Thursday 20 July 2017

"With Love On your Retirement" . A new story


Hi Everyone

 Here is a new story, It is not perfect, could have had more of an edit and reworking, but i have re-written it 3 or 4 times and just want to post it as it is now. Because of this concentration issue in my head, this is the first full length piece I have been able to write for ages and it has taken me since last November to complete and it might not take you where you think you are going.
  This is part 1 of about 3.
Hope you enjoy

                         With Love On Your                                                  Retirement.

                             A Fantasy by AndyLatex

     The discussions had gone on a long time. Should we get Ms Holden a clock, for her retirement, or perhaps some jewellery, or even perfume. No, Jane Emma  Holden was not that dull.  Jane Emma Holden was an exceptional woman.
  Independent and cultured, stunningly beautiful and blessed with a body and figure well below her 60 years, she had never been married, nor indeed had expressed any desire to be so and although here private life was very private we all guessed her emotional and sexual needs were well catered for by the often mentioned Jenna.
 Permanently stilettoed and leather clad she was a confident woman who wore her immaculate grey hair with honour and with one look from her crystal blue eyes, could dominate all those around. Whilst her kind and warm nature drew the utmost obedience and loyalty from her staff  from the lowest store boy to the stores very own deputy manager……and that… was me.
No it had to be something special, something we knew she would really cherish and adore, something personal and as unique as the woman herself….. and that was when we had our idea.
  I had been looking out from my office as our young window dresser Andy had been re-Skinning one of the mannequins when it came to me, Re skinning is a term we use for literally re applying the polished skin to one of our models, over the years they get worn with use and the ultra thin and smooth vinyl skin is placed over the cleaned mannequin then with a heat gun or hair dryer the plastic is shrunk to fit. This can take some time but the finish is important. Then once that is done a final permanent sealant is sprayed prevent the new skin decaying. Usually an un sealed skin loosens after a few weeks so it is important to…..I do apologise, why ever am I boring you with this.
   Any way the idea I had was perfect, unique, special and very, very naughty indeed.

      A week later I called the young man from display to my office. Andrew was a sweet, nice young man, very polite  and tidy, and despite the fact that he was well under half my age, also very cute and innocently sexy . He had only been with the store for 6 months, straight from school, but had shown himself to be very reliable and eager to please. Traits I had noted during his 6 month appraisal and contract formalisation meeting a few days earlier.
   He looked nervous as he entered my office , but  I quickly told him he was in no trouble and that quite the opposite. I explained about Ms Holden and that part of her retirement gift had been delivered to the local post office and I needed him to pop out during his lunch break to collect it for me. Typical of him he eagerly accepted his task, not caring that he would have to give up a large part of his well earned break.
   An hour later, the large plain box in arms he returned to my office. Sweetly he even apologised for being so long and In return thanked him dearly.
“I won’t forget this Andrew”, I said, a tingle of excitement fluttering through me as he handed me the box, the box in which was contained something so wicked, so stunningly erotically naughty that I could barely resist opening it up there and them before him. But no, I remained as cool as I could and placing the box under my desk added I would need him to help with Ms Holdens gift later that week.
  He beamed with pride at being involved in such an important event.

   And so, on the eve of Ms Holdens retirement a few weeks later, myself, the other female department heads , met in the ladies department after the store had closed and a few minutes later we were joined by one more very important person.
   “I am so glad you came Andrew”, I said. Offering him a glass of the champagne we had opened earlier and beckoning him into the perfume scented group. “I think you all know Andrew here, He has been has been secretly running our errands and helping prepare our gift”
  He was clearly nervous, having never had much contact with half of the group before, he  stumbled sweetly over his thank you’s ,before taking a rather large glup of the sparkling champagne. 
 It was Ms Jordan, head of design who calmed his doubts, “Do not worry young man”, she purred in her satin smooth Texan accent. “We have been planning this evening for weeks. Trying to think what to get Ms Holden. After all, Money, success, beauty, she has it all, so we had to think of something very, very special and you proved an inspiration”.
  Again a glow of pride flushed his cheeks. Which deepened still when Ms Steel added her thanks, saying how she had seen him always eager to please and very conscientious about his duties, “A real asset”.
   I waited for each of my colleagues and friends to finish, noting their very approving looks and secret smiles. Our glances and barely perceptible nods, linking us all in agreement that our plan was perfect. I smiled.
 “Well let us waste no more time”, I said relieving him of the glass, before taking his hand. feeling him jump with surprise at my gesture,  “Come along Andrew we’ll show you”.
 I led him up the carpeted stairway, my colleges following and through to the warmly perfumed ladies departments. “We really struggled”, I said keeping up my calming commentary. “We could not come up with anything unique and beautiful. But then it came to us. Now baring in mind she is retiring to Monaco, we have decided on something practical and beautiful”.
  When Andrew sees the mannequin before him ,he comes to a sudden stop. For a moment I let him stare, I feel his hands warm in mine. “Well? What do you think, do you like it?”
  For a long moment he was lost for words. Hardly surprising really, after all it was not a common event to be asked to comment on a mannequin dressed in the impossibly frilly and  feminine uniform of a French maid. Especially one made of rubber!!.
 “Andrew?”. Ms Steel said, her hand on his shoulder
 Finally he found a voice, it was soft and trembling, “Its Um…v..very nice”, he whispered.
  “Do you really think so”. I squeezed his hand and drew him closer to the mannequin, “oh I’m so glad, we did not know if it was a little over the top, you know having it made entirely of rubber, but I love it”.
  Again a pause, a long pause, “Um, a…no its fine”. He stammered totally unsure of just how to answer.
“Don’t worry this and the others, are all made to measure ,so they will fit perfectly”.
 “Others?” he asked almost without thought.
  “Uniforms. I think we ordered ten, all in different colours. No I think there are 3 Black ones, formal and various shades of Pink and of cause red”. I gestured to the wetly glistening dress before us. Taking up the hem and offering it into his nervous hand . “All rubber, or Latex as it is called, a couple of long ones but mostly short like this. Plus underwear, petticoats etc, a full waredrobe, day  and night. I think it cost almost £4000 in all”.
 For a moment he seemed lost in the outfits shiny sparkle, his fingers rolling the smooth liquid like material in his fingers, then “ For who?”
   My stomach tingled, I had been waiting for this moment. I glanced to my colleges, sharing the moment. “Sorry?” I toyed.
   “For who?”, he repeated, “You….you said they were made to measure…….for who?”.
  “Oh my”, I teased, “I thought it was obvioius. Why,they are for you Andrew”.
  “M….Me?, but you can’t expect…” The look on his face was a dream, his eyes just widened with shock.
  “Why so shocked Andrew, there are no lines these days between a male or female job. I know you will make a perfect Maid, as Ms Steel said, you are a real asset to….”, But I could not contain myself and broke into a wide smile.
   “Oh I am sorry Andrew, that was naughty of me, do forgive me. No they are for Ms Holden Maid, Jenna. Ms Holden revealed a secret to us a few years ago, that she likes polished and shiny outfits. I don’t know why it was a shock I mean can you recall seeing her out of  those gorgeous leather pants, we can’t. Anyway with that in mind and Jenna measurements we thought we would surprise her. Don’t worry Jenna is in full agreement and she has such a beautiful body, these will look….Are you OK Andrew?”  I looked to our young guest, his face was red and flushed. “Oh I am sorry Andrew that was thoughtless of me. I do apologise for teasing you then, I do hope you can forgive me”.
  Andrew nodded, but he still looked a little shocked and confused.
  “Sorry Ms Kirkwood”, He mumbled, “but I feel a little dizzy”
  “That’s ok Andrew”, I took his hand, “Nothing to worry your pretty head about Andrew. It is just the sedative taking effect.”. As I spoke his eyes raised to mine.
Oh, he had no idea what I was talking about or indeed of what was about to happen to him and as I stroked his cheek his slump into unconsciousness was caught by the other ladies.

                                                                                                                To be continued


  1. A very nice set-up for what is to come. Even the cliff-hanger leaves much to the imagination. You have lost none of your formidable skills. Looking forward to the further adventures of Andrew.

  2. Lee, I don't think Andrew is going to have any further adventures.
    Indeed, no-one is ever going to see or hear from Andrew again.
    Isn't that right...Jenna?

    1. Perhaps in spirit, it may be a short while before he is broken and realizes his predicament.

    2. Oh my Arcadia, now what did i say about going down the wrong path and you should know better Lee

    3. I don't believe the ladies will 'break' him. They don't want to destroy his spirit. Slowly they will 'prove' to him that his life will be far better living as Jenna, Ms Holden's maid than as Andrew. He will learn to love the look of blush and lip gloss, and the feel of rubber on his skin.

    4. I had this thought about how this may end and how it relates to the beginning of your story. Maybe my imagination is running a little too wild.

    5. RH, your imagination could get us all in lots of lovely trouble

  3. From Sweet Sissy Stevie,

    Great start. Looking forward to the continuation. Will their be any accompanying illustrations?

    Love and XXXX


  4. Oooooh *Dramatic music plays*
    What shall happen to Andy? Will he ever be seen again? Tune in next time to the Misadventures of Andy only on Smooth Slick and Shiny!

    Lovely as always, and I eagerly await for the next installment :)

    1. Same time same channel, next weeks installment will come this week.
      Bless you Logan
      Many thanks

  5. Oh my, poor Andrew! I can't wait to see what's in store for him, but I hope it involves him becoming a companion maid to Jenna, or perhaps taking her place. He certainly appears so far to be intrigued and I'm sure there will be surprises galore in the coming chapters. Excellent start, Andy, and what a thoughtful staff to give Jane such a wonderful retirement gift. I eagerly await the nest installment.

    1. Oooo honey you might be closer than anyone to solving this mystery.
      Thank you for your wonderful comments as ever

  6. Wow Andy

    This is an exciting story, looking forward to future editions. Sorry been away for a while, I was moving back to Arizona, but I'm all cough up now!


    1. Hi Erika, really really good to hear from you again Arizona, heavens get the sun oil out, sounds hot. (rather like you) xxxxx

  7. While reading this I began feeling dizzy, too... But then quickly realized it's "just" your immersive fantasy toying with my mushy mind... My chastity is driving me crazy, it's been far too long... And here you come with this perfect story, you're such a tease Andy, you know that?



    1. Hi Eli, thank you for you comments, stay calm honey, relax, do not go crazy. I will reply to your Email ASAP, big hugs

  8. Perfect. Just perfect.
    Well done. (And live your dream.)
    S xx

    1. Bless you my friend and you know I shall try
