Monday 29 July 2024

New Art. Invasion of the body Suckers

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Mondays woes are
eased by a super
new piece of fun
art by our dear friend
If you like dear Chris
in pink and frills
this one is for you.

Hi Everyone
    Welcome back, I do hope you are all well.
  Lets get straight into the fun. Today we have the full and complete version of the latest Lady Jane adventure previewed over on Patreon.
  Set in the 60s, we see our ever fashionable dynamic duo looking groovy and slick in the styles of the times, looks like Andy is digging the new mini skirt and kinky boots fad, whilst Janes classic trench has been swapped from leather to super smooth high gloss vinyl.
That aside the mystery is still their to solve and this time the whole world might be a stake with the spread of yet another gooey feminine body loving life form.

This time it is the cult of the Shroom (previously encountered in the Andy Latex in the 25th century adventure  "The invisible Realm." where Kitka Delevingne and Cadet Samantha Holden where consumed over months by the slimy Shrooms before Andy's came to their rescue) has been spreading and now only Andy with his scientific knowledge and and Lady Jane with her whip sharp mind can save the day, but first they have to save the Shrooms most famous victim. 

and for those of you who are not native to our British shores you may not get the play on the Shrooms occupants name.
This is British TV Presenter the beautiful Susanna Reid.53



  1. Poor Miss Ride. Although one can understand that the intoxicating power of Shroom oil is intensely seductive and can become addictive for those wanting to take their beauty that stage further. But never fear, Andy and Jane will save the day. Although I suspect Jane may keep a little reserve stock for micro-dosing her young assistant who need never age.

    Brilliant! As I said on Patreon, Aunt Jane captures perfectly a Modesty Blaise styling, a definite touch of European chic. While Andy could come straight out of 'Blow Up' or 'The Knack'.

    S xxx

    1. Thank you S, yes I have no doubt Lady Jane will advise Andy keep a sample for future analysis and yes you have the style inspiration spot on XX

  2. Mmmmmmm is correct! What a sticky situation. How exciting and terrifying to be encased with no hope of freedom but the slightest sensation working its way up the inner thighs. Speaking of legs, those boots are to die for! I don’t know which I love more. The silky white ones or the over the knee stilettos. Which do you think I would look better in? All finished up with a stunning trench coat 😘Don’t get too hot in that our it made slide off 🥰

    1. Bless you Natalie, so glad you like it and yes both needed boots and I am so happy you think I chose well.
      As for being within the Shroom, gosh yes you are right it muct be both emotions and a lot of pleasure as well

  3. Out intrepid duo must take of what the touch. Especially with so much exposed skin. Fashion is one thing, but they can still wear their outfits under a hazmat suit, and I bet that would look stunning on either.

    1. Ooooh a hazmat suit, that gives me an excellent idea, thank you Dear Lee XXX

  4. Is it my imagination or is there a Shroom appendage heading in Andy's direction? I know what plasmodial slime moulds are capable of...

    1. Mmmm why would an organism that is being probed not feel the right to retaliate. Look out Andy XXX

  5. The finished piece is even more fun. Shroom Oil, I love it. xxx
