Tuesday 23 July 2024

New Art. The Little Mermaid

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With our friend
Christeen taking
a break along side
me, we are delighted
to still present a
new piece by the girl
herself, until she 
returns to full
power in the future.

Hi Everyone
  Sorry for being late but I had tried to preload this before I left for holiday but for some reason it failed to post. So in a rush here we are.
     Here is the completed version of a piece from Patreon posted a few weeks ago.
It features our sweet Hero/Heroine in a new situation and is set during the Andy alone Series in which Andy has been abducted by the Sisterhood and is auctioned within the group to provide  ornamentation and service to the richest and most beautiful of ladies around the world.
  Here such a woman, confident in her exquisite beauty, is admiring her acquisition beneath the hot California sun.
Poor Andy, what a sticky treat.

Small detail, you may note Andy is wonderfully endowed in the boobs area, this is down to the body shaping nature of the body suit on which the Mermaid costume is based.
As she says, she has no use for effeminate painted boys, so this woman has recreated Andy into her own desire.


  1. Sylvain in Montréal23 July 2024 at 08:41

    I hope Andy is allowed to swim from time to time, else he runs the risk of heat exhaustion or sunstroke.

    And you did a good job on the water reflection, it’s totally believable.

    1. Aww thank you for your very generous compliment about the art and reflextion, it took some time to get right and your acknowledgment of it give me great joy , thank you Sylvain and yes Andy will be cooled for his own protection.

  2. How does so much adventure fall into this poor bois life. At least there is no shortage if beautiful dressed and costumes. Good thing she does not have him working the stables, yet.

    1. Not yet my dear Lee, but Andy is destined to return to the stables XXX

  3. Welcome back -I missed you and your beautiful art! This one is stunning 😘 The attention to detail is exquisite. From the texture on the tail to the cushions and swimwear 😘 the mira inspired mermaid is divine! Just incredible! Someone would need to help me wriggle into a tail like that! I would find it hard to not burst with excitement as the outfit slides into place. Again what you create with such elegant models, sweet features and beautiful red hair is what dreams are made of! Stay positive and dream away! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Awww and I have missed you to Natalie. Thank you I greatly appreciate the compliments. That Tail would need a lot of lube, but then comes the valve hidden with the tail, the value that connects to the hand vacuum pump, that draws the air out and the latex tighter still.

  4. Gorgeous. There will be lots of wriggling of all sorts with the guest in and out of the pool I am sure. xxx

    1. Bless you Aidan, Every time a guest passes they will be unable to resist a touch. XX

  5. Welcome back Andy! You really have outdone yourself with this ‘not so’ Little Mermaid - I love everything about this pic! I like to imagine the mermaid suit is neck-entry, it seems to have attached fingerless mittens so I’m sure it will have taken lots of lovely lube and eager hands for The Sisterhood to squeeze Andy into it. And no way out without their assistance either, it’s going to be a long day sitting around in the sun on his pedestal, combing his glorious long red tresses...

    1. Bless you and thank you Kitka, there are all sorts of detail I will explain when i get to reply to your sweet and lovely Email.
      However yes The Mistress had a few eager hands to assist, but it was her pleasure to dress Andy herself.
      Thank you Kitka

  6. I heartily agree with all the other comments on your artwork, Andy, but must add my own praise for the way you've got the expression on Andy's face. Superb. As for the latex mermaid suit, I'm sure when the guests have finished it will be very sticky indeed inside!

    1. Bless you and thank you Notatrog, I am very grateful for your kind words.
      Yes Andy is gonna be very sweaty and sticky by the time he is pealed from that suit and that will be a long time coming.....as will he

  7. Ahh, such a lovely mermaid. I can just see Andy swimming in the pool and some of the more lusty male visitors suggest it may be 'spawning season'.

  8. I've always had a thing for mermaids, and Andy is definitely one of, if not the most beautiful mermaid I've ever seen. I can only imagine how stifling hot it must be in that costume, so a nice cool swim would be nice. I hope Andy is well lubed in there, I know from experience how painful Latex can be when it's stuck to unlubed skin. Well lubed and sticky beats dry and stuck, any day, any time.

    1. Oh yes Stephen , I know that feeing too. So don't worry Andy is well lubed, that Latex is not going to stick, but slide with every dainty swish of that tail
