Monday 27 May 2024

New Art. Can we take him home?

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Its time for a 
new and frilly
pink piece of 
wonderful art 
from our dear
friend Christeen 
and believe me 
there is a lot of 
frilly pink to enjoy

Hi Everyone
    A little update first. I may be away for a week or so from next Monday for personal reasons, I know you will all understand, but  as ever Patreon will be pre-loaded with bits and bobs and I hope to maybe leave a treat on here too if I am lucky.
  So here we are and other Monday and another new piece, previewed without dialogue over on Patreon where it gained lots of attention.
 Here though we have the completed version plus the imagined conversation which inspired me to create this.
 It's a piece that can sit anywhere really in the story, but to me it fits in way before Andy has any confidence in his beauty and femininity, which also places it before he and Will get together.
 So here we have one very sweaty and sticky Andy soaking up the summer sun in a very attention grabbing vinyl mac. (I bet Andy even smells sweet and feminine when he is all hot and sticky)
Speaking of attention someone has their eye on him
Hope you like this 

and now we can listen in to the ladies conversation.

Bobbi                 Are you sure Mommy?

Mummy             A Latex trench on the hottest day of the year, yes I am sure. That is a sissy and I bet he has one of two things under that coat. A very kinky set of brand new lingerie or and I would place my money on it…nothing at all

Kimmi              He looks lost. Can we take him home?

Bobbi                Oh yes please Mommy, please can we?

Kimmi               He can sleep between us, our bed is big enough, oh please Mommy.

Mommy            Mmmmm , It would be nice and it probably is time you had your own sissy Bobbi, but you would have to be serious about it, you’ll have to do his makeup every day and dress him and not  neglect all the other things a sissy needs like milking and training

Bobbi                I promise Mommy I promise, Oh I bet he tastes really sweet.

Kimmi              But what about me Mommy?

Mommy            Now don’t be naughty Kimmi, it’s Boobi’s turn. You are my Sissy, Bobbi is yours and so it is only right that this young sissy will be belong to Bobbi. Now Bobbi are you sure this is the one you want, don’t forget he is already feminised. I don’t want you to think you have missed out on the fun of his first transformation. You loved feminising Bobbi didn’t you Kimmi.

Kimmi             It was such fun, you so didn’t want to look all pretty and girly Bobbi, I had the best time teasing and embarrassing you into dresses, you so hated it, it was the best time

Bobbi               I did not hate it, I did want to be girly, Mommy I did. Kimmi is lying Mommy, I love being girly

Mummy           You do now  sweetheart, but when Kimmi chose you, you had never ever even thought of being girly and you really did hate every minute of those first few months and as Kimmi says, that is the best part and I don’t want you to miss out on it. No, you need to find another. Besides, I think this one belongs to someone. You can tell by the way he is posed, presented. He is clearly under instruction not to move from the spot. Perhaps this is some little punishment, he is clearly dressed to be seen and hating every minute. No I think if we wait we will see his very lucky owner come to collect.


  1. Even better with your words. Poor Kimmi will have to wait for another day, although it will be interesting to find out whether Mommy gets along with Andy's Auntie. Bobbi and Kimmi may find they have a new friend to play with. I don't think Andy would mind. He will find Bobbi and Kimmi very attractive. and may value their experience. He may even find it nice being milked by other girls. That's if Auntie allows, of course.
    S xxx

  2. With your words is it perfect

  3. Divine! I am in the love with this cherry red colour at the moment! It is delicious! I adore the coat! I have been dreaming of one just the same! I may need to borrow it, without tearing off that sumptuous body first! What a beautiful piece! You will be very missed and much loved whilst you are away! 😘

  4. Hmmm, spied upon by a trio of blondes. All looking lovely, but I doubt any are natural blondes. Now Andy as a redhead and matching Mac and under pining's (?) is the attention grabber. Scared, humiliated and wishing his Auntie would come and save him. Though, friends his own age could be enlightening during his journey.

  5. Definitely sweet even when melting I am sure. Well I was into something on Patreon alright, they did want to take him somewhere. xxx

  6. Tellement magnifique si jolie Andy et sexy j adore la couleur de ses cheveux rouge /rousse très est sucré avec ce trench latex rouge toujours assortir avec ses jolie talon rouge 😘 😘😘💋💋💋💓💓💓
