Tuesday 18 July 2017

From Christeen

Hi Everyone
  It's Christeen time again


  1. Another beautiful and thought provoking set of finery.
    I love the first one. I can only imagine what it would be like to find a kindred soul. Especially on as lovely as James. It could be his debut as Jamie as his outfit is almost a Virginal white. He seems as uncomfortable as Chris was during his first few outings. They will have much to discus and share. Like two beautiful girlfriends. Like how difficult it is to walk in heels on grass.
    Also, the second caption is an interesting take. As the gurls descend, it is a delightful view of their short do's. Quite a lovely fashion statement.
    Thank you Christeen, your work is wonderful.

    1. Hi Lee, The first pic is my favorite as well as the 'girls' are so girly. I'm sure they'll have much to talk about.

  2. Another amazing foursome, Christeen!

    I love the petticoated play time in the first one, just like Lee does. There is just something so delightful when Chris and new friend Jamie are dressed so little girlishly and are not just petticoated but wearing petticoats. It is so nice for Miss Chris to have a petticoated friend to giggle with. Chris is so innocently pretty in her Southern Belle gown.

    The thought of Chris being embarrassed by her past boy life and seeing the boys she used to hang with is always intriguing. Will they make fun of their feminized friend. Or astutely appreciate that Chris is now such a lovely young lady worthy of their attention?

    Yet, Chris in her spaghetti strap gown in the fourth image takes the prize, if only because her breasts are put on such prominent display, more than ever in my recollection. If Chris is not careful, she will be jiggling as much as she was giggling with Miss Jamie.

    I ought to note two trademarks, if often overlooked features, that we see in these four- the hair bow and the wall art. Chris's femininity is enhanced by her pretty hair bows, not often seen being worn by many girls today. The wall art allows us amazing glimpses of Chris as he has adapted to petticoated life and maturing into a lovely young lady.

    I am in awe!


    1. Hi Kimmi, I'm sure that his jiggling is the favorite part of his feminization. I usually add a bow and choker, though a wall picture isn't always possible.

  3. The downstairs wig salon is a fun idea. All those curls, surrounding and brushing against Chris's face, are a nice added reminder of his oh-so-feminized state.

  4. I'm sure some Level 2 boys have their own long hair and curls, but they go to a different salon, a place where they're taught to do their own curls and primping.

  5. I actually think Chris looks rather lovely with short hair and that the wig is somewhat superfluous. A nice pixie cut can look very feminine (is someone out there listening?) whilst maintaining a rather ambiguous androgyny. Although I do see that curls suit Jamie exceptionally well. It would be nice to see mroe of Chris and Jamie together.
    Great work as ever, Christeen.

    1. Thank you Skinnie. I'll remember to pair them in a future pic. I love drawing Chris with short hair, but not every one agrees. Christeen

    2. Yes I am listening S, that was my favorite hair style

  6. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Lovely pictures as always. I also particularly like the first one. Chris and Jamie will look very sweet as they walk together, probably holding hands after a short while as they excitedly compare their outfits. Pretty soon they will be discussing their feminisation routines and will be firm girly friends. Lucky boys!

    1. Thanks. Yes, they are lucky boys, at least in my dreams. Christeen

  7. This set is among the best of all Christeen's pictures. I wish that I had had Chris's opportunities to be feminized by such expert matrons and to share experiences with other petticoated boys. I would also have been happy to meet the boys who had previously been my friends and to flirt with them as a girl.

  8. Hi Lucy. I'm sure Andy's viewers would all have loved having a real Aunt Julia as well as schooling at Mademoiselle. Christeen

  9. Ever so thankful for the array of new Christine Images, in regards to the image at the bottom of the stack that displays Chris with some cleavage, and knowing she now has implants, I wonder why she do not see more stage 4 images of Chris with boobs,, Just an observation mind you

  10. Hi Dennis, My art is not done in any sequence. So many pics of Chris at Levels 1,2 and even 3 will show him as a boy without boobs. Christeen

  11. Thanks for the reply Christine.. I do enjoy your work and just thought there was a gradual progression through the stages of feminization. But I love your work as I also create male to Fem comics for another website.
    Regards Dennis aka Shadoman

  12. Thanks everyone for supporting Christeen, It is an honour to have you here Christeen

  13. From Sweet Sissy Stevie,

    I am drawn back again and again to the first picture in this set where Chris meets Jamie. I notice that Jamie's dress is strapless revealing his pretty shoulders which means that he must have a delightful white corset underneath with a built-in bra attachment. I assume he will also have pretty white silk panties. The corset must have 6 or 8 suspender tabs to hold up his sheer stockings. Naturally the whole ensemble will be lavishly lace trimmed and he must have looked ravishing in his undies before his Mummy put him into his gorgeous dress. His cut-out calf length boots go perfectly with the dress and his choker collar, extravagant bonnet and fingerless gloves, all in virginal white make a wonderful sight. We cannot see Chris' feet but I would imagine calf length boots, satin covered with a lace trim at the top and tightly laced up with a matching satin rose at each toe. Naturally the heels will be at least 5 inches. equally, I am sure that Chris' undies will all be a matching shade of blue, all silk and lavishly trimmed in lace. Obviously both boys will be intricately made-up and in the tightest chastity to avoid any accidents. Again, Christeen, many, many thanks.


  14. Too bad I can't show all of this lovely detail.

  15. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    I guess not, but we can have a wonderful time imagining it!


  16. Once again, four gems from Christeen to stoke my imagination and brighten my day. Jamie is lucky to make a new friend because I'm sure Chris will have a lot to share to make Jamie's feminization easier and something to look forward to. Being from the South, I love Chris' gown and matching choker...I think a choker is very sexy on Chris who is already sexy in his own right. Jamie does look uncomfortable as Lee noted, but I'm sure Chris will do all he can to make him embrace his inner (and now outer) girl.

    In the second, I like how Chris is eagerly anticipating his Level 2 wig that will complement his gorgeous gown. I'm sure he can't wait until his hair grows out and he can style it oh so many alluring and attractive ways.

    The third one puzzles me. Chris wants to avoid old boyfriends, but that means she has had boyfriends in the past. It's apparent that he's further along the path of femininity by his chic, oh-so-sophisticated hairdo and those magnificent "girls" so attractively displayed. I would think he'd want his old boyfriends to see the progress he's made and to let each one vie for his attention. I'm not sure why he's having second thoughts at this stage; but he looks lovely and the object of every man's, or woman's, desire.

    Like Kimmi, the fourth offering takes my breath away! The gown is magnificent in framing his gorgeous cleavage leaving just enough to the imagination but showing enough to show he's truly a girl now. The use of matching hair bow and choker is a cute touch. As I noted, I find chokers to be very sexy and this one just enhances Chris' appeal. I'm sure Aunt Julia is joking about the need for all the pictures on the wall; although I, for one, love Christeen's use of them. This one is breathtaking and a true work of art showing Chris at his feminine best. But why the need for pictures, Chris need only look in any mirror to confirm he's a beautiful, sexy, alluring woman now.

    I like Christeen's reply to Sweet Sissy Steve above and his response. I've long believed that our brain is our primary sex organ and that pure nudity leaves nothing to the imagination, whereas a clothed, or partially clothed, boy/girl allows our fertile imaginations to run wild as to all the lovely detail beneath the outer shell. Like Sweet Sissy Steve, I have a wonderful, wonderful time letting my imagination add detail and scenarios to each of Christeen's masterpieces.

    Thanks again to Andy for hosting and to Christeen for her magnificent contributions through the years. I followed her her PPA, now of Petticoated and Pinterest, and, most importantly,here where I can also enjoy Andy's superb art and titillating stories. I wish Andy would also include some of the photoshopped-type art he did in the past, they were so interesting as well as his drawn art.

    In any case, thanks to you both for many years of enjoyment and stretching of my imagination.


    1. From Sweet Sissy Stevie,

      Hi Lori,

      Thanks for your comments. I do so agree that the "back story" as it were to each of Andy's and Christeen's pieces of work enable the imagination to run wild. I wish I had the ability to produce similar work.



    2. Hi Lori, Chris's old boy friends were classmates and not the romantic interest type. My petticoat punishment art originally served the curious cross-dressing community rather than the other end of the spectrum, though I have more recently added some male mystery here and there. All the best, Christeen

  17. Jamie is an adorable playmate for Chris. Lucy x
