This is a blog about Kinky stuff, at no point are any of the characters under the age of consent. This is the story of a young man discovering his true self with the guidance of a loving and understanding Aunt. It is a tricky world for those who are searching for identity and we should all offer our love and support to those who are struggling.
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX
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Saturday, 23 December 2017
Monday, 18 December 2017
New Art: "Please Madam"
Hi Everyone,
If I may start with a little outburst
Sorry about that, but I have been working on this piece of art now on and off for about 8 months, It has gone through more incarnations than Doctor Who and now thanks to the previous piece "Andys Party Nerves" I have found a concept to hang it on.
I do not think there is much to explain, Andy has spend the previous evening and night with Lady Theresa and now, next day, after dinner,it is time to relax and time for her Ladyship keep her own promises.
I took way to long to create the dress Andy has been slipped into, I could not get the depth of gloss I wanted and also I love the sexy transparent inserts, that allow the dress to be exposing yet still restrictively tight and sweaty.
I will say no more, as I expect your comments will only inspire me to greater leaps of imagination and naughtiness.
Love and Kisses
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Monday, 4 December 2017
New Art :Andys Party Nerves
Hi Everyone
As I have said before, my blog and creating for it is very much place where I can get away from the weight I currently have on my shoulders and sometimes in the night when it is dark I just sit and mess with Andys naughty little world and things feel good for a while. (sorry about that bit)
Today we find our poor sweet Hero/Heroine on the brink of his first official party away from his Aunts naughty, but loving control. The Outfit Andy is in is one I have wanted to use for a while but never found the right place, but I think the cute little sailor theme is fun (Not sure but he might be a captain by the rings) and it also lets us see him in those much longed for boots.
I think Aunt Jane knows what is in store for him, after all I imagine Lady Theresa has asked Janes permission first, but poor Andy really has little idea and his nerves only increase when His Aunt explains things just before handing him over to the care of her Ladyships driver.
Hope you like this
Biggest Hugs
Bella Hadid in Latex
Hi Everyone
Just had had had, to add a few pics of the gorgeous Bella Hadid stealing the show from under the noses of all the other Victoria Secrets Models at their even over the weekend.
Miss Hadid caused jaws to drop in this sleek, detailed and ultra feminine snake print Latex Gown by Atsuko Kudo.
These are but a few of the best, but there are far more here at Fetiches-et-celebrites.
Not the best quality video, but if anyone else knows a better one, please let me know
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
The New Spring Line, A story by Rubber H
Hi Everyone
Our friend RubberH has written a superb story based on the face on the poster series of artworks I created, however RH has taken the story on a new and spectacular way.
Thank you RH
The New Spring Line
Copyright 2017 by RubberH
The characters and situations in this story are a work of fiction. Permission to use the characters in this story has been given by their original creator, Andy Latex.
William checked his reflection in the mirror. He adjusted his trousers for the fifth time and made sure his shoes were clean and polished. He wondered if he should have asked for a shorter haircut and chose his blue shirt rather than the green. Maybe they wouldn’t matter to her. Maybe she won’t notice. Won’t notice…Would she just brush him off as another admirer? She must have dozens. Probably professional athletes, businessmen and maybe even those with family titles. A young university student may be beneath her. Worse than that. A student still living with his mother and needing to take the bus and the tube to get around the city. Oh, why did he think he could even get within a mile of her?
When he saw the first advertising poster he couldn’t take his eyes off the beautiful young woman. The bright red catsuit which matched the lip gloss. Beautiful lips with a little bit of a pout. Her eyes partially closed while posing her body quite sensuality. The catsuit was unzipped in front but only halfway, only showing the slightest bit of cleavage. He and his friends stared at the poster; admiring the model whose red hair almost matched the tight rubber catsuit.
The poster had been placed throughout the city. He had seen announcements that the model would be making personal appearances in several stores where the lip gloss was sold. He had gone to the stores to see if he could catch a glimpse of her in person, but the lines were too long and she would only be there for a brief stay before going to the next location. It was by luck that the last store had leftover promotional posters and he managed to get the last one. He cleared off one wall of his room and fastened the poster on it. The image of the model would be the first thing he saw when he would wake up in the morning, and the last thing he saw before going to bed. Each time he saw it he felt his member stiffen.
His mother saw the poster and thought it as just another crush. One day while watching a morning news show there was an interview with the young model’s agent. The woman was Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones, who just happened to be the Aunt of William’s friend Andrew. She telephoned Lady Jane and asked her if there were any new posters of the model that William could have. With luck, Lady Jane informed her that the model had been signed by the new ‘Boy?’ boutique chain and that two new promotional posters were available for their stores. It would be no problem to give William extra copies.
The posters were a surprise and William wasted no time in placing one of these on the wall next to the wardrobe. The other he placed on the ceiling above his bed. The reason that one was placed there because it showed the model practically naked. She as reclining on a garden bench; her back towards the camera and with a heavy leather collar around her neck. Her head was turned toward the camera and her tongue was licking her bright red lips. At night William would lie back on his bed and stare at the poster. As he looked into the model’s eyes he took hold of his manhood and stroked it until he could no longer contain it. He gritted his teeth and stifled his cries as his cum came out in a steady stream. He quickly cleaned himself and the mess he made. The last thing he wanted was for his mum to discover his reason for wanting the posters.
He had showed only his best friend Andrew the posters and especially the one on the ceiling. Andrew appeared to be embarrassed at what he saw. William couldn’t understand why Andrew was acting like that. He was pretty sure that Andrew liked girls. Maybe his Aunt was strict with who he associated. Most times when he was not in school, Andrew had to stay in Lady Jane’s home and was not allowed to leave. His only socializing was during the time he went going to and from classes. It was funny though as William would occasionally go past Lady’s Jane’s home and see numerous women arriving and leaving.
William tried to find the ‘Boy?” boutique website to see if he could find the identity of their model. However, it was just a generic site with a special ‘members only’ link. He even attempted to become a member, but the security was extremely sophisticated and he was rejected repeatedly. Even his friends at school who were experienced hackers couldn’t break through.
He decided to contact Lady Jane to see if she would allow him to meet her client. He left several messages on her voicemail. He even repeatedly called his friend Andrew to see if he could get his Aunt to reply, but without any luck. Finally he decided to give up. He figured that Lady Jane thought he was some kind of stalker.
It was later that week he received a call from Lady Jane. Because he was Andrew’s friend she would take the chance and have him admitted into the ‘Boy?’ boutique headquarters. This was where all company advertising was created, including their website catalog and in-house displays. They would be working on the new Spring Line for next year the following evening. If he arrived at 5:00 PM he would be allowed to visit and meet their primary model. William accepted immediately.
He checked the bus schedules and boarded one which would stop only a couple of streets away from the ‘Boy?” headquarters. It was in the heart of the fashion district. William was allowed to sign in and given a visitor’s pass. He was escorted to the lift which took him to the twenty-third floor. There he waited to meet the girl of his fantasies. He looked at the posters on the wall. There were the ones he already had, and some which were brand new. All of them had her in various latex outfits. From evening gowns to catsuits to even skimpy French Maid uniforms.
It was not long before he felt the presence of someone behind him. He turned around and saw the model looking right at him. He cleared his throat and he gave a raspy ‘Hello’.
The model blushed and quietly said ‘Hello’. William was surprised at how shy she was. She was nothing like the posters which were almost raw in their sensuality.
He knew he had to say something else. “Ah… Andrew..”
“What?” came the startled response from the model. Her eyes wide open in surprise.
“My friend, Andrew Watson. His Aunt is your agent. She invited me here.”
The model looked at William. She looked frightened but William pressed on. “I told her I was a big fan of yours…I mean I don’t know you but I’ve seen all your posters for that lip gloss, and now for this boutique. I mean…I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. I just…this is getting harder to explain.”
“Why did you want to meet me?” the model asked. William looked into her eyes. She wasn’t heavily made up. She was more girlish now rather than a professional model. Her lips were now painted in a soft pink gloss rather than the sensual red.
“I thought I’d impress my friends if I could get a selfie of the two of us. They go on about how hot you look…err sorry. I don’t want to offend you. You probably get this all the time.”
“No…Well yes I do. Although not directly.” The model said.
William looked at the model more carefully. He gazed at the figure in the tight latex catsuit. She had curves but not overly so. More of a Keira Knightley body. But there was something very familiar about her. Something he couldn’t explain. Maybe she was another student and working here at the same time. He took out his phone and set it for pictures. ‘May I?” he asked.
The model hesitated then shook her head yes and William stood next to her. As he felt her next to him the feeling of familiarity became stronger. He lifted up the phone and took the picture.
“What’s this?” came a voice. William saw a woman in the entryway. She was dressed in tight latex with sky-high heels. “Are you stealing our designs?”
“No…No” replied William. “I’m just getting a picture with..”
“Relax’ said the woman. “I am Lady Quirt. I own ‘Boy?’ Boutiques. Lady Jane told me you were her to meet our prized possession. You are very welcome to stay and watch the photoshoot.“
William relaxed. “I didn’t realize you were working. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“There is no problem with visitors here. You just need to sign a confidentiality statement so you do not reveal our company secrets. That is what I was bringing over to you. If you sign this you can stay and maybe we’ll let you in on our big surprise for next spring.”
William agreed and quickly signed the form. He looked at the model who appeared to be even more apprehensive.
Lady Quirt looked at William and smiled. “Why don’t you come into the studio and make yourself comfortable? Andy has to change for the next setup.”
William was escorted to a small chair covered in thick padding and a layer of latex. He sank into the soft cushion and looked around the studio. He saw the photographer checking the lighting and adjusting the camera.
“Hi Andy. Lady Quirt said…”
“My name is Steven, not Andy.” The photographer replied bluntly. “Andy is changing.”
William was a bit puzzled. But she probably meant someone else. After all, ‘Boy?’ Boutiques was a big company and probably had dozens of people employed here. He waited quietly as he photographer completed his setup.
Soon the model entered the studio. The figure was in a brand new outfit. Tight pink leggings, a blue crop top and on the feet were a pair of blue ballet boots. William marveled at how the model could walk so easily on her toes, as if she had worn these all her life.
Numerous frames were taken. Each one the model moved according to the photographer’s instructions. William was impressed at how easily she made it look, even though some of the positions were very uncomfortable.
Three more outfits were photographed. Each one more sensual than the other. The last one was a transparent latex evening gown with a pink latex thong to protect her modesty. William was finding it difficult to maintain composure, and to keep anyone from noticing his now very pronounced erection.
William felt a hand on his shoulder. “So what do you think?” asked Lady Quirt.
“Very..very nice.” He replied, soon realizing that it was a stupid thing to say.”
“Oh yes, nice. It’s definitely that and a little more. “ chuckled Lady Quirt. “Would you like to do something that would make your friends really jealous?”
William looked at Lady Quirt. He was puzzled.
“How would you like to be in this next set? It’s for a brand-new product we haven’t done before.”
“You mean, pose with…?”
“Of course. You’ll be paid of course. Not supermodel wages, but something a lot more than what you would get working at the supermarket.”
William quickly agreed. He was taken back to the dressing rooms where he was asked to undress. He hesitated when it came to removing his underwear, but there was no way the outfit could be put on over his shirt and briefs. As he stood naked in front of the mirror, Lady Quirt and the model entered the room.
He tried to cover himself, but Lady Quirt smiled and caressed his shoulders. “Relax.” She said softly. “This is strictly professional.” He did relax a bit as she massaged his shoulders, neck and back. He became less tense.
The model brought over a bottle of lubricant and proceeded to apply it to William’s body. She did only the places where he couldn’t reach himself. She left him the bottle for him to complete the task. Then Lady Quirt brought over a black latex catsuit. She and the model helped him into the suit. It was tight..very tight. It was a struggle to get it on, but after about a half hour all the creases had been smoothed over. There was one thing which couldn’t be concealed…The very large bulge in front. His cock and balls were clearly defined.
“While Andy is getting finished, walk around a bit. Try to get it to move with you. You’ll be surprised at how good it feels.” Said Lady Quirt.
After a few minutes, the suit no longer felt as restrictive as when it first went on. He looked at himself in the mirror. There was something in white printed on his chest. He looked closer at the backwards RETSAM. It was the word ‘MASTER”. He was called over to the studio for the beginning of the shoot. He was positioned in front of a backdrop that looked like a dungeon. The photographer picked up a leash, placed the loop in William’s left hand. The other end of the leash with the clip was placed in his right. William then saw the model approach him. She was wearing a white rubber catsuit but with the word ‘SLAVE’ written across the front. She took the clip from William’s right hand and attached it to the heavy metal collar which was locked around the neck. She kneeled and looked up at William. A delicate hand reached up and was held against William’s straining erection.
The photographer then started taking pictures. “Now this time I want you to look at him with obedience, and yet with lust. This is your MASTER. You need to really feel it. You understand Andy?”
William looked down at the model. The lips were slightly parted and moist. The eyes looking at him with an intensity he never saw before. The face…something about that face… it was so familiar.
He looked around the studio. The only people there were Lady Quirt, the photographer and the model. Who was the photographer calling Andy?..... Then the shock hit him as the model’s identity became quite clear.
Monday, 20 November 2017
New Art. "Not Now Boys"
Hi Everyone
Time for some new art. Quite a simple little thing this on (rather like our dear Andy) however I just liked the atmosphere of it.
It takes us back, once more, to the beginning, or rather one of the beginnings (there is no set starting point) and sees an exasperated Aunt Jane revealing to her beloved nephew, (for she does love him dearly), that she is a woman of her word and one not to be trifled with.
Oh dear poor Andy.
Hope you enjoy
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Hi everyone
Just a quick hello to apologise to all of you who have not had Email replies of late, but I have no doubt you will understand when I say I have a rather heavy personal thing going on at the moment and that it takes a lot of my time and head space away.
However I must add playing with you lovely people and creating stuff is a good way of relaxing and clearing my head a little, so I still hope to post as often as I can.
My biggest hugs and kisses
Your Friend Andy
Special thank you to our friend Skinnie Stallion. You know why
Just a quick hello to apologise to all of you who have not had Email replies of late, but I have no doubt you will understand when I say I have a rather heavy personal thing going on at the moment and that it takes a lot of my time and head space away.
However I must add playing with you lovely people and creating stuff is a good way of relaxing and clearing my head a little, so I still hope to post as often as I can.
My biggest hugs and kisses
Your Friend Andy
Special thank you to our friend Skinnie Stallion. You know why
Friday, 3 November 2017
Monday, 30 October 2017
New Art. "A very Special Request"
Hi Everyone
Well it took a little time, but here is a new piece of art. I am feeling a little sentimental and wanted to express my feelings in this piece. It is the third part in the Andy and William series which started with The Face On The Poster (below)
Well it took a little time, but here is a new piece of art. I am feeling a little sentimental and wanted to express my feelings in this piece. It is the third part in the Andy and William series which started with The Face On The Poster (below)
Then continues with Pin-up Andy (Below)
and now, A Special Request. In which William, still unaware that the beauty he dreams of is in reality the very best friend he had know all his life,.finally gets up the nerve to seek out the object of his adolescent desires at her place of work, the now famous B.O.Y Boutique. It is a meeting full of nervous embarrassment, shy glances, lingering touches and sweetly fumbled introductions.
This piece makes me smile I hope you like it.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Susanna Reid In Latex!!!!!!!!
Hi Everyone
Now calm down at the back there, I am sorry to say I do believe this is a case of false news. The headline was posted online as a genuine story on the 17th of the month and you can image my frenzy when it popped up on our news feed here at S.S.n.S Towers. Susanna Reid? WHAT!! THE Susanna Reid?, sexy, flirty, gorgeous 46 Year old news presenter Susanna Reid? In Latex? LATEX!!!!!! on the Tele? it can't be true....It can't be true....Oh damn. The moment I saw It was posted on The Daily Star's website I kind of guessed. You see The Star is not known for it's quality let alone accurate news content. Still though I may be slighty damaged at the moment, I felt duty bound to investigate for you (I know It's a hard job). However it is with a saddened heart I must report. The Star had struck again.
But then again, no one has yet denied it is not Latex....... dare we dream and If we dare, where is the video proof.......
Susanna Reid blows minds in skin tight latex skirt
GOOD Morning Britain presenter Susanna Reid has brought sexy back.
By Cydney Yeates /
Susanna Reid poured her hourglass figure into a mind-blowing silver latex skirt that hugged her in all the right places.
Giving dominatrixes across the land a run for their money, the 46-year-old telly bombshell tied her racy piece together with a baby pink blouse.
Susanna also wore a pair of low heels that elongated her toned pins to enviable lengths.
And if that wasn't enough, she styled her sexy Tuesday morning look out with a sultry pout that left fans begging for more.
Naturally, it didn't take long for stunned Good Morning Britain viewers to whip their phones out and shower Susanna with compliments.
One person wooed: "You're one of the most beautiful women on the planet."
Another: "Fabulous as ever. Been feeling under the weather for a few days, but suddenly feeling much better, beautiful smile. Thank you Susanna,"
A third slammed: "Why do we never get to see these outfits from behind?"
Seems the "Latex" has some previous (below)
Seems the "Latex" has some previous (below)
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Clip of the week. "Jean Bardot, Nice and Tight"
Hi Everyone
Once again my apologies for being slow with posting and stuff, I am sure you fell the same as I when I say I could do with a little "me" time.
Anyway lets crack on and to brighten the Autumn drizel, here is the forever awesome Jean Bardot teaching a young devotee to be careful of what she wishes for.
Once again my apologies for being slow with posting and stuff, I am sure you fell the same as I when I say I could do with a little "me" time.
Anyway lets crack on and to brighten the Autumn drizel, here is the forever awesome Jean Bardot teaching a young devotee to be careful of what she wishes for.
But hang on, have we not seen that wonderful Red and Black outfit before.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
New Art, "The Hummingbird"
Hi Everyone
Quick update. You may have seen that I damaged myself a little the other week, well i thought it was healing, which it has been, but now it has all closed in on the area between my right side of my neck and shoulder. All very dull, however the pain I am feeling makes my sitting at a computer, arm out stretched using a mouse rather uncomfortable and therefore the mountain of ideas and things I have for art are mounting up.
Anyway that is by way of explanation as to why some keen eyes spotters might notice the art below is created from a kind of greatest hits of images, which I hope you will forgive for a while.
However by the looks of it, It seems it is poor Andy who needs forgiving now, for his Aunt is once more having to chastise his sulky behavior in front of her guests and who can blame him, for he is about to become afternoon entertainment for the ladies who lunch, performing a series of dances to the rhythm of his secret toy.
Hoe you like
Big hugs
Amanda Holden in Latex .......?
Hi everyone
Breaking news from the S.S.n.S news room. Long time honorary
friend of the blog Amanda Holden has now been named Honorary Gay at he Attitude awards in London over the weekend. Accepting her award she thanked the editors and voters and promised to uphold the honor of the title. (What a thought)
However It was not her acceptance that caught the eye of our roving reporters but her style, for through the keen lens of our S.S.n.S photographer we clearly see Ms Holden was embracing her secret fetishistic side in a super shiny and figure hugging, Black Latex dress and what a figure to hug, 46 years old? awesome.
Amanda Holden, Honorary Gay,
Honorary Friend,
Honorary Latex Queen.
we salute you.
Breaking news from the S.S.n.S news room. Long time honorary
friend of the blog Amanda Holden has now been named Honorary Gay at he Attitude awards in London over the weekend. Accepting her award she thanked the editors and voters and promised to uphold the honor of the title. (What a thought)
However It was not her acceptance that caught the eye of our roving reporters but her style, for through the keen lens of our S.S.n.S photographer we clearly see Ms Holden was embracing her secret fetishistic side in a super shiny and figure hugging, Black Latex dress and what a figure to hug, 46 years old? awesome.
Amanda Holden, Honorary Gay,
Honorary Friend,
Honorary Latex Queen.
we salute you.
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