a moment, before I asked Andrew how his new lashes they felt. He blinked a few times, making them flutter. He could feel his eyes were painted, they felt different, odd, funny. He looked at me and softly said, “Fine….i think”.
A hum of approval passed between us, but without giving our young guest the chance to see the effect himself, Melissa moved swiftly onto his lips.
Tilting Andrews head back into the light, she first carefully lined and shaped his naturally full lips, highlighting their feminine shape to perfection. Then, happy with the beautiful bow she had created, she took up a glass like tube, topped by a metallic cap ,from which she drew a fine brush glistening with a gentle semi-nude pink. Following her instruction to part his lips for her, she drifted the glossy wet brush gently across his lips in two perfectly weighted strokes, coating them in the softly subtle colour, leaving them full and wet, plump and ever so kissable. It was such a skill and Melissa should have been rightly proud of her art, however form where I sat I could see it was like some sensual torment for poor Andrew. A torment not aided by Melissa’s honest commentary on how he had such lovely lips to paint. Poor thing, I did feel for him. But he never complained.
I don’t mind admitting and I probably wasn’t the only one, but I so wanted to kiss him, not to take him or dominate him, that would have been so wrong, but just, taste those lips, oh they would have been so soft, so sweet. I could imagine them melting onto mine.
Oh but I could not linger on that thought, time was short and we had a decision to make.
We had said we would decide on the day, well now the day was here. Do we paint his nails or do we apply long ones. However as I looked at the quite frankly stunning beauty in the chair beside us I felt it was not our choice alone and so with the silent approval of my friends I asked and the swift whispered reply melted my heart.
“Long Please… Kims”.
In truth it was the only choice, Andrew was too beautiful for short nails, but It was also the correct choice. For with their application and a coat of quick dry nail lacquer to match his lips the effect was stunning, slimming and feminising his hands to perfection and as I watch Andrew wiggle his fingers in the light, he smiled. He was going to enjoy being a girl.
However, a few minutes later, that smile flickered ever so slightly when Juliet appeared with the dress.
I knew he had never seen anything like it, before, hell I hadn’t until Veronica showed it to me. I was happy in leather yeah sure, but Latex rubber? Never, It felt so odd, slippery, and floppy, like nothing else. It also had an aroma like no other, rich and strong and….well rubbery. However away from it’s unique aesthetic qualities It was tiny and I mean tiny tiny and once sitting on its billow of frilled petticoats, the skirt would clearly barely cover the curve of his cute little bootom. Jet black, with a deep neckline and long lace cuffed sleeves all trimmed with white frills,it was a classic Maid dress, just as Andrew had seen Kim wearing, but unlike hers, this dress shone and glistened wetly in the light and it rippled and floated as if alive. Oh Yes this was a classic Maids dress, but this one seemed so much more. This was a statement, the sort of dress capable of consuming its wearer
We could have dwelt in that moment and lost ourselves in his startled eyes and parted lips, but I knew two things. Firstly time was getting on and secondly and more importantly, we all wanted to see Andrew in that dress.
I don’t really know if Andrew knew he was being helped to his feet or that Melissa had slipped the little white satin wrap from his smooth body, but for a moment we all breathed in the freshly misted perfume which rose from his satinised skin. He looked so stunned and helpless and sweet, even his poor young manhood was embarrassed to display itself before us. Then gently, Veronica took his left hand and Juliet his right, steadying his slight tremble and my friends began to dress him.
I watched now with growing excitement as Natasha gracefully knelt before him and helped guide each foot into the softy rippling latex of his new panties. I watched so closely as she drew the smooth material up his long legs. I saw his feminised eyes look to the ceiling as slowly his wet glossed lips parted in a near silent prayer, a whispered “Please no”, a pray not directed at us, but a private plea for his boyhood not to embarrass him.
I felt my heart pound. The latex panties where a perfect fit, the stretchy material, whilst moulding his pert little buttocks into 2 smooth globes, also having the effect of completely smoothing away every hint of his frightened young manhood.
In one moment our young man had gone.
Now the two ladies lowered Andrew back to his seat and stepped back as Melissa, slipped a pair of sheer black stocking up his gorgeous legs. I had noticed Veronica had purchased Latex stockings but had decided, the silk would make his legs even longer and the dress look even shorter.
She was right, she usually was in these matters, the stockings were perfect and once more as he was helped to his feet, less and less of the young man remaining.
“Ok”, said Veronica, A small bottle in her hands, “We just need a little of this”.
I asked the question we all had on our lips but to our surprise and secret delight it was Natasha who replied
“Lube”, she said confidently, “it helps the Latex to slide……on” . Her words petering out as she realised her accidental revelation.
“We don’t need a lot”, Veronica took over, swiftly hoping to mask her secret lovers embarrassment, “We’ll just put it on your body and arms, just to help out…..there we are all done. Smells nice doesn’t it ”.
We said nothing, we did not need too, besides, we could sort out are lovers later. Right now we needed Andrew in that dress.
The aroma of rubber in the room had been strong already, but as the zipper at the rear of the dress was opened and the latex placed before our beautiful boy, it was as if the dress had released a deep sigh. It’s full, rich and sensual breath filling our heads. I breathed deeply, it was sexy. It was an aroma I could have lost myself in and would have done so if it were not for Veronica.
“Ready?” she asked.
There was a pause, A thought, before his nod and a soft “Yes”.
Accepting a balancing hand and with a deep breath Andrew now stepped into the offered dress, letting out a soft “Oh it’s Cold” of surprise as it was eased up and about his slim frame until, with it about his waist, he could slip his arms into the sleeves. Now unlike the unzipped dress the sleeves were tight, skin tight and we soon understood the need for lube, his painted fingertips and hands stretching the Latex further until finally wriggling out from the white lace cuff.
Sleeve in place, the back of the dress was eased about him and as instructed he assisted its passage with little wiggles squiggles until the zip could be draw up the back, stretching the Latex tighter and tighter across and about his slim figure. Molding and gripping every contour of his body whilst at the same time creating new ones. For as the stretching rubber about the dresses low neckline tightened, it had the effect of gathering up the slightly loose flesh across his chest and offering it up to the eye as a very sweetly blossoming young cleavage. An effect Melissa cleverly highlighted with a skilful dusting of blush and shade.
The zipper in place and closed with a secret little lock, which he need not know about, Veronica produced another extra. This time polish, Veronica explaining that the latex needed to be shined up to look it’s best. Now at this I will admit to pushing myself forward. If anyone was going to get to run their hands over our Maid it was me, well to begin with anyway.
So following Veronicas instructions I poured a little of the clear oil into may hands and began to smooth it over the dress. The effect was instant on both the latex and wearer, the former taking on a deep mirror gloss and the later letting out the most delightful sight as if I had kissed his very boyhood (that’s a naughty thought, forget I mentioned that) He just seamed to melt beneath my hands, hands which, yes I will admit, did become more of a caress after a while. I mean the dress was tiny and I did take rather longer than necessary. A point noted by my patiently waiting friends.
“Ok?”, said Juliet with a knowing smile “that looks fun”
“Yes”, I replied playing along , “That ort to do it fine. I wonder what it is like to be polished like that. As you say, it must be nice, Andrew seemed to like it”.
I could see Natasha flush and look away.
God, the idea of our beautiful and buttoned up Natasha in Latex being polished and caressed by Veronica. How was anyone supposed to concentrate on Andrew. It was too much.
“Er Juliet”, I said as calmly as I could, “Will you come and help me wash this polish off my hands, I just need the bathroom door opened”
“Er sure”.
Skittering out of the room like giggling school girls we rushed to the bathroom and closed the door
“Fuck I can’t take this”, I said, “Natasha wearing Latex?”
“And Veronica is polishing her, is doing that glide thing on her”,
“She is Kinking her up. What would the Wi think, not that is has anything to do with them or anyone, but hell, what a thought…Hey, do you think she keeps her pearls on?”
“You reckon she ties Nat’ up, you know and stuff”
“Why not” ,I said, “Isn’t it all connected, you know latex and leather and all that BCSA or whatever it is”
“Got to admit Erin, I am a bit jealous of Veronica, I mean fuck me Nat is hot, she…. God, you know I’m not that way Erin, but I would with her you know… I really would…I mean she is fifteen years older but God, just once I’d like to get those pearls off and lick….……oops”.
Now the bathroom fell in to silence. I stared at my friend real good and she stared back. Blushing. The moment hung, the silence deepened and then from nowhere the giggles began and like little kids we were confined to the room until they passed.