Wednesday 21 February 2024

Wednesday fun, with Zendaya and more

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Hi Everyone
    I do hope you are all well, It's been one of those up and down weeks so0 far but I thought I would cheer myself and hopefully you , my dear friends, with a few bits and bobs which have caught my eyes over the  past few days.
  So let's start with a couple of clips, both of which made me stop and gaze in delight.
The first is from the amazing House of Iris over on Instagram 

I think this is so simple yet so erotic. The affection the mistress has for a sweet submissive is so clear and I could not help but imagine it to be our sweet Andy, separated from his beloved Aunt Jane alone in the hands of one of the Sisterhoods biggest investors.

Then we have this and Again my mind turned to Andy, but unlike the submissive in the first clip, who seems to be quietly unwilling to 

behave, this gorgeous brunette is clearly devoted to her Mistress, presenting an image of willing submission. A work of erotic art for the rest of the Sisterhoods guests to enjoy.

Now a clip of the sensational Zendaya as she arrived at the ‘DUNE: Part Two’ World Premiere in London!

 I mean this is a sensation and I must thank my dear friends Skinnie Stallion and the lovely Amber Caprice for sending me this clip via twitter.
I have to say it does look rather uncomfortable to wear and I bet she was less than happy with all the sand in those heels, but heck that is an amazing look.
What do you think, was it metal over a clear latex skin or clear plastic and metal?

I stumbled across the next image when on Facebook, yes I am on facebook, but I don't do much there, but this stopped me in my tracks and with instant inspiration I added a few words.

To me it is clear, this is one of the lost Watson Gang adventures and here we see Andy and one of his friends having been captured and feminised, discovering their friend and gang member Peter has been captured too, leaving them in another desperate scrape.
 My great admiration to the creator of this art and once I find who you are I will give full credit and links to more work if possible.

Two more little pieces, first I always find it amazing when I come across something which I created my years ago becoming accepted as real.

I came across this on Instagram, the image I created of beautiful tv Presenter Susanna Ried in a latex skirt. It was just one of those imaging if things and now, no one really seems to question it that much. I wonder if folks trawl Youtube trying to find a clip?

Finally, but not least, Blog Legend Carol Vorderman squeezed those curve and legs into a pair of stunningly tight Leather/Latex pants this week and brought the web to  a halt.
Which Is where we too shall come to a halt this Wednesday.
Big hugs to you all and here's Carol


  1. House of Iris is inspiring. The Watson Gang is thought provoking. And Ms Vorderman is a permanent sensation. And I will say no more about Zendaya (swoons).
    Thank you,
    S xxx

    1. I know you would swoon over Zendaya and rightly so. Thank you for your sweet comments XXX

  2. When I see Zendaya in this outfit, why do I think of the classic film 'Metropolis'?

    1. It is a spot on reference my dear friend and i think its a vintage Mugler piece , wonderful XXX

  3. Big hugs to you Andy. These are all amazing.

    The red outfit for sure would suit our Andy from the first clip. Of course beving like the black outfit in the second clip.

    When I first saw Zendaya's outfit I was floored by it's gorgeousness, yeah it might have some uncomfortable features but still, wow!!!

    Definitely agree that FB work is admirable, good story idea behind it for sure and would love to see more of the lost Watson Gang adventures too.

    More latex skirts IRL would be sweet.

    Well yeah Voders you can knock me down with a feather anytime.


    1. Hi Aidan
      Bless you for such sweet comments. I too love that first clip, so naughty and loving.
      Yes I bet that outfit was nice to get out of.
      Susanna Reid in Latex would be the new ultimate Net melter.

  4. I saw Zendaya's outfit up close when it was on museum tour with the rest of the Thierry Mugler collection. It is a combination of metal and rigid plastic. I was amazed and delighted that it got worn again. Though it is clear Zendaya doesn't quite fit it. They were not able to use the original neck piece from the looks of it. I'm wondering if the helmet didn't fit or the publicists didn't want to hide her face (or both).

    1. Oh wow to see it in real life what a treat, Thank you for telling us how it is made, it just makes it sound even more uncomfortable to wear, but I'd love to give it a go. I have now seen the helmet, that would have been awesome, but yes we had to she Zendaya's beautiful face too.

    2. The entire Thierry Mugler exhibition was astonishing. I highly recommend it, should it come to a museum near you.

    3. Gosh yes I would love to see that, those designer pieces are so amazing when you get up close to them XX

  5. Hello dove, you could find more of the lovely maids pics here: Have fun! Amber

    1. Oh thank you Kitty that is so sweet of you , thank you I will check them out
