Monday 19 February 2024

New Art. Soccer Aunt

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On Patreon Today
Monday as ever
brings us the delight
of a new piece
of art from our
dear friend Christeen.
As ever this is a 
wonderful glimpse
into the world of poor
sweet Chris.

Hi Everyone
It' another Monday , Monday and I think we need to get a little light into the start of a new week and what better way than to step out hand in hand with our beloved Aunt Jane.
   This is also a step back in time to a point where Andy's journey is still in its infancy. I mean, look he is still allowed to play football, speaking of which how would you feel if you were collected from football practice by Aunt Jane? Does this lady ever dress down? 
  This piece was previewed over on Patreon a few weeks ago and it had a lot of debate as to whether Aunt Jane was dropping Andy off at football training or collecting him.
Well today we get the answer.

Andy has had his fun, now it's time for Aunt Jane to have hers. 


  1. How on earth is Andy going to get bored? Embarrassed maybe but never bored.

    More to follow. (Different from my floundering Patreon attempt.)
    S xxxx

  2. At first I thought What the?
    Then read that its an older piece.
    We all know that he would not be bored in the slightest at the salon 'waiting' for Aunt Jane. In fact it will be Aunt Jane doing the waiting.
    There should be another one of him all done up at the salon.

    1. Not an older piece, but from a point much earlier in the timeline of Andy's journey with his Aunt. But I'm sure you are exactly right about the nature of their trip to the salon.
      S xxx

  3. Oh gosh how sweet is that of course there are fun plans for the weekend. xxx

  4. Super cute! Outfits always incredible! 😘
