Wednesday 29 May 2024

Wednesday fun

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Hi Everyone
  Here are a few little treats for a Wednesday, Some super translations of my art by our dear friend Girlie Morgane and the first part of  a two part story from our lovely Skinnie Stallion.

 But before we get too far in let us just sit back an take in the ever gorgeous Amanda Holden causing the usual controversy in this amazingly revealing dress. Apparently people are still shocked and offended by the mere hint of and erect nipple. Can't say I am offended, however I would be if the moaners and complainer ever get their way.
It may not be Latex or real leather but it has that shine we all adore.

And now, after that treat we have more, beginning with some sweet Translations from our dear Girlie Morgane

Thank you Girlie XXX

              Look out she's back and what a nice back it is too

No time to calm down for now it's over to our dear Skinnie Stallion



Skinnnie Stallion

1. Morning Reassurance

A window with a plant in it

Description automatically generatedEvery morning was the same.  Every morning was a wrench.  Ever since his stay at Knightley Manor, a bitter wrench.   He could feel her warmth.  He could smell her perfume.  He could touch her softness.  He could hold her.  He closed his eyes wishing the moment could last.  He just wanted to stay enveloped by her loveliness.  But he had to get up.  He didn’t want to wake her.   She’d had a restless night and had kept coming across to his side of the bed to snuggle against him. 

A person wearing a pink and white dress

Description automatically generatedHe slid from under her draped arm to extricate himself without disturbing her.    He put on his chiffon dressing gown to cover his nakedness and slipped into his mules before softly opening the door and retreating to his bedroom for a quick shower and to do his make-up.  Then time to dress.   His pink maid’s dress and pink Loubigirls were laid out in readiness.  Pink.  He still felt black was more fitting for a maid but the injunction from The Sisterhood demanded that he wear pink.  Pink for a boy who needed to learn his place.  Pink for a boy who needed to learn to behave.  Pink for a boy who needed to respect The Sisterhood.  At least the six months since his stay would soon be up and that part of the injunction would lapse.   He fastened a pink hair ribbon as the finishing touch.   He’d got used to wearing a head band or mobcap when he was at Knightley Manor, but a ribbon was stipulated in the injunction. 

He decided against stockings: it was going to be a warm day.  Just some light cotton panties.   Latex would be too sweaty, at least while he was working.  Maybe latex for the evening when her was relaxing with his Aunt.   Or maybe none at all.   

It was a glorious morning and he felt happy.   He scuttled about his tasks anxious to please.  He wanted everything to be flawless. He had to accept that he’d been trained well.  The Sisterhood had achieved the result they wanted, and Jane was pleased with him which was all that mattered to him.  He cleared away the breakfast things, cleaned the Dining Room, and dusted the stairs.     Standing now preparing Jane's morning coffee, he basked in the warmth of the morning sun shining through the kitchen windows as he listened to Emma Barnett talking to a guest about periods pains and period sex.    

 “Alexa! Radio off.”  Emma fell silent.   Startled by the peremptory bark, Andy turned from the hissing Gaggia to see his Aunt in the doorway. 

"Auntie! You surprised me," he blurted.   He checked the clock.  It was only ten twenty-five.   He wasn’t late.   Plenty of time to take the coffee up to her office for ten thirty. Surely she had better work to do than chase her coffee?  

"Sorry, darling. I just wanted to let you know we're having some visitors."

“Oh, you never said.   Shall I put out some extra cups?   And biscuits?”

“Yes please, honey.”  

A person holding another person's hand

Description automatically generatedIt mattered so much to him that she called him ‘Honey’ and ‘Darling’, and even ‘Sweetie’. It might seem trivial, but it was his way of knowing that he was hers. His reassurance: Hers.  All hers.    Her boy.   Her maid.  Her sissy.    He particularly liked ‘Sweet lips’: praise indeed for his ministrations although his tongue did most of the work.  ‘Sweet cheeks’ was still reserved for those special moments together, although he no longer had to brace himself, just relax and bask in her ownership, her total ownership of him and his body.    “Who’s coming , Auntie?  Is it the vicar?   The Parish Council?"

Jane shook her head.   She paused before answering, knowing he might find this difficult.   She knew his stay at Knightley Manor had been traumatic, but it had done him good.  Every day he seemed to become more adorable.  She’d delayed telling him for as long as possible.   "Some ladies from The Sisterhood," she murmured.

Andy's lower lip began to tremble. "Oh, no! I thought that was all done with. Why didn't you say?"  

"I never told you we were having guests, because I knew you would get all flustered and worried." Jane stepped forward to comfort him as she saw the panic in his eyes.  He was shaking.    Jane held his hand and stroked his face.   She hated seeing him like this.   She just wanted to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be all right. He was doing so well since his stay at Knightley Manor. She was going to have to comfort him. "And as you have been such a good boy, why don't we go for a cuddle on my bed this afternoon?" Andy seemed to relax slightly on hearing her words. "I have a very special gift for you." 

A cartoon of two women in a kitchen

Description automatically generated

“But why, Auntie?" he demanded, failing to hear her offer. He was still obsessing about their visitors. What if Madam Dark was coming?" 

"Don’t worry.  She won’t.  I understand that they want to check on your progress. Now, wipe those tears away: it will be OK. The Sisterhood was always going to want to check on how you were d...d...doing."   She'd wanted to say 'developing' but thought better of it. "There's nothing to worry about, it will be OK.   You're doing so well."

"Yes, Auntie," Andy mumbled. If Auntie said it was going to be OK, it was OK. "Will I still be in pink?" he asked.

"Yes, definitely pink. Although I think the ruched sleeves, and your courts."

"But I like these sandals," replied Andy. Truth be told he liked the little platform on his Loubigirls. With their 4 inch heel, they gave that him a lift that his everyday Kates didn't.

"Yes, but courts look more formal. Much better if you're meeting The Sisterhood."

“If you say so, Auntie.”

“I do.   Now go and change.   The coffee can wait.  They’ll be here by eleven.  I need to change too.”   As Andy headed for the door she added, “I love you Andrew.”   She didn’t feel she needed to say it, but she said it all the same.  Her boy needed all the reassurance she could provide.   She just hoped their visitors would be satisfied with his progress and that they hadn’t breached the injunction.  She lingered by the Gaggia but then thought better of it, an espresso probably wasn’t wise when her heart was already pounding.   It wasn’t just Andy who was nervous.  

2. The Visitors 

“Let’s have a little chat about how things are going, shall we?”   Mistress Martingale took Jane’s hand and led her out on to the terrace.    

Andy was dismayed.    Why was his Aunt just following the Mistress?   It was her house.   He’d adjourned to the kitchen immediately after leading the guests to meet Jane in the Day Room.    He’d returned with coffee and biscuits but they remained untouched.    He had never seen his Aunt so meek and compliant.  She’d even dressed differently.   Gone was the shiny pencil skirt. Gone were her leather pants.  She wore those even when meeting her bank manager.   Gone was the silk blouse.   In was a sober, beige business suit.   Beige?!   What was she thinking?   At least she was still wearing her Louboutins, although he couldn’t help thinking that nude would have been a better pairing than black.  After all, it was Auntie who’d drilled into him that ‘black and brown should never be found’.   Drilled into him in so many ways.   Before his stay at Knightley Manor she’d said that he needed to learn the colour rules as part of his maid training if he was going to help manage her wardrobe.   ‘Blue and green should never be seen. Black and brown should never be found’ he’d intoned.  Chanting was a good way for him to learn the rules and helped her to find her rhythm, she’d said.   So well drilled.

A person in a white shirt and black boots

Description automatically generated “But what about Andrew?” asked Jane, looking wistfully back at her boy who was now surrounded by Mistress Martingale’s colleagues.   He’d done her proud and looked ravishingly gorgeous in his pink latex maid’s dress.   She had to accept that he’d come on so much since his stay with The Sisterhood.  They were right about petticoats.   The layers of white taffeta gave his skirt such a lovely lift.  So much better than hanging limply: the petticoats gave an illusion of stiffness, so delightful and confusing for a sissymaid.  And he was a sissymaid.  Her sissymaid.  Not The Sisterhood’s. Hers.   They might have trained him, but he was hers.   And he'd accepted it, right down to his monogrammed apron.   

“He’ll be fine,” said Mistress Martingale.   “Stablemistress Lange and Stablegirl Dane will look after him while we talk.   About this Blog of yours…..”

“Well, it’s not mine.   It’s really Andrew’s Blog,” interjected Jane.

“About this Blog.   The Sisterhood thought we had an Agreement with you: a Non-Disclosure Agreement.   The stipulations of our injunction were quite clear when Andy left Knightley Manor.”

“Yes, but I don’t see what the problem is.”

“You don’t?”

“No seriously, I don’t.”

“What about mentioning Andy’s stay at Knightley Manor?” demanded Mistress Martingale.  

“But that wasn’t part of the gagging order.  And  I thought The Sisterhood wanted to widen its female membership,” argued Jane.

“Yes, but the Blog mentions Madam Dark.   We agreed that what happened with Madam Dark during Andy’s stay would remain Strictly Confidential.”

“But Andrew gave no details of what happened.”

“Can I remind you that any mention of Madam Dark is forbidden?”

“Yes, but it’s just a little Blog.   It’s not like it’s in the Daily Mail, or even a proper newspaper.”

“As far as The Sisterhood understands, that Blog has quite a wide and growing readership, no doubt helped by references to your proclivities and membership of The Sisterhood.   As a forfeit, we will expect Andy to attend a further training course at Knightley Manor.   Let me review your options….”


Andy was feeling intimidated by Mistress Lange and her Stablegirl, and their proximity.   He could feel Mistress Lange circling and appraising him, crop in hand.  The auburn Stablegirl looked less assertive, but he was surprised by the firm grip she maintained on his upper arm, anchoring him to the spot.  He tried to look at the stablegirl but was distracted by her handsome cleavage. Her blouse was open just that little bit extra to make sure her breasts were distractingly visible. 

A couple of women in pink dresses

Description automatically generated He realised he was staring  and averted his eyes.   He could feel Mistress Lange’s warm breath on the back of his neck as she moved behind him.   “Well ain’t you a pretty boy?   You like what you see Ms Dane?”

“Sure.  Right down to his monogrammed pinny, Ms Lange.”

A cartoon of a maid

Description automatically generated

“Did you ever think a boy could be that pretty, Ms Dane?  I guess you would know.”  

Ms Dane paused before answering.   “Yes, I guess I would.   He’s quite cute.  But needs rounding out.”   

“You were interested by the Stables when you stayed at Knightley Manor, weren’t you?” Mistress Lange enquired.

“Er, yes,” stumbled Andy, uncertain how to reply.

“What attracted you to the Stables?”

“Nothing, really.”

“Nothing?   So that’s why we saw you so often staring out at us from the house.     There must have been something you liked?”

“Well……,” Andy hesitated, “…. I thought the stablegirls looked lovely.”  He briefly glanced at the Ms Dane then turned away in embarrassment.

“Quite right.   They do.   They’re all well trained, lovely girls like Ms Dane, here.   Isn’t she sweet?”    The stablegirl maintained her grip on Andy but shifted her gaze to the ground in apparent unease.  Andy’s eyes followed.   He found himself admiring her boots.   Hardly the riding boots of a stablegirl with their 6” stiletto spikes, but practical with their over the knee styling.   Both ladies wore similar boots, and both towered over him.   

“Um, yes.   She looks very nice.”   Andy was grateful for his multi-layered petticoats to hide his ‘embarrassment’.

“And the horses?  What about the horses?   Or maybe you prefer ponies?”

“Oh, um, maybe.”   Andy began to blush.   The Sisterhood ran an unusual mixed stable.  The horses were powerful hunters intended for hacking and cross-country.   The ponies were different.   

“Are you sure?  Would you like to work in the stables?” 

“I don’t know.  I’ve never thought about it,” Andy mumbled.  In reality, he had wondered why some of The Sisterhood’s ‘guests’ were trained as maids, whilst others were put in the Stables.  

“So you prefer being a maid.   A sissymaid.  I see you’re in pink.”

“Yes, I’ve been wearing pink ever since I stayed at Knightley Manor.”

“Pink?   Not black?   You must have been a naughty boy,” taunted Mistress Lange.   “Is that why Ms Martingale is speaking with Lady Jane?   Pink satin is bad enough, but Pink Latex?   Do you think he feels as silly as he looks, Ms Dane?”

“Of course he does Ms Lange,” sneered the stablegirl, “silly and embarrassed.   How else would a sissy boy like him feel?” 

“So you’re her sissy,” said Mistress Lange nodding her head towards Jane, who was still outside in conversation with Mistress Martingale.

A person in a pink dress

Description automatically generated 

“Yes, I guess.  I’m her maid, if that’s what you mean.”

“But I’m sure you’d prefer to work in the Stables?” asked Mistress Lange.   “Wouldn’t you like to be like Ms Dane?   You should see the work we do.”


“Apart from the Blog stuff, you’ve done well with him.   He seems much more natural than when he was staying with us five months ago.   You decided against hormones, didn’t you?”

Jane recoiled.  “Definitely!  He’s a boy and always will be.”

“Pity.  We get such good results with pretty boys who are compliant.   Still, it’s your decision.”

“Yes, and it’s final!” 

“Such a shame.   But he has done well.   Delicate and feminine.  A credit to you.  We will be able to close out the injunction once he’s attended the course.   A finishing school, if you like, given that he’s come so late to The Sisterhood programme.”

“Yes, if you insist.   I’m happy for him to go on the Summer Training Academy for Business Leadership Education.   I want him to be an asset when it comes to running the business if we’re going to make BOY?™ a success.”

“Certainly.  That will bring him closer to The Sisterhood and its ways of working.  We can do the paperwork and book his place before we leave.   But all work and no play will make him a very dull boy.   I see he’s making friends with Ms Lange and Ms Dane.   Ms Lange would be a first-class tutor for him, and Ms Dane would provide an excellent role model.  Perhaps you and Andy would like to visit the stables at Knightley Manor?  After all, ponies are a traditional element to a …. girl’s development.”

“Yes, I can’t see that would do any harm,” replied Jane.   “I used to love riding.  Still do.”

“Good.  Come and visit when you drop him off to start the programme.   You can try some riding yourself.   You look like a lady who enjoys being in the saddle,” Mistress Martingale said with a knowing look.

Jane looked like she’d been scalded.   “Andrew and I are very happy together, thank you very much.” 

“I’m glad to hear it.  Just remember to bring your riding gear when you drop him off.   We’ll provide all the tack.”

“And will Andy need riding gear too?   I assume he won’t need to be in pink by then.” 

“Not even hunting pink.   Just something practical and wipe clean. Though he should continue to wear his ribbon. Definitely keep the pink ribbon.”  She paused before continuing,   “It was interesting, Lady Jane,  that earlier  you referred to the injunction as ‘a gagging order’.   Does he still gag?   Or is that something we need to remedy?”

to be continued

Now my recommendation of the week check out the work of Taylor Chan over on Deviant art. Hints of Andy and Jane? I love this.

Now how about something created in Ai by me. This is fun, hope you agree.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Encore une foi MERCI à Skinnie, quelle imagination, c'est un plaisir de découvrir ces histoires. Et bien sûr, comment ne pas remercier pour toute son œuvre notre charmante Andy. Merci également pour la place qui m'est accordée parmi vous. Bises Girlie

    1. Merci beaucoup Girlie. C'est un plaisir de partager vos super traductions avec tout le monde.
      bises Andy

  3. How I managed to calm down after Ms Holden, I'll never know. Thaaaaanks! AnnnnnD then Skinnies story and Pansies art. Geeeeeze i'm having hot flushes, then the climax of the AI piece, oh gosh love it all. xxx

    1. Hope the hot flushes have past Aidan, but then again I hope the tingle remains. So glad you liked this little collection and thank you for your kind comment.
      I love the way the gloves blend into the dress so well.

  4. Another beautiful and enticing collection for our morning pleasure. Ms. Holden never ceases to amaze, and the story flowed beautifully touching on various memories.
    Thanks for the link to DeviantArt. I cannot wait to peruse further, but the crowning glory was the final picture. A self portrait I hope. Imperious and regal especially from that angle. Few could wear that outfit (uniform?) as well. Talons at the ready and a distinctive little squeak as she enters a room or just surveying her domain.
    Stay safe

  5. Amanda's dress is just perfect and has everything that I like to see in a dress. I just love the way it enhances her bum (which to my mind is the absolute nicest part of the female anatomy and an example of design perfection by whatever part of the grand creation of the universe came up with it!)

  6. ein paar weibliche Hormone würden Andy wirklich echt gut tun...
