This is a blog about Kinky stuff, at no point are any of the characters under the age of consent. This is the story of a young man discovering his true self with the guidance of a loving and understanding Aunt. It is a tricky world for those who are searching for identity and we should all offer our love and support to those who are struggling.
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX
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Monday, 30 January 2012
Keira in GQ
Hi everyone.
This is hot off the press and fell into my inbox an hour ago. Keira Knightley gracing the cover of Britain's GQ magazine, in the build up to the launch of her new movie 'A dangerous Method' .
I Said it before,I'll say it again. She is so beautiful.
Brilliant Vac-bed art
Hi everyone.
Firsts off i need to say Hi and Thank you to all those of you i saw on Saturday night. It was such a fun night and i know 2 or three of you pop in here. So thanks to our hosts and to KvF for lending me that top. I am so glad you have all taken haughty Miss Louboutin to you hearts.
I should and must also thank Gi and P, You are the sweetest people and i love you very much.
Now these little gems icame across a little while ago andas with so much art that gets moved about the Net i do not know who they are by, but they are totally wonderful.I adore Vacbed s and as you may have read, been in a couple in my time, One of which was as i kind of display model but nothing like these.
Hope you like them.
Big kisses and thank you again.
Friday, 27 January 2012
A new caption
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Slick and sticky (The new double act)
Hi everyone,
Now i know i have probably posted the first pic before, but finally i found the original full pic in rich tone colour and just could not resist putting it up again. I do hope you don't mind, but then again this is my blog.
Death by Chocolate? What a way to go.
There that was quick, a quick post, but don't worry there is more to come today.
101 not out. Thank God
Hi everyone,
Now i know it is rude to mention a ladies age, but when it comes to these two i don't imagine they would be anything but proud to tell you they are both 50, or in Carol Vorderman's case 51, 51! oh come on you are kidding, I mean look at her. No don't stare i said just look. No not there..
Oh yes if you add both Carol and Nancys ages together you get 101, then take my age away and you get a very very healthy profit and one very very happy Andy.
God bless older woman, god bless Carol and Nancy and god bless and thank you for my Gigi and Sheila.
Carol Vorderman at British TV awards.
Nancy Dell'oilo, well, just being Nancy Dell'oilo.
What more do you need.
The Guiding Hand. Part 9
Hi everyone,
Here is the next part of The Guiding Hand. It is a rather personal chapter for me as it contains certain elements which i am delighted to say hold very warm memories for me. I have written and re-written it a dozen times, each time wanting to add more and more in. But as they say, it is not what you put in that counts, but that which you leave out. So here it is I do hope you like it.
The Guiding Hand.
Part 9
As Jennifer drew it out ,Andy nearly staggered back in shock. It was the dress from the shop, not the cute pink one he had seen but the one in the window. The slim, floor length, halter neck gown of gleaming black rubber.
“Oh my!!”. He sighed and, as if transfixed by it, stepped closer, his fingers softly caressing it.
“Isn’t it stunning…”, Jennifer said, turning the rippling dress in the light, “…..that was what I meant when I said Janes choice was crazy……its going to be so tight there is no way you can where anything but panties under this”, She turned it this way and that , the aroma of rubber filling the air, “…..but even then it will be a squeeze”.
And it was. For even with a liberal dusting of powder, the room was filled with the popping and stretching squeak of Latex for some minutes as, with a lot of wriggling and smoothing, the dress slowly eased up to his slim waist. At which point it became clear just how tight it was. Indeed if it had not been for the experience of the tight pencil skirt a few days before he would have found it impossible to even balance.
“Wow”, Jennifer said, stepping back, her face glowing with her efforts. “That’s really tight…..but I have a little something else, a treat for Jane…”, she turned away only to return moments later with a small pouch, “……and for you”.
As Andy watched she fumbled in the pouch and produced a ball of flesh coloured jelly, about the size of a grapefruit, she turned it round, Andy Gasped, it was a fake breast!, a breast complete with a dark raised nipple. She smiled a naughty smile and held it to his body.
“Can you imagine Jane’s face”.
Andy shook his head and smiled.
With expert hands Jennifer applied a thin film of skin adhesive to both ‘breasts’ and carefully aligned them with Andy’s chest before pressing them home. As she did he felt small holes open within the jelly and draw in his own nipples. “Can you feel that?”, Jennifer asked.
Andy nodded, “It’s a bit weird”,
“I bet……but this might feel weirder…..”, So saying she gently took each fake nipple and began to lightly pinch the tip, Andy jumped. With each pinch he felt his nipples drawn into the jelly, not tightly, or painfully but, like a soft sucking. 3 more pinches and he could feel his nipples begin to tingle. Jennifer recognised the new sensation reflected in his eyes, “…..not to tight?”, she asked as if having breasts applied to his chest was an everyday thing.
“N…no there fine”, he said looking down at his new figure. “I think?”.
“They will seem odd right now….. ”. She assured him whist giving each peak a playful stroke, which produced a sharply excited gasp, “……. But with the dress on they will feel wonderful”.
And they did, for after a few more minutes more of stretching and smoothing the high halter neck slipped about Andys slim throat and closed with a tiny zipper at the rear.
Andy took a breath, goodness the dress was tight and instantly warm, but as his hands moved over it, the latex popping and snapping beneath his touch, it felt amazing.
Now only one thing remained, the high heels. These slipped onto his feet and closed with a single buckle, for a moment he teetered on them, the tight rubber dress giving him little scope for correcting his balance and along with his new breasts he was forced to adopt a new posture to compensate. His back arched, to push out his breasts and bottom to form a perfectly feminine silhouette. Jennifer stepped back, releasing his hand.
“Wow …you look amazing”, she said bending to smooth a stray wrinkle from the rise of his buttocks, the latex crackling as she smoothed it away down his thigh. “Its incredible”.
“May I see?”, Andy asked softly.
“Not yet darling….”, she smiled, “…..not until we’ve got you polished”.
Jennifer noticed Andy’s surprise ,as from the bag she produced an aerosol.
By now he was, used to the small bottle of oil Jane had used ,but this was new.
“Don’t worry Andy, this is the best you can get”, she explained shaking the can, “Some stuff leaves rubber a little slippery, a bit wet?, but this, this will dry, and ……..close your eyes darling, good girl…..leave your dress like a mirror”.
The first mist of glosser burst from the can before she had finished explaining, the cool moisture, making the young man tense as it settled on him.
“Cold is it darling?” Jennifer asked softly, continuing her slow even misting of his back.
He nodded, “A little”.
“Sorry won’t be long”.
Andy smiled and closed his eyes, “Don’t worry”.
The shock however did not last long and as quickly as the polish settled it warmed.
Meanwhile, downstairs Janes guests had been steadily arriving. All elegant and stylish, dressed in eveningwear, her polite dress code strictly adhered to. All were all greeted in her own warm style and thanks to the caterers were offered canapés and drinks. Small talk between groups filled the rooms, but everyone Jane spoke to had one question, “Where was her niece”.
“Do not worry….”, she said, “….Amanda, arrived from collage not long ago, she is changing now. You know what teenagers are like and I am sure she will be wanting to make an entrance”.
Back in the dressing room, the air was full of sweet scented glosser. As nearing the end of her task, Jennifer turned Andy this way and that, circled him and inspected him for any tiny patch of rubber that did not shine like glass, any that she did find, she misted in with tiny bursts from the can. She was done.
For a few moment Andy did not move, holding his breath as the last tingles of the glossers coolness faded in to warmth. Then his eyes fluttered open to meet Jennifer’s astonished gaze as she looked down at the can in her hand.
“Holy Shit”, she mumbled, “I did not imagine it would be …”
The near wordless Jennifer raised her eyes and Andy followed her gaze down to his freshly polished body. His heart fluttered into his throat and turned to the mirror.
“Oh my god”. He gasp, quickly apologising for his words., “……it’s so ….”.
“Its amazing….”, Jennifer added, as stunned as the gorgeous boy, “It’s like…”
“Like a mirror”. Andy finished.
Jennifer nodded, “How dos it feel?,
“Its wonderful….”, Andy said running his hands over the ultra smooth rubber, swiftly dry to the touch. “..especially here”. He gently ran his hands up the smooth material to softly circle his new ‘breast’.
“I thought it might”, Jennifer giggled seeing the look in his eyes, “…..turn around, darling, let me see?…..Mmmmmm nice….walk up and down so I can see the effect”. She playfully patted his bottom, the shiny rubber trembled under her touch.
With the excited giggle of a school girl Andy obeyed and Jennifer was treated to the stunningly sexy sight of the shiny skin tight rubber dress, stretching and clinging to Andy’s hips and thighs with every catwalk perfect, hip swaying, bottom wiggling high heeled step.
She could only stare, and as Andy looked back over one shoulder the look in her eyes said it all.
Jane looked at the clock time was getting on and she began to wonder if Andy had had second thoughts.
“It your niece shy?”, Caroline green, one of Jane’s neighbours asked jokingly.
Jane smile , “Oh you know girls, Andy probably can’t find anything to wear”.
“Andy?….” Caroline’s husband, A handsome French man named Tomas, said lightly. “.……are you sure you don’t have a nephew”.
The was a soft round of polite laughter,
“Oh that comes from a few years back …”, Jane said, thinking quickly, “…he.., sorry you’ve got me doing it now , she…was a bit of a tom boy then and was, always being mistaken for a boy. So you see Mandi…..Amanda, became Andy”.
“Oh what fun, girls were al…..ways…..”., Caroline paused, looking passed the hostesses shoulder.
“I don’t think people will be making that mistake again”, her husband said..
Andy, had paused at the door to the lounge for a moment, his eyes closed. He did not feel embarrassed, that was a thing of the past, he did not feel ashamed, for there was nothing to be ashamed of and he did not feel humiliated, for there could be no humiliation in pride. No, what Andy felt was excited, Christmas and birthday excited and so he had paused, waited for his heart to calm, and had taken a breath before, under Jennifer’s soft instruction and a pat of his polished bottom walking confidently into the room.
Jane turned and for a moment even she stared. The way the light reflected and glistened on the ever moving, stretching and rippling latex of Andy sleek gown seemed to create an hypnotically sensual dance from which no eye in the room could not be drawn.
For a moment Jane could think of nothing more, but then Andy broke into a wide and loving smile which made Jane’s stomach tremble with delight. Heads turned as he passed, he smiled to every one but looked only at his beloved Jane.
Passing through the archway that connected the two rooms to where she waited, Andy took his ‘Aunts’ outstretched hand and drawing close kissed her softly on the cheek. “Good evening Auntie”.
“You look, wonderful”, Jane whispered allowing her hand to run around his body to rest on the curve of his bottom.
Andy smiled, he did not look away. “Thank you”. It was a simple statement which the others in the group took as childlike politeness, but Jane, gazing into his sparkling eyes, knew it meant much more.
She smiled and returned the kiss. For a moment they were alone. Then tearing her eyes ways, she turned him to her friends, “Caroline, Tomus, this is my niece….Amanda”.
Andy’s eyes flickered to her face, they did not register shock but delight. He smiled.
“It is a pleasure to meet you Amanda”, both said, “…….And might I say you are every bit as beautiful as Jane has told us”.
“Thank you”, Andy smiled, “it is so nice to meet you too and may I say that is a lovely dress”,
“Oh why thank you Amanda, how sweet…”, she said, taken aback for a moment by Andy’s exquisitely charming tone and wonderful smile. “…….but, might I say not as lovely as yours my dear.”.
“Thank you”.
“It is stunning”, A third voice, asked, the group looked to find a tall red head with dazzling green eyes beside them.
“Oh Brigitte I ‘m sorry …”Jane said, turning to her, “…., Amanda this is Brigitte Morell and her partner Jamie”.
Again Andy greeted each with a dazzling smile and polite ‘hello’
“Is it Rubber?”, Brigitte asked politely
“I’m sorry”,Andy turned, missing the question.
“Your dress dear. Is it Rubber?”
“Yes It is”. Andy smiled
“Its so tight…..”added Jamie, a tall well dressed man some years younger than his partner, “….is it hot?”
“Yes ….a little, but I like it“, Andy giggled, squeezing Janes hand, “….its like being given a warm hug all over”.
“Well. It is certainly a dress for the confident or those blessed with the perfect figure”. The red head said, adding, “Of which my dear, you seem blessed with both”.
Andy felt himself blush and thanked everyone for his or her sweet words. Gifting each with a smile they would long remember.
Jane smiled like she had never before, it was a wonderful evening, the atmosphere was light, the conversation good everyone of her guests mingled and embraced. Even the weather, the warm summer sun never let her down, yes it was a wonderful evening, the perfect evening with her beloved Andy.
As she watched Andy move about the room, chatting and giggling with each and everyone of her guests she smiled with pride. His sweet charms making each person feel as if they were the only ones in the room. Occasionally she saw him respond to a comment about his dress, watched him as he would turn and pose, even allowing an inquisitive hand to touch the smooth latex. A confident , elegant and sexy young woman.
It was then she saw the new face across the room, young and handsome, smart and clearly very nervous. Janes heart fluttered.
Moving across the room to where Andy, held two couples in the warmth of his charm, she slipped her hand onto his bottom. She could have placed it on the base of his spine or higher, but she placed it there because she wanted to.
Andy turned and smiled.
“May I borrow my niece for a moment”. She said lightly.
The older gentleman of the group, sighed, “A shame, to loose such beauty” and softly kissed Andys hand.
The young man, blushed and thanked each in turn.
Turning Andy away, Janes fingers fluttered on his latex covered bottom. “Give me your glass darling”.
“But…oh I’m sorry Auntie I was not……”.
“No no it’s all right darling”, Jane whispered softly, “I have someone to show you”.
“Ok, I thought……”.His voice trained off as his eyes fell the face across the room. Taking the glass before it fell from his fingers, Jane felt him tremble as a soft, “Will” passed his lips.
For what seemed like an age the pair looked at each other, both almost too scared or stunned to move. The young man smiled, whilst Andy half raised a hand in a faintly nervous wave.
“Well go on then”, She Jane in mock frustration,
“May I?”, Andy replied his voice an almost silent sigh.
“Of cause you can, Now go on. If you leave him alone much longer half the woman in the room will be all over him”.
Andy tilted his head, his eyes, moist and sparkling gazing into Janes. She knew what he wanted to say, but knew words would not come.
“What?”, Jane said a warm smile on her lips, “Did you seriously think I wouldn’t invite him?. Now go on”. and with a pat of his bottom she sent him on his way.
The walk from one side of the room to the other had never taken so long, nor had it been so exciting . The room, moments earlier busy and alive, now drifted from both Andys and Wills mind, all they saw was each other and in the tick of a clock or the beat of a heart they were together.
For a moment they paused, their eyes fluttering and dancing over each other’s features. Andy touching his hair nervous and unsure, Will clasping his hands. Both hearts pounding.
“Hi”, Andy said, drawing a deep breath which made the latex of his dress stretch and ripple.
Will, tall and handsome, (despite the nose) gazed into Andys eyes, the simple word hung in the air for what felt like an eternity. Then softly and deliberately he whispered. “You look amazing”.
It was like a switch had been turned on, their switch, their code a switch that made them tingle and warm, happy and alive.
Andy stepped back, a tiny joyful skip on his heels. Hands on his hips a smile as wide and warm as a summers beach on his lips.
“Is that the best you can come up with”, he teased. a giggle of delight in his breath.
Now Will smiled, he laughed softly, “Just warming up” he gazed up and down Andys stunningly displayed and newly curvaceous body. Taking in every ripple of the latex and every dimple and curve of his friend body to which it clung so perfectly. A comically quizzical look danced on his face, “Actually, No sorry I can’t think of anything else”.
“Oh you” a playful slap came down on Wills arm.
“Alright what do you want me to say”. He laughed faking pain from the blow. “I think Amazing sums you up perfectly”.
Another slap, lighter this time, Andys hand lingering, caressing before slipping away.
As Jane watched the young pair from across the room, she could see the natural attraction between them, so relaxed and alive. The way they moved the way they gratefully came into contact with each other, hands clasping arms, pats, playful slaps. It was in the way Andy, held himself, the way he rested his weight on his heels, the angles his sleek latex body created. Shapes which readily drew the young man closer. The handsome William, with those dark eyes, unruly hair, wonky nose and that wide ready smile. They had not been together for more than a few hours, yet to anyone they were as life long friends. Maybe even more.
“Perfect”, Jennifer’s hand slipped down Jane’s spine, her host turned, “It is amazing. They are so perfect for each other”,
“Yes they are”. Jane replied without moving away from her touch. “Look at them, totally into each other”,
“I hope you like my gift”, Jennifer added a soft giggle in her voice.
“Oh you naughty girl”, Jane turned, her eyes drifting over slightly younger woman’s perfect features. Then, slowly, she kissed her softly on the lips.
“Jane!” Jennifer whispered lightly, “People will see”.
“I don’t really care. Do you?”. Jane smiled
For a moment Jennifer gazed back at her friend, her eyes dancing over the beautiful features she had known for the past 6 years. She smiled. “About bloody time too”, came the reply, followed by a soft kiss.
“Sorry”, Jane sighed. A gentle squeeze of her secret lovers hand. “No more sneaking around”.
“Thank god. I was beginning to think I would have to seduce you all over again”.
“You never seduced me”. Jane smiled
“I beg your pardon”, Jennifer laughed. “You didn’t know what hit you”.
“I was leading you on”.
“Why you little!”. Jennifer hissed, her voice a comically whispered exclamation. “I had you in the palm of my hand.”
Suddenly Janes face lit up , her face filled with colour and smile as bright as Andys on her lips, “Oh yes, now you mention it” She said. “I do remember something like that”.
“Do excuse me”, Andy turned to the face of one of the guest he had been talking to earlier. The charming gentleman who had kissed his hand offered his to him. “Do excuse me Amanda my dear, but we must be off. My wife and I have a long drive”.
Andy took the offered hand with delicate touch. “Oh Mr Gale, so sorry, but it has been such a delight meeting you and you Mrs Gale. Please have a safe trip”.
The older man, his heart warmed by Andys smiled, gave a half bow. “It has been an absolute delight to meet you dear child and I wish you and your young man every happiness”. He raised Andys hand once more to his lips, brushing it with a soft kiss.
Andy said no more, he felt himself blush but found no words in his lips.
As the gentleman turned away, his wife now came closer, she took Andys hand and, to Wills surprise, his also. “Do forgive me, but I could not help but watch you together. Such fun you two have, such fun”. She whispered slipping their hands together. “You must take good care of each other”.
Turning away in a drift of perfume the lady had left both Andy and Will in a haze of confusion. However, despite the uncertain silence that had settle over them, neither was prepared to slip their hand away from the others.
Andy looked down at his hand. It looked right where it was, enfolded in this young mans warm embrace.
“I didn’t think you were coming”, Andy whispered the sound of the party finally returning to his ears. “When I saw the three ladies I thought… did not want to come”.
Wills hand, bigger and less feminine, tightened on Andys, sending a tingle through the feminised boys body.
“I didn’t know anything about it until 5 o’Clock . Christian told me to get myself home , into my best suit and he would pick me up. Never had an idea”.
Still dwelling on the warmth of his friends hand on his, Andy laughed and then blew a deep breath. “I think we have been set up”.
Wills hand warm and soft, gentle and strong, gave a little squeeze. “You don’t mind …do you?”.
Now there was a pause, a long one, then Andys other hand, or rather one fingertip, slipped onto the back of Wills hand, circling the knuckles one at a time. He looked up, his eyes searching and finding Wills, who gazed back without question..“No”, Andy whispered, smiling, “No…I don’t…….do you?”.
Will gazed back, his eyes deep and warm, never a hint of deceit. “No, not one little bit”.
Andy took a breath, a calming breath almost unable to contain the smile on his face.
“You know”. Will said, his tone now free of uncertainty, “The first thing I remembered of you were those…..Dimples.”
“Oh god no”, Andy giggled.
“No really I think they are real cute”.
Andy felt himself blush, he had hated having Dimples, they had led to no end of teasing as a kid and for a moment a welling of sadness stirred within him. However one glance at Will honest smile told him the teasing days were over and now he did not want this moment to pass.
His nerves trembled, his knees shivered. Suddenly the latex dress was an oven and he was melting within it. He swallowed again. He would not let this moment pass.
“If ……If you kiss them, Will …”, His voice faltered. Another breath, “….If you kiss them… can keep them”.
For second Andys heart stopped as his words hung in the air. Had he said them aloud? or just dreamt he had, but then with a smile from his friend his doubts were put aside.
The first touch of Wills lips made Andys wide eyes flutter and his heart race , the second on the other cheek was softer and lingering and made his lips part, his breath deepen, his eyes close, his body melt.
“Oh god, Will”, Andy sighed, feeling the warmth of his friends cheek on his as he remained near, his mind a swirl of emotions and fears. Disbelieving of what had just happened and of the question which now hung on his glossy lips.
But it was a question he did not ask.
“If I kiss your lips”, Will whispered, his voice low, warm , honest and sweetly nervous. “May I keep them as well”.
Andy did not answer, his mind refusing to think in words. Instead, after a heartbeats pause he drew away. His face soft and warm, with eyes deep and moist gazed up into Wills, his mind a whirl of confusion and delight. “But this was a boy”, Andys head told him, “a boy, not a girl, a boy”. However his heart, his beating, beating heart, which pounded beneath his latex gown, was not draw to such thoughts and sung with only one clear voice and slowly and slightly he nodded.
Briefly, for a heart beat Andy hesitated. He had never been kissed before. Oh he had kissed girls sure, but he had never been kissed and never, ever by another boy. He hesitated as Wills breath sweet and warm caressed lips, his mind searching for an answer. But he needed none, his body answered for him and with a final sigh, their lips met.
It wasn’t a long kiss, though to Andy it felt it, it felt like his lips were becoming as liquid, flowing and melting onto Wills, but it was only a brief warm and tender kiss. A soft kiss and as they parted, eyes closed Andy could not help but steal a gentle second peck.
Now there came a longer pause, Will could feel Andys trembling weight on his hands as he took in a deep calming breath. Then from deep within, Andy glowed, his eyes fluttered and his teeth nibbled his lips. His breath a deep sigh.
Will stroked his hair. “Ok?”
For a second Andy gave no word, then with a giggle and deep breath said. “Oh yes”. He licked his lips, tasting the young man on him “Oh God Will, yes”.
“ I have wanted to kiss you since the first time saw you”.
Andy gave a slight nervous giggle. “I hope It was worth the wait”.
A hand stroked Andy hair, “More than. I just hope I don’t have to wait so long for the next.”
“You might have to. I think it may take a while for me to get my breath back” Andy giggled. The tingle of flirtatiousness returning.
Will laughed, his arm naturally slipping round Andys latex smooth wait to rest unashamedly on his bottom, “Join the club”
“So what happened to it?”, Andy said. Easing closer, nestling into Wills body.
“To what?”.
“Your best suit”.
“Goodnight, so nice to have seen you”, Jane kissed each of her guests as they left. Slipping out into the night air.
“Do wish Amanda and her young man best wishes from me”, Caroline said, gripping her husbands hand.
“I don’t know where they have gone to”. Jane replied smiling.
“On the terrace”. Another lady said, accepting Janes kiss. “So sweet”.
The house silent and still once more, Jane and Jennifer shared a quiet drink together, before venturing out to the back door.
Andy and Will just sat there, totally unaware of anything but each other, wrapped up in each others warmth, chatting, giggling, playing…..kissing, but never breaking contact always touching, hands arms, body.
Jane looked at her watch. 2.30 in the morning. She smiled. The perfect evening. But even perfect evening need to come to an end.
“Come on you two”, Jane said, stepping out with Jennifer “Time you Andy, were in bed”.
“Please Aunt Jane, just a little longer”, The look on the beautiful young mans face told her he was not yet ready, but knew really she was right. “Please”.
“Now now darling, it is too late. Wills taxi will be here soon. Now say goodnight and Jenny will take you up and help you undress”.
Andy was not a child, he knew she was right and so turning his face to his friends, he stroked his cheek before without embarrassment or hesitation kissing him, softly on his lips. It was a light kiss, but lingering and tender a kiss both Andy and Will breathed in before parting gently to rest their faces close together.
“Wow….Don’t think I will ever get used to that”. Andy smiled, a giggle in his voice.
“Me neither”, Will replied, his eyes gazing into his friends, “Guess we will have to practise at it”.
Slipping from Wills side, the tight latex of his gown, stretching and rustling with him, Andy took Jennifers offered hand and, without a moments hindrance from his heels, stepped away.
Now Jane watched as Wills eyes followed every hips swaying feminine movement of Andys body as he walked away. Reaching the door he paused and glanced back, the smile on his face one of pure joy, his hand half raised in a shy wave.
Will smiled back, his hand returning the wave and Andy slipped away.
Jane took a breath watching Jennifer lead the young beauty through into the house. Then, with a smile to the young man before her, took a seat and wrapped her hand round his. “I think you need an explanation William”.
To be continued……
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Bollywood and fetish
Hi everyone.
Something slightly unusual now. (unusual?, have you seen some of the stuff on here?)
Anyway Something i have never mentioned in all my ramblings is my love of Bollywood. It has been my pleasure on a number of occasions to have been to parties in full Bollywood style including a wonderfully deep tan, which required a little explanation at work. My love of Bollywood dose not come completely from the music, some of it can be very dull, sorry but it is true. However some, like my all time favourite which is below, is very very catchy.
The other reason for loving it is the sheer glamour of it, the girls are so very beautiful, elegant and sexy. Their make up often highly ornate and intricate, mixed with some very sexy and quite often fetishy outfits.
So here are a few sign posts to the world of Bollywood.
The queen of Bollywood the stunning Aishwarya Rai. (see what i mean about the stunning make up)

Malainka, in tight leather pants.
Aishwarya Rai again this time i think fro the movie Robot.
The stunning Priyanka Chopra
The pretty Priety Zinta
So that is just a few of the beautiful delights of my bollywood delights.
Thanks for reading, Kisses to all.
New piece of my art
slick sissies
Monday, 16 January 2012
From CapriciousAmber.
Hi everyone,
I want to put p a couple of pieces created for me b the wonderfully talented Capricious Amber from Deviantart. She has really captured the spirit of Poor Andys miss-Adventures perfectly and used her own style to bring them to life.
The first was created just before Christmas, but because i am a fluffy minded Sissy forgot to post it. However i think it is worth the wait.
I want to put p a couple of pieces created for me b the wonderfully talented Capricious Amber from Deviantart. She has really captured the spirit of Poor Andys miss-Adventures perfectly and used her own style to bring them to life.
The first was created just before Christmas, but because i am a fluffy minded Sissy forgot to post it. However i think it is worth the wait.
Don't know about you, but i think there might have been something naughty going on in that one.
This second one was posted over the weekend and i have to say it is the very best yet, not only because it captures the helpless position of poor Andy, but it includes Aunt Jane and what is more amazing it even includes my glasses!!!!! i mean how did she know that?. I mean i don't wear them all the time, but sometimes i do, because i think glasses are sexy and here they are, slightly wrong shape but what the heck. In fact i think they are rather cute. Mmmm thinks..... maybe a change of style in the future.
Anyway here it is and i love it.
With each pic i have included the link back to the original site. However i think those without accounts at deviantart will not be able to access the superb captions which accompany these pics.So i would urge anyone who has not got an account to sign up now, it is really easy (must be if i can do it) and you will open a world of stunning art from some brilliant artists, just like my friend CapriciousAmber.
So all i can say now is thank you CapriciousAmber, thank you, thank you.
The Guiding Hand. Part 8
Hi everyone, hope you are all well. Here is the next part of The Guiding Hand, i do hope you like it.
The Guiding Hand
Part 8
The understanding of Pink.
Andy, took a breath, the memory of the last time he had entered a fetish fashion shop filling his mind. But those images faded to a strange excitement as, with one squeeze from Janes hand, the door buzzed open and they entered the shop.
Instantly the aroma of rubber filled Andys nose, it was everywhere, warm moist and clinging, double, triple, no infinitely stronger than the aroma which drifted from the wardrobe housing his own tiny dress collection .
“Can I help”, the assistant appeared from no where, a blonde a few years older than Andy dressed in a par of frighteningly tight PVC pants and clinging white latex blouses.
With the memories of that first encounter edging round his mind Andy once more nestled closer to his ‘Auntie’.
“Yes good afternoon,”, Jane said, her cut glass voice filling the small shop, “I ordered a dress for my Niece a few weeks ago?”.
“Certainly madam…”, the young lady said stepping forward, her hand offered in greeting. It is taken with a warm return, as her eyes dart to Andy’s flushed face, “May I take your name?”.
“Lady Jane Fullerton- Jones”.
The assistants face suddenly flicked with recognition, “Ah yes, lady Fullerton-Jones. You purchased a number of maids uniforms from us, a hot pink, with the Beauchamp heels and a brilliant red. I do hope you are happy with them?”,
“Very happy thank you. Your work is exquisite, The red is a great favourite of ours isn’t it Amanda. Though I think you were less keen on the pink”. Jane smiled looking down slightly to where Andy clung to her hand. Clung being the correct word, for the embarrassment of knowing this young woman was imagining him in that shocking pink, near transparent latex dress nearly took his legs from under him.
However the look the assistant gave him, though polite and kind, was also tinged with confusion. “I trust the requested tailoring, was as …..desired”. She added guardedly
“As I say, I am more than happy. Thank you”.
The assistant, taking a breath, briefly ran her astonished eyes up Andy and smiled.
“I am so glad we could help Lady Fullerton-Jones”.
“Please”, Jane said, her hand rising slightly to pause the young woman, “Please Lady Jane”.
“Lady Jane, thank you. Now we have your order ready. If you would like to come through”. The assistant gestured to the back room, split from the rest by a single swing door. “And if I may. We also have a new design of Maids uniform, Victorian style”.
“Yes it is very fine, full length, over 7 petticoats, rising to a tight bodice and either a scoop neckline or a high enclosing collar”
“That sounds wonderful” Jane smiled, “may I see one”
“A pleasure, please come with me”.
Andy was about to follow when Jane slipped her hand free. She looked at him and with a light and unexpected kiss on his cheek, bid him to wait there.
Poor Andy, he did not know where to look, surrendered by a mass of feminine finery, he merely stroked and fingered each item, before finally getting up the nerve to slip a dress from the rail.
A very soft pink, The dress was very much styled as a 50s prom dress, complete with wide, pale blue petticoated, skirt and short puffed sleeves. Its waist trimmed with a fine pale blue chained belt. He turned it in his hands, and before he knew it had held it up before himself, turning to see the effect in the mirror. His eyes widened.
“That looks pretty”.
A look of surprise and embarrassment on his face. Andy turned quickly to the voice. It came from a lady, a little older than the first, dressed in a tiny black latex skirt and jacket. Her long legs leading down into very high heels. “Sorry, did not mean to make you jump”.
“Sorry, I..” Andy mumbled, still holding the dress in front of him, “I was only looking”.
“That’s OK honey”, the woman smiled, placing the box she carried on the desk, “Take as long as you like. That’s a lovely colour don’t you think?”.
Andy felt himself blush, his mind full of himself as a nervous young man way out of his depth. “Um ye…yes. It is”.
The woman stepped closer, her heels clicking on the polished floor. “But then you look the sort of girl who knows a thing about style”.
Andy instinctively looked down, taking in the soft jacket and tight leggings. He smiled. “My Auntie bought this for me”.
“Ah yes honey”, the assistant said warmly, eyeing him up and down, “But you have to know how to wear it. Would you like to try it?”.
“Sorry?”, Andys voice trembled.
“Your dress. You are very welcome to try it”, She directed him to the curtained dressing rooms at the rear. For a moment he hesitated. There was no way he possibly could, but then something happened and with a smile thanked her and moved toward them.
“Need any help, just call”.
Andy stood in the dressing room for a few minutes, the mirrored wall before and behind him displaying his, perfectly feminine figure, in his tight leather outfit from every angle. He looked at the dress where it hung, he ran his fingers over it, feeling he latex, smooth between them. It was a beautiful dress as feminine as could be. But he knew he would not try it on.
He peaked from the curtains into the shop. No one about. He thought about hiding in there until Jane returned, but knew that might be a while and so, holding the dress he stepped out.
He moved back to the main shop when ,from a side room he heard a sound, a muffled cry!. Looking about he peaked through the door half hidden behind a rack of heels. There was a large Tv on the wall and a film playing. Looking about once more he slipped into the room, it was warm and dark,
The screen showed the outside of a large house, it was white with a large stairway running down the front to where a car rested. As Andy watched two women appeared and began to descend the stairs, both were dressed in shiny rubber dresses. As they neared the car a third woman got out, she was younger, with dark bobbed hair and full red lips, she also wore rubber, a white blouse over a tight knee length black skirt, both items glistened in the sun. Approaching one of the lady’s instructed the third in an American accent to open the trunk. This she did. The contents were revealed and Andy stepped closer. It was another girl much younger with wide blue eyes and soft pink lips, forced open by a large red gag. She was wrapped from throat to toe in a cocoon of gloss black rubber, completely enclosing her arms and legs into a single ‘snake’. The two women looked at each other and one stroking the others arms said “I’ve brought you a gift”.
Andy jumped at the voice behind him, strangely enough it to was American and belonged to a beautiful woman of about 35, with mid length blonde hair, which framed an perfectly made up face, her green eyes looked Andy up and down, she stepped closer the rustle of her satin skirt filling the air.
“I’m sorry” Andy said “I was only looking”, he stepped passed the woman back into the shop, she stopped him with a touch on the arm, turning him to face her.
“My aren’t we a pretty one”, she purred. “And that is a very pretty dress”
Andy blushed and looked passed her to where he hoped Jane would appear at any moment to rescue him, But no he remained alone.
With her cool green eyes on him she looked him up and down, slowly circling him, soft murmurs of appreciation passing her richly glossed lips.
She stopped before him raising his face to hers on one polished fingertip. “Tell me pretty one, who dose, your Make up?”..
Poor Andy could barely speak, “My…my Mis….my Auntie Jane”.
“Auntie Jane..the lady you came in with?”.
“I am sorry I did not mean to disturb your film”.
The lady laughed “Nonsense, I have seen it a dozen times….but tell me, did you like what you saw?”
Andy blushed deeper red, “I’ve never seen any thing like it before”
“I am sure you have not my sweet, but did you like it?”
Poor Andy he was caught in the headlights of her green eyes like a startled rabbit.
“Would you like to be one of those ladies sexy latex dresses or did you prefer to be the girl in the trunk, helplessly wrapped in latex”, she ran a finger down his arm, he trembled. “I bet you would look gorgeous all wrapped up and helpless in latex, all hot…and …sticky”. Her eyes narrowed as they drifted up Andys perfectly displayed body, she smiled. “I could make either come true”.
“Good afternoon Samantha”, the voice made Andys heart leap,
“Jane, well of cause, I should have imagined you were this pretty ones Aunt……though perhaps I would say……Mistress?..
Jane remained cool, “You are quite correct”. She said
The cool Americans gaze returned to Andy, whose eyes lowered shyly, She smiled “Its OK”, she said, “I understand. It is quite natural for a boy to feel ashamed of being feminised, doubly so I would imagine for one who has become …lets say…as gorgeous as you . Tell me how long have you been in training?”
Andys lips parted in a silent gasp of horror, Jane too was taken by surprise, “Andy is not in any kind of training”
Samanthas eyes narrowed, “So this is not a permanent arrangement”
“Not at all, Andrew is staying with me for a few weeks and returns to college soon”
“As a boy?”
“of cause”, Jane replied in a frosty tone. “But tell me how can you tell, I might add model agent just approached us weeks ago in the ivy”.
“Please don’t get me wrong, Andy is the most beautiful boy I have ever seen, but there in lies his secret. You see any young woman who looks as beautiful as Andy, and dresses like this wants to be looked at, wants to be seen and admired, desired even, so she carries herself in such a way, high necked arched back ,revealing herself. But Andy, oh dear, Andy is timid about his beauty, shy, embarrassed, he clings to you hides behind you, seeking protection from the humiliation of his femininity”. Samantha stopped at the look of anger in Janes eyes. “Sorry I think you misunderstand me, I think it is wonderfully cruel of you to keep him so helpless, this is what I mean by training. You see many mistresses would train this out of there boys, encouraging them to be more confident and secure. However you have kept Andy at his most submissive, trapped in the moment of his first humiliating transformation, shy, confused unable to survive with out his mistresses stern guidance”.
The words hit home, Jane was quite taken aback and her usual cool exterior seamed fit to crumble, “I do not care if my gentle way infringe on your hasher sensibilities, Samantha, but I will not be accused of cruelty!”.
Samantha Richmond paused, choosing her words. “And, I take it the Kinky little outfit in the bag will be what you will be dressing Andy in tomorrow, a maids uniform to wear at your weekly coffee mornings I suppose. Maybe you will parade him before them and they will bill and coo about how gorgeous he looks and what a stunning job you have done on his feminisation, whilst all the time Andy blushes and melts with shame and embarrassment”,
Sensing the argument was about to get out of hand the older assistant said., “Ms Richmond, about your new DVD titles”.
The Green eyed American turned looking at her, annoyed at the interruption, then slowly smiled, at Jane , whose face was glowing with anger, “No” she purred, “No ,you are quite right Jane dear …you are not cruel at all….. are you”. Then Before Jane could get a word out she turned away, “The new titles will be with you in the next 3 months…….”
The bag containing Janes purchases, lay almost forgotten on the back seat, and with the radio off the silence in the car was deep. Andy could tell the Americans words had hurt Jane very much and he wanted to tell her she was wrong, that she was not cruel and he did not feel ashamed and embarrassed…….but then he looked down at his long leather smoothed legs and on to his feet, cradled in sexy high heels…..he could not find the words and in time the car drew up the long drive way and stopped outside her home.
Once inside the same silence hung in the air, Jane sitting at the kitchen counter, lost in her thoughts. Even when Andy asked if he should change into his uniform for the evening she merely, offered him a half smile and said it would be better if he showered and spent the warm summer evening by the pool.
Supper followed, Jane still in the outfit she had worn to town and he in a simple towelling gown. They talked about collage and what he was looking foreword to next year, they spoke about his plans and what he would like to study. The same things they had talked about on that first night together almost 2 months ago, but then again Andy knew it was anything to disguise the true thoughts filling her head.
Poor Jane….she seemed to sad.
With the washing up done a duty he had performed for the passed 2 months in frilly rubber and high heels, Jane instructed him to bed. As he passed the door he stopped and looked back.
Andy paused, he wanted to say more… “Very well……good night Auntie Jane”.
Not she turned, turned at the soft voice, but he was gone and in the silence of the room whispered, “Good night Andrew”.
Andy lay for many minutes listening for sounds of movement downstairs, but the stillness remained and the image of Jane sitting alone filled his head until sleep took him.
He awoke the next day with a start, he looked at the clock 9.30!!, usually before now he had been awaken by to the sound of her soft voice and the sight of her beautiful face, but today she had let him sleep in.
He rose , the satin night dress swishing softly about his smooth body and opened the curtains, it was a bright sunny day, however the sun did not fill him with delight, for below sitting at the table on the terrace he could see Jane, still and subdued gazing at her coffee cup.
The woman in the shop was wrong Andy thought. His ‘Auntie’ Jane was the most beautiful, warm and loving person he had ever met, she had never harmed him, never scolded him, her tone was always soft and loving and her touch even more so. No the American was wrong and her words had hurt Jane deeply, ….She was the cruel one.
Sadly he turned from the window and his eyes first fell on the glossy heels by the chair below. The tiny box containing the lipgloss, Jane had so excitedly bought for him the day before unwrapped and tried. Slowly he moved across the room, the warm sun, caressing his back and stopped before the wardrobe.
For a moment he paused, his mind filling with the notion that he would find it empty, any sign of feminine clothing removed and destroyed. But as the doors opened to his touch, the now oddly comforting aroma of latex filled his head. Gently he eased each of the tiny dresses aside, feeling the cool latex on his fingers until he found what he was looking. Then gazing over at the vanity table, he could see the matching shade of lipgloss and he knew if there was lipgloss there would also be he same shade of brilliant pink nail polish.
As the second padlock clicked shut, securing the thin strap of the pink stilettos about his ankles, he paused, wiggling his freshly painted toes. It was the final act, an act of total willing submission, but one now devoid of shame or humiliation. For now the beautiful girl in the mirror, who gazed back at him with full glossy lips and sparkling eyes, was all of his own creation.
Sitting at the high counter in the kitchen, Jane heard the ‘click click’ of high heels as if in a dream, an echo, her heart fluttered. Then came the voice, soft and light
“Good morning Madam”.
She turned and now for a moment she just stared at the vision before her, a vision of ultra femininity, a vision of child like innocence and blossoming sexuality barely contained within a tiny dress of shocking pink latex.
Andy allowed his heart to calm under her gaze, then taking a breath and with stunning grace atop those dangerous heels stepped forward. Each elegant step made the dress ripple and glisten about his body like deep rich oil. As he moved Jane silently gasped at the feminising effect the dress had on his young body. The latex tight and sensual moulded him, pushing up the flesh of his chest to brim over the bodice like the blossoming cleavage of a real young woman. Whilst the skirt, so short it barely concealed half of Andy’s rubber painted bottom, did nothing but emphasise his long exquisitely shaped legs, sheathed this day in matching latex stockings, as they reached down to feet cradled and moulded by those staggeringly high heels. Heels from which now peaked delicately painted toes.
As he stopped before her, Jane took a breath, for now she could see his perfectly detailed make up applied by his own hand. Framed by the waves and curls of his neatly styled hair, Andy’s flawless skin glowed with a warm blush, his eyes shaded with a skilled touch sparkled behind long fluttering lashes and his lips full and moist glistened with the deep liquid gloss of dew coated berries.
Jane trembled, lost at that moment for words deep enough to express her love and joy, then slowly Andy raised his hands, and she gasped softly. The perfectly polished fingertips opening to reveal the third and last silver lock. She looked from lock to boy, his eyes wide and glistening spoke louder than any words. Gently she took the tinY clasp and moved behind him. As instructed a dozen times before he lowered his head, his eyes closed. He felt Janes hands, her fingers drawing the rubber together, stretching the thin material that extra inch,. He felt his stomach flutter and rise to his throat, but not in dread, not in terror, but now with delight and pride . Then came the ‘Click’ and Andy drew breath. And within his mind whispered, “Thank you Auntie”.
The lock in place Janes fingers slipped across his smooth latexed shoulders as she stepped before him.
“The lady in the shop was wrong”, Andy said, “she said you are cruel, she was wrong”.
Jane smiled, “Oh Andrew, you know I never meant to be cruel to you don’t you?”.
“Of cause Madam, you never were”.
“Thank you darling”, she stroked his cheek, “However I know I have been a little naughty, with you. I hope you can forgive me. Its just that, well, I never imagined how beautiful you would become, it was only meant to be a bit of fun, but……I had never seen anyone as beautiful as you”.
Andy blushed at her compliment and in a soft sigh said, “There is nothing to forgive”.
“You are so sweet”, she sighed kissing him on the cheek. The moment lingered for a time then She stepped back, that dazzling smile returning to her face, “your make up is perfect, absolutely flawless, I am very impressed”.
“I had a good teacher”, he giggled.
“Thank you darling, that’s very kind of you, now…..”, she fluffed his petticoats and straightened his apron, arranging the ribbons to flow over the back“……It is time my maid was about her duties.
“Yes Miss Jane”, Andy beamed and bobbing a sweet curtsy, turned on his heels. Jane watched his long legs and wiggling bottom depart. Then she looked down at her towelling robe and smiled.
Andy busied himself with his usual duties, first making the beds and cleaning the bathroom, before moving on to the landing and stairs, the house was never dirty or a mess, but he made sure he did everything as instructed. Linen was correctly folded, towels just so, he even took time to arrange all the bottles on Janes vanity to the labels faced out. He delighted in it all, moving with grace and lightness from room to room a well of happiness inside as he dusted and polished in his glistening rubber dress, he even found himself looking down at his heels and the silver locks, remembering how they used to hurt……used to.
Later back in the kitchen, as he was bending to secure the vacuum, he heard the ‘click click’ of Jane’s heels behind him, his stomach swirled, he adored that sound. Then a soft touch on his exposed pantied bottom, beneath the frilled skirt.
“I will be expecting visitors at about 4 this afternoon Andy, please ensure the kitchen is ready”.
Andy looked up and round, “At 4, ye……s…..miss”. his voice died in his throat. Jane stood before him, once more dressed in her stunning skintight black patent leather pants and gleaming patent boots, but also this time a matching halter neck top, which moulded about her full breasts like liquid jet. He could barely breath and forgetting to straighten, just stared. She had never been more beautiful.
She smiled and turned before him, letting him see her from every angle. “What is it?” She said, making on as if there was something strange behind her, whilst elegantly clipping on her diamond earrings. “Oh this”, she smoothed her hands down her body, before placing them on her hips, “Do you like it, Well I thought I might as well treat myself”.
Andy nodded, “You look gorgeous”, he blurted, before regaining his head, “Oh..Sorry Mistress, yes you look….”.
“Say no more Amanda ,Gorgeous will do just fine”, she smiled idly picking up the mail which lay on the counter top.
“Now. I want everything clean and bright today, because tonight I am hosting my charity event and Christian from the restaurant will be sending a few of his staff round here to do the catering and things, so I need everything finished for them OK?”. She paused noticing the sparkle which suddenly danced behind Andys warm eyes. She knew the reason for it, but said nothing of it.
“Yes Madam”. Andy nodded. “Charity event?”
“Oh I do one every summer”. Jane said, placing the letters in the rack, “A black tie evening, for the local hospice appeal, wonderful cause. I usually invite my friends and a few local business bodies. It raises some money and the profile. So I need it all perfect for Christians team, Ok darling”.
“Yes Madam”.
“Thank you Amanda”, she stepped close and placed her lips softly on his cheek, “For everything”.
Then turning on her heels she left the room, but knowing his eyes would be helplessly drawn to her glossy leather bottom, gave it a sharp slap and giggled.
“Rude to stare darling”.
For a moment Andy bathed in her warmth, but then his mind drifted, to other thoughts, mostly to the young man who he hoped he would be seeing later that day.
He smiled. Really smiled.
Totally distracted now, Andy returned to his duties. His every movement atop those once troublesome heels now made as if walking on air. He glanced at the clocks in each room, willing them to turn faster, willing the hours away until finally the bell rang.
“Answer that please Andrew”.
Andy needed no convincing now, no cajoling to move to the door where, through the opaque, glass he could see three figures, all in white. His heart pounded in his chest, but still he stopped before the mirror and where once he would have felt shame at his smoothing of his skirt, adjusting of his cap, or frilling of his apron, now all he felt was pride and delight. He wanted to look his very, very best.
He stood straight, feeling his feet in is heels, took a breath stifled his wide smile and opened the door. The smell of the flowers from the garden filling his head.
“Good Afternoon, we are from Christians?”
There was an awkward pause. And Andy felt his eyes flutter. Three women, stood before him, dressed in the white outfits of the restaurant. Three woman and only three woman.
Andy took a moment, letting his silent disappointment fade. “Good afternoon”, He said stepping back, “please won’t you come in”.
Andy led the 3 women, one in her 40s the others in there 20s, into the kitchen and as he did he could feel their eyes on him. On his high heels with the little locks, on his long latex legs leading up to his cute bottom nestling under a mass of shimmering latex frills. He could even hear their half-whispered comments, on his beauty and the kinkiness of a rubber uniform. But he did not care, his stomach too knotted with disappointment to listen.
“Please I will get Lady Jane”.
Andy was not privy to the conversation had between the caterers and Jane. But on her return from kitchen to lounge where, as instructed earlier he was to wait, She was smiling broadly. “There everything is fine, my guests will be arriving at 7, Christian from the restaurant has everything in hand”.
Andy shifted slightly on his heels, his head half lowered. Jane knew why.
“Please Mistress, what do you wish me to do tonight?”. Andy asked , his voice betraying a hint of sadness.
Jane smiled and taking his hand gestured for him to sit .(not an easy thing to accomplish elegantly when wearing 5 inch heels, but he managed beautifully ). She took her place beside him, her fingers playing on the smooth rubber of his skirts.
“Nothing Andy, my maid will not be attending this party. That is why I hired the caterers, they will serve tonight”.
Andy nodded. “Shall I be staying in my room?”, he said,
Jane just smiled, “What? and miss my party.”
Andys eyes widened in surprise, “But …..”
“But what?, You don’t think I was going to leave you out do you”, She shifted in the seat, turning face on to him. “This is a party for my favourite people , but most of all I want them to meet my beautiful young niece…….”. His eyes slowly rose to hers, she smiled, “……You”.
Andys eyes welled, he smiled softly. She knew why he was close to tears and it warmed her heart.
They sat and talked and cuddled for 20 minutes or so. She reassuring him and explaining how she had told everyone about her visiting niece and how they had had such a great time together she wanted everyone to meet her, because she knew they would love her as much as she. And that she wanted him beside her, all night.
The voice came from behind them, both she and Andy turned, there stood Jane’s friend. Jennifer Keeley and in her hand the bag containing the gift purchased the day before.
“Hi Jenny”, Jane said standing to greet her , they kissed and to Andys surprise softly on the lips.
“Wow you look amazing”, Jennifer said, running her hands down Janes leather clad body, “That top is superb”, again to his surprise Andy notices her hands linger on Janes breasts. A look passed between them. But he looked away before they turned to him.
“Andy….”, Jane said holding out her hand, a command for Andy to rise.“…you remember Jennifer”.
As the beautiful boy rose atop his high heels, the womans eyes nearly popped out of her head, Andy curtsied, “Good afternoon Ms Jennifer”.
For what seamed like forever she stared open mouthed .
“Wow”, she exclaimed and stepped passed her smiling friend. “Oh Jane now I see what you meant by the Pink dress.” she paused lost for words, “ Andy…….you are absolutely stunning, No I mean it …”, she gestured for him to turn before her, she shook her head as he elegantly pirouetted , the shiny pink rubber dress reflecting the light , as the sun would ripple on a lake, “…… are stunning”.
Andy remained calm, whilst inside he brimmed with a pride,
“Thank you Ms Jennifer”
The smiling woman stepped closer. Andy lowered his eyes, she smiled, “No no darling, let me see you”, she tilted his face up to hers on one polished fingertip. She paused Andy looked into her deep brown eyes, warm and friendly. “……flawless….”, she breathed, “….utterly flawless….Jane you are an artist”.
Andys mistress smiled, “Not at all Jen, it has nothing to do with me, you are looking at all Andy’s own work”.
Jennifer drew breath, “Oh my goodness, what a clever boy you are….”, Again he beamed with pride, “……I can see I will have my work cut out tonight”.
“It all right darling”, Jane said catching Andys unnerved look. “Jennifer has offered to help dress you for this evening. That is if she remembered the dress?”.
“Oh you will never let me forget that will you”, Jennifer smiled back,
“Jenny, it was not you who had to wear the replacement”.
“You looked gorgeous in it”.
“Could have done with a little more material though” Jane laughed back
“Not from where I was”. The smile on Janes friends’ face was one of remembered delight and brought a flush to Janes face.
“But you have it?”
“Oh yes picked it up first thing and now I see why you chose it, I think Andy will look amazing”.
“But”, Jane said, playfully smacking her friends bottom to wake he up. “you will have to wait for your surprise Andy, until after we have prepared you”.
“Yes quite right…..”, Jennifer’s eyes sparkled like diamonds, her hand on her bum.“…..time to play”.
Jennifer keely took Andys hand and followed Jane from the lounge and up the stairs where. All the way up, his eyes were focused on her polished buttocks wrapped in there tight shiny leather coating as they moved back and forth with each step. However a quick glance to his right told him he was not the only one to be captivated by their fluid motion.
Jane knew it and smiled , “Rude, the pair of you”.
On entering the main dressing room, Jane gave Andy the 3 tiny keys and instructed him to remove his uniform and shower, “Don’t be to long darling we have lots to do, oh and you will find new panties in there ”.
He curtsied and turned away.
Once in the bathroom he saw the new panties, they were tiny, really tiny, and made of slippery black rubber, he placed them aside and slipped the first lock in the back of the dress before carefully popping each button in turn. Slowly the dress loosened and peeled away to reveal soft smooth skin, pink and moist from its mornings enclosure. He wriggled his hips and the dress slipped from his hips and he stepped out ,leaving him in just his high heels and panties, Andy turned and for a moment saw himself in the mirror, but strangely he was not filled with shame, yes there was a little but, in truth he felt more a tingle of……excitement?.
He turned away, the high heels came next, it always felt odd now to be flat soled, the heels had become almost second nature in the short time he had been forced to wear them. Then finally the stockings, which as ever held a small pool of moisture in their toe and then the panties.
Every item as instructed was cleaned and powdered before being hung and in no time he was feeling the warm rain of the shower on his body. He washed with the scented soaps and cleaned his face with the white creams and in about 10 minutes, wearing only the tiny new black rubber panties and wrapped in a towel, warmed by the summer sun, he returned to the bright airy dressing room.
For a moment the ladies did not notice him, “Um Madam?”. He whispered. The two ladies turned from the vanity table, there eyes lighting up as he gave a strangely tentative bob.
“Oh darling, there you are, all polished up , ……”, Jane said coming to him, the light reflecting on her skin tight leather pants, emphasising there perfect shape. She took his hand and drew him to the smiling Jennifer, “….that’s better, ……oh you did not remove your nail polish”.
Andy looked down, to his gleaming pink fingertips, “Oh I’m sorry mistress, I’ll go and…..”.
Jane laughed softly, “No, no dear its alright, we can change that easy enough”. She gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand.. “Don’t worry Andy, this will be a treat for you”.
Andy smiled, just being with her was a treat.
“I think we are ready”, Jennifer said at the light beeping sound which came from behind her. She turned to a small jar sitting atop a chrome box and removed the lid. Instantly the room was bathed in the most wonderful of aromas, a deep rich warm scent that made Andy draw a deep breath. Jennifer looked at her friend, who smiled broadly, “ Wow!”.
Still lost in the rich aroma it was on the second time of asking that Andy heard the request to remove his towelling robe. For moment he froze, he was naked underneath, but for the panties, however one look form Jane, one loving smile and he slipped it away.
The look in Jennifer’s eyes said it all, she was stunned, stunned at his smooth satinised skin, at its natural pink glow and healthy sheen, but also at his stunningly feminine figure. She came closer allowing her fingers to drift, without thought, across his slim waist, curved hips, round bottom and delicate shoulders, This was not the body of a slim young man, this was the blossoming body of a young woman!
Jane caught her look. “Isn’t he gorgeous”.
Jennifer was lost in admiration. “I thought he must be wearing a body shaper, or even a light corset, under his dress…”,
“No it’s all natural”.
Jennifer gave a half laugh, “You know what I thought about that dress “
“Oh yes”, Jane placed her finger to her cheek in mock thought, “…..what was it now….oh yes, too tight,…too clingy…..and to F ing sexy, ..i believe”.
“ Well…..”, for a long moment Janes friend could only stare, “……I take it back, its going to look amazing”.
“I agree, but not if you don’t stop staring”. Jane laughed tapping the warm scented jar.
“Quite right. Now, Andy…. “, Jennifer awoke, “…..If you would please put your arms out to your sides a bit…..thank you darling”
“Wh…..what is that?”, Andy asked as she scooped a dollop of golden oil from within the jar.
“Don’t worry Andy…..”, Jane said, stroking his shoulder softly, “…..its call Royal jelly, it made of honey and spice, very expensive, but……”, she breathed deeply, “……it smells gorgeous and will give you a deep golden glow”.
Andy looked at her smiling eyes, but slowly, as Jennifer smoothed the first handful of jelly across his shoulders, they rolled shut.
“Oh my”. He gasped, for not only was he enveloped I that warm aroma, but the oil seemed to tingle and tickle on his skin like nothing he had ever felt.
“Nice?” Janes voice seemed distant. He nodded. “Good boy”
By the time Jennifer had oiled his hips and waist, the tingling had become a warm glow and by the time she had reached his feet all that remained was that rich aroma and, as promised, skin that glistened like honey.
Jennifer smiled, “Mmmm good enough to eat”.
“Not by you Jen…”, Jane teased back, their words soft enough not to be heard by the young man before them. “…Remember the diet”.
This though, was just the first sensual beginning of the most stunning of sexy transformations and under Jennifer’s professional touch, the sweetly sexy, teenager Andy had been for the last 2 month was reborn as…..well, as a very sexy young woman. In fact so stunning was the transformation that Andy could not help but see the astonished looks which passed between the two friends.
However it was not until they had painted his nails, in a deep and glossy cherry red, a colour which he knew would mirror his lips gloss and gently teased his hair into a very cute, choppily fringed bob that he was allowed to see the effect.
And it was stunning. Gone were the soft, innocently dewy eyes, highlighted by pinks and blue, gone were the natural glowing cheeks in there delicate rouge and gone were the glistening pink lips, shaped into a cute bow. For now he found himself sitting before a vision straight out of playboy……not a tart, Oh no, not a cheep celebrity wannabe, but a stunningly sexy, sophisticated young woman, with darkly painted Smokey eyes which sparkled behind long, long liquid jet lashes, high sculptured cheekbones, dusted a sensual deep tone, and lips that, coated in a deep cherry glaze, fell naturally into a full wetly glistening pout.
No words were exchanged, or at least none that the dumbstruck Andy could hear and by the time he had pulled his eyes from himself, he found Jane had gone and he was alone with Jennifer.
He turned to her as she busied herself behind the wardrobe door.
“Auntie Jane?”, Andy said, the cling of his glossed lips acting to make ,even his voice, seem sexier.
“Time is getting on Andy, she has gone to change but don’t worry I will be here to help you and when you are ready, I’ll take you down to the party……”. She came over and sat beside him, she took his hand, “…..Are you all right?”. She asked softly. Andy paused and nodded, “.. I do hope you like what i have done”.
Again he nodded, “Its ….amazing”.
“Thank you darling….” Jennifer smiled and squeezed his hand, “…..Do you remember that day we met… the kitchen….you were so sweet…..Jane had told me what she had planned……I thought she was crazy….a boy… her maid… way …….but that was before I saw you……and you were so sweet ….and I knew you would make such a lovely girl”, she brushed his naked arm with one fingertip, he turned to face her, “…don’t worry, no one else knows……tonight they will only see a beautiful girl”.
Andy smiled, “Thank you”.
Jennifer kissed him softly on the cheek and smiled. “Now…..time for our finishing touches”, she slipped away and still holding his hand drew him to the centre of the room. Then darting behind the wardrobe door, “…first your shoes….”, Andy’s heart pounded as she produced a pair of staggeringly high , shiny black, open toed stilettos, which she placed on the chair beside him before turning back to the closet, “……and finally not forgetting, your new dress”.
To be continued....
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