Friday 14 October 2022

The Return of Christeen

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blog alive.
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A preview of
a new piece by
me. I only finished
this piece a few days
ago, but it has leapt
to the top of my
current faves.
Hope you like it too.

Hi Everyone
  What a week, I am currently locked out of my own blog , by my main computer. I have no idea what it's problem is, so this post is via my Ipad, so I hope it all works.
  Being locked out of my blog means I have been unable to reply to your super comments from last Monday or come up with a Wednesday round up, so my apologise for that and will get to it all as soon as I figure this latest mess out.
   HOWEVER and far more important, Christeen has returned, though not yet at full power, she is back on line enough to be able to get us some new delights for Friday.
  Thank you Christeen, you are a gem.
Fingers crossed this now posts properly


  1. Really glad to hear that Christeen is doing better ... and then you'll see, one day it will get better too ... for your computer. Kisses

  2. And I'm still bluffed by all your works, both yours and those of Christeen

  3. Hi Andy. You don't have much luck with computers. You'll have to dress it up and make it do a few chores. 😊
    Hi Christeen. It's lovely to hear that you are feeling better. A wonderful foursome to return with.
    Anutie could always dress him in a pretty two-piece swimsuit, then Chris could have a little fun with the boys.
    I love his jacket in the second picture. It really suits him and will draw many admirers while he is wearing a leash around the town.
    Are they going to a formal Madmossie dinner? He looks so elegant dressed in those clothes.
    Another day, another bridal dress to try on. Auntie really should find a young man for him, or is she keeping Chris for herself?
    Best wishes to all. Hugs xxx

    1. Hi Mandy, Perhaps Auntie wants Chis for herself.

  4. HI, I'm safe and pleased to be able to return after a storm that left my area without power and water, and in some cases homes, for 10 days. Still no TV or internet. I'm posting Christeen via the magic of my cell phone created hotpot.
    Thanks for all of your concerns.

    1. It's just lovely to hear that you are safe and well, Christeen.
      Take care, hugs xxx

  5. Welcome back, Christeen, you were missed. I hope that is is not too long before repairs are made and a semblance of normalcy returns. It may not be the same, but close.
    I think that I would be reluctant as well in #3, or has Halloween come early? Not my style at all. That being said, he makes a lovely bride, even with all the bling.
    I hope Chris is not the only femme at the watering hole, or is this "The He-mans Woman Haters Club" from the Little Rascals days. He can fill a niche in the rules. He does not look like anyone on their right mind would turn away.
    Best wishes to both of you in dealing with your gremlins.

    1. Thanks Lee, Life is slowly retuning to normal.

  6. Am glad Christeen is on track to full services. Four gorgeous pieces. Hopefully Andy's main computer gets over its huff ;) xx

    #1, Nice to see Chris getting out to enjoy some time with his old friends. It's a pity Auntie didn't provide a cute swimming costume for Chris to join in.

    #2, Oh yes, love the leash and collar goes so much better with the biker jacket. Maybe they are off for a fun day at the motor speedway. Chris will get lots of attention .)

    #3, I notice a fabulous ornament on the side table. I wonder where to get a cute Chris doll. Chris lights up any scene, even while dressed somberly.

    #4, Oh gosh a fun day as a bridesmaid. Chris will secretly enjoy that, I am sure. More bling the merrier my dear and you've a perfect white dress to boot, you could almost upstage the bride :) :)

  7. You're right Aidan, He needs a bikini for the swimming hole. And I wish there really were Chris dolls.
