Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wednesday round up fun

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Hi Everyone
  Just a quick hello and lets have a look at some stuff I missed when I was away.
Ok so lets start with a global superstar, the every youthful Kylie Minogue and her smooth slick and shiny appearance at the BST Event in London's Hyde Park.

Now we have a very special treat . Our dear friend Rubber H has put his own brilliant spin on the Watson Gang adventure.
It is posted over on Deviantart, so follow the link to get the whole sticky story and whilst you are there please let RH know how much you enjoyed it and believe me you will.
Here's but a taster.

I – The Mystery

Andy and his friends Julian and Mel had finished their classes for the day and were seated at their usual table at the coffee shop. Mel had recently completed his report on their recent adventure, the ‘Case of the Rubbery Rascal’. He was anxious to get their opinion before sending it to be published.
“So, how did you like it?”, Mel asked.
Andy looked at Julian and then Mel. “Honestly? ‘Rubbery Rascal’? That sounds like…”
“Like what?” asked Mel.
“It’s pretty silly.” Added Julian. “He might have been wearing a full rubber suit while he was committing crimes, but calling the perpetrator a rascal sounds like you weren’t taking him seriously.”
“You have to admit, it had a ring to it.”, Mel replied.
“Could have called him the ‘Latex Loser’.” Said Andy. “By the way, what did the Chief Inspector say when you interviewed him?”
Mel rolled his eyes. “As usual, he said the police could have solved the case on their own and that we were just lucky.”
Andy and Julian smiled. They knew that the Chief Inspector had been stumped, but was unwilling to admit that the three of them had solved more than one case.
“I did see something interesting on his desk, before I left.” Said Mel. “Something that hasn’t been on the news. In fact, there has been a total blackout. No television. No internet. Nothing.”
“Like what?” asked Andy.
Mel glanced across the coffee shop to see if there was anyone within hearing distance. He mentioned to his friends to come closer. “There have been reports of missing students. Five this year, but..” he whispered.
“But what?” Andy asked.

Need more, follow the link

Speaking of quality writing. Here's a little fun from our friend Skinnie S, It is linked to a piece I posted a few weeks ago "Can we take him home?".

It's only a short piece but needs sharing, as does our friend Ambers comment too,

Skinnie S from Patreon

Yes girls, that is a sissy

Andy was boiling under Jane's old PVC mac but the beads of perspiration forming on him weren't just from the temperature. They were the cold sweat of fear. Andy was sure he'd been spotted. Worse, he was sure he was being followed. He hoped the droplets forming on his forehead wouldn't ruin his make-up. He didn't want that and Auntie definitely wouldn't. He could already feel a little pool forming in his panties. They'd been behind him for a few minutes. He couldn't go faster to get away since he felt he'd melt in the heat. And Auntie had said he needed to look dignified and ladylike at all times. She'd left him on one side of town while she met with her accountant. He could go shopping and meet her in the coffee bar on the other in a couple of hours. They were obviously observing him. They were now close enough for him to hear some of what they were saying. 

"She is," said the older lady in the middle. 

"But she can't be?" 

A cartoon of a person in a red dress

Description automatically generated"She definitely can't." 

"She is. Yes, girls, that is a sissy." 

"But how can you tell?" 

"Look at how she walks. She hasn't quite got the posture and poise. She's good but not that good." 

"But some girls find it difficult in heels. What else?" 

"Look at what she's wearing. A PVC on a day like today? She's either just starting and still got a very limited wardrobe or been challenged by her Master." 

"Or Mistress. But she's so pretty." 

"Yes, and she's either been to a salon or she can do her make-up to a professional standard. That's easier to accomplish than deportment. It was with you both." 

"Yes, Auntie Carol." 

"Can we say hello, Auntie Carol?" 

"Yes, girls. I'm sure she'd like to meet two other sissies and find out she's not alone."


This undoubtedly isn't what you intended but I thought another Auntie out with her more experienced girls would be a different take.
Andy looks fab (as ever). And the girls and Auntie Carol are very nice. 

S xxxx


And a very special comment from Amber, a very close friend of both Andy and myself, that deserves a broader readership: 

I'm certain under other circumstances, Andy would always be delighted to wear this superb burgundy mac from Auntie's wardrobe, but today it's hot and now he's bothered too about his "followers" (and not those on the net for once). 

He knows from his little experience that some girls don't approve at all of boys playing at been feminine and now three of them are behind him and commenting about him being a sissy. (The gorgeous oldest one seems to know what she's speaking of). 

How must he react? Run away (he would faint from heatstroke before turning the corner of the street and beside... still not good at running in heels), confront them (he would never dare and that could lead to a scandalous disclosure of his identity; what would his Aunt think of that?) or simply ignore them, hoping with all his fast beating heart that they get bored soon? 

But too late, now the two youngest (and very pretty) ones are approaching him, smiling (but this could still be a trap). 

"Hello, I'm Sam and she's Ash! We were admiring your mac, darling, it's superb....but isn't it a bit too hot for wearing today?" said with a look at the perspiration droplets running down along Andy's legs and leaving a dotted line on the ground. 

"Unless you wear nothing underneath!" added Ash with a wink. Andy stopped, blushing hard (and very prettily) and stammered: "I hadn't watched the weather for today!" (he knew, saying it, that it was a very poor excuse but could find anything else to say...) 

By then the older Lady had joined them and added (very certain of herself now): "Or is it that your Master or Mistress had given you specific order, sissy?" 

A person holding an apple

Description automatically generated

Oh you both know how close you came to nailing this one, bless you both for your wonderful words XXX

Next a very sweet bit of fun, actually this inspired Andy's Blue dress

We could not have this round up without a notable mention of the gorgeous Gigi Hadid who wore a LaQuan Smith Raincoat at the “Deadpool & Wolverine” New York Premiere After-Party alongside the equally stunning Blake Lively


Monday 29 July 2024

New Art. Invasion of the body Suckers

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On Patreon Today
Mondays woes are
eased by a super
new piece of fun
art by our dear friend
If you like dear Chris
in pink and frills
this one is for you.

Hi Everyone
    Welcome back, I do hope you are all well.
  Lets get straight into the fun. Today we have the full and complete version of the latest Lady Jane adventure previewed over on Patreon.
  Set in the 60s, we see our ever fashionable dynamic duo looking groovy and slick in the styles of the times, looks like Andy is digging the new mini skirt and kinky boots fad, whilst Janes classic trench has been swapped from leather to super smooth high gloss vinyl.
That aside the mystery is still their to solve and this time the whole world might be a stake with the spread of yet another gooey feminine body loving life form.

This time it is the cult of the Shroom (previously encountered in the Andy Latex in the 25th century adventure  "The invisible Realm." where Kitka Delevingne and Cadet Samantha Holden where consumed over months by the slimy Shrooms before Andy's came to their rescue) has been spreading and now only Andy with his scientific knowledge and and Lady Jane with her whip sharp mind can save the day, but first they have to save the Shrooms most famous victim. 

and for those of you who are not native to our British shores you may not get the play on the Shrooms occupants name.
This is British TV Presenter the beautiful Susanna Reid.53


Friday 26 July 2024

The Return of Christeen

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On Patreon today     
Its the last Friday of
the month and that
means we have the latest
page in our ongoing
Aunt Jane calendar.
However this time
we have an extra treat
a choice between good
and bad, or if you like

Hi Everyone
   Quick up date. Hopefully I will be back to full form next week, posting more on here and over on Patreon, plus I will get round to answering all the lovely messages and things I have received in my absence.
  However we all know why I am here, to enjoy the delights of new and wonderful art from our dear friend Christeen.
  There are some gorgeous delights in this collection,
Thank you Christeen, It is an honour to host you on our blog

Tuesday 23 July 2024

New Art. The Little Mermaid

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On Patreon Today
With our friend
Christeen taking
a break along side
me, we are delighted
to still present a
new piece by the girl
herself, until she 
returns to full
power in the future.

Hi Everyone
  Sorry for being late but I had tried to preload this before I left for holiday but for some reason it failed to post. So in a rush here we are.
     Here is the completed version of a piece from Patreon posted a few weeks ago.
It features our sweet Hero/Heroine in a new situation and is set during the Andy alone Series in which Andy has been abducted by the Sisterhood and is auctioned within the group to provide  ornamentation and service to the richest and most beautiful of ladies around the world.
  Here such a woman, confident in her exquisite beauty, is admiring her acquisition beneath the hot California sun.
Poor Andy, what a sticky treat.

Small detail, you may note Andy is wonderfully endowed in the boobs area, this is down to the body shaping nature of the body suit on which the Mermaid costume is based.
As she says, she has no use for effeminate painted boys, so this woman has recreated Andy into her own desire.

Friday 12 July 2024

Friday with Christeen

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On Patreon Today
We are treated 
to the cover for 
very latest Lady
Jane Adventure.
This time we have
travelled to the 60s
with Andy looking 
very groovy and 
Lady Jane looking
just fab.

Hi Everyone
   I am glad to reach this Friday, been one heck of  a week, but before we are treated to the latest delights from Christeen, a little note.

 I shall be away for a week maybe a little longer from Monday. I need a holiday, not from you lovely people or from the blog or any of that, but from everything else going on and this time I hope it will be a proper holiday. Patreon is loaded with fun stuff for the week, but fear not I will return here to our blog soon. 

Now lets get on with some super treats from the wonderful Christeen.

Big Hugs

Monday 8 July 2024

New Art . After Tonight

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On Patreon Today
A very cute and
extremely pink
piece by our dear
friend  Christeen.
I like this one very
much and I am
sure you will too.

Hi Everyone
   Welcome to Monday, I hope you are all well. Been a tricky weekend for me and I feeling a little down but knowing you are here and here to enjoy my art gives me a lift.
 Today we have the complete version of a piece from Patreon, where lots of you came up with such wonderful ideas and observations.
  Fortunately the completed version is not to plot heavy and so many for your ideas fit in really well.
  This is set during Jane and Andy's attempt to extricate themselves from the ever closing grip of the Sisterhood as we have seen in the 
piece out of The Frying Pan.
  This is a very widescreen image, which I hope adds to a Cinematic feel to our story.
Hope you like this.
Love and happiness to you all.

Out Of The Frying Pan

After Tonight

Friday 5 July 2024

Yayyy it's Christeen

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On Patreon today
A new piece of
my own art and a
piece that took an
age to get right ,
but one I am
very proud of.
It is an image that 
sits in with the Andy 
alone series.

Hi Everyone
When Christeen's new selection of art drops into my inbox I am always thrilled and excited to open them up. I feel so lucky to get to see these first.
  However it would be wrong and rude to keep such gems to myself. 
So here on Friday as ever we have the brilliance of Christeen.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday with a little tech help

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Hi Everyone
Just a quick midweek pop in to share a few bits and bobs.
As you know I greatly prefer my own style of hand crafted art but occasionally I like to mess with Ai and so  I asked my Ai if it could imagine a younger Andy and Aunt Jane perhaps 7 or 10 years before we start our stories.
 Remember Jane always loved Andy very much and made a point of spending time with him and I think these capture that time very well.
However you will have to wait just a tick because we have a message from Carol Vorderman first.

Think that was something about voting in tomorrows election, but I kind of got distracted.

Next three lovely translations of my art by our dear friend Girlie Morgane

Now a little dream, a fantasy, as you may know I am a huge admirer of our Princess Kate, I think she is warm and loving and for elegantly feminine and I can't wait to see her back to her radiant best and when she is, perhaps she will come a relax at the new boy boutique, She will be made most welcome.

You can see more Ai fun over on the Patreon

Monday 1 July 2024

New Art. He did, He did, He did

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On Patreon Today
A very naughty new
piece of art from our
dear friend Christeen
Poor Chris is in such
a pink tizzy heaven
knows how he'll get out
of it.

Hi Everyone
   Hope you are all well.
  Todays piece has taken on a new life since I shared it on Patreon. 
  Over there it had a kind of pensive air to it, and I actually called it "To be or not to be". 
   However something was not sitting right with me and I got to thinking  what was going on in our sweet hero/heroines pretty head and then I recalled a moment in my own life and I realised what Andy really was thinking about, and set about expressing in his beautiful face.
  Please allow me to explain. True story.
  A few years ago when I lived in Lyon I had a relationship with a quite frankly wonderful lady, she was nearly twice my age but the warmest and sexiest lady I have ever met, we had such amazing time together and I still love her so much. 
  Anyway one evening after we had been out together we started kissing and it was the first time we had properly kissed in a  ..... you know....sexual way, it was in her kitchen just after we had got in, we'd had a few drinks, but we just came together and started to kiss and we kissed and we kissed.....and we kissed and when finally we came up for breath LOL She just broke into this Atom bomb smile and says 
  "Oh my God!  like we totally snogged"
It  was the most genuinely gobsmacked and excited of responses, like she was a giggling kid, my goodness she looked so beautiful, her eyes were sparkling and cheeks flushed and to be honest, if we had not stopped at that point,  I was in immediate danger of becoming very sticky indeed (if you know what I mean) and that is the feeling in Andy's heart right now, his very own, childish and giggly  "Oh my God!" moment.
 I hope you get the same feeling as you enjoy Andy's smile.
